Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 56 – Against the Gods Part 2

Jayr POV - Underworld, Elysion - 1987

While I'm still adapting to the immense and almost limitless power coursing through my body, I hear Thanatos' reaction to Hypnos' revelation "No way... Not the God Armor... Impossible! As the name implies, only the highest Gods may wear a God Armor... The 12 Gods of Mount Olympus led by Zeus!!", then he points at me with his finger and yells "There's no way such armor could cover the bodies of human worms!".

Noticing that Thanatos was losing control of his emotions, Hypnos says "Calm down, Thanatos, think! How were they able to cross the Hyperdiension that only Gods can traverse?", and Thanatos easily replies "They had Athena's blood... Oh!", seeing that his brother realized what is going on Hypnos says "That's right, do you remember now? Cloths revived with a God's blood can approach the level of God Armor... They become God Cloths!! We witnessed this once before, back in the Age of Myths".

At the same time, I hear the reaction of Seiya and the others to this new information, and once again the quintet starts their trope and starts commenting about it one after another, Ikki simply says "God Cloths, huh?", while Shiryu says in awe "Cloths that surpass Bronze, Silver, and Gold... A Cloth that approach God Armor's level...", followed by Hyoga "With the help of Athena's blood and by elevating his Cosmo to its pinnacle, Jayr-san revived his Cloth...", and Shun end it with "As a legendary God Cloth!", while Seiya looks at the pieces of the Pegasus Cloth on his body and says "So these Cloths revived by Athena's blood can do more than just get us through the Hyperdimension!".

Meanwhile, realizing what happened, Thanatos regains his calm and arrogance and says "Heh... My dear Hypnos, is that why you came here? Out of concern?", and the golden-haired God easily admits it "That's right, Sagittarius is no longer an ordinary Saint, if you take him lightly, you'll regret it".

But Thanatos ignore his twin brother's advice and says "Even if these God Cloths are infinitely close to God Armors, they are still only Cloths, why should we Gods fear them? What can this half-dead child do?", and he finally moves to attack me, while at the same time, Hypnos shouts "Thanatos, no!!", but the God of Death doesn't stop and moving faster than the speed of light, he throws a powerful punch aiming at my head.

But now, I am easily able to follow such speed of movements, and with equal speed, I take a side step dodging his attack, and counter with a spartan kick to the stomach that sends the God crashing into the ground, 'Incredible! Before I had to use my everything to its fullest just to follow him, and land an attack on his body, but now that I can clearly see him move, I can easily see that he is full of flaws and openings... He is no fighter... He was only able to best us because he is a God and immensely more powerful, but now that the field is more or less equal... He feels so weak...'.

While I was thinking that, Thanatos gets up and exclaims "He's like a different person... How can this be? A moment ago he was a death's door!", now sure of my victory I say "Prepare to die, Thanatos! I need to reach Athena! I do not have the time to deal with the likes of you", hearing that makes the God very angry and fully enraged now, and yells "Fool! Don't get carried away!! The only place you're going is to Eternal Damnation!!"

Thanatos then extends his arms before him and yells "Take this! Terrible Providence!!", and releases a huge deflagration of Cosmo in the form of a huge purple sphere, but I have seen this move many times now, moreover, I feel that my Cosmo is now at least as strong as his, and so while Seiya and the others shout my name in worry, I extend my right hand, steady myself and forcefully block his technique with it, and thanks to the Sagittarius God Cloth, I'm easily able to withstand and block this technique unharmed.

Such demonstration, shocks Thanatos so much that remains still like a statue as he mutters "What...? He took my Terrible Providence straight on and he isn't even swaying!!", and I take advantage of this moment to attack, I gather my Cosmo around my right hand, generating clear blue water-like orb, but at the same time, I bring out the Golden Arrow and Bow and the Cosmo around my hand starts enveloping the Golden Arrow, and quickly take my stance and start to pull the string aiming the arrow at the God in front of me.

Hypnos notices the unusual state of Thanatos and the threat behind my attack and tries to warn his brother "No!! Dodge, Thanatos!!", but it is too late, as I release the arrow and shout "Divine Tidal Arrow!!", and as soon as the arrow left the bow, millions of concentrated delayed impacts happen, that quickly pushes the arrow to move faster and with even more power than before, so much that it disappears as it moves faster than the speed of light almost like it teleported.

For a few moments it seems that nothing happened and that the attack failed, but soon a quick series of events happen almost at the same time, first, I notice that a hole appeared on Thanatos' chest, then as his Surplice starts to crumble and blood comes out of the wound, I hear Thanatos say "No... Never... I... I am a God... I cannot fall to a mere mortal... That's ... Impossible...", and the next moment he falls on the ground, dead.

After killing Thanatos, I don't stop and hurry toward the Temple of Hades in the distance, as I feel Saori's Cosmo growing even weaker, and as I'm running I yell "Sorry guys, but I'm going to run ahead! Saori needs me!!", but soon Hypnos appears in front of me, but I don't stop and yell "Out of my Way, Hypnos!! Take this!!", and attack him with a Tidal Wave Punch, with enough power behind it to push him out of my way, destroy his tunic and headpiece, and making him crash on the ground, but not enough to seriously hurt him.

As I move past him, I hear him say "Amazing... Even knowing the power of the God Cloth, I can't believe how tremendous his strength is! Ugh!! Wait, Sagittarius!!", but I ignore him and continue running, especially since I felt the Cosmo of Seiya and the others rising at a tremendous pace, a clear sign that they are about to awaken their God Cloths too.

Ikki POV - Underworld, Elysion - 1987

Seeing Jayr-san getting up again, and recovering from that awful state, moreover awakening the God Cloths and with it defeating the God of Death Thanatos, woke up something within me, and also reminded me of why I am fighting, 'That's right! I'm fighting to protect those that are important to me... That's why I can't give up... I have to fight!', while I realize this, I see Jayr-san blowing away the God of Sleep, Hypnos, with his technique the Tidal Wave Punch, then ignoring the state of his opponent, he moves toward the Temple of Hades in the distance.

But soon, Hypnos gets up, and I notice that even if the tunic that was covering his Surplice is destroyed, and he also lost his headpiece, Hypnos is still unharmed, at the same time, I take a closer look at Hypnos' Surplice, and see that this Surplice is a bit similar to the Surplice of Thanatos, the headpiece on the ground only covers the front part of the head and to the sides, it has wings, with the one on the right side of the head being bigger, the arms pieces covers almost all its area, the shoulder pieces are loose and are attached to the chest piece that covers everything in its entirety, the waist part goes down to the feet and is shaped like a long layered skirt, and on the back of the armor there are wings that are similar to the feathers of a peacock, all black with gold ornament.

(Image Here - Hypnos Surplice)


Meanwhile, Hypnos turns around, and just as he is about to chase after Jayr-san, I move and attack him with a punch, but the God easily dodges it, but I'm still able to stop Hypnos from chasing after Jayr-san and as my Cosmo stirs and burns stronger than ever, I say "You... you'll have to fight me first!! I'll hold you off... Until Jayr reaches that temple!", but soon he uses an uppercut to hit me, and the impact is so strong that I blackout for a few moments before regaining my senses as I crash on the ground, and hear my brothers worried voices.

Hypnos POV - Underworld, Elysion - 1987

I look down at the young Phoenix Saint that tried to oppose me and say "Fool, how can you hope to stand against me? Unlike Sagittarius, you're as good as naked", but the Phoenix Saint doesn't stop, and he slowly gets up he says "Ugh... But I will... U... Until Jayr-san... Reaches Athena's side...You can hack me into little pieces... And I'll go blocking your way... Even if I die...", while still feeling the throbbing pain in the zone around my stomach, the result of Sagittarius previous attack.

And I quickly notice that even if heavily wounded and bleeding, the fire in his eyes still burns fiercely, and at the same time his Cosmo is expanding crazily just like Sagittarius a few moments before, and think, 'This isn't good... He is awakening too... It's too dangerous to let him continue, I have to deal with him now!'.

Reaching that conclusion, I decide to quickly act and say "Then you shall die", but just as I'm about to move my Cosmo and kill him, a chain warps around my left arm and stops me, and looking at the other end of the chain, I see who is interfering "Andromeda!!", it is indeed the Andromeda Saint, who is holding the chain and he says "I won't stand by and watch you kill my Nii-san! You'll have to fight me first!".

Annoyed by this interference I urge my Cosmo, and pull my arm to break this chain while yelling "What a joke!! You already know that your bronze chains have no effect on the likes of me!!", but soon, I notice that the chain is different and is now easily withstanding my power without breaking, so I look at it and exclaim "Huh? No! These chains... I thought Thanatos destroyed his chains! Could they have been restored too?".

And to my immense surprise, Andromeda's body is enveloped in a fuchsia flame-like Cosmo that completely hides his body, and from within the flame, he yells as his Cosmo infinitely expands "That's right! Don't forget we all received Athena's blood... The blood of a Goddess!!", and with a pulse of almost divine Cosmo, the flame disperse, revealing the body of the Andromeda Saint donning, the Andromeda God Cloth.

The Cloth undergoes a drastic change in design and color, the whole armor is pink, with gold trim, in the headpiece the central piece changes shape, now it is much longer and pointed, and in the center, it has a rhomboid-shaped section, partially closed in front of the face and much thicker, the shoulder pieces remain the same, except that they are now more protruding and have many ornaments, the chest piece covers the entire chest and abdomen, with a protruding V-shaped piece, this area also includes many decorative details.

The two arms pieces remain the same, covering most of the two extremities, while the order and arrangement of the chains are the same, the waist piece from a belt becomes a skirt, the central buckle protruding in the shape of a triangle, the legs pieces now cover the whole limb, and added on the back there are wings that have a shape similar to dragonfly wings and are four in number, two long and two short, sloping downward.

(Image Here - Andromeda Shun God)


Still keeping his eyes on me, Andromeda yells "Now, Nii-san! Hurry!! Leave Hypnos to me! Go and help Jayr-san!!", and hearing his brother's request, the Phoenix Saint nods and says "Will do, Shun! I'm counting on you!!", and turn around to chase after the Sagittarius Saint, but at the same time, I notice his Cosmo exploding as his body is enveloped in bright red flame-like Cosmo, then once again a divine pulse of Cosmo, dispersed it revealing the now awakened Phoenix God Cloth.

His Cloth too undergoes a drastic change in color but not so much in the design, now the whole Cloth is in shades of gold and really ornate, the headpiece and shoulder pieces have the same shape as before, but they are slightly bigger, the chest piece protects the whole chest now, and its decorative details are more exaggerated, it is also connected to the waist piece that becomes more skirt-like, and the arms and legs pieces retain the same shape as before, only more accentuated and with more ornaments, and both protect a lot more area than before, and last the wings on its back razor sharp pointing upwards.

(Image Here - Phoenix Ikki God)


Seeing this, I think, 'This can't go on! One after another they are all awakening their God Cloths... The Cosmo of the remaining tree is also expanding at an astonishing rate!', and decide to quickly act and deal with them, I face Andromeda and say "Heh, you think your God Cloth makes us equal? I'll have you know, I'm not like that reckless Thanatos!", and with my arm I forcefully yank his chain, pulling him together with it, and throwing him high in the air as I yell "I don't intend to play games with you!! Now out of my way!!".

But he is able to adjust himself mid-air and counter-attack with his chain "Thunder Wave Attack!!", !!", and under Andromeda's command, the tip of the chain zig-zags like a wave-shaped lightning bolt that releases lightning and generates a powerful piercing attack, simulates the movement and visual form of lightning, and comes at me with speed faster than the speed of light, but I already expected this, and dodge it at the last moment by taking a side step.

He lands in front of me and I  gather my Cosmo and say "Heh... I did warn Thanatos that a cornered rat will bite a cat, I don't think you can really bite me... But I have to get back to the Temple of Hades... I can't waste any more time here, time to sleep, Andromeda!!", I concentrate on my Cosmo, raising my right arm in the air, while my left arm is pointing to the ground on the same axis and yell "Eternal Drowsiness!!", and an area of ​​darkness is created around me, that envelope my victim, a sort of limbo, where the enemy fleet confused and stripped of their will, and forced to fall unconscious plunged into an eternal sleep.

And as Andromeda falls on the ground, I hear the worried shout of the other Saints and explain "Andromeda has fallen into eternal sleep, he will not awaken, death destroy all, but sleep does not destroy, and I do not care for violent ends..." but then I realize something and say "... But this boy wears a God Cloth, and with Athena's blood, he may reawaken, it does not please me, but I must strike him a death blow".

But just as I'm about to finish them off, the Saints behind me shout "Hold it!", " Don't forget about us!", and turning my head, I see three bright flames-like Cosmo enveloping their bodies, one is emerald, one white, and another is light blue, and say "That's right, you three also received Athena's blood, didn't you?", and the next moment, three divine pulses of Cosmo dispersed the flames revealing their forms.

The Pegasus Cloth also undergoes a drastic change in design and color, the whole armor is in light blue, with gold ornament, and it now protects almost the whole body, the headpiece retains a similar shape, but the pegasus head motif on the forehead is now gold with ruby-like eyes, the shoulder pieces are now layered and bigger, the chest piece protects the whole chest area, and is now connected with the waist piece that has a skirts-like shape and covers the whole pelvis area it also has gold ornament and a red ruby in the middle, the arms and legs pieces now protects the whole limbs leaving very little exposed, and on its back a beautiful and large wings.

(Image Here - Pegasus Seiya God)


The Cygnus Cloth is sky-blue in color, even reaching some white tones with gold ornaments, it has two large wings similar to those of the Pegasus God Cloth, it mostly retains the original design but now it covers the whole body except for a small part of the legs, the headpiece is always characteristic of this cloth but here it changes its design a little as it now also covers part of the face, the cheeks.

(Image Here - Cygnus Hyoga God)


And lastly the Dragon Cloth, its color changed to light green with gold ornaments, and like the other God Cloths, it now covers most of the wearer's body, the headpiece retains a similar shape, but the dragon head motif on the forehead is now bigger with ruby-like eyes, the shoulder pieces are now layered and bigger, the chest piece protects the whole chest area, and is now connected with the waist piece that now has a skirts-like shape and covers the whole pelvis area it also has gold ornament, the arms, and legs pieces now protects the whole limbs leaving very little exposed, and on its back has six dragon-like wings.

(Image Here - Dragon Shiryu God)


Soon after their God Cloths awakened, the three Saints surround me, but I'm still calm, I know that I can defeat them so I say "As I said to Andromeda... You may have donned the God Cloths, but you are not my equal" and I once again concentrate my Cosmo and an area of ​​darkness is created around me, that envelope my victims, then I raise my right arm in the air, while my left arm is pointing to the ground on the same axis and yell "Now join your comrade in sleep!! Eternal Drowsiness!!", and wait for them to fall into eternal slumber.

But all of a sudden, they disappear from my field of view, and exclaim "What?", then I hear their voices coming from behind me, first it is Dragon that says "We've already seen that move!!", followed by Cygnus that adds "The same attack never works on a Saint twice!!", and as their Cosmos merges, Pegasus yell "Die Hypnos!!", then at the same time the three Saints release their attack, "Pegasus Ryuseiken!!", "Rozan Shoryuha!!", "Diamond Dust!!", and the next moment, their attacks merge into one so powerful that destroys the darkness created by my technique and is so fast that I'm unable to dodge, and so I find myself swept away by their Cosmos as my Surplice breaks into countless pieces, and soon I feel my life fading away and all I see is darkness.

Jayr POV - Underworld, Elysion - 1987

After running for some time, I'm finally close to the Temple of Hades, located in the center of the Elysion. You can see that the Temple is shaped like the Acropolis of Athens, this time in its original form, long before it was left in ruins, in the center of the temple stands a large column on which stands a statue of Hades, depicted as an angelic figure with a sword, and at the base of the column is the crypt where the body of the God of the Underworld has rested since mythological times.

And near this crypt, there is a small plaza where I can clearly see the bloody urn which contains Saori's body, 'Shit! The urn is already completely red... But I can clearly feel that Saori is still alive, even if barely, but she is suffering I have to hurry...', then without waiting for another moment, I gather my Cosmo around my fist, and with a punch, I shoot the condensed water-like Cosmo, "Tidal Wave Punch!!", but as soon as my attack hits the urn, the power is reflected back at me, sending me crashing against one of the columns of the plaza.

Luckily the Sagittarius God Cloth protected me, but as I get up, I hear a voice say "Heh... Stop resisting the inevitable...  That urn cannot be broken by a mere mortal strength, if you try to destroy it, your attacks will simply be reflected back upon you", at the same time, I search for the origin of this voice and see what I think is a soul revolving around, the huge column under which is the crypt where Hades' body lies.

Seeing this I start to think, 'Damn it! It is just like with Poseidon... Even if I can defeat Thanatos and Hypnos there is still an enormous gap between them and the 12 Olympians... A gap that I cannot overcome with my own power...', but just as I'm thinking this, I hear Ikki yell "Hold it!", and soon he arrives donning his God Cloth and asks "Jayr-san, are you okay!", but before I could say anything else, he notices the presence of Hades' soul and says "Hades... That's his soul...".

Hades then comments "Heh, Another foolish mortal, eh?", which ticks off Ikki, that, before I could stop him,  quickly concentrate his Cosmo and attacks while yelling "Shut up! We're gonna settle this once and for all!! Take this!! Ho Yoku Ten Sho!!", but just like happened to me before, Ikki's attack is reflected right back at him, and sends him crashing against the urn that remains still in place.

I move near him and helping him up I ask "Ikki, are you alright?", he nods and mutters "I see just like when we fought Loki, huh...?", hearing that I nod and whisper "That's right... Our attacks aren't strong enough to overcome his Will and Divine Cosmo, they will all get deflected... The only way to harm him is to combine our Cosmos... all of us...".

Hearing that Ikki asks "So we can do nothing but wait for Shun and the others to come?", I shake my head, and pointing at the crypt I say "See that right under the huge column Hades' soul is revolving around... That is where he hid his true body... If we head over there we can force him to fight us in his true body... that will give us the chance to free Saori and kill him once and for all...", hearing that, Ikki nods and yell "All right! Let's go!", and so we both start running toward the crypt.

Hades notices this and asks "Hmm? What are you two planning?", and as he realizes where we are heading for, he stutters "D... Don't tell me... Halt!! Do not approach my tomb!! You mortals are not to touch that place with your polluted hands!! Halt, I said!!", but we ignore him, and with a spartan kick, I slam open the door of the crypt and rush inside.

Seeing that ornate obsidian coffin, Ikki exclaims in surprise "So this is Hades' coffin!!", at the same time I try to attack it, but it seems that I'm too late as with a flash of light a huge force blows us out of the crypt, and a few moments later, I finally see him, walk out of the crypt, the last boss, the God of the Underworld, Hades himself, in his true body.

He is of delicate appearance, tall and thin, his hair is jet black with some strands standing on end, and is long to the waist but the fringe is long to the jaw having it accommodated to the sides of the face and another part to the shoulders, his eyes are bright having the iris of turquoise color, his skin is quite white with a shade of pallor, his body is protected by his God Armor, the Surplice of Hades, a dark gray with silver details armor, that like most of the armor of the gods, has wings, which are distributed along the armor, it has six wings on the back, four on the top and two on the bottom, it also possesses "wings" on the protection of the arms and legs, moreover, he as a sword in his hands.

(Image Here - Hades)


As I look at him, at the same time, I hear Ikki mutters "He has finally shown himself...", then Hades takes another step forward and the next moment, I feel his Cosmo and Will act, and before I realize what is going on, I and Ikki are blown away by an unknown force, and at the same time, the urn that contains Saori's body flies through the air and lands in front of him.

We are about to end this arc of the story!

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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