Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 275 – The Adventure Begins!

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

After waiting in front of Guilmon's home for a few minutes, I've already grown bored of standing still for the rest of the night waiting for the morning to come and start to relentlessly walk back and forth while thinking, 'Oh my Goddess! How can those freaking Cultivators stand still meditating on mantras, truth, Daos, or whatever else for eons just to come up or learn a new technique, or improve their cultivation by one small realm or so? I can't even stand still for a few hours waiting for the morning to come! There is a reason why those guys are crazy...'

Since standing still the whole night is way too boring for me, I decide to focus on something else that has been bothering me for quite a long time.

Coming to that decision, I don't hesitate anymore, bring up my D-Ark and after clicking the buttons a couple of times, the display once again shows the image of the multicolored Digitamon, still calmly pulsing but without any indication that is going to hatch even after all the time that it has passed since I created this mysterious Digitama by mistake before it Realize from the storage space of my D-Ark into my hands.

Looking at the multicolored Digitama in my hands I can't help but mutter, "This is the very first Digitama I created by copying what the DigiGnomes did when they created our Digitamas... But at that time, in the impetus of the moment, I messed up and combined the process of the creation of the D-Arks with the creation of the Digicores and Digitamas and actually directly connected the Digicore I created with my whole being... Quickly after that, I realized my mistake, as the DigiGnomes didn't "connect" the Digimon they created with us, but instead, they simply created a D-Ark synchronized with our "Data" and a normal Digitama slightly influenced by our "Data" but that it wasn't in no way actually connected with us. The only actual connection between my Digimon Partners and me is through the genuine bond we created. The D-Ark then exploits this bond to allow an even stronger connection and synchronization between the Tamer and his Partner which allows the Digimon Partners to grow stronger and evolve much quicker than what should be possible."

While saying that, I continue to focus on the mysterious multicolored Digitama in my hands and say, "This is indeed different from all the others... I can clearly sense the Digicore within this Digitama and it is truly connected to my Spiral Cosmo, my Divinity, my Soul... it is connected to the whole "me" even more so than Crateris who has a literal piece of my soul in it... From a certain point, it is almost like I'm sensing another m- Wait!!"

Like a flash of light, an idea immediately came to my mind as I was saying those words out loud, and the more I focused on the Digitama and the Digicore within, the more everything started to make sense.

At the same time, as absurd and unlikely as it may seems, the only conclusion I can come up with is, "This is my Digicore... the more I focus on it, the more I feel that it is actually the same as my own Core, the only difference is that it is made up of Data..."

As soon as I realize that, my Spiral Cosmo starts to surge and almost on instinct, I immediately cast my strongest Spatial Magic to create a barrier around me to protect the whole Digimon Multiverse from my surging Spiral Cosmo in case something unexpected happens and it starts to run amok.

The result is that this small area around me is now fully separated from the rest of this universe and can even be considered a separated dimension on its own.

At the same time, I'm somewhat relieved to see that my Spiral Cosmo starts to inject itself into the multicolored Digitama, enter the Digicore, and transform itself into Data before being released by the Digicore as it starts to form the body, and as this happens, my awareness of the Digicores becomes even stronger, and at one point, I start to have a strong sense of dizziness as everything I sense and feel suddenly doubles.

At the same time, in that chaotic moment, I feel only two distinct sensations.

The first one is that of the Digitama in hands breaking, while at the same time, I also feel that I'm breaking out of something.

Luckily my godly status and my experience with Cosmic Awareness allowed me to quickly overcome the dizzyness and soon I started to see and feel everything from two very distinct perspectives.

In one, I'm looking at the Digimon that hatched from the Digitama, while in the other, I'm looking at myself staring back at me with wonder on my face.

Then both of me exclaim at exactly the same time and in perfect sync, ""Oh my Goddess waifu! I created a freaking Digimon Incarnation!!""

Quickly after that, I start to take a look at my new Digimon body, it is much smaller, and I look like a much smaller and thinner teen Satyr, I'm around 1,65 meters tall with the upper half of my body which is human, while the lower half is that of a goat with a brown fur, in addition, I have three black horns on top of my head, two goat horns at the sides, and one straight one in the middle.

My hair is silver gray, my eyes are of the same green as those of my Main Body, and my ears are pointed just like those of an elf, in addition to that, I have flames-like red tattoos on my arms and chest, a lightning-like tattoo under my right eye, and a blue gem embedded in the middle of my chest.

My Digimon Incarnation wears an open, black bolero jacket with short sleeve, a pair of white chaps shorts with a loincloth attached to the belt, white gloves, a red scarf, and red bands around the ankles and the right arm, I also have a pan flute hung at my waist.

While I'm looking at my Digimon Incarnation, I also realize that as soon as I "hatched" from the multicolored Digitama, I also instinctively know the name of my Digimon Incarnation, Aegiomon.

(Image Here - Aegiomon)


In addition to the name, I also instinctively know a lot of other knowledge like a very expansive knowledge on how to manipulate my Data to release electricity powerful enough to shock and numb even the most powerful Digimon, or how to play the pan flute in such a way that makes listeners lose their sense of self and focus only on me, things that I'm sure are related to the Special Moves that my Digimon Incarnation is able to unleash. 

But of course, my Digimon Incarnation is not limited to only those Special Moves, as I can also use all my other techniques and magic spells too, furthermore, I sense that I can also induce my own evolution whenever I wish, as my Digicore can now also produce endless Spiral Cosmo, who can now easily transform into Data that can be used to further evolve without the need of the D-Ark.

After I get used to being in two places at the same time and having two bodies, I spend some time checking that everything is fine while thinking, 'Well, for sure this isn't what I expected when I created that Digitama... but this isn't bad... In fact, this could also be an incredible stroke of luck. With two bodies I can do so much more!'

While thinking that, I start to thoroughly test my new body to learn its capabilities and limits as much as possible. 

I learned that first of all, my Digimon Incarnation is a lot weaker than my main body, which is very likely because I not only just hatched a few minutes ago, but also because from what I know, I'm currently at the Adult Level. 

But despite that, I can still easily fight and win against Perfect Level Digimon which is already quite impressive, especially if one realizes that Aegiomon isn't even my final form as I can still evolve to the Perfect and Ultimate Level if needed, and at that point, I think that the level of power of my Digimon Incarnation should be very close to my current full power.

This can't help but bring a smile to my face as I realize, 'With the addition of my Digimon Incarnation, Wormmon, V-mon, and Patamon, my current fighting power is composed of 2 Multiverse Level fighters and three Universal level, a truly frighting lineup...'

Moreover, my Digimon Incarnation can also turn himself into Data to enter and invade any networks, reside inside the storage space of my D-Ark, and even directly fuse with my Main Body.

However, I'm also a little disappointed by the fact that my Digimon Incarnation can't access my Soulbound Territory on its own and it doesn't even have Culture's Blessing.

The reason for that is that while my Digimon Incarnation is still me without any doubt, the Blessing of a Concept is connected only to my Core, which is the combination of my soul, body, and mind. 

The DigiCore of my Digimon Incarnation, while it can be considered a perfect copy of my Core in some way, in the end, is only that, a copy that is connected to my main Core and because of that, it can't make use of the Blessing.

But despite that small setback, overall, I'm quite satisfied with my Digimon Incarnation, especially since, it will allow me to stay by my family's side during the Random Battle and other adventures in the Omniverse.

After the various tests, there are only a couple of little things that remain to do.

I focus on the most important one first, without any hesitation, I focus on my Digimon Incarnation, and with my hands, I check my little brother under the loincloth.

For a moment I panic when I don't feel anything, but then I remember that different from other species, Digimon have to will their sexual organs to appear.

As soon as I do so, I immediatelly feel my little brother appear between my legs, and I must say that even if my Digimon Incarnation is physically much smaller than my main body, its little brother is quite faithful to the satyr myth it takes inspiration from, as I'm quite well endowed.

Looking at my little brother, both I and my Digimon Incarnation comment in perfect synch, ""Dayum! This is almost like a third leg! It is a little too big for my taste... Oh well, I don't have to worry about it too much. After all, it is unlikely that I'll have sex with this body... unless Alvida, Tio, or Robin are in the mood for some shota play...or at the very least Tio will surely ask me to double team her..."" 

After saying that, I hide my Digimon Incarnation's little brother and do something that is basically a tradition at this point.

I bring up my D-Ark with my Main Body and use the Digimon Analyzer on my Digimon Incarnation.

A few moments later, my D-Ark projects the image of my Digimon Incarnation with all the relevant information, "Aegiomon. Adult Level. A God Man Digimon that has an appearance fusing the lower body of a goat with the upper body of a human. It is seen usually playing the pan flute called "Syrinx" hanging at its waist and enjoying the music. Although it has a peace-loving personality and doesn't really like to fight, the power it conceals within is unquantified, and when Aegiomon fights to protect something, it exhibits a unique talent for combat. It is said that by playing the "Attract Echo", which attracts the attention of those who hear it, on the Syrinx it possesses, Aegiomon snatches away the sense of self of those who continue to listen to its sound, and blinds them to everything but its figure. With this, it can produce an opportunity for other Digimon to flee or a chance for them to pursue. Its Special Moves are hurling a sharp, backward kick with its prided goat legs (Iron Trust), and beating the opponent while releasing the electricity circulating within its body from a portion of its arms, numbing the opponent's sensitivity and dulling their movements (Stun Beat Blow)." 

After reading about the species of my Digimon Incarnation, I nod with both of my bodies and say, this time only with my Aegiomon body as I continue to refine my control over the two bodies, "Well, I have no complaints about this. I could have ended up with a much worse species than this Aegiomon, at least I'm still mostly human in shape."

Done with all the controls and rites, I start to spar against myself while limiting my Main Body statistics to be equal to those of my Digimon Incarnation, to not only get used to this new status but also to get more familiar with my new body.

I spend the rest of the night like that, and when I notice that the sun is starting to rise as a new morning starts, I quickly stop and without any hesitation, my Aegiomon body turns into Data and rushes into the storage space of the D-Ark as I mutter out loud, "For now it is better to keep my other self hidden from the kids. After all, it will be bothersome to explain the sudden appearance of yet another Digimon by my side. I will just make sure to coincidentally meet the group in the Digital World. I also have to make sure to introduce myself with the name of Aegiomon and respond to it when I use my other body."

While I'm saying that, at the same time, I also think, 'While I still need some more time to fully get used to it, the Digimon Incarnation will surely help me a lot. Not only it basically double my combat power, but it will also allow me to be in more places at the same time and focus on more things more easily and with less strain on myself. For example, at the moment, while my Digimon Incarnation is idle within the storage space of the D-Ark, it is focusing all its thought process on listening to the prayers that come from the people of Tortus in the Arifureta Universe and the ones coming from Earth and a few other worlds of the Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Universe, answering to the ones that I deem necessary while giving hints, guidance or simply support some others, I also Bless those that I think are worthy or earned it through their good actions. Basically, thanks to my second body I became a lot more active as God than before, which in turn will increase the slow passive improvement that their faith constantly gives me.'

At the same time, I also open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and wake up V-mon, Patamon, and Wormmon, who come out of the portal a few minutes later ready for our adventure in the Digital World.

Once they are with me, I pass the time by explaining to them what happened the previous night following the hatching of the mysterious, multicolored Digitama.

While Wormmon is surprised that I now have another body that is a Digimon and V-mon is excited by the prospect of fighting against my Digimon Incarnation, Patamon starts to beg me to not steal the DigiBabes from him adding the fact that my harem is already big enough and other non-sensical things which earns him a powerful flick on his forehead before I reassured him that I have no intention of doing that.

After passing some more time in such a light-hearted way, the sun rises up in the sky and kids finally start to arrive as they walk toward Guilmon's home as planned. 

The first ones is see arriving are Juri with Leomon, followed by Kenta and Hirokazu who call them, "Hey! Kato, Leomon! Good morning!"

After Juri greets them back, Hirokazu quickly starts to explain that he told his parents that it was a school trip, and Kenta follows after saying that he was only able to send an email, unable to tell them face to face. 

They then ask Juri what she did, but she's evasive which makes me sigh and comment, "Aaah... she still has some trouble with her family even after I tried to help them." 

The reason behind Juri's problem is that she lost her biological mother at a young age, and when her father remarried she rejected her stepmother even though she recognized that her stepmother isn't a bad person and that she is trying her best to be a good mom, this in turn also puts her in conflict with her father, who is also quite a closed and headstrong person who loves his daughter very much but isn't able to show it. 

Meanwhile, Jianliang and Terriermon also arrive quickly followed by Ruki and Renamon, and Takato and Guilmon, but as they head toward Guilmon's home, Takato remembers something and separates from the group running somewhere else.

Quickly after, as the group waits for him in front of Guilmon's home, Takato arrives running with the Digimon Tamers flag in his hands, this time with Hirokazu, Kenta, Juri, and Leomon's faces added.

Suddenly, Ruki notices Yamaki approaching them and calls out, "Jian, Takato!" causing the two to focus on Yamaki as he stands in front of the kids with more casual clothing and both his hands in his pockets while asking, "So you're leaving?"

In response to that question, Jianliang calmly replies, "Yeah." while Takato declares with conviction, "You can't stop us!"

But instead of stopping them, he pulls out a communication device from his pocket and throws it at Takato while saying, "You should take a communication device."

As Takato catches the communication device, Yamaki removes his iconic sunglasses and admits, "I envy you all."

Takato thanks Yamaki, and then he yells, "All right! The Digimon Tamers set off for the Digital World!" and all the others shout "Yeah!"

But before they can walk into Guilmon's home, I also walk out from my hiding place with my Digimon Partners and say, "Wait a moment! Do you guys truly believe that I'll let you guys put yourselves in such a dangerous situation without saying anything?"

The group looks at me as the kids Jianliang and Takato yell, ""Pucci-sensei!?"" followed by Hirokazu, Kenta, and Juri who exclaim in shock, especially since they didn't know that I am a Tamer too. 

"Wait! That's a V-mon! There is also a Wormmon and a Patamon, too! Those with him are Digimon!!"

"Is Pucci-sensei a Tamer, too!? Awesome!"

"They are all so cute...!"

At the same time, Ruki steps forward, and looking at me with clear determination in her eyes, she asks, "Are you going to stop us, now?" followed by Takato who yells, "We have already decided! We have to save Culumon!"

But I don't want to waste any more time, and quickly shake my head and say, "You misunderstood me. I don't want to stop you. I'll come with you. As an adult and teacher, I can't allow a bunch of kids to go in a place as chaotic and vast as the Digital World alone."

At this point, Yamaki looks at me and says in a cautious tone, "From the way you talk about the Digital World, it looks like you have already been there..."

Hearing that, all the kids and even the Digimon look at me with shock and surprise on their faces, meanwhile, I look at Yamaki, and with a smirk, I openly admit, "That's right. I have been there before. But it was only the lowest layer of the Digital World."

After that, we didn't waste any more time and started to walk into Guilmon's home, crawl through the hole that Guilmon dug that luckily was big enough for both me and Leomon to pass through, and then without any hesitation we all stepped into portal finding ourselves in a bright strange realm, which is actually the entrance of the Digital World, the place where our bodies will be converted back into Data. 

As soon as they step inside the "Lobby", Juri, Kenta, and Hirokazu are blinded by the light in this place, but soon Juri and Takato, who together with Jianliang put on their sunglasses to protect their eyes as they usually do when they step into a Digital Field, help them in moving forward.

After walking for what seems to be a few meters, our bodies start floating as they go through the conversion process which surprises the kids as they let out a yell.

Confused by the fact that he is now floating upside down, Kenta can't help but ask, "W-What's with this place? There's no ground!" followed by Hirokazu who comments, "It feels weird..."

At the same time, Jianliang who is floating around tries to reassure them, "It's okay, we're still not falling even without it."

Takato looks around and asks, "Where we are supposed to go?" followed by Ruki who asks, "Up? Down? Or..." but Renamon interrupts her and calmly says, "It doesn't matter."

Hearing that Ruki asks, "So you don't know?" followed by Juri who tries to suggest, "Um, maybe that way?"

At this point, I clap my hands to gather their attention and quickly explain, "What Renamon means is that it doesn't matter where we go as we are still at the very entrance of the Digital World... you can think of it like a lobby. At the moment, our bodies are being converted into Data just like everything else in the Digital World. Once this process is complete, we will pass through the Network and arrive at the Digital World."

After saying that, I remember another detail and add with a smirk, "And a little warning. The process of traveling from the Real World to the Digital World and through the Network feels very similar to falling from a very high height. Do not panic. Nothing will happen to you guys. It is completely safe as you aren't actually falling, but traveling through the six layers of the Network to arrive in the Digital World."

As soon as I finish saying that, I sense that the process of convertion of our bodies into Data is complete and the next instant, we starts to "fall" which causes the kids to yell out in panic.


"W-We're falling!"

"Now what!?"

"Hakuna Matata!"

At the same time, I grab Takato's bag that contains all the bread which is about to open and close it before securing it on my left shoulder. 

Soon, we already pass through two of the six layers of the Network, and Takato still asks in panic, "H-How deep are we going to fall!?"

Hearing that I let out a sigh before I once again yell, "Guys! What I just told you? It's safe just enjoy the experience! It isn't everyday that you can safely "fall" from such height! It is basically a free and safe bungee jumping experience!"

I look around and see that my shout had effect as the kids calm down, even more so as they realize that Leomon, Guilmon, Renamon, and Terriermon are also very calm just like me.

Meanwhile, I also hear my Digimon Partners talk among themselves.

"Wormmon! Patamon! We are back! This is going to be a very exciting adventure!"

"Don't forget about the danger we are going to face. We have to make a Holy Beast see reason and deal with a malignant force capable of wiping out both the Digital and Real World."

"Come on, Wormmon! Don't be so timid! As long as we fight together nothing will be able to stop us! We can make use of both the Power of Friendship and the Power of Family! Nothing can stop us!"

While they are saying that, we pass through all six layers of the Network and finally start to "fall" toward the lowest layer of the Digital World, and soon, we start to crash into ground with such force that a small crater forms around our bodies while raising a huge cloud of earthly dust, but despite that, I felt no impact at all, and the same is true for everyone else.


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