Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 74 – Day Off in Brook Town

Jayr POV - Tortus, Near Brook Town - 2013

After separating from mister Leh, we are finally pushed out of the water through a strong water column with a height of more than ten meters, then we start to fall toward the ground together with rain-like drops of water.

I safely land while holding Eri in a princess carry, then I dispel the magic bubble I was using to allow us to breathe underwater, and start to look around, and see that I'm in a clearing near a relatively small water spring and say, "Hmm... If I remember well near this spring there is a small town", then I look down at Eri and ask, "Do you want to go there and rest for a few days? After all, we didn't truly stop since the day we fell... We quickly moved from one Labyrinth to another...".

Hearing my question, Eri nods without a moment of hesitation, and says, "Sure... While we can rest in your boat inside your dimension, it isn't the most comfortable, it always gives me some kind of claustrophobic feeling with its closed space atmosphere... It's stifling...", I nod and put her down, then I bring out my Magic Powered Bike and my Mana Compass to find the exact position of the town, and after finding the right direction we ride in my bike toward it and soon we also find some kind of highway that is probably leading to the town.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Brook Town - 2013

After some time we can finally see the town in the distance, It is a small town enclosed with a surrounding moat and hedges, there was a gate facing the highway, with a hut by its side, 'That should be the guards' post... even though it is a small town, there is the arrangement for guards...', at the same time I hear Eri whisper in my hear, "I think we should continue on foot... The bike might catch too much attention...".

I agree with her and put it in my S.T., and switch to walking on foot, while she holds onto my arm with a happy smile on her face, and after a few minutes, we finally arrive at the town's gate.

As I thought, the hut beside the gate is a guard's post, with an armed man coming out of it, he is equipped with leather armor and a long sword on his waist, rather than a soldier he looks more like an adventurer that quickly raises his arm and calls us to stop, "Please halt. Show your Status Plate. Also, what are your objectives for coming to this town?"

It should be something like a routine, because he somehow looks unmotivated, anyway, both I and Eri pull out our Status Plates while answering the guard's question, while at the same time, hiding all the skill and numerical values, and I answer his question honestly, "Our main objective is to secure rations, they're to be used for our journey, and rest for a few days...".

The guard replies with an indifferent, "Hum..." as he checks our Status Plates, then he turns his gaze to me and Eri and looks a little stunned and unfocused looking at her, obviously charmed by her, but I make him focus on me again with a little fake cough, then he nods and gives back our Status Plate and says, "You may pass", I nod, thank him for his work then ask, "Where can I sell raw materials?", and he quickly answers in a calm and systematic way, like he said this words many times before, "If it's that, there is the adventurer guild if you go straight through the central road. If you want to personally bring it to the store, just ask the guild. They will give you a simple map of this town".

Receiving that information, I nod and thank him again, then we pass through the gate and enter the town, at the same time, I finally see the town name engraved on the gate, its name is Brook.

Inside the town is a lively atmosphere, even though it isn't at the level of the town of Horaud which I have seen near the Orcus Labyrinth, there are quite a lot of stalls along with voices advertising their wares, and the sounds of people haggling can still be heard all around us.

Such liveliness, somehow lifted my feelings so much that I can't help but say, "I kind of missed this chaotic buzz...", Eri also nods and says "Sometimes too much tranquility and silence is bad... Especially for us that are used to the chaos of a city", and so we continue calmly looking around while chatting and flirting.

With such a happy mood, we continue walking on the main street until we discover a signboard with a large sword drawn on it, it is the same signboard as the one seen in Horaud's adventurer guild, although the scale is two sizes smaller than the one in Horaud.

Seeing that we quickly reach our destination and open the door, stepping inside with composure, and just like the one in Horaud, it is unexpectedly clean, with a counter in front of the entrance, and a restaurant to the left.

There are some people that seems to be adventurers, eating and chatting, but when we entered the guild, naturally all the adventurers turn their gazes toward us, at first, because it was just two unknown people they only paid a little attention to them, but when their gazes turned toward Eri, the curiosity in their eyes increased.

There are those who raise voices of admiration, there are those who stared blankly in admiration just like the guard, and then there are those that were beaten by their girlfriends, seeing this I can't help but think a little excited, 'Will I finally encounter here one of the templates of the genre...?', and while happily thinking that I move toward the counter.

On the other side of the counter, I see a charming smiling auntie, a middle-aged woman with a large, but well-built figure, with short auburn hair and brown eyes.

The auntie continues professionally giving us a charming smile as she says, "Oooh... how rare to see such a charming and strong adventurer with such a dangerous but lovely girl at his side...", I stand still and stop what I was about to say in surprise, thinking, 'Well... This woman is quite sharp... If I remember well, she is a former guild instructor, and almost all the current branch chiefs learned their trades from her...'.

At the same time, Eri says with a calm smile, apparently not bothered by the fact that the woman was able to see through her, "… I am deeply impressed", and the receptionist replies with a laugh, "Once you see as many adventurers as me you start to learn to read people a lot more easily, and for what I see you found yourself a keeper...  Anyway, once more, welcome to the adventurer's guild, Brook's branch. What is your business?".

I move closer to the counter and say, "I'd like to know where to sell raw materials from monsters... As I'm sure you have noticed we are new in this town...", the auntie thinks about it and says, "Selling raw materials it is. Then, can you show me your Status Plate first?", I nod and show her my Status Plate, knowing that she wants to check if I'm registered as an adventurer.

The reason is simple, there are various privileges as an adventurer, it is because adventurers are the ones that collect raw materials such as magic stones and recovery medicine that's necessary for everyday life, so no amateur tries to collect those raw materials, it is natural to give out privileges corresponding to the dangers, also because it isn't known when the town would be attacked by the monsters it is better to keep one of their main defenders well fed, and happy.

Some of the benefits are the fact that the materials can be brought for a 10% increase, the 10-20% discount for hotels and shops associated with the guild, and the possibility to freely use carriages for people with a high adventurer rank.

The auntie looks at my Status Plate and says, "Only Blue rank, huh... Not much interest in increasing your rank, right? If you're a man, then work hard to reach black, okay? Don't show any uncool sides to this girl", but Eri says "Jayr already showed me his cool side plenty of times... Something as insignificant as a guild rank won't change my opinion of him...", I nod and add, "Yup, I only registered because being an adventurer makes things easier in general...".

The auntie nods with still the same smile on her face, then I ask, "Then, is it okay to sell them now?", and she replies, "No problem. I have the qualifications for appraisal, so show it to me", I nod and using a backpack as a cover, I bring out a container we prepared beforehand with the items from the monster that we hunted, the items are monsters' furs, nails, fangs, and magic stones.

As soon as the container is put on the counter, the auntie sees the materials inside and exclaims in surprise with an astonished expression "Th-these are...!!", then she timidly takes some of them, then ascertains the items inside-out.

After holding her breath in nervousness, auntie finally looks up at me, then she let out a sigh and says "You've brought something unexpected. Aren't these... from the Reisen Gorge's monsters?", and surprised by her question I simply reply, "That's right, is something wrong...?"

The Auntie looks at me in amazement and says "... You are also unexpectedly clueless...", still confused by what she means I say, "I don't understand what you mean", she shakes her head and explains, "Because there are a lot of good quality raw materials from the Reisen Gorge many what to harvest them, but it is also very difficult to do so... So there is always demand but very little supply, thanks for selling them", then I ask getting a hint of what my mistake was "Are these unusual after all?".

Hearing that the auntie smiles and says, "You know. Magic can't be used in the Reisen Gorge, and the monsters there are particularly fierce that is why it is used as an execution place because once there most of the people can only become food for the monster. It's a place with high risk. That's why no one tries to go there. Although it's possible for an army to pass through it, for an adventurer it is simply not worth it, and if they do go there it's more profitable to sell them at the capital. They will sell at a high price, and it'll make it easier to raise one's name".

After auntie assessed all of the raw materials, she present the money, the value of the sold items is a total of 369,000 ruta, it is an excellent amount, so much that I ask, "Is this much okay?", she simply replies, "Well, I don't mind this much", and so I receive 40 pieces of the Ruta currency in a small pouch.

This money, maybe because of an ore characteristic is strangely light, that's why it isn't bothersome to carry more than 40 pieces of this currency, after thanking the auntie and giving Eri the money, I ask, "By the way, I heard from the guardsman that I can get a simple map of this town…", and the receptionist doesn't make me finish that she says, "Aa, please wait a moment... here, this is it. Please refer to it because the recommended inn and stores are written there".

On the given map, there was elaborate useful information and descriptions written with very clear handwriting that made it easy for one to read it, it is a really well-made one, so much, that I feel it is rather unbelievable for this to be free of charge so I ask, "Is this okay? For such a splendid map to be free of charge... I thought it'd need some money to make something of this level…", but she simply smiles and says, "I don't mind, I only do it as a hobby. For those that have the job to make it, that's just like a scribble".

I again thank the receptionist and together with Eri we turn around toward the entrance and move to get out of the Guild, at the same time, I hear the receptionist's voice as she says, "Because you have money, please just stay here for a while... Although this town's public order isn't bad, there might be some reckless men out there...", but I simply raise my hand to wave at her and reply, "Don't worry... I'll be careful...".

Once outside the guild, me and Eri, using the map, which is more like a guidebook, given to us by the auntie, decide to go to an inn called Masaka Inn, according to the description, it serves delicious food with good security, and it also has a bath.

The last description is what decided it, as Eri really misses it, she can't stand using the shower inside Athena's Bidoof any longer, seeing her react like that, I can't help but think, 'Damn... It's like an addiction... What is wrong with the Japanese of this Universe and their bath?', and continue to look at the map and see the price of this inn, 'Although the price is rather expensive, there are no problems because we have the money for it...', while thinking that, we reach our destination, and without hesitation, we walk inside, and I start to look around.

On the inn's first floor, there is a dining room filled with some people having their meal, some of the stops eating for a few moments and I notice their gazes focusing on Eri for a few seconds.

But I ignore them as they are harmless, and move toward the counter-like place, where, what appears to be a girl around 15 years old, cheerfully greets us, "Welcome-, welcome to Masaka Inn! Today, are you here for lodging? Or are you only here to eat?", I bring out the map and pointing at it I say and ask, "Lodging... Although I've seen in the map, is this place as good as described in it?".

The girl nods then she says, "Aah, it's the introduction from Catherine-san. Yes, it was as written. How many nights do you wish to stay?", I nod and reply, "Only for one night. The one with meals and bath", the girl smiles and says, "Yes. The bath will be 100 ruta per 15 minutes. Currently, it's empty at this time", then she shows us the time table.

Eri beside me quickly takes a look, then she says, "Hmm... We will book it for two hours...", and hearing what Eri just said the girl exclaims in surprise, "Eh, for two hours!?", and seeing Eri confirming it with a nod, and paying beforehand, the girl move over and continues by asking, "Then, um~, what about the rooms? Although there are singles and doubles rooms…", at the same time, she looks at us in curiosity with a strange glint in her eyes.

Seeing that, I finally remember her character, and letting out an internal sigh I think, 'She is in her puberty after all... And it's not like she is going to harm anyone...', however, I can also feel the other customers' attention at the moment, and think, 'Come on! Never seen a couple going to an inn before?'.

But Eri ignores all this and without hesitation, she says, "The double room please... Best if away from other customers... We could disturb them...", and our surroundings immediately become noisier, while the girl's cheeks are now slightly red as she is clearly blushing, and I hear her mutter,  "… D-double room away from others… i-in other words... A-amazing… hah, don't tell me booking the bath for two hours is also for that!? Washing each others' bodies! Then… d-doing thing like this and that… and holding hands... how lewd!".

Now, everyone in the inn is focused on me and Eri, and stares at us, at the same time, from the kitchen, I hear the girl's parents say something along the lines, "Ara ara, maa maa" and "Youth is good".

And as the girl's mind is gone for an imaginary erotic trip, the landlady, her mother, who couldn't stand it any longer drags her into the interior, and the man who seems to be her father continues to finish the procedure.

When he gives me the key, he apologizes, "I am sorry about my girl", but his eyes are saying another thing, that I can translate as "You're a man after all, right? I know how you feel", I take the key and think, 'Now, I know who the girl takes after...', then we move straight toward the third floor where our room is located.

Once inside, Eri pushes me toward the bed, making me sit on it, and says, "I can't wait any longer...", then she undresses and move closer, stopping right before me, then she lowers herself to her knees so that she is staring directly at my little brother, pausing slightly before she uses her hands to undress me.

After a little over a minute, I'm finally naked and Eri sweeps her hair back as her head slowly descends towards my already hard little brother.

Rather than trying to take it in her mouth immediately, Eri begins by slowly licking the head, before slowly bringing her incredibly soft tongue up and down my shaft.

As the seconds slowly tick by, Eri's efforts made my already hard manhood, even harder, and Eri pauses her service and says with a red face and glassy eyes totally focused on my little brother, "It always surprises me how something so big can enter my small body... I always feel so full...", hearing that I only smirk while thinking, 'Yup... I got lucky... I found many ways to make my little brother grow better in my growing phase of puberty in the Asklepios Imerológio (Diary of Asclepius)... it is already around 28 cm, and while it isn't too exaggerated it is nonetheless quite big...'.

She then parts her lips and wraps them around the head of my little brother, as she twirls her tongue around it and as she continues servicing me, soon Eri begins to take even more of my length into her mouth until I feel the head of my little brother begin to hit the back of her throat, and next, she starts to deepthroat me without gagging as she had already plenty of practice with it.

With each passing second, under Eri's loving care, I feel my climax nearing, and as I start to twitch, I warn my lover, "Eri... I'm getting close...", but she ignores my warning and continues to bob her head up and down, until I finally release everything into her warm mouth right down her throat, and feel her gulping down everything.

After that, she gets up and looks at my still hard and glistening little brother, she sensually licks her lips and says, "That was a nice appetizer... Let's move on to the main course...", and I notice that her pandora box is already wet and ready for what is coming next.

She sits on top of me, and the next moment, I feel my little brother pierce her entrance before it finally enter her tight and warm cave, making Eri let out a loud moan as she finally received the thing her body had been carving for so long, then she cries in pleasure as she is finally filled to the brim, "AHHHHHN~!".

Then she starts to move her hip to bring even more pleasure to us and looking at her while she bounces on my little brother with I smile on my face I say, "I won't let you do all the work...", and warp my arm around her lithe body, shower her neck in kisses, and start to move my hips in synchronization with her movement and start to truly pound her, making her moan even louder.

And soon the room is filled with the sounds of smacking flesh and Eri's moans as I pounded the brunette necromancer with all my might, and begin to slowly and methodically grind the head of my little brother against the entrance to Eri's womb, while she herself is grinding her butt against my waist to try and push my last couple inches in even deeper.

Eri's eyes glazed over slightly as my little brother continue to bring her increasing amounts of pleasure, she then shuddered as I start to give attention to her modest breast, and start to flick and play with her nipples using my tongue.

With my skillful ministrations, Eri lasted less than a minute before she let out a great cry as she climaxed, tightening her vice around my little brother and releasing a good amount of liquid from her pandora box, and seconds after that, I let out a grunt and filled Eri to the brim with his seed, making her reach her peak once more.

At the same time, I hear a girly gasp coming from the window, and my senses, which were focused on something else, finally pick up the young girl who received us before voice, "No way...He did it inside just like that? What if she gets pregnant?", and think, 'Damn... That girl sure work fast... She quickly came to spy on us... Now what to do...?', but as if she knows what I'm thinking, Eri, who barely recovered from her orgasm, looks at me with a smile and says "Ignore her... Focus only on me... Use me until I break!".

And soon I hear that the landlady, her mother, found out that the girl was peeping, and grabbed her away and start to spank her on the butt, so I fulfil her wish and focus back on Eri, this time, using her small stature as an advantage, I get up start pounding her while standing, trusting in her almost like she is an onahole, making her scream in pleasure, "Yes... Yes... Yes~", and again she reaches her peak and her fluids mess up the floor of our room.

After that, I gently lay a slightly shaking Eri, as she is still going through her last orgasm, prone on the bed, and, without hesitation, I insert my little brother once again inside her tight, warm, still twitching pandora box, which is currently leaking our mixed fluids, and as she feels my intrusion, Eri pleads with a moan, "Ahhhn~... W-wait... Too s-soon... I-I...", but I stop her, and with a grin, I say "Sorry, but to fulfill your wish, I'll follow 3 simple rules of a famous martial art school... Strike First, Strike Hard... No mercy!", and after that, all that resounded in the room are the sounds of smacking flesh and Eri's constant moans of pleasure.

We spent the rest of the evening and a good part of the night fucking like rabbits, Eri once again broke her personal record, we only stopped to have dinner while the rest of the customers looked at us weirdly and once back in the bath we restarted, and the end, Eri looked like one of those female characters in those hentai anime and manga that for sure I didn't see in my youth... at least this life youth.

The next morning, when we left the inn with a very satisfied and glowing Eri, I saw an angry mob of customers, a landlord sending me off with a knowing smile and a thumb up, an "Ara Ara..." landlady and their daughter literally fainted when she saw us, I could literally see the steam rising from her head.

After leaving the inn, we go out of the town and enter my S.T. for one simple purpose, getting used to the new Age of Gods magic we learned, Gravity Magic.

And after spending a whole day on it we find out that indeed what Miledi said is true, Eri is having many difficulties with it, the most she can do with it is only make something heavier or lighter, herself included.

Meanwhile, I got a lot more success with it, not only I can increase and lower my weight greatly, so much that I'm starting to think about using the most staple trope of the fanfics I have read, Dragon Ball Gravity Training, but I was also able to replicate trough magic some of Nagato's most iconic Jutsus, Shinra Tensei and Bansho Tenin.

Moreover, I was able to enhance my weapon with Gravity Magic giving it the ability to being heavier, and so increasing its destructive power, or lighter, gaining a faster swing speed, on the need, and also finally unlocking its Flight Form, which can also be docked on my bike to make it fly, and while it isn't as fast as I'd like, it is still faster than any vehicle in this world, if you exclude the one that Hajime will build.

Overall, it was quite fruitful training, and in the evening we returned to the inn to rest, then the next day, we went to the Guild to say goodbye to Miss Catherine and again thank her for her help, then following the Mana Compass we moved toward our next destination, Gruen Desert.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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