Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 91 – Sending Myu Home

Jayr POV - Tortus, Dukedom of Ankaji - 2013

After 8 hours of continuous work, I'm finally done with healing everyone in this country, and now I'm watching over Myu together with Eri and Freid, at the same time, Hajime's group and the rest of the Hero Party plus Tio went to the Gruen Great Volcano to challenge the Labyrinth over there, after they took care of the monster that was poisoning the water of the oasis.

Anyway, before they went there, I sent Kaori over with all the information I have on the Labyrinth, the monsters that they will find, shortcuts, and the price for using the shortcuts, overall, they have a complete walkthrough to complete the Labyrinth without any problems.

And right now, we are enjoying the sight of the Dukedom of Ankaji slowly coming back to life, sure, most of the patients are still weakened, but they aren't in any danger now, and those that were afraid to come out are slowly moving out, now that the fear of the disease is gone, bringing back the liveness of this place.

Another thing that I'm enjoying is the sight of the broody and always serious Freid as he plays tags with Myu and the other children with a goofy smile on his face as he chases after the children playfully roaring like some kind of monster.

As I'm looking at them, I drink an iced fruit juice made of the Treant's fruits, then I hear Eri sitting next to me as she says with surprise in her voice, "That's really unexpected... I didn't think that Freid of all people would be so good with children...", but with a smile on my face I say, "Not so much... Remember that above all, the main reason he fought was to protect his people, and right now, he is finding even more things to protect. He was never a bad guy, only a misguided one...".

Indeed, at the start, everyone was fearful and wary of him simply because he is from the Demon Race and this place is under the control of the Holy Church, that by the way is going through a period of reformation under Liliana's reign, but after seeing him helping out their country, and how he played with Myu and the children, made everyone quickly open up to him.

After a while, they stop playing because the sky is slowly turning dark, and as Myu runs toward us she asks with her puppy eyes, "Big brother! When will Papa and the big sister come back?", I gently pat her head and with a smile on my face, I reply, "They should come back in a few days at most... The place they went is quite far from there, and to conquer it and come back they will need some time, but not worry they will come back for sure and then we will meet your mama!".

Then, we go back to the palace and go inside one of the guest rooms and put Myu to bed, but she doesn't fall asleep and with her most dangerous weapon, the puppy eyes, she requests, "Can you tell me a story?", to which I nod and sitting next to her bed, I start to tell her a story, I won't go into details, but basically, I told her the tale of a certain red-headed mermaid, and after a while, she quietly falls asleep.

I move out of Myu's room only to find a gushing Eri standing in front of the door, she puts her hands on her face and says, "Seeing you with that child makes me want to have one of my own... Ouch!", but I quickly flick her forehead and say, "I already told you... It is too soon for that! I'm not against having children but we are far too young for that...".

Eri pouts a little while holding her forehead, but then she smiles and says, "Okay... but at least we can do a little more practice before the real thing...", then she grabs my arm and pulls me towards our room.

We pass the next few days peacefully, with the Dukedom becoming more and more lively each passing day, that air of desperation totally gone.

Finally, Hajime's group and the Hero Party plus Tio return from the Gruen Great Volcano after successfully conquering it, and the next day, while watched by the Duke who seems to want to restrain them, and Bize with his feverish gaze that is trailed on Kaori and the other girls, we all jump on Freid's familiars' back and fly to the west.

From behind, the voice of gratitude and my and Kaori's name are grandly resounding from the people.

After flying for a few hours, we finally reach the ocean, vast, clear, and beautiful, totally different from the polluted one I'm used to, we decide to fly at a low altitude to fully enjoy the sea breeze.

Following that, after advancing on the sea for a few hours, we finally have our destination in sight, and Shea raises her hand and points at it yelling with sparkling eyes, "Ah, Hajime-san! It has come into view! The town is! Finally, a place with people!", and Hajime moves his gaze at the big town floating above the sea that has just come into our view, Erisen, and says, "Nn? Ohh, it really is in the middle of the sea, eh".

The Coastal City of Erisen is comprised of a network of floating wooden docks and boardwalks and encompasses a couple of peaks, the docks are lined with lamps made of glowstone, like the docks, All of the buildings are also made of wood, and have straw roofs.

I can also sense that below Erisen lies several underwater caves used by the sea-dweller as some kind of highway to move through the various parts of the city.

We make the Ash Dragons land on a vacant spot in the place with a lot of protruding piers where the Sea-dweller tribe, human tourists, and merchants became pop-eyed after seeing us riding on Freid's familiars, and irritated by such attention, Hajime is about to release his killing intent but I put my hand on Hajime's shoulder and say, "Woah, calm down we are here to return Myu to her mother", then with my gaze, I point at Myu in his arms.

It seems that Hajime got my message, as he quickly restrains himself, meanwhile, a group of armed Sea-dweller tribes, and human soldiers donning the crest of the Height Kingdom start approaching us.

The reason they came is because of the clamor we caused, and of course, because of Myu's presence, the kidnapped Dagon child that everyone is searching for.

But soon the onlookers and soldiers crowding this place, all of a sudden fall silent, there is not even a clamor, and the place has become strangely quiet.

It is because, the should be kidnapped girl of the Dagon Race, is in the arms how a human boy, however, the biggest reason is how attached the young girl of the Dagon Race is to the young man, so much, that she calls him "Papa".

The situation where the should've been kidnapped child of the Dagon Race is "adoring" a human boy enough to treat him as her father, and how Hajime treats Myu as his own daughter made everyone dumbfounded, not understanding what had happened.

After a few seconds, finally, the surrounding people return to their senses and begin to cause a great commotion.

Then, one of the human soldiers, one that looks like a commander, tries to interrogate us, "Oi, you, explain what are you doing here?", his tone is extremely rude and menacing he even points his weapon at us ready to attack at any moment, so much that Myu starts to shake and hide in Hajime's embrace, but even so, he can't hide his nervousness and fear, as his raised weapon continue to shake.

But Hajime quickly raises his free arm and from his Treasure Box he pulls out his Status Plate and request and presents them to the commander-like soldier, while at the same time, he explains that he was entrusted by the head of Fuhren's guild branch to return Myu to her mother.

The soldier takes the objects presented by Hajime and starts reading them, "… Let me see… a Gold rank!? Moreover, a direct request from the head of Fuhren's branch!?", I see that other than the request form, there is also a letter from the head of Fuhren's Branch where the details are written.

It is addressed to the Erisen's mayor and the top brass of the soldiers who resided in this town, the man before us.

After reading the letter intently, the commander lets out a big sigh and after he hesitates a little, he gives up as he drops his shoulder and then salutes us, "… The request has been completed. Nagumo-dono".

To which Hajime replies with a nod then he says, "It is good that all doubts have been cleared. You must have things that you want to ask, but we are in a hurry. So I want you to not ask anything because… I want to let this child meet her mother right now. It's okay, right?", and the commander answers, "Of course it is. However, as a soldier of this Kingdom… I can't overlook those dragons and especially that Demon over there!"

Radically changing from the previous oppressive manner, the commander's attitude becomes one which pays Hajime with respect, but his gaze is still strong and unwavering.

Hajime easily meets his gaze and says, "About that, can we just talk about it at another time? I am going to stay in this Erisen for a while, after all", and I add, "I think there's no need to report about it to the kingdom because they already know about it…", at the same time, I pull out the royal crest given to me by Liliana in case we meet a situation like this one, in fact, Freid and Eri also have one.

Seeing the crest, the soldier nods and says, "Mm, I see. Anyway, it's good as long as we can have a chance to talk. Now please return that child to her mother… does she know of her mother's condition?", and Hajime replies, "No, she doesn't. But it's okay. After all, we have the best medicine and healer here".

Hearing that, the soldier says, "I see. Then let me question you once things are settled", then the commander lastly introduces himself as Salze, then he moves to control the crowd by dispersing the onlookers, while we move towards the direction of Myu's home, of course, it is Myu the one that leads our way.

On our way there, the people who know Myu seem to want to call out to her, but Hajime used his gaze to stop them because too much time would pass before she returns to her mother if we did that.

Meanwhile, Myu is pulling Hajime's hand with a smile on her face as she joyfully yells, "Papa, Papa. We are returning home. Mama is waiting! Myuu wants to meet Mama", and Hajime humors her, "Of course… so let's hurry and meet her".

On our way to Myu's house, Kaori moves close to me and asked me with a small voice, "Jayr-san. About what the soldier from before said…", but I quickly reassure her, "Don't worry, as long as she isn't dead I can save her, in fact, I can do so even if she dies... The only death that I can accept as a doctor is the natural one from one ending his lifespan...", hearing that she nods.

At the same time, I think about what I just said, 'While it is true that I can now resurrect someone as long as his soul is still intact, I won't go around reviving anyone that had an unjust death in my path, death is still a fundamental part of life and needs to be respected a such, that is also why Lainz and Gruen refused to be revived...'

While I was thinking that, I hear a commotion from the road ahead, it is the voice of a young woman and several voices of men and women, "Remia, calm down! It's impossible with the condition of your legs!",  "That's right, Remia-chan. Myu-chan will surely come back!", "I don't want to! Didn't you say Myu has come back!? Then, I must go to see her! I need to welcome her!".

Apparently, Myu's mom tried to get out of the house, and she was stopped by several men and women, it is likely because an acquaintance has told Myu's mother of her return.

At the same time, with the resounding frantic voice of the woman called Remia, Myu's face bloomed, then, as loud as she could, she calls out to the beautiful lady in her mid-20s with long green hair and green eyes, "Mama~~!!".

(Image Here - Remia)


She runs with all her might and with an expression full of smile Myu, jumps into the bosom of the woman, her mother, Remia, who tries to steady her legs before the front door.

Seeing the figures of a mother closely and tightly embracing her daughter, expressing she didn't want to be separated again from her child made the surrounding people look at them warmly, it also brought a smile on my and Eri's face, at the same time, Remia repeatedly apologizes to her, either because she had lost sight of Myu or her incapability to come looking for her or may both.

As tears fall from Remia's eyes, Myu looks at her mother with anxious eyes, then she gently pats her mother's head and says, "It's okay. Mama, Myuu is here. So there's nothing to worry about".

Surprised by that, Remia is unconsciously watching Myu in seriousness which makes Myu smile, and this time she is the one who hugs Remia tightly, this fact made Remia inadvertently raise a wry smile, her shoulders relaxed and her tears stopped, Remia looks at her daughter with eyes filled with love.

Myu and Lemia once again hug each other, but suddenly, Myu raise a scream, "Mama! Your legs! What happened!? Are you injured!? Does it hurt!?", apparently, Myu noticed the state of Remia's legs from over Remia's shoulder.

I also take advantage of this moment to check her injuries, both of her feet peeking from Remia's long skirt are bandaged all over, they are in a miserable state, from what I can sense they seem some burn wounds, and quite grave ones, the fact that she can't walk is a clear indication of nerve damage.

I then try to remember what I know about how she got her injuries, for what I remember Remia was convinced that men had a part in Myu's disappearance, so she tried to somehow get Myu back, running along the footprints, following the trails, and she found them.

However, one of the men fought back by firing flame bullets.

Fortunately, she avoided being hit on her upper body but her legs were hit instead, then she was blown into the sea by the impact. Remia lost consciousness from both the pain and the impact.

When she woke up, she was being helped by the people from the vigilante corps who went looking for her because she have not returned.

Her life was saved, but as time passed, Remia still couldn't feel her legs, thus she became unable to walk or swim.

Naturally, Remia tried to search for her daughter, but she couldn't due to her legs.

In the end, she could do nothing but leave it to the vigilante corps and the Kingdom.

While I beast remembering these details, Remia smiles to try not to make her daughter worry more than this, so she tried telling Myu, "It's okay."

However, faster than her, Myu asked for help from her "Papa" whom she depended on the most in this world, "Papaa! Please help Mama! Mama's legs are injured!", which shocks Remia, "Eh!? M-Myu? Just now…", but Myu ignores her and says, "Papa! Hurry!!"

The surrounding people start clamoring, and one among them even says, "Ara? Ara? You said Papa? Myu, who is this Papa?", and a lot of absurd remarks are flying from here and there such as:

"Remia… has remarried? No… NO WAY", "Finally, Remia-chan's spring has arrived again! Congratulation!", "It's a lie, right? Someone, please tell me it is a lie… My Remia-san…", "Papa… Myu said Papa!? Isn't it me!?", "I am sure it is someone with a stage name like Barbapapa, yup, it must be it", "Oi, time for an emergency conference! All members of "Watching Remia-san and Myu-chan warmly" gather now! A storm is coming!".

Apparently, Remia and Myu, this mother and daughter are popular here.

Remia is still young, in the mid of her twenties, and although she is considerably emaciated now, she has a well-sculpted look similar to Myu's.

It was easy to imagine how attention-grabbing her beauty would be once she has recovered, so it is understandable for her to be popular.

With the commotion that continue growing, to my amusement Hajime's expression cramped expressing, "I don't want to go there now" as the current misunderstanding are growing at an uncontrollable pace.

Myuu's gaze is firmly looking at where Hajime is, thus Remia and the surrounding people notice Hajime once they traced Myu's gaze, "Papaa! Hurrry! Please help Mama! Jayr big bro! You too! Check on Mama!", seeing that, Hajime gives up and walk to where the mother and daughter pair are, and soon after I follow after him.

Once we are close enough, Myu looks at Hajime and says, "Papa, Mama is…", but Hajime quickly calms her down, "It's okay Myuu… We will surely heal her. So please don't make such a tearful look", he rustles Myu's hair as she is looking at him with tearful expression and says, "Okay…".

Then he moves his gaze to Remia who is watching Hajime, dumbfounded, the next moment, he decides to carry her into the house to heal her because his appearance has made the commotion grow more, "I am sorry, but excuse me for a moment, okay?", making Remia yelp, "Eh? —!? Arara?".

Hajime lifts Remia in a princess carry while looking like he didn't feel her weight at all, then, he carries Remia into the house guided by Myu, and I follow after them while signaling at the other to come.

With Hajime carrying Remia, screams and roars are raised behind us, which he ignored. Remia herself could only blink from being suddenly lifted and carried by Hajime.

Having entered the house, he finds a sofa in the living room, so Hajime slowly lowers Remia there.

Following that, while watching the blinking Remia who was sitting on the sofa before him, Hajime call me out, "Jayr, how is she?", I move closer and say, "Well in a world without Magic her situation would be quite severe, from what I can see her nerves are damaged that is why she isn't able to walk... But here, Kaori's magic is enough to heal her completely".

Hearing her name being called, she moves closer and starts checking Remia's injuries, "Let me look at her… Remia-san, I will touch your foot. Please say if it hurts", to which she replies while still looking around confused, "Y-Yes? Umm, what's with this situation?".

She is clearly overwhelmed by all this, especially since now her home is full of strangers.

Then after Kaori's examination ended and she confirm to Remia that her damaged legs' nerves would be able to be recovered with her healing magic, then she adds, "However, it will take some time. The damaged nerves were in delicate places, so I will need around three days for there not to have any side effects to occur. Also, I think it will be better for them to heal little by little. Although it will be inconvenient, please hang on until then because I will surely heal you".

But Remia shakes her head and says, "Ara ara, maa maa. I had thought I wouldn't be able to walk anymore… how can I repay you…", but this time Kaori shakes her head to stop her and says, "Fufu, don't worry about it. You are Myu-chan's mother after all".

Coming to this point she finally regains her bearing a little, and asks, "Umm, come to think of it, what is everyone's relation to Myu… furthermore, umm… why did Myu call that person "Papa"…".

While Kaori immediately begins to treat Remia's legs, Hajime's party decides to explain to her the details about things.

About how they met Myu in Fuhren, the riot, and how Hajime came to be called Papa.

After hearing everything while being treated by Kaori, Remia deeply bows her head in place, then repeatedly thanks them in tears, "Truly, how can repay you for this… It is thanks to you that I was able to reunite with my daughter. I will surely repay this kindness of yours even with my life. As long as it is something I can do, whatever it is…".

And although Hajime's party told her to not mind it, Remia couldn't allow herself to not repay the benefactors of her daughter's life.

In the meantime, Kaori ends her treatment, at least today part, as Reima needs some more time and treatments to fully recover.

When we told Remia they were looking for an inn, Remia thought it was a godsend and asked to just use her house, "Please at least let me do this much. Fortunately, this house is big, so there's room for everyone. Please don't hold back and use this house while you are staying in Erisen. Besides, Myu will be happy with this. Right, Myu? You are happy that Hajime-san and the others stay in our house, right?".

Hearing Lemia's words, Myu who was resting her head on Remia's lap woke up, blinking, she was dumbfounded, "Uh? Papa is going somewhere?".

Obviously, she seems to think it is a natural thing for Hajime to stay in her house.

Her expression says that she doesn't understand why Remia asked her that question.

At the same time, Hajime says, "I thought of putting a little distance once she returned to her own mother…", but Remia doesn't give up, and says, "Ara ara, ufufu. It isn't good for Papa to take a distance from her daughter, you know?", and Hajime starts to stumble, "No, didn't I explained it before? We are…".

But Remia stops him and says, "I know that you will continue your travel sooner or later. However, that's why please keep being her "Papa" until that day comes. If you take a distance now, then it would be a sudden goodbye… right?", and so Hajime loses his argument, "… Well if you say so…".

Then she let out a small laugh and says, "Ufufu, it is okay too for you to always be her "Papa", you know? After all, I have said "with my life" before…", and saying so, Remia laughs with one hand on her slightly blushing cheek. Such a calming and beautiful smile would normally calm anyone, but a blizzard generates around Hajime, coming from Yue, Shea, and Kaori, and Hajime who noticed the change starts to sweat bullets, and pleas, "Please don't joke like that… the atmosphere turned cold now…".

Remia keeps her calm appearance and says, "Ara ara, how popular. However, it is almost five years since I lost my husband… Myu also wants a Papa, right?", and Myu candidly asks back, "Fue? Isn't Papa, Papa?", and Remia adds, "Ufufu, she said it, so Papa?".

The blizzard becomes much more intense, but it seems that Remia doesn't actually take notice of the cold atmosphere, moreover, her calm aura makes her words neither be taken as a joke nor a serious one.

"That's good courage, you!", is what Yue and the girls' gazes said, which is easily warded off by Lemia with a smile along with, "Ara ara, ufufu".

Seeing this scene, I move next to Hajime and whisper to tease him, "Good for you Hajime, an Ara Ara MILF just joined your harem... How lucky!", then quickly dodge the rubber bullets shoot by Hajime's gun, and, in the end, we decide to stay in Remia's house.

But when the time to allocate the rooms came, Remia almost started a new cold war by saying, "Shouldn't the husband and wife be together?", and what came after is a silent reply from Yue and the girls.

Then, Myu says, "Myu will sleep with Papa and Mama", which turned the place into chaos, but at least it calmed down for now.

We are going to conquer the next Great Labyrinth from tomorrow onwards, so we need to resupply and mend the broken and lost fixtures while it is also necessary for them to train on the newly acquired Age of Gods magic.

However, while thinking about this, I couldn't neglect my remaining peaceful time with Eri, so I decide to simply cuddle with her on the bed.

Three days later, we are finally ready to depart but not without drama.

The strangely short distance between Remia and Hajime made the bloodshot glares of envy from men of the Sea-dweller tribe stab Hajime everywhere he went.

And the neighborhood aunties were also gossiping about Hajime and Remia, but also take enjoyment in striking up a conversation with Kouki and the rest of the Hero Party to gain even more gossip on the ongoing situation.

In addition, to my and Eri's entertainment, Yue and the girls' approach became even more intense as they became ill-humored.

Even so, we completed all our preparations, and now the time to part has finally come.

Waving her hands, Myuu firmly shouts, "Papa, have a safe trip!", and following that, with an atmosphere that could neither be taken as a joking nor a serious one, Remia waves her hand saying, "Have a safe trip, D-A-R-L-I-N-G!!!"

From the side, they could be seen as a wife and daughter who are sending the husband and father off to work.

Sharp glares can be felt coming from Yue and the girls behind me and the surrounding Sea-dweller tribe, so much so that Hajime whispers, "I'm slightly hesitant to return here after conquering the next labyrinth...".

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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