Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 302 – So Wake Me Up When It’s All Over

Jayr POV - The Walking Dead Universe, Earth, Georgia, King County - 2010

After leaving Rick alone in that room, I joined Morgan and his son Duane and started to help them prepare dinner in silence, which was a simple soup of canned beans. 

As Duane and I started to prepare the table and Morgan was about to fill the plates with the simple soup we cooked, Rick walked down the stairs and stared at us for a few moments before he started to slowly walk toward the next room, a former living room that Morgan and Duane turned into a bedroom by impovising a bed by laying a couple of mattresses on the floor and comments, "This place… It's Fred and Cindy Drake's." 

Morgan gives me the ladle and the plate in his hands and looks at Rick as moves and looks around the improvised bedroom and says, "Never met them." 

Rick moves around the improvised bed, toward one of the covered windows and declares with confidence, "I've been here. This is their place." making Morgan calmly comment, "It was empty when we got here." 

Rick goes to peel the blankets on the windows back but before he can even touch it, Morgan stops him by saying, "Don't do that. They'll see the light. There's more of them out there than usual." 

After saying that, Morgan walks back to the table while commenting, "I never should have fired that gun today. The sound draws them, and now they're all over the street. Stupid… using a gun… It all happened so fast… I didn't think." 

At the same time, I simply finish preparing everyone's plate and take my seat waiting for Morgan and Rick to take theirs.

As Morgan sits, Rick walks closer to the table and accuses him, "You shot that man today." making Morgan mockingly comment with a smirk, "Man?" followed by Duane who quietily mutters, "No man…" 

Hearing that, Morgan quickly focuses on his son and forces him to correct himself, "What the hell was that out of your mouth just now?" 

I also chuckle and add, "Be careful, if a grammar nazi heard you he or she would have scolded and mocked you until the end of times..." 

Duane realizing his mistake quickly mutters, "Sorry..." before he corrects himself, "It wasn't a man." but Rick ignores the grammar mistake of the kid and focuses on what happened by repeating, "You shot him. In this street, out front, a man."

At this point, Morgan explains, "Mate... For him, you need glasses. It was a walker." 

Rick is clearly confused by that affirmation and Morgan points at the empty chair and says, "Sit down, before you fall down." I place the plate in front of the empty seat and say, "Here. Eat. You'll need energy to fully recover." 

Rick sits but just as we are about to start eating Duane stops us by saying, "Daddy… Blessing… " which makes Morgan realize that he forgot about it, and with a wry smile he says, "Yeah." 

At this point, Morgan holds his son's left hand while Duane offers me his right one and I calmly hold it while offering Rick my own right hand, but Rick hesitates to hold it, at least until Duane looks at him with a deadly set of puppy eyes making him yield as he holds both mine and Morgan's hands. 

Once we all are hodling hands, Morgan looks at both, Rick and me, as he prays, "Father, we thank thee for this food… Thy blessings… We ask you to watch over us in these crazy days. Amen." followed by Duane and me as we repeat, ""Amen."" 

After that, we start eating and Morgan focuses on Rick and asks, "Hey, mister, do you even know what is going on?" which makes Rick reply between the bites, "I woke up today. In a hospital. Came home, that's all I know." 

Morgan and Duane look at each other before they look back at me as I roll my eyes and mouth the words "I told you so," after that, Morgan focuses back on Rick and asks, "But you know about the dead people, right?" 

After taking another bite, Rick replies, "Yeah, I saw a lot of that. Out on the loading dock, hauling trucks." but Morgan quickly corrects him, "No… Not the ones they put down… The ones they didn't. The walkers. Like the one I shot today. Cause he would have ripped into you. Try to eat you, take him some flesh at least. But I guess if this is the first you're hearing, I know how it must sound…" 

Hearing that, Rick looks at Morgan and asks, "They're out there now, in the street?" making Morgan nod and explain, "Yeah. They're even more active after dark sometimes. Maybe it's the cool air or… Hell, maybe it's just me firing up that gun today. But we'll be fine as long as we stay quiet. Probably wander off by morning."

After saying that, Morgan warns Rick, "Well, listen… One thing I do know… Don't you get bit! We saw your bandage and that's why we were afraid of. Bites kill you. The fever… burns you out. But then after a while… You come back." followed by Duane who timidly comments while looking at his plate with a sad expression likely remembering his mother, "Seen it happen…"

Shortly after that, Morgan looks at me and suddenly says, "You know, doc? If I didn't see you in action I would still doubt about your declaration of being a doctor... I mean look at you! You are over 6.5 feet tall and your body is so fit that it is almost unreal and that crazy dark blue hair. In addition to that you like you are barely in your 20s... Sorry if I offend you but you don't look like a doctor at all... You give more the impression of someone who can kill with his bare hands than someone who can save lives with those same hands."

Hearing that, both Rick and Duane look at me with a gaze full of curiosity, even more so Rick as he truly focuses on me for the first time, as Morgan with his attitude caught most of his attention at first.

It is clear that Morgan's intent behind this change of subject is to distract his son from thinking about the recent loss of his late mother and seeing no harm in that, I humor him by telling them a little more about myself, "No offense there. I was trained by my grandfather since I was very young. He is a soldier of secret special forces in Greece who went through many, many wars and battles when he was active and he taught me everything he knew. So the impression of me being able to kill with my bare hands is actually accurate as I am a master of Pankration, an ancient Greek martial art that is basically the precursor of Mixed Martial Arts. In addition to that, I can also proficiently use all kinds of weapons. From modern ones like guns and rifles to more classical ones like bows, swords, spears, and so on. That is the main reason I can calmly travel alone in this kind of situation. The walkers aren't actually a threat to me."

Hearing that, both Morgan and Rick become more wary while Duane lets out an impressed, "Wow..." but I don't care about that and calmly continue, "But I always wanted to save lives more than taking them and that is why I studied very hard to become a doctor. I don't want to appear boastful, but I'm very smart too, and thanks to that I was able to skip many grades and graduate from UCL Medical School before I even reached my 20s. I'm now almost 22and I have been able to help and save many patients before all this happened. In fact, I was in America preparing to take part in the HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition to reveal the result of my research for a cure for cancer when all this happened."

At this point, Morgan almost forgets about the walkers outside as he barely contains the tone of his voice as he exclaims, "Wait! What!? Wait a minute! Are you saying that you found a cure for freaking cancer?"

He isn't the only one stunned as both Rick and Duane also look at me with eyes wide open while scratching my cheek a little embarassed while thinking, 'Well... maybe I got too into and went too far with my bragging... Oh well, it isn't like I can't actually cure cancer. After all, I learned how to do it from the Asklepios Imerológio (Diary of Asclepius) among many other things, so I'm not exactily lying... maybe taking credit for someone else work considering that Asclepius in my universe is the one that found the cure... Oh well, to calm my conscience I will find a cure for the virus that is causing this mess.' 

After that revelation, we continue eating quietly as the noises outside calm the curious Morgan, Rick, and Duane. 

In addition, I don't add anything to the information that Morgan has already given to Rick as I don't want to overwhelm him with too much shocking information like the virus, that everyone is infected, and so on, since he just woke up and is still recovering from a coma.

Even more so, since their reaction would likely attire the walker outside and I don't want to deal with the horde yet, especially not in front of Duane and Morgan considering that the body of Morgan's wife and Duane's mom is also out there. 

After dinner, we all move to the living/bedroom where Morgan and Duane lie on the bed while Rick is lying on a mattress on the floor with his back resting on the couch and I'm calmly sitting on the floor with my back leaning against the wall.

We are all in silence to not disturb the kid who is about to fall asleep at any moment now.

As Duane starts to sleep next to his father and after a few minutes of silence, Morgan, unable to hold back his curiosity, asks, "Carl… He your son? You… You said his name today…" making Rick reply, "He's a little younger… than your boy." 

Hearing that, Morgan asks, "And he's with his mother?" which makes Rick pause for a few moments before he says, "I hope so."

After that, Duane that clearly still not fully asleep calls out, "Dad?" making Morgan gently caress his head while replying, "Yeah?" 

Then Duane sleepily asks, "Did you ask him?" which makes Morgan snicker a little bit before he turns to Rick and asks, "Your gunshot… We got a little bet going. My boy says you're a… bank robber…"

Hearing that Rick smirks a little before he replies, "Yeah… That's me. Deadly as Dillinger. Kapow. Sheriff's deputy." this makes Morgan nod as he acknowledges with, "Aha." 

Suddenly a car alarm outside starts going off which makes Duane wake up in panic and immediately Morgan starts to calm him down, "Hey, it's ok, daddy's here. It's nothing. One of them must've bumped a car…" 

Hearing that, Rick asks, "You sure?" making Morgan reply, "Happened once before. Went off a few minutes." 

At this point, Morgan grabs his gun and gets up as he mutters, "Get the light, Duane." before he walks toward the window as Duane and Rick turn off the lights.

Morgan moves the cloth covering the window a little and looks outside while whispering, "It's the blue one, down the street. Same one as last time. I think we're ok."

After saying that, he gives space so that Rick can also look and see the scene outside, he asks while whispering back, "That noise… Will it bring more of them?" making Morgan reply, "Nothing to do about it now. Just have to wait 'em out till morning."

At this point, Duane also walks over to the window and takes a look, until he suddenly gasps and mutters, "She's here." making Morgan quickly order, "Don't look. Get away from the windows. I said go! Come on!" 

Duane runs back to the bed and starts to cry and Morgan quickly moves over and starts to comfort him, "Come on, quiet. Shh, shh…" 

Meanwhile, Rick walks towards the door and looks out the peephole as Morgan uses a pillow to muffle the sounds of Duane's cry as he says, "It's ok, here. Cry into the pillow. Can you remember? Shh…" 

As Rick continues to stare into the peephole, the doorknob starts to turn left and right as the walker outside, very likely the body of Morgan's wife and Duane's mother is trying to open the door but it doesn't open since it's shut. 

After that, Rick slowly retreats and sits next to Morgan as he explains, "She, uh… She died in the other room, on that bed… Nothin' I can do about it here… That fever, man… Her skin gave off heat like a furnace… Should have put her down, I should have put her down, I know that, but… You know what… I just didn't have it in me… She's the mother of my child." 

After he said that they looked at the doorknob as it continued to turn left and right.

While they are staring at the door with clear apprension in their eyes, I take advantage of this moment of calm to finally digest my situation, 'So... I'm in the Walking Dead Universe... While I know and have seen a good part of the TV series... I started to skim through it during the 5th or 6th season and completely let it go when Glenn was killed by Negan. For sure this isn't one of my favorite universes overall, but at least, I arrived at the start of the series making it easier for me to navigate around.'

At this point, I start to think about my current status, 'My most important priority is finding the other Champion and finding out what kind of person he or she is... but different from the last Random Battle, this time I'm not in hurry. After all, even if I'm trapped in this universe for a whole year, thanks to my Digimon Incarnation, I'll still be able to stay and spend time with my family at the same time. Just like right now, at this very moment, with my other body, I'm also cuddling Seiji to sleep while watching Toy Story with Galen and Kharna. Since I won't lose anything by spending some more time here, the least I can do I try to help the people of this universe by finding a cure for the virus, and creating a safe and good community for everyone.'

Coming to that conclusion, I start to plan my next course of action, 'First, I have to ensure that Morgan and Duane will leave this place, and to do that, I have to take care of the body of Morgan's wife and Duane's mother. After that, I guess I could follow Rick's group and change some things here and there until we reach the CDC, once there I'll gather everything they have on this virus and try to come up with a cure... Ah! I have also to ensure the safety of Hershel's family... After that... I don't know... maybe I'll wing it when the time comes...' 

While I'm thinking, that, the walkers outside start to disperse, and in response, Morgan, Rick, and Duane finally relax and fall asleep.

I take advantage of this moment to walk to the bathroom, close the door and quickly write and send a message to Crateris, Bidi, V-mon, Wormmon, and Patamon about the current situation, I also inform them that they can relax as I won't need their help unless I actually encounter the Champion.

The reason I'm doing this is because just like the last Random Battle, I can't actually enter my Soulbound Territory until the end of the Random Battle and can at most only use it as a storage space or to summon my allies.

After doing that, I return to the living room/bedroom and lie back on the wall, close my eyes, and calmly wait for the morning to come.

The next morning we all slowly walk out of the house staring at a catious Rick who is armed with a baseball bat as he once again asks, "Are we sure… they're dead? I have to ask, just one more time." 

In response, Morgan, who is following after him replies, "They're dead. Except for something in the brain. That's why it's gotta be the head." but then he looks at me and says, "But maybe, doc over here can tell us something more?"

Hearing that I nod and comfirm as we continue to walk on the walkway, "From what I've been able to gather from my previous encounter... Yes, they are completely dead. They do not breathe, their heart doesn't beat, and all the other organs also aren't actually active, the only reason why they can move is because the "thing" in the brain as Morgan called it, has reactivated the hindbrain, more specifically the brainstem and cerebellum which causes them to regain sensory input and movement. They simply act on a mindless, animal instinct and aggression to feed, and will kill and devour any living or recently deceased beings that are still fresh. They have no sense of self or control. You are basically hitting an already dead body that while it may be upsetting for some, in the end, there is nothing morally wrong with that if you treat the body with the respect it deserves after you put it down, and that only if it doesn't endanger you or the others." 

While I'm explaining that, one of them that is lying up against the fence post suddenly notices our presence and gets up and starts walking towards Rick, who after listening to my explanation, doesn't hesitate to use the bat and smashes it on the head of the walker several times before he let go the bat and falls to the ground holding his wound. 

Seeing that, Morgan immediately asks, "You alright?" making Rick slowly reply, "Need a moment." 

In response, I snort and say, "I told you to not do it and to be careful as the wound would still hurt you for some more time even if it has mostly healed... but no, you had to do it." making Rick wearily reply as he slowly stands up, "Yeah, yeah... I'm going to listen to the doc the next time..."

Hearing that, I shake my head and grab the bat that Rick let go from the ground before I walk closer to the walker and calmly swing down turning the head into a messy pulp, shocking Morgan who asks, "What the hell was that!?"

I calmly look at them and say, "Rule #2 to survive the walkers. Double Tap. In those moments when you're not sure the undead are really dead dead, don't get all stingy and deliver one more blow to ensure your kill and to protect yourself and the others against walkers playing possum." 

While Rick and Morgan are still stunned by what I just said, Duane nods and comments, "I see! When Mister took down that walker the head was still mostly fine so it could have just been momentarely shaken by the impact and gotten up again later..."

Hearing that Rick and Morgan also realize that as Rick comments, "That's true... and since the... walker do not breath to being with it is easy to mistake them as truly dead is one doesn't ensure that the brain is destroyed..."

At the same time, Morgan looks at me and asks, "Wait! If that is the Rule #2... what is the Rule #1?"

In response a smirk forms on my face as I seriously reply, "Rule #1 to survive the walker. Cardio. Walkers aren't fast. To escape, it's more important to be able to run longer than faster. Cardio allows for so much clutch and being fit is healthy for dealing with many, many problems that your body will have to face. This world is brutal and to survive you need to run, hide, and repeat. Short and long term. A mid-distance recreation runner can out pace a horde of walkers for 10-20km while only taking in moderate amounts of water, this is an essential skill. Also, people underestimate how tiring some melee combat is, cardio helps you here the most assuming you will regularly need to be ready to fight for 5-10 minutes at a time possibly several times a day." 

Hearing that, both Rick and Morgan can only nod in silence while Duane mutters, "So I have to run more..."

After that, Rick recovers and we follow him to his home and follow after him as he enters his home and declares with conviction, "They're alive. My wife and son. At least they were when they left."

Hearing that Morgan asks, "How can you know? By the look of this place…" 

As he is saying that, I take a look around and indeed the place is quite messy, but from what I can see not from a walker's activity but from a human's. 

At the same time, Rick explains his reasons, "I found empty drawers in the bedroom. They packed some clothes. Not a lot. But enough to travel." making Morgan suggest, "You know anybody could've broken in here and stolen clothes, right?" 

But Rick calmly rebuts, "You see the framed photos on the walls? Neither do I. Some random thief took those too, you think?" after saying that, he opens a nerbay cupboard and looking inside he says, "My photo albums, family pictures, all gone." 

Hearing that Morgan remeber something and chuckles, "Right... Photo albums…" before he sits down on a nearby chair and starts to sob, "My wife… Same thing… Here I am, packing survival gear, she's grabbing photo albums…"

At this point, Morgan chokes a little as memories of his late wife come to his mind, and Rick understanding what he is going through stands in silence to give him some time.

After a few seconds, Duane who is uncomfortable with the silence walks closer to his father and declares, "They're in Atlanta, I'll bet." making Morgan exclaim, "That's right." 

Hearing that, a hopeful Rick asks, "Why there?" making Morgan explain, "Refugee settle. Huge. When they said it before the broadcast stopped. Military protection, food, shelter… They told people to go there. Said to be safest." followed by Duane who adds, "Plus they got that disease place." 

At this point, I explain, "The Center for Disease Control also known as CDC. I heard that they were working on how to solve this thing. It is my main destination. While I don't know how far their research has gone or if there is any progress at all, there is also the possibility that they may have given up on finding a cure considering the current state of the world. But even with that, the CDC has state-of-the-art pieces of equipment that will surely help me in searching for a cure even if I'm working alone."

Hearing that, Rick walks into what I think was the kitchen, opens another cupboard, grabs a set of keys, and leads us out of the house where he takes a nearby car and drives us toward the Police Station. 

On our way there we encounter a few more walkers, and to not attract them, I get out of the car and easily take care of them by carefully and lightly using the baseball bat as a weapon I don't want to break it or generate a sonic boom with a simple swing which makes me complain in my mind, 'Oh my Goddess... I already miss the Digital World... I have to treat everything in this world as if it is made of paper, a little pressure, and everything crumbles. Luckily I'm already way too used to controlling my power... but it is still somewhat annoying as I got used to the much more "solid" and durable Digital World.' 

After some time we reach our destination and all enter the sheriff's office, and following Rick, we walk into the locker room where Rick turns on the shower.

Seeing that Morgan comments, "Gas and light have been down for maybe a month." but Rick explains, "Station got its own propane system." before he uses his hand to test the water and with a smile Rick says, "Pilot's still on."

Hearing that Morgan looks back at his son and smile then we all decide to enjoy a nice, hot shower. 

Rick shaves his beard off under the shower as we all they all get cleaned up. 

Morgan joyfully exclaims, "Oh, my Lord." followed by Duane who is basically dancing under the water as he sings, "Hot water♪! Hot Water♪" 

Hearing that Morgan looks at his son and laughting he asks, "Hahaha! That feels good, right?" 

I also calmly enjoy the hot shower even if personally I still prefer doing cold ones but that doesn't mean that I find hot ones unpleasant.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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