Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 300 – Bye Bye Digimon Universe!

Jayr POV - Jayr's Battle Universe - 2001

After bringing out Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar, the ultimate manifestation of my power, and shouting out that iconic phrase in perfect sync with my Digimon partners.

I watch as Zeed Millenniumon looks at the galaxy-size mecha that has equaled itself in both size and majesty with clear shock and confusion on its face as it asks and exclaims, "What is this abomination!? Why do I feel apprehension in its presence? Impossible! In all the possible universes and futures I have witnessed, I have never seen something like this before!!" 

At the same time, I hear Angemon's voice as he giggles and comments, "Hehe... We pulled off the Dai-Gurren Team's catchphrase perfectily! I've got goosebumps all over my body..." followed by XV-mon who exclaims, "What a rush of power! Not even evolving to the Ultimate Level made me feel something like this! It's incredible!" and Stingmon who adds in awe, "So this is Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar... Jayr's most powerful state... This much power... being part of it is simply... Amazing..."

Meanwhile, I can't help but smile wryly while thinking, 'Even with the help of Angemon, Stingmon, XV-mon, and my Digimon Incarnation, I still am not able to push Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar to the next level... becoming the universe-sized Super Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar. But well, at the very least with their presence as additional pilots Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar is much more powerful than before, and more importantly it is much less straining than before... The last time I could barely keep it up long enough and after that, I was very tired both mentally and physically and it took some time to fully recover. But now I feel that I can easily keep going for much longer and the aftermath will also be much lighter.'

Shortly after thinking that, I focus on Zeed Millenniumon and shout, "Zeed Millenniumon! Get ready! Your reign of terror is going to end before it can even start! You are going to lose as we are going to stop you!"

In response, Zeed Millenniumon roars back, "How dare you! I'm the king of evil that is going to destroy all eras and worlds! The ultimate Wicked God! The master of Time and Space! Not even Yggdrasil can stop me! I'm invincible!"

After saying that, Zeed Millenniumon opens its maw and roars, "Time Destroyer!" firing a spiral beam of grayish energy that seems to have the power to consign its targets into oblivion across space and time even more so as the nearby planets and galaxies seem to get sucked into the beam before completely disappear leaving nothing behind. 

What is scarier is that they are gone forever to the point that not even my absolute control over this universe of my creation allows me to bring them back as they have completely disappeared from the axis of time, which means that even in the past of this universe those galaxies and planets do not exist anymore, even if I go back to the time of the creation of this universe.

Seeing that, I do not hesitate to concentrate my Spiral Cosmo on the Protect Arm's power, at the same time, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar follows my commands and steps forward, raises its left hand as I make my Spiral Cosmo surge, and then I yell, "Protect Shade!" 

The next moment, from the left hand a massive golden spiral energy barrier made of Spiral Cosmo is generated, and shortly after that, Zeed Millanniumon's Time Destroyer crashes against the energy barrier and the impact between them is so strong that the whole Battle Universe quakes while also pushing Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar back and at the same time, the energy barrier shakes under the strain.

Thankfully the Protect Shade unleashed by the Protect Arm is strong enough to withstand the pressure and Zeed Millenniumon's deadly spiral beam of grayish energy is unable to actually harm us and Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar.

But the same can't be said about the nearby galaxies as the beam spilled over the barrier like some kind of fluid erasing everything that it came in contact with.

Seeing that scene, I can't help but let out a sigh of relief while thinking, 'Luckily the Battle Universe is totally devoid of life... because if it wasn't the loss of life caused by this fight would have been atrocious... After this battle, I must use my Digimon Incarnation to pat my back and tell myself that coming up with the idea of copying the Antispiral's Universe and using it as a battlefield for battles deemed too dangerous for the universe I'm inhabiting was a true stroke of genius...'

Meanwhile, noticing that its Time Destroyer is unable to break through our defenses, Zeed Millenniumon's eyes widen as it exclaims, "This is impossible! Nothing stopped my Time Destroyer before!!" 

Shortly after that exclamation, Zeed Millenniumon's deadly spiral beam of grayish energy fades away as the galaxy-sized malevolent dragon looks at us in shock, at the same time, I hear XV-mon's voice as he says, "This is our chance to counterattack! Let's punch that ugly mug, Jayr!!" 

Hearing that, I smile and let my Spiral Cosmo surge once more, but this time I direct it toward the right arm of Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar, the Broken Arm. 

In response to that, under my command Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar prepares its right arm as if it is about to throw a punch, at the same time, the upper part of the right arm spins clockwise at high speed while its fist spins counterclockwise while they shine in the pure golden light of my Spiral Cosmo.

I take aim and yell, "Broken Magnum!!" making Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar launch its fist at the target, which travels at a speed faster than light as it rips apart everything in its path, planets, and galaxies, nothing seems to be able to stop it as it moves toward its destination.

But Zeed Millenniumon reacts with astonishing reflexes as it roars, "Chrono Paradox!!" opening a massive rift in space-time right in front of it with the clear intent of using it as a barrier to stop the incoming Broken Magnum. 

Unfortunately for Zeed Millenniumon, the Broken Magnum remains true to its name as not even the rift in space-time is able to stop its advance as it even breaks through the very space and time to reach its target.

I can't help but feel extremely satisfied watching the glowing spinning fist breaking apart the massive rift in space-time like a ballon before continuing toward Zeed Millenniumon, who quickly raises its arms in front of its body to protect itself while moving its head away from the Broken Magnum's path.

The next instant, the Broken Magnum hits and rips off Zeed Millenniumon's arms but it barely misses its head as only a small chuck of it is obliterated and as a result, Zeed Millenniumon lets out a painful roar that makes the whole universe shake.

As the Broken Magnum returns to its position, I hear Angemon click his tongue and comment, "Too bad! A little bit more on the left and its whole head would have been obliterated and this would have been finally over..." but after he said that, Stingmon quickly adds, "I wouldn't be so sure of that... After all, if its story is true, Zeed Millenniumon came back from apparent death many times already..."

Just as Stingmon finishes saying that, Zeed Millenniumon regains its bearing and calls out, "Rewind Unlimited!"

In response to that call, its body glows in a gray light before the ripped-off arms and the obliterated chucks of its head quickly reform as good as new in a few instants as if nothing happened.

Shortly after that, Zeed Millenniumon stares at us with a gaze full of hate and malice in its four eyes and declares, "This boring battle has lasted long enough! I've got more important things to do than continue to waste my time with the likes of you. It's time to end this useless resistance once and for all! I'll destroy you, your pathetic Digimon, and that toy! I'll destroy all eras and worlds! I will destroy... EVERYTHING!! Dimension Destroyer!!!"

At this point, Zeed Millenniumon opens its titanic maw and starts to gather and balance an insane amount of time-space attuned energy in its mouth, shaping it into a grayish sphere that grows bigger and bigger with each passing second.

With the appearance of that titanic grayish sphere, the whole Battle Universe starts to shake as enormous black holes appear all over the universe as planets and galaxies explode or decay and crumble in a matter of seconds. 

I clearly sense that the very structure of this universe is starting to collapse under the pressure generated by Zeed Millenniumon's actions but thankfully, because of the isolated nature of the Battle Universe the effect of its actions aren't spilling over the Digimon Multiverse yet, but that won't be true for much longer.

Realizing that, I come to the conclusion that this is the decisive moment of this battle, so, I do not waste any more time and start to unleash Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar's ultimate technique.

The next instant, under my command, Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar's tail splits into 6 sections that start hover over Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar, at the same time, the hands reconfigure themselves to add an extra finger joint making them longer and appear even more feral. 

Quickly after that, the sections of the tail hovering above Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar break into dozens of shards that collect over both its hands, forming gigantic black claws on all fingers except the thumbs.

Once this preparation is complete, I roar with a tone full of finality and conviction, "Hell & Heaven!" 

At the same time, I fully unleash the might of my energies, the Spiral Cosmo and the Anti-Spiral Cosmo, and concentrate them toward the Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar's arms. 

I concentrate the more negative Anti-Spiral Cosmo into the Broken Arm, which starts shining in a pure purple color as it discharges flame-like energy that rotates around the Broken Arm. 

At the same time, I feel the rules of time and space on the right side of Tengen Toppa GunGraterGar slowly ripping apart further degenerating the state of the Battle Universe. 

Meanwhile, in the Protect Arm I concentrate the more positive Spiral Cosmo making it shine with pure gold light as it releases golden concentric waves of energy, and different from the right side, on the left side, I feel the rules of time and space mending and bending around the Protect Arm.

But soon the two strange phenomena stop, and under my control, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar holds its hands at the same height as it slowly brings them together in a perfect balance as sparks of Spiral and Anti-Spiral Cosmo course between them and I chant in Greek, "Dýo exousíes se mía. (Two powers into one.)"

Then when Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar clasps its hands together, a titanic purple-golden tornado of Spiral Cosmo forms around Zeed Millenniumon, and the titanic grayish sphere binds them into an absolute lock. 

At the same time, the purple-golden tornado surrounding us instantly rips apart the energy within the titanic grayish sphere causing it to powerlessly disperse, moreover, it also affects any energy released and produced by Zeed Millenniumon stopping it from doing anything else.

At the same time, because the absolute lock dispersed the titanic grayish sphere, the collapse of the Battle Universe because of Zeed Millenniumon's Dimension Destroyer also stops, further preventing the effects of this battle from spilling over to the Digimon Multiverse. 

Realizing that it is trapped, Zeed Millenniumon exclaims in shock, "What is this!? How could you deny what is my birthright!? I am the absolute master of Time and Space but even I can't break out of this! I am the most powerful Digimon ever created!! Even Yggdrasil feared my power so much that it was forced to seal it! This is Impossible!!"

I look at the bound Zeed Millenniumon and say, "When I first came to this universe, I simply wanted to fulfill a childish dream I had since I was very young... Finding my Digimon Partner and having an exciting adventure with it while enjoying the fantastical sights that the Digital World has to offer." 

At this point, I smile candidly as I continue and remember everything I went through with Patamon, Wormmon, and V-mon, "I was able to achieve that dream pretty easily thanks to a bit of luck. And created many fond memories of this universe... but I found much more than what I hoped. I found true partners who I can fully trust. I found some funny and caring kids who needed my guidance and help. I also found many genuinely good people and Digimon who do everything in their power to protect others and those who care. This is an incredibly special multiverse for me... And I won't allow you or anything else to harm it!"

Zeed Millenniumon tries to move and break free but the purple-golden tornado's hold is too strong even from it as it continuously disperses any kind of energy it tries to gather, further preventing it from doing anything.

Enraged and frustrated by that, Zeed Millenniumon let out an enraged roar as it yelled, "In the end, this won't change anything!! You may have bested me this time, but I will return!! Just like I did before! I will return!! I can't be defeated for too long, it is in my nature! The final victory will eventually be mine! MINE!!" 

But I slowly shake my head and roar back, "No, you are wrong! This is the last time that you have caused trouble in the Digimon Multiverse! I'll break this malicious never-ending cycle once and for all!!"

At this point, I unleash the full might of my Spiral Cosmo as Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar charges into the bound Zeed Millenniumon and I yell in Greek, "ZOI!! (LIVE!!)" 

Zeed Millenniumon tries to stop my advance by growing some tentacles all over its body but Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar's charge is unstoppable and rips them apart before they can even touch it.

The next moment, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar smashes its gathered fist into Zeed Millenniumon, grasping its core, after that it tears the core out holding it in both hands as Zeed Millenniumon's body crumbles into motes of Data.

At this point, I take a look at the core in Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar's hands.

It is a malicious-looking purple shadow enclosed in a crystal.

This shadow has two heads with red eyes, one resembles that of Mugendramon and the other that of Chimairamon.

This is Moon Millenniumon who exists within Zeed Millenniumon's inner world, it is a nigh-indestructible soul Digimon and is what allows Zeed Millenniumon the ability to constantly revive through time and space.

At this point, I make full use of all the knowledge I've gained thanks to the accidental creation of my Digimon Incarnation about Digimon, DigiCores, and everything else related to them and their way of life to discern everything I need to know about Moon Millenniumon to make sure that what I'm about to do is truly definitive. 

After that, I concentrate on every single mote of Data that composes its body before I start to send my Anti-Spiral Cosmo into Moon Millenniumon to further lock its Data into this state, while also using Spiral Cosmo to connect and gather all possible seeds that Millenniumon left throughout the Digimon Multiverse before fully cutting that connection further preventing its escape and resurrection in any way or capacity.

Sensing what I'm doing and feeling itself growing closer and closer to a definitive end, Moon Millenniumon starts to scream, "W-Wait! What is happening!? Why I can't sense the Dark Seeds anymore!? What are you doing!? How is this even possible!!?" 

Hearing that, I smile, and then as the last of the "seed" I found that connected to Moon Millenniumon is fully cut off and quickly starts to wither, I say, "With this... the ultimate Wicked God will fall once and for all... Your days of terrorizing the Digimon Multiverse are over." 

As I said that, Tengen Toppa GunCraterGar crushes Moon Millenniumon turning its body into countless motes of dark Data that are then quickly enveloped in both Anti-Spiral Cosmo and Spiral Cosmo and put together with the Data of Zeed Millenniumon before I quickly and throughtly purge all of them leaving nothing behind but the most basic and primal Data that has a pure white color.

After doing that, I check the primal Data many times to make sure that all traces of Millenniumon are truly gone, and then, I quickly use that immense amount of Data to create millions of Digitamas.

Looking at the sea of Digitamas in front of us, Angemon asks, "What are you going to do with all of them?" followed by Stingmon who also asks, "Are you going to bring them into our Village of Beginnings?"

I quickly shake my head and say, "No way! There are just too many Digitamas for that... My Soulbound Territory isn't big enough to host all of them. I'll simply spread them all over the Digital World, after all, because of the D-Reaper and Zeed Millenniumon's actions I'm sure that the number of Digimon has gone down by quite a bit... This will surely help in repopulation and maybe even the expansion of the Digital World."

After saying that, I reign in my Spiral Cosmo, and so my Gunmen immediately gets out of its Tengen Toppa state and returns back to its Space Gunmen one becoming simply GunCraterGar, which is basically the same in shape with the simple difference that it is only 1300 km tall, more or less the size of a moon. 

At the same time, as the Battle Universe starts to collapse because it has fulfilled its duty to function as the temporary battlefield for the battle between us and Zeed Millenniumon, I quickly open a space-time tunnel that leads back to the Digimon Tamers Universe, more specifically to the lowest layer of the Digital World, and without any hesitation, I push into it. 

After doing that, GunCraterGar divides itself into the various Gunmen that make it up, and Wormmon, V-mon, Patamon, and my Digimon Incarnation jump out of the cockpits before they are sent back into my Soulbound Territory.

At the same time, Cratergann transforms back into the Crateris Cloth before I quickly use Perceptual Teleportation to open a portal that will bring us back to the Digimon Tamer Universe so that I can deal with the aftermath of this disaster.

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

A few days passed since my battle with Zeed Millenniumon and the battle that took place in the Real World between the Digimon Tamers and the D-Reaper.

At the moment, I'm in the picnic area of the Shinjuku Central Park cooking some Pizza in an outdoor wood-fired oven that I simply materialized while thinking back at what happened in these few days.

Regarding what happened in the Real World, the chain of events that led to the D-Reaper's defeat is quite direct, Takato and his group quickly arrived in the Real World and shortly after reuniting with their parents, they moved on to fight the D-Reaper and its agents to rescue Ryo.

At first, they had some trouble, especially since everyone else but Guilmon, Marin Angemon, and Impmon topped at the Perfect Level, moreover, Guilmon's Ultimate Level, Megidramon was way too destructive in his battle and would cause too much collateral damage, so he was forced to restrain himself a lot, making him ineffective against the agents forcing Taomon and Rapidmon to take the burnt of the enemy's assault and overwhelmed they degenerated back to Terriermon and Renamon.

But just as the situation was becoming too dire, Megidramon told Takato that they should fight together as that is the only way that he can fully trust himself to contain his destructive tendencies while fighting at full power, and in response to that desire, Megidramon and Takato Matrix Evolved together into Dukemon.

Thanks to Takato balancing the evil tendencies within Megidramon, Dukemon was able to fight a full power wreaking havoc within the D-Reaper's ranks.

Shortly after that, seeing what Takato and Megidramon did, Jianliang and Terriermon, and Ruki and Renamon decide to try and do the same, and by fully using the power of their bond they also successfully Matrix Evolve into Saint Galgomon and Sakuyamon.

With five Ultimate Level Digimon taking the lead, the group started to advance toward the core of the D-Reaper taking down anything that stood in their way.

Soon they reached the Gatekeeper, the agent that protected the core of the D-Reaper and also the place where Ryo was trapped, they relentlessly attacked the Gatekeeper while calling out for Ryo, but he still didn't react, at least not until he heard the voice of his partner Monodramon which makes him snap out of the D-Reaper's control and start to fight to escape its clutches.

Finally, with everyone's effort, Ryo was able to break out and reunite with his friends and his partner and at this point, the enraged D-Reaper fused together all of its remaining agents in both the Real and Digital world to create the colossal form known as simply the Reaper that was made up of a mass of cords with a large mouth and multiple scythes attached to it.

In that form, the Reaper was a true threat, but then Huanglongmon made its appearance together with all the other Ultimate Level Digimon and they all started to fight together and in the end, were able to finally destroy the D-Reaper.

After the defeat of the D-Reaper, Huanglongmon returned to the Digital World together with the other Ultimate Level Digimon where it separated itself back into Zhuqiaomon, Baihumon, Qinglongmon, and Xuanwumon and then the Four Holy Beasts started to rebuild the Digital World.

In the Real World, Takato and the others fully reunited with their parents while Yamaki got in contact with the Japanese government to start the relief and the rebuilding effort while I gave a little hand to speed up the process a little using some godly means.

But since both the Digital World and the Real World are safe, I come to the decision of finally leaving the Digimon Tamers Universe and returning to my Home Universe to spend a little time before the next Random Battle with my family. 

But before doing that, I wanted to say goodbye to my students and in particular to the Digimon Tamers, this is why I invited everyone to come here to have some kind of farewell party. 

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the voice of Takato, Guilmon, and his parents as they are quickly approaching the picnic area.

I walk toward them and greet them, and then we chat a little before Takato's father joins me in preparing the Pizza for everyone.

Shortly after that, the other kids and their parents start to arrive one after the other, even Yamaki and his girlfriend arrive and once everyone is here, we finally start the farewell party.

Like that, I spent most of the evening talking and having fun with kids and their parents, narrating some of my more funny adventures and so on, then once the party came to an end, I said my farewell to everyone and without any more hesitation, I teleported back to my Home Universe.

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 1993

A couple of months passed since I returned from the Digimon Tamers Universe, and luckily every day was more or less peaceful if you ignored the usual random god trying to destroy\dominate\terraform the Earth, this time it was the turn of the Maori demon-god, Whiro who wanted to make the world fall in eternal darkness or something like that. 

But I took care of it using my Digimon Incarnation while my Main Body was having fun with Eri, Tio, and Alvida making me once more realize just how useful is to have two bodies.

Anyway, I'm now standing in front of the Unigate waiting for the start of the Random Battle and soon I hear a familiar mechanical voice at it says, [AttEnTiOn! AttEnTiOn! WarP To rAnDoM UnIvERse WiLL StaRt in 30 MiNuTeS! WarP To rAnDoM UnIvERse WiLL StaRt in 30 MiNuTeS! Be PreSent oR iT WilL bE CoNsiDereD AS yoUR wIthDrawAl FroM The Battle Across The Omniverse and So yoU wilL Lose YouR BLESSING witH All ItS PrivileGes! I RePeAt! Be PreSent oR iT WilL bE CoNsiDereD AS yoUR wIthDrawAl FroM The Battle Across The Omniverse and So yoU wilL Lose YouR BLESSING witH All ItS PrivileGes! THIS MESSAGE WILL BE REPEATED EVERY 5 MINUTES UNLESS YOU STAND IN FRONT OF THE UNIGATE!]

While waiting for the countdown to end, I mutter, "Okay, it is about to start... Let's see if everything is in place... V-mon, Patamon, Wormmon, and Bidi are currently having fun in the Village of Beginnings so I can call for their help at any time if I need to. Crateris is in its Silver Core Drill wound around my neck ready to be called upon at any moment. Meanwhile, my Digimon Incarnation is watching over Seiji while playing with Kharna and Galen and will remain in my home universe so that I can also stay with my family while I go through the Random Battle that can last for a year if I'm unlucky. It seems that everything is ready."

Like that, time quickly passes and the Unigate's mechanical monotone voice states, [RANDOM BATTLE PROTOCOL StarTed... SynCHing wiTh RandOm UniGate... SYncHinG CoMpLeTe... RanDomly InpUtIng OmniVersal CooRdiNATes. StAnd stIll plEAsE.] 

At the same time, the stone ring started to rotate and lock seven different glyphs on seven different V-like points of the circular stone gate, and as soon as the 7th glyph was locked, in the middle of the gate a burst of unstable energy emanated from an activating Unigate in the shape of a vortex and soon after a water-like portal is opened.

Then the monotone mechanical voice says, [ThE gAtE Is OpEn... May Culture Be With You...] 

At this point, I take a deep breath and gripping the Silver Core Drill hanging around my neck, I mutter, "Come on Jayr, you already won this before, you can do it again!"

Without losing another moment I quickly jump into the water-like portal as I'm transported to a new unknown Universe. 


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