Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 72 – Fight Against Miledi-chan

Jayr POV - Reisen Great Labyrinth - 2013

After hearing my answer, Miledi Golem quietly stares at me for a while, then she gives a little nod and mutters, "I see...", and in the next moment, her serious atmosphere disappears as if it was an illusion and her previous light attitude returns, "Nn~, I see I see. So that's it~, okay, then it's time for battle! Splendidly defeat me and you will obtain the Ancient Age of Gods Magic!".

Since she gave the signal to start the battle, I quickly make my move, I raise my Tactical Arms, and turn the handle, which makes the blade split open changing it to its Gatling Form, and pulling the trigger, I shower the huge golem in a storm of bullets, but the golem quickly reacts and cover itself with its huge arms, still, the power behind my attack is strong enough to push the golem against one of the floating blocks, raising a big cloud of dust.

But, when the smoke clears up, Miledi's Golem appears only with some parts of both of her forearms broken, but then she picks up some of the pieces of the floating block, and the next moment, they decompose and became materials for the parts of her arms that were broken, restoring it in its pristine state, then she says, "Fufu, what a fast preemptive strike~, come, my Age of Gods Magic will for sure make you stronger~, but because I am also strong~, work hard because if you don't, you will die~".

And, while laughing joyfully, Miledi's Golem shot out the flail-type Morningstar in her left hand toward me and Eri,  it wasn't thrown, the Morningstar just suddenly flew with tremendous velocity without any starting movement, 'She is again using Gravity Magic...', seeing that, I quickly hold on Eri and jump on another floating block to avoid the Morningstar, that crashes against the block we where standing on, crushing it into minute pieces, then it returns into the golem's hand.

Landing on the block, I whisper into Eri's ear, "Okay... Everything is like I remember, let's follow the plan...", then Eri quickly summons a huge amount of flying skeletons puppets and jumps on top of one of them, then, she disperses them to pull away as many golems as possible, that start to chase after her moving like inside the passage before, while some others turn toward me and rush out.

I change the Tactical Arms into its Sword Arm Form, and with the two blades I start to cut apart every golem that enters my range while jumping from one block to another, and soon I hear Miledi laugh as she says, "Ahaha, you can do it after all~, but, the enemies are 50 infinitely regenerating knights and me, I wonder if you can handle all of us at the same time~".

While saying that with a sarcastic tone, Miledi again fires the Morningstar at me, but I simply join together the two blades, changing my Tactical Arms into its huge Sword Form, and using it like a bat, I deflect the Morningstar toward another group of golems crushing them, then I jump toward Miledi's Golem ready to strike it down.

Miledi's Golem looks at me and says, "I already saw that coming~", and along with those words, Miledi's Golem suddenly moves to the side at a great velocity, 'She must be "falling" to the side using Gravity Magic...', but even with my aim off, I already expected something similar, so I kick a nearby floating block correcting my trajectory, and spinning mid-air, I hit the golem with a crushing blow using the flat side of my blade that carries a significant centrifugal.

Miledi's Golem immediately uses her left arm to guard, and a tremendous sound of the impact comes from it, however, as if nothing happened Miledi's Golem swipes her left hand horizontally, blowing me back, 'Damn... She use her Gravity Magic on me to lighten the weight, and so the force, behind my attack...'

At the same time, I feel the other Golem quickly approaching me, but I easily correct my posture, and land on a nearby block, then I use my Tactical Arms Gatling Arm Form to quickly mow down the approaching golems knights as I bounce from block to block to maintain my distance turning them into scrap as they fell to the bottom.

Quickly more than 40 golem knights fell to the bottom of the room in tragic states in no time, 'After some time, they would likely finish reconstructing and return to the frontline, but it is good that they won't be hindrances for a while... Hope long enough to defeat Miledi', at the same time, seeing this scene Miledi yells "Wh-, what was that!? I have never seen nor heard of anything like that!".

Having heard Miledi Golem's astonished shout, I again change my weapon back into its Sword Form and rush toward Miledi's Golem using the floating block while yelling with a grin to further destabilize her, "I know that your core is at the same place as the heart!", the tactic is successful as, once more, Miledi let out an astonished voice, "W-wh-! How did you know that!?".

As I move, the remaining 10 golem knights try to obstruct me, but I easily cut them apart and get closer to Miledi's Golem.

However, it isn't that easy, I quickly notice Miledi's Golem's eyes shine for a moment, and the next instant the blocks that are floating above her, move toward me with tremendous speed, as she says, "I never said I can only control the knights~", and ignoring her grinning voice, I quickly move to dodge them, and land on a nearby still block.

Naturally, Miledi uses her Gravity Magic to "drop" my foothold, but right at that moment one of Eri's puppets appears under me and saves me from falling, at the same time, Eri appears from behind her riding a big skeleton bird-like monster, another of the monsters from Orcus's Labyrinth and summon the skeleton Hydra, which quickly drops toward the golem and start to warp around the golem to bind it.

Miledi notices Eri and says, "Hoo~ A monster from O-chan's labyrinth~ I forgot about you for a moment~", taking advantage of this small opening, I jump over toward Miledi's golem and start spinning to accumulate even more force as I quickly fall toward her.

Miledi notices this and starts to struggle to escape the Hydra's binding, "Golem won't lose in terms of power~", and indeed it seems that a lot of power is hidden in this huge golem as it is slowly able to overpower the Hydra, but just as it is about to free itself, I crash down on it with tremendous power.

A tremendous roar resounded when my weapon and Miledi's Golem's armor collided, the surrounding floating blocks are blown away radially by the ensuing shockwave, and my attack blows Miledi's Golem away while her chest armor is shattered into tiny fragments.

The rebound of my attack is so strong that blows me back into the air, and I quickly search for a place to land, 'There aren't floating blocks where I can land around as they are all blown away by the previous impact...', but soon one of Eri's puppets comes close and I use it as a foothold to move to a nearby floating platform, at the same time, Eri flies closer to the position I'm going to land.

Once I land, Eri quickly asks, "Did we win?", and I frown and shake my head then look down to observe Miledi's Golem's condition, but before I could check, the nearby floating blocks start to move, and next we hear Miledi's voice, "Wow~ you're the real deal, that was a close call. If there was no magic power disintegration, that artifact's power enhanced with magic would have been very dangerous you know~, yes, having made this labyrinth with great effort, Miledi-chan is a genius!!".

I ignore Milendi's words and focus on her golem, and notice a jet black armor beneath the wrecked chest armor, and I quickly recognize the material, Miledi notices my gaze, and with a grinning voice says, "Nnu~, did this interest you~", then she points at the jet black armor and with the tone of someone important she tries to explain, "This is you know~", but I stop and continue her sentence "... Azanthium, right the hardest material of this world... I made quite a few artifacts with that one in Orcus Abode... I admit it is quite hard... for sure harder than a Bronze Cloth in fact it is comparable with a Silver Cloth..."

Hearing that Miledi exclaims "Oh my? You knew of this~, rather that's a given. You have conquered O-kun's labyrinth after all, so it was impossible for you to not know how to use Creation magic~. But what are these Bronze and Silver Cloths that you speak of~?", I raise my weapon again and reply, "I'll tell you after this battle...", hearing that the Miledi's golem nods and she says "Right~, now come, because you had understood your limit and feel hopelessness, let's move on to the second round!".

Miledi then snatches the materials from the smashed floating blocks and uses them to repair the surface armor, then, again she starts to fiercely charge while firing the Morningstar.

Seeing that Eri suddenly asks in a worried tone as she flies out of harm's way, "W-what should we do, Jayr!?", and I dodge the incoming Morningstar, by jumping over another block, and, calm as I still have the situation under control, say, "Well it seems that I have to use my trump card...", however, Miledi in her usual tone, "I won't let you~".

And along with Miledi's voice, under her command, the floating block that becomes my foothold starts rotating at high speed.

With my footholds rotating all of a sudden, I briefly lost my balance, and then, the Morningstar crashes into it with its immense power, forcing me to abandon my foothold that had become fine dust and jump over one of Eri's passerby puppets.

But that is Miledi's aim, as I find her quickly moving toward me as she thrusts her heat knuckle in my direction, forcing me to use my weapon as a shield to block it, "Urgh!", I avoided the direct hit, but the force behind the punch still shook my organs a little causing me a little of pain and discomfort.

But I don't stop, I split my blade into two changing to Sword Arm form and as the golem loses its balance because of it, I join again the blades together and attack the golem's hand with a full-power vertical slash, and with it I'm able to cut off a part of the golem's right hand, completely severing it, and think, 'Hmm, as I thought, the Azanthium covers only the core... After all, the other pieces can easily be restored, but if the core is gone, then the golem is a useless scrap of metal!'.

Seeing the lost hand Miledi exclaims, "Wawawah, what-!?", at the same time, many of Eri's puppet start to attack the chain attached to the Morningstar, and break it, then some other flying puppets take the weapon away from Miledi's range, and again Miledi lets out a surprised voice, and I take advantage of this little distraction to cut off the other arm before jumping away, landing on next to Eri on her flying puppet.

Having lost both arms, Miledi raises a voice filled with irritation, "Kh, you—! Don't get carried away!", at that moment, Miledi who lost both arms somehow didn't summon the surrounding blocks to reconstruct her arms, she only looked at the ceiling while her eyes shone strongly.

Having a totally bad premonition about what she is about to do, I hug Eri and whisper, "Something is coming... Hold on tightly... Things are getting shaky here...", at the same time, I finally sense what she is doing, 'Okay... Without Cosmo or magic this could be slightly bad...', and prepare for what is about to happen.

And immediately after, it happened, the entirety of the room start to rumble, and as the low rumbling of earth resounds, the blocks that make up the ceiling start to fall toward us, seeing this, I hold Eri tighter and start to plan the route to come out of this unscratched, at the same time, I hear Miledi's voice as she says, "Fufufu, it's payback. Although I am incapable of controlling multiple things at the same time, except for the knights, if it's only to make them "fall", then even I can cause hundreds of them to do so~, show me how you surpass this~".

I notice a slight irritation in Miledi's easygoing words, but there is no time to care for it, because one by one, each of those gigantic blocks, with weight surpassing ten tons, are quickly falling like rain, 'Okay... This has to be some kind of Karma... because right now I kinda understand how my enemies felt receiving my Pouring Rain technique...'.

I start to jump from floating block to floating block, and launch a quick peak at Miledi's Golem and notice that she keeps looking at the ceiling, 'Perhaps, just as she said, unlike the golem knights she is only able to control one or two things... Therefore, in order to make those blocks fall, she must concentrate to remove hundreds of those gigantic stones from the ceiling making her unable to control these floating blocks...'.

Blocks keep falling from the ceiling, in huge groups of gigantic stones all falling toward us, letting out devastating roars while the room stops shaking.

I continue moving and keep studying this attack, 'Moreover, she might even be able to adjust the trajectories because they are specifically aimed at the place where we are... Even so, Miledi wouldn't commit a double suicide, so it should be safe to go under her...', and after realizing that, I dash out with tremendous speed, "Eri! Hold on tight! Absolutely don't let go!".

As soon as I hear Eri's "Un!", I used my weapon in its Gatling Arm Form and he rapidly shoot at the oncoming gigantic stones, while it doesn't have enough power to totally destroy them, it can easily push them out of their intended course, making them crash against one other, and break apart, and open a little path to safety.

However, my interception could only go so far, and finally, a group of gigantic stones that fell with great velocity is about to reach me.

I confirm that Eri is tightly holding onto me, then move even faster using all the power behind my agility stat, my world immediately seems to lose all its color, and I'm able to recognize all the falling fragments of death one by one.

And I calmly pass by the barrage of gigantic stone fragments using the minimum necessary movement while thinking, 'Aaah... I feel so slow... Going from easily moving at the speed of light to this supersonic speed is almost like torture... I feel like I've gone back to the time I was at the Silver Saint level... But now I can move at this speed using only my own physical strength and not the Cosmo-enhanced one... So it is an improvement!'.

At the same time, I use the Gatling in my hands to fire concentrated shots at the unavoidable fragments, changing their trajectories.

Still, I feel that this isn't enough to ensure my safety so I use the special magic I'm most familiar with, which is "Limit Break", and my body is immediately wrapped in red light, but, it immediately disappears, 'If it was normal, my physical abilities should have been raised by three times, but that special magic is partially nullified by the Labyrinth's magic power disintegration... Limit Break itself is similar to wearing a reinforced exoskeleton made by magic... It is different from Body Strengthening which is applied internally, but still, this magic enhances everything pushing the body over the natural limit, further increasing everything my perception included!'.

Luckily my perception is already quite good as it is trained to follow attacks that move at the speed of light or in some rare cases even faster using Cosmo, and now using Limit Break, it almost got close to that level, a normal body would have already broken down under the burden of all these new information, but for me, everything feels different, I feel free, relaxed, almost like some kind of heavy chains that keeps restraining me, are finally broken.

I see that Eri is swaying unsteadily when I move, while I continue to easily evade the death that rained with only small movements.

I balance myself on the footholds that sway and are violently crushed, sometimes I make the falling fragments my foothold, at the same time, I perceive the cracks on the falling rocks one by one, easily spotting the weak spots of these blocks, I smile and declare, "I can see it...".

Miledi POV - Reisen Great Labyrinth - 2013

I look at Jayr and Eri from the wall's side, and see that they are immediately swallowed by the numerous gigantic stones, and think, 'Although they were struggling for a while, in the end, they weren't able to surpass those large masses as expected...', then I deactivate the "fall" with a little disappointment.

With their fall stopped, the clusters of gigantic stones are now floating along with the blocks, then, under my command, the scattered ceiling's wreckage starts to rise to go back it its rightful place and I mutter "U~n, as expected, it was impossible~, but if they couldn't do this much, they wouldn't be able to win against those shitty bastards~", and think 'Damn it! For a moment I thought that the time had finally come!! That shitty God would have finally died...', while lamenting the fact that I failed again to find a good candidate, I search for the corpses of Jayr and Eri.

But right at that moment I hear a familiar voice, "Don't worry that God and its soulless puppets are going to die...", and in surprise, I simply exclaim in a shocked voice tinged with a little joy and hope, "Eh?", and turn around to see him, the charming boy with messy dark blue hair, and shining crimson eyes that uses an artifact that I have never seen before.

There he is, surely, Jayr who stands safe and sound on the floating block with even breathing, and a calm smile on his face, and I can only ask in doubt, "H-how…", while thinking, 'I'm sure I saw Jayr swallowed by the group of gigantic stones in front of my eyes!', hearing that, Jayr continues to look at me with a confident smile and says, "Although I could easily answer your question, first let me ask... Is it okay to only focus on me?".

Stunned for a moment, I raise the same doubting voice as before, "Eh?", unable to understand for a moment the true meaning behind his question, but, that doubt is immediately answered when I feel someone touching the back of my golem as a chant resounds, "Scatterdust!!", and soon feel a wave of mana passing through the golem's body cutting my connection with it, making it basically an immobile target.

Realizing this I exclaim in surprise, "The dark magic spell Scatterdust~!! The strongest mana-disruption spell, which not only obstructs the mana of the target's spell, but even disrupts the internal flow of their mana~ Good idea you made me momentarily powerless~ But, it's impossible for you to break my Azanthium armor~".

Then Eri flies away, and, at the same time, Jayr jumps toward me while yelling "I won't be so sure of this...", and lands on the golem's body.

I'm still calm as I see Jayr so close, I didn't even try to obstruct him using the floating blocks in the surroundings, 'Well, that is only natural. After all, Jayr's weapon is proven to be unable to harm Miledi-chan's armor... But since it already reached this stage, and he still chose this kind of attack, I'm sure that he is just putting up a useless resistance without any more plans behind it... But still, something about this feels off...', and soon on second thought, I start to use Gravity Magic to attack him with the block, while at the same time, I urge my mana to reconnect with the golem.

However, that slight delay proves to be fatal, as Jayr rests his hand on Miledi-chan's chest and starts to chant in a language I have never heard before, as his eyes almost seem to shine in crimson light, "To sumbolaion diakonêtô Moi, hê krystallinê basileia. Epigenêthêtô, taiônion erebos, haiônie krystalle (Let the covenant serve me, the crystal realms! Be reborn, thou ribbon of irritation, thou everlasting crystal)", and as soon as this verse in this strange language is spoken, the area around me becomes frozen, and the golem Miledi-chan is encased, immobile in pillars and spikes of ice, so cold that even my soul bound to the golem hidden inside Miledi-chan can feel it.

Realizing what he has just done I exclaim in wonder, shock, and surprise, "Wh-!? How did high-ranked magic—!?", but before I could finish, I realize that Jayr's spell isn't yet complete as he continues to chant in that alien language that gives me some mystic feeling of power, "Pāsais zôais ton ison thanaton, hos ataraxia, Kosmikê Katastrophê!! (To all life, is equal in death, which is unrest! Cosmic Catastrophe!!)".

With that final passage, I feel the temperature getting even colder, a cold that I have never felt before, even my mana in the Golem and around me is totally frozen, unable to move or do anything, and I also feel my own thoughts slowing down to a crawl, 'So... cold... not... even... Shi-chan... Labyrinth... is... so... cold...', and the last thing I hear is Jayr's voice as he ends his chants, "Kosmikê Krustallopegia (Frozen Cosmos)".

Jayr POV - Reisen Great Labyrinth - 2013

I look at Miledi's Golem laying still inside the frozen pillar with a rough breath, 'Damn using this spell in this place is a lot worse than I thought... The cost of using it more than tripled...', at the same time, I notice that we are starting to quickly fall toward the ground, and the same it is happening to all the other floating blocks.

Catching my breath, I let out a sigh and say, "Okay... Now I have to get Miledi out of this golem... Kosmikê Katastrophê is so overbearing that it even froze the magic dispersion around it, if I wait for it to dispel my magic It could take a hell lot of time... but, if I simply undo the spell, Miledi with her personality could easily feign ignorance and start the fight again... simply as a prank...".

Realizing this, I look at the golem, then at the ground getting closer and closer, and say, "No other way... I just have to disable this golem...", and so I gather all my strength in my legs using all the mana I have left to once again run Body Reinforcement, then I jump.

As I'm getting closer to the ceiling, I notice that the force behind my jump, pushed the pillar with the golem inside, even faster toward the ground and soon, a great roar and impact are generated as Miledi's Golem crashes on the ground forming a big crater.

At the same time, I quickly reach the ceiling and sping my body around to generate even more force, and with another almost deafening impact, I slam my weapon against the ceiling and use the rebound force to bounce toward the still frozen golem with even more speed and power.

As I quickly fall toward the golem, I focus and aim the sword tip at the golem's chest, where its core is located, and wait for the right moment to dispel my magic, at the same time, I notice that the tip of my blade is starting to quickly shine in a bright red light as the sword bumping into air molecules heating it up.

And soon I see that I'm about to hit, so I quickly dispel my magic, and the next moment, the golem is free from the frozen pillar, and soon after, a terrific impacting sound is heard as my huge sword pierces through Miledi's Golem's Azanthium armor on the chest and buries itself into it without mercy reaching the golem's core completely crushing.

Because of the impact, Miledi's Golem's body sank even more into the ground creating an even bigger crater and the light in the golem's eyes disappears.

Having confirmed that, I gradually loosen my power, and let out a sigh of relief then I hear Eri landing behind me, and hear her say, "We finally defeated it... With this, Reisen Great Labyrinth's last trial is certainly over...".


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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