Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 65 – Reaching The Deeper Levels

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Great Labyrinth - 2013

Our journey through the Labyrinth's level still steadily continues, since the swamp level we have advanced to the 150th level, and we have explored the previous 47 levels at an astonishing speed, killing everything in our way and only stopping to eat and rest.

During that time, we meet a few problems here and there, from some monster with dangerous abilities even for the current me, to hazardous environments, for example, one level had a thin poisonous fog covering the whole floor, and the poison was so toxic that even Eri's Undead Puppets were affected by it, so I had to keep Eri in my S.T. and move alone while constantly fighting the poison effects, at least until I ate a monster that gave me Poison Resistance.

On that level, there was a 2 meters strangely rainbow-colored frog, that spit poisoned sputum at me, the iridescent frog's poison was an agent that targeted the nerves and lit it up with pain, and on my scale of pain that poison is 6 out of 10,  and there was also a moth that spread scales that caused paralysis, if I didn't retreat to my S.T. and used my Cosmo to heal, I also would have died just from being on that level.

Naturally, I consumed two of them after that, and was slightly vexed by the fact that the moth tasted a lot better than the frog, it was still a disgusting taste, but still better than most of what I ate in this Labyrinth.

There was also a floor that looked like a dense forest,  thought this was the most unpleasant place so far because it had an extremely hot temperature and dense humidity, while the monster of this level were huge centipedes and sentient trees.

When we were traversing the jungle, a huge centipede suddenly fell from atop the trees, and seeing it, made Eri snap so much that she let out a shriek while ordering all her Undead Puppets, whose number had raised to over 250, to attack every centipede in sight as she felt sick at the sight of it, and developed goose bumps on her whole body as she saw it fight.

Each time a section of it was hit, it would separate, fight one of these centipedes was like fighting 30 monsters or playing that old videogame named "Centipede" what a coincidence, but in the end, Eri's Undead Puppets had the advantage in number and were able to shred apart the monster leaving behind only the purple fluids from the centipede, and some pieces of its carapace.

On the other hand, the tree monsters were like Treants from RPG games, their underground roots would thrust out from the ground and vines acted as whips for them, however, the biggest feature of the treants was not these trivial attacks, but the fact that when they were in a pinch, they would hurl the red fruits that littered their heads, but there was not any offensive ability to it,  the fruit was insanely delicious, sweet and fresh it was comparable to watermelon, the monster tree used this fruit as a bait to escape.

Eri totally fell in love with the fruit's flavor so much that she caught a few of them and plated them in my S.T., and I do not know how she did it, but it seems that she was able to tame them, and now they are calmly living in my Territory with only some Undead Puppet watching over them, and watering them, in fact, I noticed that they are still growing.

At the same time, I and Eri grew closer, as she opened up to me and told me about her past and what she went through, and I admit that when I learned about her stepfather, I was tempted to put him in an endless loop of suffering and torment, first by immerging his body in acid while at the same time using Dark Resurrection to prevent his death, then constantly using Past Injuries to make him constantly feel the pain of being slowly dissolved until the end of his natural lifespan.

But in the end, I decided to simply let Eri decide his fate. She said that she won't do anything too drastic as she doesn't want to have any connection with her home world anymore, she will erase all his happy memories, and overwrite them with memories of him being sexually assaulted by a horde of men.

She will also add some animals and other kinds of weird shit, while she doesn't feel anything for her mother anymore, in fact, she told me that she stopped being her mother the day her father died, and she only realized this 5 years ago when the mess with shitstain happened.

And in the end, we are now here, right in the middle of the True Orcus Great Labyrinth, and my current Status is...

Name - Pucci Jayr

Age - 16 Years Old

Gender - Male

Level - 50

Class - Adventurer

Strength - 1700

Vitality - 1640

Resistance - 1500

Agility - 1800

Magic - 1010

Magic Resistance - 1010

Skills - Martial Arts Mastery, Cooking Arts Mastery, Drawing Arts Mastery, Healing Arts Mastery, Music Arts Mastery, Science Mastery, Smithing Arts Mastery, Weapon Arts Mastery, Language Mastery, Chemistry Mastery, Tailoring Mastery, Water Element Affinity, Ice Element Affinity, Dark Element Affinity, Spell Melding, Magic Manipulation, +Mana Discharge, +Mana Compression, +Mana Emission, Image Composition, +Increased Imagination, Iron Stomach,  Lightning Clad,+Lightning Resistance, Air Walk, +Aerodynamic, +Quick Step, +Steel Legs, Gale Claw, Night Vision, Farsight, Detect Magic, Sense Presence, Hide Presence, Petrification Resistance, Paralysis Resistance, Poison Resistance, Blessing of Culture, +Improved Learning, +Improved Teaching, +Improved Libido, +Affinity for the Arts...

Looking at it, I quickly realize, 'It's getting harder and harder to gain new Special Magic... The abilities of the monster start to get redundant, but their meat continues to slowly increase my stats... On the other hand, my control over Mana got a lot better, and thanks to Increased Imagination I can now make magic through imagination, at the same time, I can totally bypass the Magic Circle... Overall, I'm still getting stronger...'.

Right now, we are standing in front of a foreign area on this level, the space around the area is eerie, at the end of this side area there is a solemn majestic double door about 3 meters in height, and on the flanks of the doors there are two one-eyed giants sculptures enshrined into the walls, but only their upper bodies are sculpted it seems, 'The guards are still there... This means that the other champion didn't come here to save Yue... Then what is that Champion doing in this world now?'.

I let out a wry smile before I decisively turn around and move away, at the same time, Eri follows after me and asks, "Aren't you going to check what is in there? Until now, you have always explored every inch of each level...", I simply continue moving while I explain, "I already know what is in there... In that place, there is someone sealed inside, someone I have no intention of getting involved with for now, and anyway, Hajime will soon come here and save her, and at the same time, the girl will also save Hajime from himself... There is no way I'll interfere with this...".

I look at Eri and see that she nods, then as we continue searching for the stairs leading to the lower floor, I hear her mutter, "So it's another girl... Then she can rot there for all I care...".

Hajime POV - Tortus, Orcus Great Labyrinth - 2013

"Munch, Munch… Rabbit meat is just as nasty…", currently, I am hiding in my base hungrily munching on rabbit meat, it is the meat of the Kicking Rabbit, the master of kicking techniques which once scoffed and looked down on me, it has now become nothing but food, 'But I was expecting the rabbit meat to taste somewhat better, but it was monster's meat after all... It is unappetizing as usual... But it doesn't matter, I will kill and devour everything that stands in my way... I will survive and return home, no matter what!', and after some time, the entire beast was completely eaten up.

After obtaining Iron Stomach, I feel that I'm able to eat as much as I like, especially since using unique magic increases my hunger by a large extent, and have used it when I was killing the Kicking Rabbit, it was considered an equivalent exchange, I spend energy to kill the monster, and the monster gives me the energy to keep going, 'It's true that I probably wouldn't die since there is the sacred water, but if used excessively, the sense of hunger would strike again, making it important to think carefully before using....'.

Soon after that, I remember how I defeated the Kicking Rabbit by laying a trap, starting by drawing water from the stream and then leading the Kicking Rabbit to the scattered water, the moment it was on the water, a burst of electric shock from the maximum output of Lightning Clad struck, but the monster was really resilient and even with its whole body blowing out fumes, it charged as usual but weakened from the lightning attack, it was directly shot down by Donner, and think, 'As expected, it was impossible to avoid the electromagnetically accelerated bullets traveling at 3.2 kilometers per second, its life ended with its head blown into smithereens!'.

After thinking that, I again feel the back-breaking pain that comes after eating monster meat, and quickly I sip a little of sacred water to recover, then I look at my Status Plate and say "Well, first time eating the meat of the Kicking Rabbit… My status…".

Name - Nagumo Hajime

Age - 17 Years Old

Gender - Male

Class - Synergist

Level - 12

Strength - 200

Vitality - 300

Resistance - 200

Agility - 400

Magic - 350

Magic Resistance - 350

Skills - Transmutation, +Mineral Appraisal, +Precise Transmutation, +Mineral Investigation, Magic Manipulation, Iron Stomach, Lightning Clad, Air Walk, +Aerodynamic, +Quick Step, Language Comprehension

Studying my Status I mutter "As before, eating the meat of magic beasts will cause my status to rise... Considering how eating Twin-tailed Wolves now practically doesn't increase my status, it will probably have a huge increase if I ate a magic beast that he has never eaten before...", then I immediately check out what Air Walk does.

First I picture an image of the Kicking Rabbit kicking off the ground, focusing on a speed so fast, that its body appears blurred, then my gaze falls back on my Status Plate, 'Alongside Air Walk there is the skill +Quick Step that is together with it, speaking of Quick Step, it is a famous high-speed movement on Earth that appears in many anime and manga!', after thinking that, I focus back on my test.

Imagining an explosion under my feet, I kick off all at once, and I feel my body's magic instantly gathered under my feet, causing a depression where my feet had stepped, and I suddenly fly out, diving face-first into the wall, "Ouch...!? A-Adjusting this is hard… Nonetheless, a success is a success, if I continue to train after this, it seems I will be able to move like the Kicking Rabbit... and if I combine it with my gun techniques, it will make it an even stronger weapon!".

The next one to try is +Aerodynamic, however, it isn't readily invoked, 'With only its name, it is difficult to understand what kind of skill it is', and after testing around for a while, I finally recall how the Kicking Rabbit was able to create footholds in the air, and I immediately imagine stepping onto an invisible shield in the air and then, I jump forward, diving face-first into the ground, "Guoooo!?"

I writhe in pain while pressing my hand into his face, and after struggling for a while, my pain finally subsided, and I drink some more sacred water with a disappointed expression, and mutter "…Well, it more or less succeeded…", while thinking, 'The reason I fell head-first in my forward leap was due to the half-baked foothold... In short, I stumbled and fell... +Aerodynamic is undoubtedly a unique magic which creates footholds in the air!'.

'With this unique magic Air Walk and its derivation skills, it somehow felt like I  gained two unique magic at the price of one', and after thinking this, I begin training again in a more happy mood, while thinking with a grin, 'My target is the Talon Bear... A long-distance shot could probably work, but just in case, I continue training... The possibility of an unexpected monster even stronger than that bear appearing can't be denied... In this Labyrinth, optimists would be the first to die... Kill the Talon Bear and after having my revenge, search for this level's exit!', I renew my fighting spirit thinking about how to kill and devour that monster.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Orcus Great Labyrinth - 2013

After a month of moving through this Labyrinth, we are finally almost at the end of it, right now Eri and I are standing at the entrance of the 171st level of the  Orcus Great Labyrinth, admiring the view, at the same time, I hear Eri beside me exclaim "Wow... This is a lot better than everything we saw until now... There is even a fake sun and sky...".

The whole floor has the appearance of a forest, an extensive forest, with lush and dense trees over 10 meters tall, and the atmosphere was damp, feeling the pleasant temperature, I add "Good thing it isn't hot like the tropical forest level we encountered before...", and hearing my comment, Eri nods and says "Un... It seems that the Liberator Orcus, went above and beyond to push the ones going through his Labyrinth to the limits... We went through all kinds of hazardous environments, some of which are literally impossible to survive in with normal means... Like that underwater maze level... God! How I hate that level, it was full of monsters and ridiculous puzzles, sure there were a few areas where you can emerge, breath and rest...".

Hearing that, I remember that hell of a level and think, 'Damn it! That level felt like going through a mix of Metal Gear Solid 2 Underwater Escort Mission and Legend Of Zelda Water Temple all over again... I was really close to having a PTSD attack back there...', then I shake my head to forget that level that never happened, and move forward to search for the exit of this level with Eri, while her zombie puppets, who now number up to 500, spread around and start to scout ahead.

While we are searching for the stairs to the lower floor, all of a sudden, I feel the ground rumbling, and soon a monster that reminded me of a huge reptile from a famous movie franchise appears in front of us, it is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but there is a flower on top of its head, it looks ridiculous, the tusk thirsting for blood surge from the powerful beast, but at the same time and the sunflower-like flower fluttered on top, this contrast totally breaks the majestic presence of this monster.

While we are looking at it, the Tyrannosaurus Rex gives out a roar and rushes at us, and I prepare to kill it, but before I could move, Eri raises her hand and chant "Corrupting Spear!", a dark shadow appears in front of Eri's hand that spiral into a spear form.

Then she shot the spear that pierces through the T-Rex mouth and penetrated out the back, its life ended as the body starts to fester, corrode, and melt, then with a rumbling sound the T-Rex falls sideways onto the ground, and the flower on its head plops onto the ground.

I lower my guard and say, "Good job... But please do not use such spells on new enemies I still want to eat them to grow stronger...", she nods and replies, "Okay... But I wanted to try this spell for a long time... It is the first true darkness offensive spell I came up with, I needed to see how effective it can be... After all, if I want to continue to stay at your side, I have to get stronger too... All this time the only thing I could do for you was only a little support, most of the time I have to rely on you to survive, it's frustrating...".

Hearing that, a wry smile appears on my face, as I start to pat her head and say, "Don't worry you will get there eventually... The Ancient Age of Gods Magic are pretty versatile and powerful, with them the only real limit is your imagination... For now, just focus on your skills and level, the rest will eventually come, after all, I didn't become so strong in a day, but I started training at the age of 5 to reach this level, while you have just started!".

Eri smiles brightly and says, "Yes!", but before she could say anymore, I stop her as I feel many monsters quickly approaching us, the closest one number up to 10, but there are many more quickly enclosing us, then I send the signal to Eri, to start the second part of the plan we discussed before stepping into this level.

But before she could move a 2 meters tall reptile drops down from the overgrowth in the trees, monster's appearance is similar to a Raptor, and again there is a tulip blooming on its head, "Shaaa!!", the Raptor then quickly pounce aiming at Eri with its 20 centimeters talons attached to its tough legs as a heinous light glint off of those talons.

I and Eri step back, parting left and right of the aggressive monster, at the same time, I use Air Walk to move above the Raptor's head and kick off the tulip, all parts of the flower scatter, and the Raptor seems to twitch for a moment, then it rolled as it fails its landing, slamming into a tree and stops moving.

Silence filled the scene, as Eri come next to me as she looks at the Raptor and the scattered tulip, "I recognize a puppet when I see one... Some kind of parasite, right?", and to her question I simply nod and soon the Raptor's body starts to twitch, and then the monster gets up and looks around, see its fallen tulip on the ground and angrily stomps on it, not giving a care to our presence.

After stomping on the flower for a while, it looks at the heavens and raises a cry of victory, then the Raptor faces us again and is startled for a few seconds, then it takes a low posture, with fangs exposed and leaps to attack us again, but this time, from the side two of Eri's puppet, who now have the appearance of skeleton monsters, come out of the bushes and attack the Raptor with a pincer attack and rip it apart.

After that, we start to move to an advantageous place because the encircling monsters are getting closer, and reach a clearing surrounded by countless thick 5 meters in diameter trees that stretch on and on, with neighboring trees' branches that are intertwined with each other making a natural barrier that is difficult to quickly overcome which will slow down the enemy's attack, I use Air Walk to jump over with Eri in my embrace, and once in the middle of the clearing, we wait for the enemies to come.

5 minutes later, Raptors begin to appear under these branches, there are more than 10 Raptors and all of them have flowers on their heads, a variety of flowers too, all of them different from sunflowers to roses, and soon the Raptors take their stances to leap into the attack, and I start to quickly use various kind of Ice Magic to kill them, while Eri uses her Dark Magic to hinder them

Less than 10 seconds later, all the enemies have been cleared, and Eri says "The T-rex and Raptors were easily exterminated because they made such easy movements and normal attacks... Their unnatural movement was almost mechanical and so was their blood lust... Truly the one controlling them is such a principiant, it doesn't even know how to properly use its puppets...", I nod but then add "Be careful, this is only the first wave, more are coming our way...", indeed, my senses caught more approaching monsters, a vast amount of monsters are gathering from all directions.

I grab Eri in a princess carry and say "Let's get this done in one move...", I move at high speed, quickly go to find the highest tree in the area, and calmly wait while starting to form an image in my mind for the spell I'm going to use, Eri understand my indentation and gently grabs the hem of my clothes, as my hands will be occupied so she uses my body as a substitute hold and her grip becomes a little stronger.

Then the first batch arrives and there aren't just Raptors, but also T-rexes, the T-rexes quickly start ramming the tree, and the Raptors are using their talons to climb the tree, but Eri starts to use her magic to delay them, by immobilizing them with their shadows, blocking their senses, and using a few of her puppets to fight them off, or even using fire magic to blow them back.

But she is quickly using all the magic in her body, and soon she will be forced to stop to recover, meanwhile, an additional 30 Raptors and 4 T-rexes came here under the tree attempting to smash the tree we are on, or climb up to attack us, at the same time, Eri with sweat falling from her forehead asks "Jayr?", but I calmly look at the situation and say "Not yet…A little more".

And she silently nods, and uses fewer Spells, but calls for more skeleton puppets to come and delay the monster, showing her trust in me, and finally, more than 100 monsters gathered below us, and I pointing below with my hands chant "Freezing Hell!", and the area underneath us start to freeze.

Soon the area is covered in blue ice, encasing all the monsters in ice like a coffin, and they quickly lost the light in their eyes after they were encased in ice, the entire 50 meters square is frozen by this single spell, 'It is worthy of being called Extermination Magic... But damn this spell sure is draining even for the current me, and it still pales with what I can do with my Cosmo... But I can still improve...'.

After that, we start moving again, and I feel many more monsters coming toward us, so I continue to carry Eri so that we can move faster, and as I'm randomly running around to avoid further encounters, Eri kisses my neck then she whispers, "My puppets found the enemy... After this, I want my reward... It's been a while since we did it, I want it again, this time don't stop until I pass out...", and so I nod and let Eri lead me toward our objective while being chased by close to 200 monsters.

Soon following Eri's lead we reach the exit of the forest, and on the other side is the wall of the labyrinth, it looks like a cave with cracks spreading from the center, and I can already feel the controller with my senses, so I quickly put Eri in my S.T., and jump ahead in the cave's crack with Air Walk and Quick Step, as the 200 monsters follow along.

But The cave's cracks are narrow for two average adults standing side by side, so of course, the T-rex can't fit through it, and the Raptors can only enter one by one, and as one of the Raptors enters and tries to tear me apart with its extended claws, but I quickly kill it with a high kick breaking his neck and use an Ice Spell to block the crack, 'This should buy me enough time to kill that plat monster...'.

Since the entrance was closed with Ice Magic, I start to move deeper into the cave and arrive at a big hall after traveling for a while, cracks were even continuing into the depths of the halls, 'Perhaps it is the stairs to the lower level..', and so I continue moving, waiting for the monster to make the first move.

When I arrive at the center of the room, it finally makes its move, from all direction, an innumerable amount of green ping pong balls flies inside the hall but I do nothing to it and still calmly wait, as I know for sure, that I'm immune to this kind of attack thanks to all the resistances I gained from eating monster shit meat.

Soon the monster appears from the dark cracks as it misunderstood me, the monster is the mix of a woman and a plant, it is similar to a dryad or Aruraune in RPGs, it looks like a human woman, but it has an ugly face like its inner ugliness that is overflowing, it also has countless vines waving around, and it feels slightly creepy, "Her" mouth is laughing and grinning at something, probably at the fact that the green ball touched my body.

But as expected, there is no sign of a flower blooming on my head, and the laughter stops coming from the monster, and it looks at me confused as the spores do not seem to work on me, and before it could react, I raise my hand and attack it with a Fire Spell, "Flame Fangs!", summoning a cluster of powerful flames that quickly envelope the dryad and turn it into ashes.

Then after killing the monster, I let out a sigh and say, "And with this only, the last few levels remain, then I will finally be able to learn my first Age of Gods Magic... But now... I have an appointment with Eri...", and after saying this, I go back to my S.T. and spend the rest of the day in fully satisfying Eri.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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