Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 313 – Bring Me to Life

Jayr POV - Earth, Georgia, Center for Disease Control and Prevention - 2010

Our caravan approached the C.D.C. with the sun setting, where waiting for us there were hundreds of rotting bodies laid dead on the ground whose stench was bad enough to almost make the more sensible people faint.

Of course, to avoid that, I made sure to tell everyone to cover their mouth and nose in whatever way possible while I gave the children some handkerchiefs doused in a harmless perfume to neutralize the smell of the rotting corpses in some way.

After warning everyone, the group quietly approached the building and when they realized that it was locked and shuttered, they started to panic a little, but then before the situation could degenerate, I stepped forward and reassured them.

At that point, Rick noticed that the camera in front of the door moved and told us about it, taking advantage of that moment, I stopped Shane from lashing out, stepped in front of the camera, and said, "Good evening. You may not know me, but I know the Head Scientist of this structure Dr. Candace Jenner as I've met her before during a medical conference. My name is Dr. Jayr Pucci and I may have a possible solution for the Wildfire Virus but to prove my hypothesis I need a structure to safely conduct the experiment. Please, if Dr. Jenner is inside tell her about me, I'm sure that she will allow me and my group inside."

Of course, there isn't an immediate response but I'm calm and pretty confident after all, Cratergann is way too advanced for any kind of technology in this world and for sure it has successfully completed my request which means that everything I have said can be "proved" so I only have to wait for Edwin Jenner to open the door.

While we are waiting, Morgan steps next to me and says, "You have never told us you knew someone inside the C.D.C., the Head Scientist at that." followed by Shane who adds, "That's right. If you told us that we would have agreed to the idea of coming here a lot sooner." 

Hearing that, I apologize and explain, "I'm sorry for not telling you guys about it, but I didn't think it was that important at the time. After all, I wasn't even sure if the structure would be still standing..."

In response to my words, Rick asks, "What do you mean with that?" but before I can answer, the shutters rise up and the door opens allowing us access into the C.D.C. and seeing that, I quickly say, "Let's head inside." followed by Shane who barks, "Daryl, you cover the back." 

The other survivors and I carefully file into the C.D.C. lobby as Rick warily looks around and calls out, "Hello? Hello?"

At the same time, Shane is also doing the same while he warns, "Watch those doors." followed by Dale who also says, "Watch for walkers."

We all stop a few meters into the lobby waiting for someone to contact us as everyone grows more and more tense each passing second, until we hear an unknown male voice that shouts, "Hello?" which is quickly followed by the sound of a gun cocking which makes everyone focus and point their weapon in the direction the voice and the sound are coming from.

I also focus in the same direction and see a Caucasian man in his 40s with light brown, graying hair, a 5 o'clock beard, and brown eyes wearing a plain grey T-shirt with plain blue gym pants warily looking at us while pointing an automatic rifle in our direction.

He is, of course, Dr. Edwin Jenner a virologist who worked at the Center for Disease Control and the husband of Candace Jenner, the C.D.C.'s last surviving employee who took refuge in the facility during the outbreak and was trying to find a cure for the Wildfire Virus before he gave up and choose to end his life and who just like Rick, Shane, Morgan and the other looks very similar to the actor who portrayed him in the TV Show.

(Image Here - Edwin Jenner)


After looking at us for a few moments, Dr. Edwin Jenner shouts, "Anybody infected?"

In response to that simple question, Rick is about to reply but I stop him by putting a hand on his shoulder, stepping forward, and yelling back, "No one in this group was bitten or scratched by the walkers, I personally checked each one of them after each encounter."

Hearing that, Dr. Edwin Jenner nods before he asks, "Why are you here? What do you want?" which makes me smile and reply, "I already told you. A chance to help the people fight this thing."

In response to my words, Dr. Edwin Jenner smiles wryly and comments, "That's asking an awful lot these days." which makes me smile back and say, "I know. But someone has to do it." 

Dr. Edwin Jenner nods before he asks, "Do you truly have a way to deal with the Wildfire Virus?" to which I nod and reply, "I come up with a few ideas by watching and studying the walkers on my way here... While I have not tested my hypothesis yet, I have a good feeling about them..." 

While saying that, I'm also thinking, 'Luckily I had enough time to study the virus and make use of my knowledge to truly come up with a few solutions as it unsuccessfully tried to infect my body. Of course, such solutions do not involve my own Gold Blood... But I truly have to test them to see if they are completely safe. After all, considering the nature of this universe a little mistake is all it needs for the situation to become much worse for everyone.'

While I'm thinking that, Dr. Edwin Jenner demands, "You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." which makes Rick casually nod and agree, "We can do that." 

Hearing that, Dr. Edwin Jenner lowers his automatic rifle and says, "You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed." 

In response to that, Shane quickly moved to call in Daryl and the other men who stayed outside watching our backs and watch over the supplies that we brought with us.

Once everyone is inside the C.D.C.'s lobby and they have closed the doors, Dr. Edwin Jenner walks up to an intercom and presses a buttom that makes a beeping sound before he orders, "Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." 

As the shutters come down and seal the entrance, Rick walks up to Dr. Edwin Jenner and offers his hand while saying, "Rick Grimes. Thank you for letting us inside."

In response, Dr. Jenner looks a little awkard for a few moments before he shakes Rick's hand and says, "Dr. Eric Jenner."

After that, he leads us further inside the C.D.C. until we reach a series of elevators he stops in front of one of them and says, "Hmm... There are a little too many people for a single elevator. Each elevator can safely hold a little more than 15 people so for safety's sake, let's divide into three groups. But let me warn you. Vi controls everything and if you try some funny business you won't have a good ending."

Shortly after, we divided into three smaller groups, one composed of Morales, his family, and a few other less important survivors who should have died in the nightly walker attack, another one composed of Morgan, Duane, Andrea, Amy, and other of the less important survivors, and the last one is composed by Dr. Jenner, Rick, Shane, Lori, Carl, Carol, Sophia, Daryl, Jacqui, Dale, Glenn, T-Dog, Dale, and I.

Once inside, the elevator quickly descends, so I decide to ask him some questions to solidify my background, "Dr. Jenner... you are Dr. Candace's husband, right? Is she here? How is she?"

In response, Dr. Jenner looks down as he replies, "Yes... Candace was my wife... She isn't here... She... She didn't make it." which makes me immediately say, "I'm sorry for your loss. Even if I didn't know her very well, it was obvious that she was an exceptional person and one of the leading minds in virology."

Hearing that, Dr. Jenner takes a deep breath before he softly says, "Thanks..."

Shortly after that, an awkward and somewhat tense silence falls in the elevator which is quickly broken by Daryl who rudely asks, "Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" 

Hearing that, Dr. Jenner turns around and looks at Daryl for a few moments, and then he replies, "There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself." before he stops to look at each one of us and comments, "But you look harmless enough." 

Then shortly after he looks at Carl and says with a humorous smirk on his face, "Except you. I'll have to keep my eye on you." which makes Carl chuckle a little.

A little later, the elevator stops at the underground floor and Dr. Jenner leads us out where we wait for the other two elevators to arrive, something that happens a few seconds after our arrival.

Once everyone is here, Dr. Jenner leads us further into the structure and after walking for a few meters Carol can't stop herself from asking, "Are we underground?" 

Hearing that, Dr. Jenner briefly turns his head to look at her while he continues to walk and asks, "Are you claustrophobic?" to which she replies with, "A little." before he turns his head back to look ahead and casually advises her, "Try not to think about it." 

Before long, we arrive in a very big and dark circular room full of computer stations and a very big screen, and just before stepping inside, Dr. Jenner shouts, "Vi, bring up the lights in the big room." which turns on the light of the room giving us a better view of what is clearly one of the control rooms of this structure.

Immediately after that, Dr. Jenner walks further into the control room and says, "Welcome to zone 5." However seeing the empty room makes Rick question him, "Where is everybody? The other doctors, the staff?"

In response, Dr. Jenner simply answers, "I'm it. It's just me here." which makes Lori warily ask, "What about the person you were speaking with? Vi?" 

Hearing that question, Jenner smiles wryly before he says, "Vi, say hello to our guests. Tell them... Welcome." which is quickly followed by the monotome female voice of the virtual intelligence that says, "Hello, guests. Welcome." 

At this point, Dr. Jenner dryly admits, "I'm all that's left." seeing how disappointed everyone is, he adds after a few seconds, "I'm sorry." but I shake my head and loudly say, "Don't worry about it, Dr. Jenner. I came here expecting a much worse situation than this one..."

I take a pause and look at the digital clock on the far wall which is slowly counting down from 16:23:36 letting him understand with my gaze that I know what is going to happen when that counter reaches 0.

I quickly realize that he understands my message as his face turns somber and his body language tells me that he is struggling between revealing the truth to the others or keeping quiet until it seems that he resolved to admit what is going to happen.

But before he can say anything, I interrupt him and say, "Luckily, everything is much better state than I expected and with a little bit of hard work everything is going to work just fine."

Dr. Jenner stands stunned for a few seconds as he understands the underlying message I'm sending him before he snaps out of it and leads us into another room where he is going to take our blood samples.

Once there, I casually offer to help him with drawing the other survivors' blood, an offer that Dr. Jenner gratefully accepts and so we divide the survivors into two groups and start to take a little bit of blood from them.

At the same time, I can't help but smirk a little while thinking, 'Good, this way I can take out the blood I prepared beforehand and avoid giving him my own panacea-like Gold Blood, that isn't something that I'd like to hand over to anyone...'

While I'm thinking that, I take the small tube containing the blood of the person I just drew, put the name and date on the stamp, and place it together with the other samples, at the same time, I take a look around and seeing that no one is focusing on me, I take advantage of this brief moment to pull out a small tube containing some infected blood from my Soulbound Territory, mark it with my name and today's date and place it next to the other while thinking, 'Thank this little deception I'll also avoid the annoying explanation of why the syringe's needle was unable to pierce my skin which could have been quite awkard.'

Shortly after that, we are finally drawing the blood of the last survivor when I hear Andrea ask, "What's the point? If we were infected, we'd all be running a fever." 

In response, Dr. Jenner calmly explains, "I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough." but I quickly add, "He is drawing your blood not only to test if you are infected but also..."

At this point, Dr. Jenner who realizes what I'm about to say gets nervous and yells, "Stop it!" 

I look at him and calmly say, "Dr. Jenner, while it is true that what I'm about to reveal is shocking and may cause panic, it doesn't change the reality of the situation. Moreover, if my hypothesis are true... They don't have to worry about that for much longer."

At this point, noticing that something is going on between us, Rick gets up and asks, "Wait. What is going on? What are you hiding from us?"

I look at Rick and answer, "It is just a piece of information that if delivered carelessly could cause a lot of panic and fear. Because of this, Dr. Jenner is worried about your reaction once you learn about it. But different from him, I know you guys a little better than him, and while some among you are hot-headed and dumb, I also know that the ones able to maintain calm are able to take control and reassure the others. The only reason I didn't tell you guys until now despite the fact that I knew about it was only because it wasn't really urgent at the moment, but now it is time I tell you guys about it."

Shortly after saying that, I get up and see that everyone is focusing on me, so I start to explain, "Well, let's me start with a brief explanation of what the Wildfire Virus actually is. The virus initially transmits through airborne particles and possibly direct contact. Following death, Wildfire reactivates the hindbrain and resurrects deceased hosts into mindless, aggressive vectors for the virus. Walkers will attempt to devour any living beings, spreading the active agent through bites, scratches, and other forms of contamination. The active agent results in an infection that causes death within 48 hours and subsequent resurrection."

After giving them that brief introduction, I take a small pause to let them digest my words while I also take a close look at everyone, including a very anxious Dr. Jenner before I ask, "Are you guys still following me?"

Seeing most of them nod in response to my question, I smile and continue, "Now it comes the shocking piece of information that Dr. Jenner didn't want to reveal yet. The Wildfire Virus is initially a latent viral infection that spreads via airborne transmission. What does that mean? It means that after a person has become infected with the initial virus the host won't show any symptoms or change at all. He or she will still be perfectly healthy even if the person in question is, in fact, infected. The virus will only become active when the host ceases all biological functions. Following the death from any method, except extreme head trauma, the infected host will reanimate as the virus reactivates the hindbrain and preserves most of its bodily functions to slow the decaying process."

At this point, the more quick-witted among the survivors already started to understand what I'm trying to say and they quickly start to react as they stand up and exclaim.

"Fucking shit!!"

"No way!"

"Are you kidding me!?"

"Do you mean...!?"

Seeing that, I nod with a serious expression on my face as I clarify for those who still haven't caught up by directly dropping the bomb without any hesitation "Indeed. It is as some of you have guessed. Everyone is already infected by the virus. What the bite of the walker does is inject the active agent of the virus into your body and upon entering the bloodstream of a healthy individual, the active agent will spread and invade the brain like meningitis and cause a cytokine storm. The adrenal glands hemorrhage, resulting in the brain and major organs shut down, followed by death. Once the active agent spreads, it has a near 100% mortality rate." 

In response to my revelation, a tense silence falls into the room as they fully digest it and I let it simmer for a few more seconds and then I explain, "This is why Dr. Jenner wants to examine your blood, he hopes to find a person that is naturally immune so that through his blood he can at least find a way to create a vaccine for the Wildfire Virus."

Shortly after saying that, I also reassure them, "Anyway, even if the knowledge that everyone is already infected can be quite shocking, the truth is that nothing actually changed that much. If you are alive, your life will continue as usual. You still have to worry about the same things. The only change is that now you know that if someone among us dies for one reason or another. We still have to double tap them to avoid any surprises. Moreover, I already told you guys that I have a few ideas on how to actually deal with the Wildfire Virus once and for all."

Hearing that, Morgan stands up and says, "That's right! If there is someone that can find a solution for this virus that someone can only be you, Doc! After all, you are the one that was able to find the cure for the freaking cancer!"

This new information revealed by Morgan generates a new wave of surprise and excitement among the other survivors, even Dr. Jenner looks a little bit more hopeful.

Later, the whole group feasts in the C.D.C. cafeteria, joyfully eating some simple pre-cooked dishes and drinking wine and liquor from the fully stocked kitchen. 

Watching Dale as he is filling a glass of red wine for her, a laughing Lori tries to stop him by saying, "It's Fine." which makes the smiling Dale stop before he offers Lori her glass while narrating, "You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France."

Hearing that, Morgan looks at me and asks, "Is that true, doc?" which makes me smile a little as I reply, "I'd like to say that it is only a stereotype... but it is indeed true. My parents did make me and my sister taste wine and beer more or less at the same age as Carl to teach us at an early age that alcohol is something to drink casually and in moderation. Basically like many other people in my home country, they felt that shielding kids from wine would only lead to other alcohol-related issues and that it was the best way to try to teach us how to handle wine in a responsible manner."

In response to that, Lori seems still against the idea as she grabs the glass offered by Dale and comments, "Well when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then." but Rick looks at his wife and says, "What's it gonna hurt? Come on." 

Hearing that, Lori reluctantly nods and says, "Come on." followed by Morgan who adds, "A small bit for Duane too." while Carol exclaims, "What?"

Dale joyfully laughs as he prepares two glasses with barely two fingers of red wine for Carl and Duane before he gives it to them while gentily saying, "There you are, young lads." 

Everyone chuckled watching the two young kids grabbing their glasses and slowly taking a sip before they both scrunched up their faces because of the bitter taste causing them to comment in perfect sync, ""Eww."" making all the adults present laugh out loud while a delighted Lori pats Carl on his shoulder and says, "That's my boy. That's my boy. Good boy." 

Soon, Carl shakes his head and recovers enough to comment, "Yuck. That tastes nasty." which makes a smiling Shane say, "Well, just stick to sour pop there, bud." before Daryl points his finger at Glenn and says, "Not you, Glenn." 

Confused and already a little tipsy Glenn asks, "What?" which makes Daryl say, "Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get." which makes everyone else jovially laugh.

Shortly after that, Rick uses a knife to gently tap his glass full of wine generates the usual clinking sound, and catches our attention before he stands up and says, "It seems to me we haven't thanked our host properly." followed by a tipsy T-Dog who comments, "He is more than just our host." 

Hearing that, Daryl raises his glass and exclaims, "Hear hear! Here's to you, Doc. Booyah!" followed by everyone else who also shouts, "Booyah!"

In response to that, Dr. Jenner looks at me before he smiles wryly and says, "Thank you!" but then Shane asks, "So when are you gonna tell us what the hell happened here, doc? All the... the other doctors that were supposed to be figuring out what happened... where are they?" 

Rick quickly tries to stop him by saying, "We're celebrating, Shane. Don't need to do this now." but Shane shakes his head and says, "Whoa, wait a second. This is why we're here, right? To find a safe place and to give the opportunity to Jayr to do his magic. We were expecting to see a bunch of scientists... but we only found him. I want to know why and if this place is truly safe." 

At this point, Dr. Jenner somberly explains, "Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left. Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse, when the military cordon got overrun, the rest bolted."

Hearing that, Shane further asks, "Every last one?" but Dr. Jenner shakes his head and replies, "No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They... opted out. There was a rash of suicides. That was a bad time."

Curious, Andrea asks, "You didn't leave. Why?" which makes Dr. Jenner look down as he keeps his gaze focused on his glass of wine and replies, "I just kept working. Hoping to do some good." 

At this point, Glenn gets up and looks at Shane before he says, "Dude, you are such a buzzkill, man." 

After dinner, Dr. Jenner shows the group around the building, "Most of the facility is powered down including housing, so you'll have to make do here. The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you like. There's a rec room down the hall that you kids might enjoy. Just don't plug in the video games, okay? Or anything that draws power. The same applies... If you shower, go easy on the hot water."

Shortly after saying that, Dr. Jenner walks away while the rest of the group is thrilled at the idea of an hot shower and quickly rushes into one of the many rooms that Dr. Jenner made avaiable.

I also walk into a random room, take off my clothes and quickly wash them before I take a very quick cold shower just to wash away the smell of rotting death that stuck to my body during our brief walk toward the C.D.C.'s structure earlier today.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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