Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 6 – Preparations Before The Journey

Jayr POV - Greece, Sanctuary - 1984

I'm once again spending my time in the Asclepieion(Hospital), but right now it is one of those rare moment where there is no one that needs my help so I have to time to better plan my next moves.

'This year Geist officially became a Saint, more precisely the Serpens Bronze Saint, really what is the connection with my family and snakes, my big sister Cloth follow the myth of Asclepius, who hold the snake as a sign of renewal, my little sister has the snake itself, and mine that seemingly has no association as it is simply a cup, it is still relate in some way with a snake, a hydra (water snake) thanks to the myth of Apollo... I should remind myself to stay away from Naruto Universe, I do not want a certain snake after me, lusting for my body!'.

'Anyway now that Geist too is a Saint, I can move on with my plan... Now I have to think of a good excuse to get the permission to leave the Sanctuary for two years... Maybe saying that I want to check the others Saints Training Grounds, and find some people to teach them my medical knowledge will be enough, after all this will also help the Sanctuary and it seems pretty logical... Athena help me! I suck at those kind of things'.

As I was thinking the door of the Asclepieion opened and Marim with a wet and unconsious Seiya on her shoulder came inside, so I say "Come in do not worry put Seiya on the bed here" then after examining him "From his looks and the abdominal muscle continuos contraction, you were making him do hanging sit ups on the cliff facing the are still so soft, grandpa made me do the same, but with a boulder tied to my body and the hard ground with spiky rocks under me..." then Marin let out a soft laugh and replies "Well Master Jayr is a little extreme, it is a miracle that you, Shaina and Geist survived... Damn, even the Agoge was too much at your age, that pratice isn't used anymore since the fall of the Roman Empire!".

"So true... by the way Seiya is fine, he just need to rest for an hour and he will wake up and be ready for training once again" then Marin sat on a nearby stool and we spent the next hour talking about variours topic from training tips, to the last prank made by Geist and her followers, mostly done on Docrates and other asshole, some of which put them here under my care.

After Seiya woke up, they both went back to training, and after wishing Seiya good luck, I took some paper from the cabinet and started writing the formal request to leave the Sanctuary 'Really this place is getting worse by the day, a sign that bad Saga is taking control more and more often, not only the guards and soldier are getting more and more belligerent, but even some Saints are unconsciously getting affected by this strange mood'.

Then I walked to the office and gave the attendant the formal request to be sent to the Pope 'Now there are three things that could happen, he approve, he reject or he approve and sends some assassin against me... oh there could be a fourth he calls for a meeting and tries to brainwash me with his Demon Emperor Fist... but I have a countermeasure for it... You do not have access to Asclepius knowledge and do not make use of it to keep your mind and body safe from brainwashing... Now that I think about it, I should put in place some countermeasures for family and friends'.

Saga? POV - Greece - 1984

Today something unusual happend, I recivied the formal request to leave the Sanctuary from Crateris Jayr in the request he says that he want to visit the others training grounds of Saint in the various part of the world, to teach some of his medical knowledge to others so that they have more chances to survive in case something.

'Oh, he act just like a follower of that disgusting Athena should... But what should I do about this, he isn't a threat to my rule as he is only a Silver Saint, but he has some powerful friends, Aldebaran, Aiola and Milo, three strong Gold Saint that trust him... should I deal with him like I did with Aiolos... no his healing skill are too valuable... maybe do the same thing I did to Shura, make it so that he must follow my orders...After all I'm the only one that can protect this world and the humanity from the other Gods, I am the savior of this age, and for this I have the right to rule over humanity'.

But right at that moment I heard the annoying voice of my other personality 'We aren't saviors, We are Saint of Athena, it is our duty to protect her and humanity from the whims of the Gods, not to rule them, we fight for justice, that is the sacred duty that Athena gave us!'.

After listening to that guy whines I reply 'Her and the other Gods, only think of us as pawn, that's why we have to kill them all and take their place as the rightful ruler of this world, We are the best chance mankind has to prosper... under our control... that is also why I tried to kill the just reborn Athena', and once again my other self replies 'That was one of our greatest sins, thankfully Aiolos was able to save Athena and take her to a safe place even at the cost of his own life, he was a true Saint and a good friend, and he died because of us'.

Enraged I says 'Friend!? He was a slave of the Gods! If it wasn't for that bastard, now we would have already killed Athena, and instead now she is out there somewhere, getting stronger and ready to take away our power, not only that but he also hid away the Sagittarius Cloth, and now the Sanctuary has one less Gold Saint to protect the world from the Gods!! I won't let some Gods dictate our fate any longer... I will destroy them and rule humanity as its savior!'.

But right at that moment I feel my other personality getting stronger and once again taking control over our body.

Saga POV - Greece - 1984

'Most of the Gods do not want to rule over humanity, some ignore it, some watches over it, some amuse themselves with it, and yes some want to use it, but that is what Athena and her Saints stand for, to protect humanity as its guardian, not a ruler! That is her will! And why since the Age of Myth she fought and sacrificed herself for us!'.

Then without thinking much I sign the permission for that Silver Saint, and go back to work, still trying to fix or at least contain all the damages that my other self has done until now while thinking 'My evil side is getting stronger each passing day... Maybe I should kill myself before he totally takes over... But if I do that who will watch over the Sanctuary in my place? The other Gold Saint are too young and immature, Master Dohko is too old, and he has the duty of watching over Athena's seal so he can't be here, and while there is the Altar Silver Saint Nicole... But he isn't really interested in that, and prefers to study the sky!'

Then I once again look at Crateris Jayr request and think 'And he is the most respected Saint if you ignore the Gold Saints, but he is only a kid... Yes I was young when I took over as a Pope but I had to do so as under my brother's instigation, my Evil Side killed the previous one, and to prevent the chaos his death would have caused, I took over Master Shion's identity, in fact for everyone else the Pope didn't change for more than 200 years... Please, Athena! Quickly return to the Sanctuary and relieve me of my burdens and sins, I don't know how much longer I can hold him back!'.

Jayr POV - Greece - 1984

I'm looking baffled at the permit signed by the "Pope" in the study of our home thinking, 'He strangely let me go away without even summonig or trying to brainwash me... maybe I gave myself more importance than I have, after all for everyone I'm just a young Silver Saint with medical knowledge, or maybe I was lucky and the Good Side answered my request, but this is better for me, now I have just to do one last thing and I can start my journey'.

And so I walked out of the study and went out of the house, I look at the sun high in the sky then I calmy walked in the direction of the training grounds searching for Marin, soon I find her near a cliff doing combat training with Seiya, and damn, she is hitting him hard, that last punch surely cracked his ribs.

Seeing that they stopped, I move closer and greet them "Hey! Marin, Seiya how is going?" and the first to reply is Marin that says "Good morning Jayr, everything is well, why are you here?" while Seiya coughed a little then said "G-good Morning Jayr-sensei..." then I turn to Marin and says "Come with me a moment" then I turn to Seiya and says "I'll take your sensei for a few minutes take this time to recover".

I take Marin some distance away and says "I got the permit for the Pope to journey the world, to teach some of my heailing art ot the others Saint Training Zone... so before I go I want to invite some of my close friend to have dinner together at my home, and of course you are invited" Marin thought about it for a few second then said "Ok I'll be there..." and I "Great! See you this evening!".

Then I did the same and invited Aldebaran, Aiola and Milo, and they all accepted, and after that I told my sisters about the dinner, then I went to the Plaka Village to gather the ingredients for the dinner.

After that I walked back home to prepare the best italian dinner for a group of friends, the classic pizza, first I prepare the "impasto", I take a recipient and put the two types of flour, the double 0, and the manitoba ones then I crush the brewer's yeast and put some tiepid water and start to mix while adding salt and a little more water, finished mixing I let it rest for 10 min and cover it with the recipient, after that I once again work on it , making the dought in a ball shape and put it once again inside the recipient and cover the recipient with a cloth, then put the repicient in the turned off oven to let it grow, while I prepare the sauce with fresh tomato.

After an hour I pull the dough in a circle shape, prepare the top with the sauce, buffalo mozzarella, and a little of olive oil, and put it in the heated oven and wait for it to be ready then I put the fresh basil on it, and a godly classic pizza Margherita is ready, of course after this one I make some others pizza with less classic top, but not that pineapple heresy.

And next, my sisters and our guests came,the first to come is Marin and I soon notice a problem 'Now that I think about it, how will my sisters and Marin eat with the others present?' so while Geist greets her, I go to Shaina and ask about my concers, and she says "Simple, the lower half of the mask can be removed, in case we are have to eat with males present..." then I greet Marin and invite her inside.

Soon after Marin, Aiolia, and Milo come together, Aiolia is a tall, muscular young man, with medium brown and wavy and not very long, except for his bangs and thick sideburns and his eyebrows are thick, well defined and of a brownish hue, his eyes are blue-green, with tan complexion, he is wearing the classic trainee outfit, while Milo is a tall man with a fair complexion, long semi-curly cerulean blue hair  and blue-green eyes, he too is wearing a trainee outfit, the only difference is that he chose a crimson color for it.

(Image Here - Aiolia, Milo)


But even if they came together, they were staring at each other with a gaze full of fighting spirit, making the gathering a little awkard for a few moments, has the girls had little interaction with them, and both of them are pretty famous and respected being the Leo and Scorpio Gold Saint, even if Aiola has the "stigma" of being the traitor's little brother Sagittarius Aiolos, but luckily Aldebaran came soon after, and together we helped everyone relax, and soon we started merrily eating and chatting.

As he was enjoying my pizza, Aldebaran exclamis "It's not fair!! Not only you are an outstanding healer and a strong Saint, you can also cook well and are one the most knowledgable young man I know! What is it that you can't do!?" and quickly my sister Geist replies "Well, it is obivious that he can't find a girlfriend... and let's admit it, he is here since he was 5 and how many friends did he make, if we exclude the one present here?".

Shaina thought about it and replies "I think, that we can add to the list Altar Nicole and his disciple Yulij, plus our disciples Seiya and Cassios... but then no one else come to my mind..." hearing that Aiola says "It's true that he isn't very close to many people... But he is also very busy training, working at the Asclepieion , and studing at the Librery..." at that point I says "Hey, it's the quantity, but the quality that matters! The one I'm close with with are all people I trust!".

Milo at this point says while looking at Aiolia "At least he is better than someone, I know for sure that he has even less friends than Jayr..." noticing Aiolia cleching his fist, I says "Stop it Milo, even if you and Aiolia are rivals you do not have to make fun of him this way..." and with a grin I adds "...Especially, when you are the first to move defend him when someone badmouth him behind his back".

Hearing that info leaves Aiolia stunned for a moment before he relax and says with a grin "Ooh really... I never expected this from you... Are you pheraps what the Japanese call a Tsundere?" and asks "A what!?" but before Aiola could replie I asks as my evil grin intesifie now that I have the chance to embarass both of them "How do you know that? Could it be that you are studing japanese and japan's culture for a special reason?" and as I say this, I look at Marin with a knowing grin, as she lower her heads, while Aiolia starts choking on pizza, as Aldebaran, Milo and my sisters laught at the pair expense.

After the dinner, I clear the table and then with a serious expression I says "Now, that the fun is over, it's time I tell you the real reason I choose to leave the Sanctuary... What I'm going to tell you really important and no one else outside of this room has to know about it... It has to do with the fate of mankind...".

Hearing the seriouness in my voice, all the peopole present turn stern, even my little sister Geist she is now totally focused on me, as Shaina asks "Jayr, what is going on?", and in response I lightly burn my Comso and use my Telekinesis to grab my Pandora Box from my room and bring it to my side and using Telepathy is says to everyone "'There is something that I didn't tell anyone about my Cloth, when it is in its Constellation Form, if you put in some water, the water gain some pretty useful propeties, first drinking the water can return one's strength to them, and even heal wounds... But the more important one is that if you look into the water it will reflect an instance of your own future, or a future connected to you...'".

Listening to my explanation causes the eyes of Aldebaran, Aiolia, and Milo to widen, while Marin and my sisters stiffen in place as I continue "' ... And what I saw was something I didn't like at all!'", at that moment, Aiolia asks through telepathy "'Jayr, what did you see?'" and with a grim gaze I reply "'The thing coming of not one, but two Holy War, one after another, and even before that a great turmoil in the Sanctuary that leaves our force greatly weakened...'".

Next the mood took a turn for the worse, when I started explaining about the various instances I "saw", a corrupted Saga that took the place of the Pope ordered many attacks on the current reincarnation of Athena, making the Sanctuary lose many Silver Saint, then Athena coming back to the Sanctuary with only a fist of Bronze Saint, where she is ambushed by another assassin sent by Saga, then how the Bronze climbed the Gold Zodiac fighting the Gold Saint inside their temples in order to reach the Great Temple and save Athena, growing stronger, and at the same time, showing the Gold Saint that they were on the right, earing their passage, but still 4 Gold Saint ends up dead, and how the Bronze Saint were able to save Athena, and free Saga from his evil side, and how in the end Saga choose to kill himself.

After finishing my story, I look at Aiolia and says "Another thing, from what I saw it is clear that Aiolos didn't betray the Sanctuary, he sacrified his life to save Athena, and even at this moment his spirit is resting in the Sagittarius Cloth protecting Athena, you do not have to be ashamed of him, but proud!", and as Aiolia eyes are glistening, Aldebaran stood up and says "I'm going to kick Saga ass right now!", but Milo extend his hand stpping him and says "Wait, if you rush now you will end up allerting him, and there is no way to tell if you can really defeat him, after all even before he became the Pope, Saga was said to be the strongest Gold Saint! Let's listen to Jayr plan first, after all he wouldn't tell us this if he didn't have a plan, right?".

I nod and say "My plan is quite simple, is to save as many Saint as possible, during this journey, I will warn and help all the Saint that are already doubting the Pope, after all the things are taking a bad turn, and the more sharp have already notice this, first of all Aries Mu, who left the Sanctuary and went back to Jamir... Then I check on the Bronze Saint that will gather around Athena, after all, they will be at the center of the storm, done with that I will search for Athena and protect her, until she is ready reveals herself... Oh Marin, I almost forgot Seiya is one of those Bronze Saint, he will become the Pegasus Saint".

Hearing that, Marin's body stiffen, but I ignore it and continue "Meanwhile, I want you to keep maintaining the apparence, that you know nothing about the truth..." before they could respond I raise my hand to stop them and explain "Maybe you resent Saga for what he is doing, but remember that I said that there will be two Holy Wars, and what happened to Saga was caused by one of our future enemies... Hades... If we strip the evil side that they planted in him, what is left is still one of the most loyal and strongest Saint of Athena, who even now is fighting himself to protect Athena in anyway he can, and if this situation goes on he'll choose to die because he won't forgive himself for the fact that he hurt his Goddess... We have to save him from himself... so for know stay calm and keep going as if nothing is wrong, watch over the Sanctuary, but if he order to exterminate some "rebels" first check if they really are what he says, if he lied make it seem like you comply but help them hide until this situation pass..."

Then I continue to explains how they could act, I also tell them about his ability to brainwash his opponent, and that he did it to Capricorn Shura to make it so that he has to follow his orders, then I told them how to prevent this from happening, but I also told them to act like the brainwash worked for their safety, and how will we act when Athena returns to the Sactuary, in the end, Aiolia, Milo and Aldebaran wanted to check my Cloth's ability to reflect the future, and I gave them the permission to do so, but at the same time I warned them that the future wasn't fixed and that could change at any moment.

First Milo saw the image of himself fighting against a blonde Bronze Saint with the Cygnus Cloth, how after beating him, he let him go once the kid was able to hit him while at the same time stopping his bleeding so that he didn't die, seeing that Milo nods and says "Those techniques reminds me of Camus, he should be his disciple... Not bad..." and Aldebaran says "First you ruthelessy beat him up and almost kill him, then you stop his hemorrhage and let him go on with a proud smile... You sure are tough!".

Then it came Aldebaran's turn, he saw another scene, he is fighting against a golden armored young man in what appears to be a hospital, and it seems that he is losing, the young man is using a flute and Aldebaran appears to be in a difficult position 'What...!? This didn't happen in the anime, is the future already changing, or it possible that my world follows the manga plot... Then should I worry about Asgard?', as I was thinking, the vision stops "What!? Who the hell was that!?" and still thinking about my next course of action, I quickly reply "That is another of our enemies... the Marinas of Poseidon, the first Holy War that we will fight! From what I have read in the library, the one you are fighting against is the Siren Marinas, his armor is called Scale and he uses a combination of Cosmo and sounds to attack, Like the myth of the sirens, and by the blood coming out of your ears, it seems that destroying your eardrums doesn't stop his techniques, this means that the only way is to stop it is by preventing him from playing the music by blocking his movement or attack him before he plays" hearing that everyone nods and make sure to remember the information.

Next is Aiolia's turn, he moved closer to my Cloth and looked into the water, his future vision is very brief, it only showed his figure kneeling in front of a beautiful young girl, with long light violet hair, and greenish blue eyes, wearing a simple white dress, but even through the future vision everyone in the room can feel the Divine Cosmo filled with love that she is emitting at that moment, how it subtily envelopes and watches over everyone, making the room fall into a peaceful silence, It also seems like the girl in the vison is also looking at us for a brief moment, before the vision stop.

(Image Here - Saori(Athena) + bonus how she could look at 20+)


The first to break the silence is Milo who in a low voice says "T... That was really the Goddess Athena... She is really among us right now, gathering her strength to face the future events...We can't stay here we have to find and protect..." but Aldebaran quickly puts his hand on Milo's shoulder and says "Calm down, Milo! She is safe for now... After all Saga wasn't able to find her until now... Moreover, Jayr will be there, we just have to be here ready to welcome her and protect her Sanctuary from the evil forces that want to undermine everything she has done until now!".

Hearing that Milo calms down and says "Yes, you are right..." and Aiolia says "But that isn't the only thing we have to do... We also have to keep training and getting stronger! After all we have two Gods and their follower to face..." then one after another all the guest said goodbye and wished me a safe journey before retiring for the night, then my sister went to bed, while I in my room prepared everything for journey and went to bed.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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