Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 38 – Assault on Atlantis Part 2

Juan POV - Atlantis, Pillar of the South Pacific - 1987

I look at my opponent and say in realization "That is the reason for the woman figure! It isn't that you secretly want to change sex... But is inspired by the greek myth of the Scylla, a sea monster with the upper body of a beautiful maiden and the lower body composed of six beasts!", and at the same time, I feel Io burning his Cosmo as he yells "That's right! And now, you shall become a meal for Scylla's six beasts! Here! Feel the fangs of my Holy beasts!".

Io then jumps and propels himself horizontally with his two arms extended as a cross, then closes his fists and while concentrating his Cosmo on them, he aims at me yelling "Eagle Clutch!!", and shoots two bursts of energy from both fists that when united acquire the shape of an eagle that quickly come toward me with its sharp claws.

Seeing this I smirk and start to gather my Cosmo, then while holding the shield on my left arm with my right hand, placing it in front of me, I yell "Too weak! Astral Gravition!!", then I make my Cosmo explode and raise a gravitational barrier around me, and the next moment, whit a smile on my face I watch as Io's attack powerlessly crash and disperse against my barrier.

Then I look at Io's shocked face and say "Sorry but your weak-ass attacks won't be able to overcome my barrier", enraged, Io yells "Ridiculous! Try the might of the wolf!", Io concentrates his Cosmo on the headpiece of his Scale and runs swiftly toward me, during the race, Io's body disappears and in its place appears a wolf, manifested by the Cosmo concentrated in the helmet, that in one leap rushes at me with its jaws open trying to give me a painful bite with its sharp fangs.

But once again, Io's attack is unable to breakthrough, and as soon as the wolf crashes against the barrier, it disperses, and in its place reappears Io, who is now blown back by the rebound, at the same time, the headpiece of his Scale is now destroyed, and blood is coming out of his head.

Despise his precedents failures, Io doesn't give up and once again he yells "Impossible! Taste the stinger of the queen bee!! Queen Bee's Stinger!!", Io aims at me with the index finger of his right hand, concentrates his Cosmo on it and fires it, and giving it the shape of a queen bee that quickly advances towards me until it reaches the barrier and once again powerlessly shatters in small Cosmo light balls.

I look at Io with a bored face and say "Really you should have realized that you are out of your league now...", but he ignores me and says "How will you stop this!? Serpent Strangler!!", and he raises his left arm with a closed fist at the height of his face and concentrates his Cosmo on it, behind him appears the image of a giant boa constrictor that moves quickly, and surrounds my barrier with its powerful rings and tries to crush it, but I simply enlarge my gravitational barrier a little to rip it apart.

Then I shake my head and say "It is useless, no matter how much you try, you won't be able to overcome my barrier...", but almost delirious Io tries again, yelling "I still have two beasts left!  Vampire Inhale!!", Io then extends horizontally the two wings of his Scale, points at me with both hands, concentrates his Cosmo in the wings and materializes it giving it the form of a flock of vampires bats that send in my direction with both hands, but he doesn't stop here, then Io concentrates his Cosmo on the knee pads of his Scale, and disappears from the battlefield and appears in its place a giant grizzly bear, manifested by the power of his Cosmo, that delivers a strong blow with his right front paw to the barrier.

And for what I hope is the last time, once again both of his attacks fail to even make my barrier shudder, and at the same time, Io is again blown away by the rebound, and this time, most of his Scale is damaged by the aftermath, I look at him on the ground in pity and say "Now, isn't enough already? My goal is to destroy that pillar, not you...".

Io doesn't give up, and quickly stood up again, then he says "You're the first to push me this far... As your reward, I'll show you Scylla's true strength... And deliver your death at the same time!!", Io concentrates his Cosmo to the maximum in his hands, yelling "Big Tornado!!", then he begins to spin them, which creates a powerful tornado of Cosmo, but my barrier is easily able to withstand the pressure that generates.

Once he ends his attacks, Io is stunned by the fact that he was unable to deal any kind of damage, and I take advantage of this moment to deal with him, I let go of my shield, dispelling my barrier, then I point with my right hand extended at him yelling "Astral Gravition!!", and Io is enveloped by a force field surrounded by rays, which keeps him suspended in the air inside the barrier.

I now see him slowly moving inside the barrier, very slowly, as right now the gravity is so strong that causes the time inside the barrier to dilate, 'It is annoying to use since I have to be careful to protect the person inside with my Cosmo... as such strong gravity could crush the body of a normal Saint, but it is useful for immobilizing enemies'.

After dealing with Io, I send a telepathic message to Kiki, and soon he appears with the Libra Box yelling "The Kiki express is here with your deliver sir... I hope that this will end soon, you guys don't know how hard is to teleport all over the place...!", and I pat him on the head and say "Thanks for your hard work... I'm sure that you will become a magnificent Gold Saint in future..." and putting down the Pandora Box, the boy grins and says "For sure!".

Then the box opens and the Libra Cloth within it shows itself, sending flying one of the swords, I grab it, and without losing a moment I run toward the Pillar, and with a slash followed by a flash of blinding golden light, I cut the pillar and admire as it crumbles with a loud sound, I look at the sword in my hand in wonder and exclaim "Dayum! That's sharp... Now I understand with it is so hard to gain the consent to use one of these... Not even Shura's Excalibur can cut as well as this sword... And I have seen him cut the space!".

After that, I move back to the Temple of Poseidon with Io still inside the barrier following me, while Kiki sits on the ground to rest waiting for the call of another Saint.

Rigel POV - Atlantis, Pillar of the Indian Ocean - 1987

I hear in the distance the sound of another Pillar crumbling and say "That is the third one... Good, it seems that they didn't slack...", at the same time I think 'In the end, I returned to being a Saint... I really believed that the justice of the Sanctuary was a lie, and in a certain sense it was true... as I later find out that the Pope was replaced and a Gold Saint possessed by an evil spirit took his place, all to weaken the Sanctuary... Then the Goddess Athena returned, and in a matter of days the Sanctuary changed all for the better, then the next thing I hear is that the Goddess Athena sacrificed herself to buy more time for all of us, making me once again remember why I choose to become a Saint in the first place... To protect those I love... And so I once again donned my Cloth'.

While I was lost in thought, I finally reach the proximity of the area where the Pillar of the Indian Ocean is located, it is an area surrounded by flowers and vegetation, a paradisiacal place with pink, green, and blue corals and countless rocks whose shades highlight the beauty of the mustard-colored Pillar.

Then I focus my gaze on the Pillar itself, the base is quite decorated and reveals a Hindu architectural style, and the upper level is accessed by a central staircase, where there are 4 sculptures, one in each corner of the base, and behind the Pillar, there is a small temple.

The Pillar is of circular section, it is a column composed of a smooth circular base up to a height of 15 to 20 meters slightly wider than the rest of it, a small ornament in the form of a crown marks the beginning of the rest of the pillar that already has a grooved relief until its end.

As I was checking the pillar, all of the sudden, a young man appears in front of me, he has a dark brown complexion, long white hair styled in a kind of crest with a semi-shaved head, and blue eyes, and as a special feature is that he has no eyebrows.

He is wearing the Chrysaor Scale, its an armor with a simple and effective design, it covers most of his body and represents the mythical son of Poseidon, the most dangerous aspect is the Golden Lance attached to it, as I feel that it can easily pierce through my Cloth even without the support of Cosmo.

(Image Here - Chrysaor Krishna)


Soon the man says "Well met, Athena's Saint!! I'm the general who defends the Pillar of the Indian Ocean... Chrysaor Krishna!", I don't reply to him, but prepare for being attacked at any moment, and rightful so, as without waiting for me to introduce myself, Krishna takes his stance pointing his lance at me and says "There is no point in knowing your name... In a few seconds, you'll be skewered on the end of this Golden Lance... Now die Athena's Saint!", while at the same time he stabs with his Golden Lance.

I quickly dodge with a step back, making sure that I put a lot of distance between me and the lance's blade, and once again my intuition is right, and I say "Hmm, this lance generates a strong air current able to slice through my Cloth...", and hearing me, Krishna says proudly "That's right! This Golden Lance is no ordinary spear... It possesses the holy power to pierce and penetrate all evil, it cannot be blocked by anyone or anything!".

And once again taking his stance, he continues "You evildoers stand against Lord Poseidon, who has been reborn to cleanse the polluted earth and usher in a new age! Prepare to be punished!", and he uses a series of quick thrusts on faster than the other, but I'm still able to easily dodge them and annoyed Krishna says "Stop your useless flailing, you cannot avoid this spear forever...".

I nod and say "That is true...", I concentrate my Cosmo to create a flame of blue fire in my left hand, then I extend both arms forward yelling "Ignis Fatuus!!", and shoot a flare of blue fire with an extremely high temperature to reduce him into ashes, Krishna, notice the danger of the blue flames, as he stops his attack and quickly throws himself into the ground to dodge, while everything in my attack's path is consumed by the blue flames.

Krishna looks at the aftermath of my technique in shock while I explain to put more pressure on him "These blue flames have an extremely high temperature, and not even a Gold Cloth is able to withstand them, so for sure that toothpick you are so proud of will share the same fate... And this isn't even my strongest technique".

My opponent even if a little shaken, easily recover and stood up with new resolve in his gaze, then for the first time, I feel him gathering his Cosmo, and as his body begins to emit a blinding glow, he yells "Golden Lance, Flashing Lancer!!", and even if temporary blinded, I feel him launching himself into an attack, running quickly in a straight line towards me, and when he is close enough, he strikes me with a series violent thrust in a rapid pace, appearing to have struck all at once.

This time, I'm not able to dodge all of them, but I'm able to dodge the most dangerous one, aiming a vitals or debilitating spots, then just as he is about to recover from his attack, I take advantage of this moment in which he is defenseless to grab his lance, and burning my Cosmo once again I use Ignis Fatuus, to envelope the lance in my blue fire, melting it on the spot, and forcing Krishna to let go to not share the same fate.

Krishna looks in shock at the melted remains of his Golden Lance and says "No! How could you melt the Golden Lance!?", taking advantage of this moment, I try to convince him to relent and say "I clearly showed that you aren't my match... I don't need to kill you, so step aside and let me destroy the Pillar", and for a moment, my word seems to work as he sits cross-legged on the floor.

But next, his Cosmo explodes, and I feel him generating a strong invisible barrier right in front of me, then he says "By melting the Golden Lance, you force me to get serious, you have awakened the Kundalini that sleeps within my body... Approach and you shall die! You cannot move a single step forward, much less attack the pillar".

Seeing his state I mutter "Kundalini...? Ah! The Sanskrit word for the energy inside the body... So he means the Cosmo...", then as he starts levitating, he continues "Athena's Saint, can't you see that a new age is approaching? We are currently in an age of darkness, the age of Kali, compassion is lost, corruption and depravity are rampant, flowers wither and trees rot, and people have forgotten how to love... But with Lord Poseidon's help, the time for rebuilding the earth has come! All life on this earth arose from the ocean, we shall return everything to the water to be cleansed and then construct a new world!!".

Looking at his state I think 'He is too far gone... He'll ignore everything in his pursuit of building this illusory new age...', and as my Cosmo burns and is about to explore to release my final attack I say "I won't allow the likes of you to do as you please... You will only harm those who I wish to protect, as long as I have life, I will not permit it!".

At the same time, Krishna's Cosmo explodes once more as he says "Out of respect for your warrior spirit, I'll kill you painlessly! Now go to the afterlife! Maha Roshini!!", and behind him appear several images of Buddha during his period of hunger, he accumulates all the power of his Cosmo and releases it all at once, emitting an extremely powerful flash of light, but at the same time, I concentrate the energy of my Cosmo in my right hand to create a flame of black fire then I extend both arms forward yelling "Fiamma Nera!!", and shoot a flare of black fire with an extremely high temperature.

The flash of light and the wave of black fire clash for an instant, before the black fire, start to burn the light, and before he could realize it, it reaches Krishna and burns him into ashes, leaving no trace behind, only the scorched earth remains and some ashes flying around, and I say "While my blue fire is hot enough to damage the Gold Cloths, my black fire is hot enough to burn even every kind of energy attack... Of course, in end, it all depends on the strength of one Cosmo, and yours wasn't strong enough...".

Then I send a message to our supporter, the young Kiki so that I can finally destroy this Pillar, and while waiting I think 'With this, the number of Pillar destroyed will be 4, only 3 remains, and we can finally rescue Athena and stop Poseidon'.

Agol POV - Atlantis, Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean - 1987

Slowly walking toward the Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean, in a rather remote area of Poseidon's Realm, Atlantis, when I once again hear the loud sound of a Pillar crumbling in the distance, 'This is the 4th one... Now, more than half are gone, and if the pieces of information that Jayr gave are accurate, I will have to deal with a nasty piece of shit... I would've liked going against someone more worthy, but my duty come before everything else...'.

I find myself in front of the end of a path in the area where the pillar is located, which seems dug directly into the seabed,  located in a cold, rocky, and lifeless territory, a valley surrounded by large blocks of ice, the area lacks the corals and has a strongly bluish coloring so that the very surface of the sea above it itself appears darker than that of other oceans.

This indicates the presence of ice on the surface which, by filtering the sun's rays, reduces the brightness in the building area, the Pillar is supported by mountains of ice about ten meters high, these mountains surround the Pilla on three sides, and are almost equals, with a jagged and pointed upper edge, and are accompanied at the base by similar but smaller ones, the temperature in the area of the column is below zero, but I can easily withstand such cold.

The pavement near the Pillar is composed of irregular hexagonal slabs and plates, separated by fine but clearly visible cracks, exactly at the bottom of the road is the complex that houses the Pillar, raised above a base that crosses the area horizontally from one ice wall to another.

It is accessed by a central staircase leading to the first level, its function seems to be to form part of the base or support of the Pillar, it could also be a reception patio since in the center a small decorated ceiling can be seen, two other stairways lead to the upper level on both sides.

'Apparently, this area is quite low, in fact, this base rises from the ground about five meters' I think while still studying the area, the only connection to the ground is a staircase located right in the middle, which has at least thirty steps, flanked by rails on each side, the base of the staircase has a pink color, similar to that of the Pillar,

And after carefully climbing the steps I reach the top of the base, which opens like a large rectangular excavation, about a meter deep, whose walls are formed by two flights of stairs leading to the Pillar itself, the roof is like a portico without columns, formed by sunken arches.

And at that point I see her a few meters in front of me, a familiar beautiful young woman with long brown hair and clear green eye, and a clear caramel complexion, looking at me with a sad face and tears in her eyes as she says "Agol, please stop! If you continue they will certainly kill me! Your strength isn't enough to save me from them!!", she appears to be my wife Mirfak, she is 17 like me, but our families made us marry very early.

(Image Here - Mirfak)


(AN: Agol is from Saudi Arabia, and so is the oc female character, and since child marriage was banned in January 2019, and in the fic is still 1987, I thought it would fit the character)

I click my tongue in annoyance and say "Stop it with your little tricks, Marina General! Do you really think I'm so stupid to believe that my wife truly is here? Especially since right now, all our dears are under the protection of the Gold Saints at the Sanctuary!? Not even Poseidon himself can pull them away from there, let's not talk about a spineless coward like you!!".

Then with a creepy laugh, Mirfak's figure disappears and in its place, there is a short man, his figure is hunched, with gray skin and yellowish eyes, and long red claw-like nails, his Scale is in the shape of a salamander, with many sharp features from the headpiece, a helm that covers most of his head leaving only the face open, to the shoulder pieces, two rounds shoulder pads with sharp plates, to the arm pieces with two other sets of sharp plates above and below the elbow, to the leg pieces with the same plates on the thigh and calf, and says "He, he, he! What a shame! You just lost your chance at a painless death! Either way, now that you've seen my true form, you shall die! At my hands, Lymnades Caça, defender of the Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean!!".

(Image Here - Lymnades Caça)


He then rushes and yells "Prepare to die, Perseus Agol!!", and the same time he poses his hand like a claw and as he burns his Cosmo, his hands are enveloped in electric charge, and he yells "Salamander Shock!!", I calmly look at him and say "You aren't the only one that can play with illusions...", and after saying this, I disperse a burst of my Cosmo in the area around us, and all of the sudden, Caça stops and starts hitting the air yelling "Where did all these snakes come out from!? Stop! Stop!!".

Then I gather my Cosmo into my legs and jump high in the air, and taking advantage of the distraction caused by the illusion, I focus all my Cosmo on my right foot and hit Caça with a powerful and devastating jump kick yelling "Ra's Al-Ghūl Gorgoneion!", my foot lands right on his chest and the impact is so strong that creates many cracks on my enemy's Scale, while he is sent crashing into the pillar, before rebounding into the ground.

And writhing on the ground in pain, he says "Ugh... Oww... I've never met a man with such power... Unh...", at the same time, I move closer and say "Your crime is that you have smeared the image of my wife with your flith!!", but he gets up and yells "F-Fool! What crime? I won't lie back and let you beat me up! Salamander Shock!!", and he once again tries to use his technique, this time, he directly discharged the electric energy generated by his Cosmo as a beam.

But it is so weak that I easily slap it away with my Cosmo-covered hand, then I throw a roundhouse kick, sending him flying once again, and breaking his Scale even more yelling "Atone for your sins in the underworld!", but Caça doesn't give up and, once again, slowly gets up and yells hysterically "I... I can't be killed by the likes of you!", then he burns his Cosmo once again as his figure slowly changes as he says "Look at me closely! I'm the person you treasure deep in your heart! You won't be able to lay a finger on me!".

And once again he changes into my wife imitating even her voice and manner of speech "Me your precious little wife Mirfak! Right, dear husband?", then moving closer he says in her voice "Husband... I have to take your life, you understand, don't you?", I let out a sigh and say "Well, It true that I can't stand to hurt the image of my dear wife...", and I turn my back to him, and as I feel him moving even closer, I hear his voice say "Heh, heh, heh... All human lose their defenses in front of those they love! Now Perseus. be killed by your little wife and go back to the underworld!!".

And once he is close enough, I send all my Cosmo into the shield on my back, the Medusa Shield, which under my command, the relief of Medusa's face on it, opens her closed eyes, and I feel Caça taking the full hit of the Medusa's Gaze, and hear him scream in surprise, panic and fear "W-what is happening!? My... my body... is t-turning i-into st... o... ne...".

I once again turn around, and see the statue of my enemy still in his mid-attack pose, while a clear expression of terror is imprinted on his face, and say "While I can't stand to hurt my lovely wife... For an ugly shameful thing like you that dare to taint her image, I won't feel anything", and after dealing with him I call for Kiki and wait for his arrival to destroy the Pillar of the Antarctic Ocean.

I have finished writing the Saint Seiya plot and started moving on to the Omniverse!! The story is picking up!

Have A Nice Day, Ciao

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