Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 284 – Shaochung!

Jayr POV - Digital World, Ocean Area - 2001

The complex pipe system led us to a giant watery space, surrounded by countless twisting waterways connected to many other pipes all leading toward a giant cocoon-like water bubble.

Seeing this enchanting sight in front of us, Takato can't help but comment, "It's following the waterway." followed by an impressed Jianliang who adds, "It's like a water space..." making a confused Terriermon question, "Water space?"

At the same time, V-mon also says, "I'm kind of getting sick of all this water." followed by Wormmon who comments, "Well, I think this is very likely the center of this water-themed world, after all, it seems connected to many other areas like the one we were before..."

Meanwhile, Patamon looks at the immense cocoon-like water bubble we are quickly approaching and hopefully comments, "I hope this is the home of many cute Mermaimon and gorgeous Ancient Mermaimon..." but I smile wryly and say, "With our luck, it is more likely that we will encounter a Leviamon..."

Soon we enter the immense cocoon-like water bubble and the next instant, the bubble protecting us bursts surprising Takato, Jianliang, and Terriermon who yelp.

Then Takato looks around and asks, "Where are we supposed to go?" followed by Jianliang who replies, "I don't know..." 

At this point, I pointed at some nearby DigiGnomes who looked at us for a few seconds before they started to fly away and say, "Let's follow them."

The Digignomes lead us to an underwater house, where we find what looks like a library that makes Takato ask, "Is this a library?" with Jianliang who nods and calmly says, "Seems like it."

I also notice that there are quite a few Digimon around, but most of them are at the Baby I and a few Baby II Level, but no Child Level or higher, and all of them seem to ignore our presence or more likely simply not care about it.

After a while, we find a big classroom-like area with a giant model of a D-Ark and a single human inhabitant who is currently sleeping on the teacher's desk. 

The human man seems to have only a spectral presence in the Digital World, something that makes me instantly realize that the man in question is only present as a soul, which means that his body is still in the Real World while for some reason his soul is now here in the Digital World.

This also makes it quite easy to identify the man in question as he can only be, Mizuno Gorou, better known as Shibumi, another member of the Wild Bunch, if I remember well, he is currently in a semi-comatose state after a traffic accident which kinda explains why he is here only in his soul.

While I focus on the man, Takato and Jianliang's attention is caught by the giant model of a D-Ark making Takato exclaim, "It looks like... a D-Ark." but soon, Terriermon also notices Shibumi and says, "Hey, there's someone there."

In response, the two also notice Shibumi's presence and Takato exclaims, "A person!"

Seeing that, I lead the way as we calmly approach him and say, "I think it is better if I take a step back and you two talk with man... after all, I think that two kids are way less intimidating than a grown man like me suddenly waking him up..." making both Jianliang and Takato nod. 

Once we are close enough I and my Digimon Partners sit on a nearby desk while Jianliang calls him out, "Excuse me... Please wake up! Hey!" 

Shibumi slowly raises his head and still a little sleepy mutters, "You guys sure look solid." making Takato comment, "And you're a bit transparent, mister..."

Shibumi casually dismisses Takato's comment and asks, "Hmm? So, what do you want?" 

Hearing that, I simply continue to watch as Jianliang asks, "Who are you? A human? Why... no, how long have you been here?"

In response to those questions, the still somewhat sleepy Shibumi answers in quick succession, "Who am I? Mizuno. Am I human? Yes. How long... I wonder."

Hearing those brief answers, Jianliang further asks, "How did you get here?" making Shibumi ask back, "I ask you the same. How did you get here?" but quickly changes his mind and says, "No, that question is meaningless. I already know who you are. I created you all myself after all. Hehehe..."

Confused, Takato can't help but ask, "What are you talking about? Are you half-asleep?" making Shibumi candidly admit, "I am. I'm still sleeping. No, it's not just me. All of mankind is sleeping. Next time they awake, it will be time for a new evolution."

At this point, both of them look up as Takato asks, "Hey, mister, what's that? It looks like our D-Arks, but..."

Seeing the D-Ark in Takato's hand, Shibumi comments, "Well, well... Isn't that an Arc?" making Jianliang, who finds this term familiar, repeat, "Arc?" followed by Takato who asks, "You know it?"

Quickly after that, Jianliang asks, "Say, mister... are you by any chance one of my father's old friends? My father is Lee Jiang-yu. He was in a group called the Wild Bunch."

Hearing that, Shibumi stands up and says, "Tao? That brings back memories... so you're his son?"

Jianliang nods and starts the introductions, "Yeah, that's right. I'm Jianliang. This is my partner Terriermon, my friend Matsuda Takato, and my teacher Pucci Jayr-sensei and his Digimon Partners, Wormmon, V-mon, and Patamon."

Of course, Shibumi still thinks that this is all a dream and he crosses his arms and mutters, "I don't know any Matsuda or Pucci... Maybe some classmates in high school or university?" but then he casually stops thinking about it saying, "Well, whatever. It's not worth thinking too hard about it. I'm dreaming after all."

Takato tries to bring back the topic that interests him the most and says, "But that Arc thing..."

In response, a book moves on its own and opens in front of us projecting a series of words written in English and images as Shibumi says without rhyme or reason, "Ark. Box. Chest. Noah's Ark."

Then the book closes itself and returns to its previous position while a couple of DigiGnomes bring another book, and seeing them, Takato can't stop himself from commenting and asking, "They're cute! What Digimon are these?"

The Digignomes open the book that projects another word as Shibumi answers, "DigiGnomes." making Jianliang asks, "They are not Digimon?"

In response, Shibumi shakes his head and replies, "No." but when Terriermon asks, "Then what are they?" he explains, "They're an artificial intelligence different from the Digimon that evolved separately. I came up with the name "DigiGnome" myself."

A little unsure, Takato asks, "But they're still living beings, right?" but Shibumi asks back, "Living or not, why should it matter?"

After asking that, Shibumi doesn't wait for an answer but continues his speech, "Even the Earth is alive. When you take an ecosystem and treat it as a living being... Whether the beings that inhabit it are alive or not doesn't matter."

At this point, Patamon flies closer to my ear and whispers, "Is it just me, or almost everything that this guy is saying doesn't make any sense... I mean the whole Fate series feels less convoluted than a few words that came out of this guy's mouth."

In response, I can only shrug my shoulders and whisper back, "What do you expect? The poor guy in front of us is actually in a coma that lasted at the very least more than a year and currently his mind is in the same state as if he is dreaming... It is already a miracle that he is somewhat coherent..."

While I'm telling that to Patamon, another DigiGnome picks up a Blue Card from the floor and flies around with it, and Takato who notices it exclaims, "Ah, a Blue Card!"

In response, Shibumi again changes the subject and says, "Card? It may look like such media to you, but... It's just an algorithm."

This makes a curious Jianliang repeat and ask, "Algorithm? How does it work?"

Instead of directly answering, Shibumi starts by saying, "I wonder if Tao and the rest have already forgotten about the Digimon. I wanted to make sure that the Digimon could evolve beyond what humans expected, all the way to the Ultimate Level. Those algorithms, the Blue Cards, are what I created to get past the limit... of Digimon being just Digimon or the Network world being just for communication purposes. But I still have a long way to go."

After hearing that, Takato looks up at the DigiGnome gathered around the giant model of a D-Ark and says, "We became Digimon Tamers when we used those Blue Cards." making Shibumi simply comment, "I see."

Meanwhile, I can't help but notice that the DigiGnomes aren't simply flying around that giant model of an D-Ark, but they are interacting it with, changing it into a vehicle that will allow us to quickly move across the whole Digital World in response to Takato and Jianliang's wish to leave this place to find Guilmon and Culumon something that makes me smirk while thinking, 'Damn, who needs the Dragon Balls when the DigiGnomes are around granting the wishes of those they interact with...'

As I'm thinking that, a DigiGnome lands on top of Terriermon making the cute ask, "What is it?" 

Shibumi also notices that and says, "They want to communicate with humans. Since they don't speak our language, they try to express themselves through actions. If I could understand them I'd be able to learn many things..."

As Shibumi is saying that, another two DigiGnomes land near Takato and touch his D-Ark making Takato ask, "What are you doing?"

Takato's D-Ark reacts to their touch and projects Takato's original drawings of Guilmon making Takato exclaims, "That's... the memo I drew!"
Soon after that, the projection shows the resulting data that led to Guilmon's creation making Shibumi ask, "A Digimon you thought up yourself?"

While Takato is stunned, Terriermon casually answers, "It's Terriermon. Our friend."

Shibumi nods and explains, "This is how they communicate. They must have used your drawing as a model to create a Digimon, using the Data from the Data Packets."

Hearing that, a shaken-up Takato mutters, "Guilmon is data...?" but before I can say anything to help Takato out of this "terrible" revelation, Jianliang changes the subject and asks, "By the way, we're looking for an exit. Do you know anything?"

Shibumi stands up and asks, "An exit to where?" making Jianliang look up and answer, "To a wasteland-looking place. The Digital World's highest point."

But Shibumi corrects him, "Highest? You probably come from the lower part. The highest part is the realm of the Four Holy Beasts, the Digimon's gods." making Jianliang mutter, "Holy Beasts..." before he declares, "They must be whom the Deva call "gods"." 

At this point, hearing the term "Holy Beasts" something clicks in Takato's memory making him ask, "You're talking about Qinglongmon and the others, right? I know about them. They're the ones who protect the Digital World, right?"

In response, Shibumi says, "Isn't it ironic? The Digimon pursue shapes that are different from their human creators, in the process of evolving into bigger and stronger forms. Yet what they up becoming is beings who call themselves gods with the shape of the gods that mankind worshiped in ancient times."

After Shibumi says that, Takato looks at Jianliang and says, "If they're gods, they must be good Digimon." but Jianliang quickly corrects him, "No, Cho-sensei told me once... Good and evil aren't absolute. They can change depending on the point of view."

Hearing that, I almost can't help myself from snorting out loud while thinking, 'That may be true from a certain point of view... but from my own personal experience I can confirm that absolute evil and absolute good do exist and they are constant that do not change no matter the point of view of those who see them...' 

While I think that, Shibumi continues, "It seems like the Four Holy Beasts want to accelerate evolution to fight something. They'll do whatever it takes to survive, and they seem to be in a rush. Still, those Digimon have my sympathies."

Jianliang curious about what we have just heard, leans forward and asks, "What do the Holy Beasts want to fight against?" making Shibumi directly reply with "Only the gods know. Hahaha!"

Hearing that last bit, Patamon can't help but snicker and comment in a very low tone, "Hehehe. At least he got something right... only the gods know, and luckily our Tamer is one of them..." 

Suddenly, the giant model of a D-Ark known as Ark activates and produces a beam of light that envelopes our bodies while also generating a gate above it, making Takato ask "Is that a vehicle?"

As we are being pulled toward the Ark, Shibumi replies, "Didin't I say "ark" can also mean a kind of ship? Now, go." which makes Terriermon ask, "And you...?"

Shibumi looks up at us and says, "If you want to sleep, you sleep. If you want to sleep, then sit."

As he is saying this, Shibumi sits down and lies his head on the teacher's desk before covering his head with a cap and starting to sleep once again.

At the same time, Takato, Jianliang, and Terriermon are pulled inside the Ark leaving only I and my Digimon outside 

At this point, the "sleeping" Shibumi mutters, "Thanks for watching over them. Maybe with you on their side, the crisis looming over us all will be avoided. Before your arrival, Yggdrasil almost gave up on this instance... Thanks."

Hearing that, I simply smile and nod as I realize that Shibumi isn't as scatterbrained and half-asleep as he lets on, as these last few words indicate that he has an actual connection with the Digimon Multiverse's greatest authority.

After that, we all board the Ark and then it starts to move toward our next destination.

Inside the Ark, is a big empty space with a circular windshield on the front end of the Ark, and another circular glass floor in the middle that allows us to see scenery below the Ark.

While I'm studying our surroundings, I hear Jianliang say, "Takato? You'll see Guilmon again soon." but Takato still seems shaken by what he learned as he looks down and mutters, "Guilmon, the Digimon I created... But he's just a bunch of data."

Hearing that, Terriermon stands up and says, "I'm the same. All Digimon are like that." making Takato mutter, "I know. I know that. But..."

At this point, I walk in front of him, and without any hesitation, I flick his forehead making him yelp, "Ouch!"

Then I don't give him any chance and start to rebuke him, "Oy, Takato how stupid can you be? Guilmon is only a bunch of data? Big deal! I have a big news for you. In the end, you are just a bunch of atoms. It is basically the same thing with different materials! Even if he is a bunch of data. Even if he is the Digimon you created. Guilmon is Guilmon! Your closest friend! You played, talked, laughed, and fought together!" 

Hearing my words, Takato's eyes open wide as tears start to fall from his eyes as his mind understands the meaning behind my words, looking at him, I kneel down in front of him and look at him in the eyes I say, "You also forget another thing. At the moment you, Jianliang, and I are also made of data because we are in the Digital World, but does that change anything?"

At this point, Takato shakes his head, clears the tears away, and yells, "No, it doesn't! The time I spent with Guilmon was completely real. The feelings we shared were real. No! My Guilmon is unique! It doesn't matter that he is made of data! No matter how much his data has multiplied, Guilmon... The Guilmon who was with me... There's only one!! He is my friend Guilmon!!" 

After that Takato thanks me for helping him in sorting out his feelings and the ark starts to slowly move with us on board, making Takato wonder where it's taking us as Terriermon wonders how Shaochung is doing.

Hearing that, I remember that Jianliang's little sister should also arrive in the Digital World around this time so, I use my Cosmic Awareness to check on her, and sense that she is still in the real world at the moment. 

I spend some time relaxing with my Digimon as I keep my Cosmic Awareness trained on Shaochung and perceive that she is so bored with the absence of Terriermon that she ends up blackmailing Jiang-yu to take her out to play. 

While Shaochung enjoys herself, Yamaki finds them there and asks about Shibumi.

As they discuss Shibumi's odd desire to create life, Shaochung comes upon a mysterious digital area created by the passage of the Ark between the various layers of the Digital World and, seeing the Ark flying over with Terriermon in it, follows it and vanishes to Jiang-yu's horror. 

Yamaki theorizes that the Digital World was calling out to Shaochung, possibly because of her young age, which is somewhat right, but also wrong as this is once again the work of the DigiGnomes who sensed Shaochung's wish to follow us and helped her with it allowing her to arrive in the Digital World.

Because of that Shaochung falls into the Digital World, and with no care about what is happening around her, she starts chasing around a nearby Bakumon. 

She then finds some DigiGnomes, who lead her away, and when she loses sight of them, she finds herself face-to-face with a hostile Kiwimon. 

The Kiwimon fortunately runs off, and Shaochung finds herself missing Terriermon which makes her break down and call for Terriermon and her brother, causing Terriermon, within the Ark, to sense Shaochung's presence as the cute Digimon raises his ears and looks around confused as he mutter, "Shaochung?"

Jianliang notices the strange behavior of his partner and asks, "What's wrong, Terriermon?"

Terriermon remains stunned on the spot with his ears raised as he explains in almost disbelief, "I heard Shaochung's voice."

This news shocks both Takato and Jianliang, especially this last one as he exclaims, "It can't be!" but Terriermon looks at his Tamer and declares, "I'm sure. Shaochung is around here." 

As soon as he finishes saying that, Terriermon, Takato, and Jianliang stumble as the Ark suddenly changes direction.

The reason for that is that the Ark clearly felt Terriermon and Jianliang's desire to reach Shaochung as fast as possible, because of that, it is now responding to their feelings of wanting to find her, quickly heading toward her position.

Meanwhile, through my Cosmic Awareness, I continue to watch over Shaochung as she finds herself at a large waterfall, where she meets a large rabbit-like Digimon named Andiramon. 

Shaochung is excited to meet a large bunny, and Andiramon tells Shaochung that they're in the domain of the Four Holy Beasts, which it is assigned to guard. 

Hearing that, Shaochung asks Andiramon to search for Terriermon with her, and while it's initially hesitant to ditch its position as guard of the Southern Gate, it gives in and carries Shaochung around in her search, well, more like the little girl annoys the poor Digimon until it does what she wants something incredibly stupid to do considering that Andiramon is a Perfect Level Digimon which means that it is more than capable of easily destroying the world if it desires to do so, but luckily it is a good natured Digimon.

While this is happening, Takato notices the change of course and mutters, "The ship changed its course... but why?" 

Jianliang is also unsure of what happened but he still says what he has in his mind, "I don't know, but... Maybe it responds to its passengers' feelings." making Terriermon ask for confirmation, "Then, if we want to see Shaochung, it will take us to her, right?"

In response, Jianliang tries to say something but stops midway, "Well..." while Takato still isn't sure about her presence in the Digital World and asks, "Is she really around here?" but Terriermon is quite sure and declares, "I'm sure she is. We have to hurry and go to her. Shaochung must be crying now."

Hearing that I can't help but smile wryly while thinking, 'Nope at the moment she is having a lot of fun running around with Andiramon without another care in the world...' 

While I think that, I also try to reassure them by saying, "Don't worry, I'm sure that we will find her."

As I'm saying that, I perceive that since they are unable to find Terriermon, Andiramon wants to take Shaochung back, but Shaochung insists on playing with it some more. 

In the end, Andiramon tires itself out and rests with Shaochung, and Shaochung goes off to find some food when the two end up hungry. 

At this point, Shaochung runs into Makuramon, who decides to snatch up Shaochung as an offering to his god. 

Hearing that Shaochung is in trouble, Andiramon finds them and demands Shaochung's release. 

At this point, Shaochung manages to break free of Makuramon and at exactly the same time, the Ark also arrives at our destination crashing right in between Makuramon and Shaochung before slowly dispersing as it leaves behind a trail making us fall on the ground.

Meanwhile, Andiramon takes advantage of the distraction created by our entrance to slap Murakumon away from Shaochung so that the little girl can hide behind it, at the same time, I calmly land on the ground with my Digimon and take a good look at Andiramon.

Andiramon is a tall, thin, bipedal rabbit Digimon notable for its long arms with large forearms which have a cream-colored diamond and bars on them. 

It has red plating on its torso and wears a mantle and baggy, footed pants with tails. 

It is brown with a cream-colored face with three horns and the tips of its ears are pink. 

It wears a purple scarf, a white mantle, and spaulders, gold trim, and an emblem with bonji on it, additionally, its pants are lilac in coloration. 

(Image Here - Andiramon)


While I'm looking at Andiramon, the still dizzy from the sudden crash landing Jianliang asks, "Where are we?" but soon Terriermon gets up and notices his Tamer's little sister and exclaims, "Shaochung!"

At the same time, the outraged Makuramon exclaims, "Y-You... how dare you attack one of your own!?" but soon they all get distracted as Terriermon calls out for Shaochung making the little girl run toward him. 

As she is running toward us, Makuramon jumps in front of her still intent on capturing her but soon Andiramon follows after it forcing Makuramon to bounce back and attack Andiramon by throwing a crystal ball while yelling, "Stop interfering!"

The crystal ball hits Andiramon on the forehead sending the rabbit Deva crashing to the ground, and worried, Shaochung runs toward it gently touching its head, "Andiramon! Are you okay?"

Andiramon opens its eyes and looks at the worried face of Shachung as she starts to gently reassure it, "It doesn't hurt... it doesn't hurt..."

But soon Andiramon pushes Shaochung away and jumps up avoiding another crystal ball thrown by Makuramon that crashes on the ground before quickly returning in Makuramon's hand.

Then Makuramon throws it again, but this time the crystal orb becomes incandescent as it leaves a trail of fire in its path.

Andiramon easily dodges the incandescent crystal orb and when the orb turns back to attack it again, Andiramon transforms its hands into razor-sharp axes and destroys the incandescent orb in a single precise attack.

Seeing its crystal orb destroyed, Makuramon yells, "I'll report you as a traitor!" before teleporting away from here.

At the same time, Jianliang uses the Digimon Analyzer and reads out loud, "Andiramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Rabbit. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Qinglongmon, it is the owner of a gentle spirit. It likes small things, and because it attends to them with profound tenderness, if anything appears that tries to tread on them then its personality is completely reversed, and it attacks with the Bǎo Fǔ which transformed its hands into razor-sharp axes. Once a cut is made, it won't stop spreading until the enemy's form is no more. Its Special Move is spinning like a tornado with its body as the axis, cutting anything surrounding it with the Bǎo Fǔ on its hands (Asipatravana)." which makes Takato exclaim, "It's another Deva!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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