Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 93 – Conquering the Sunken Ruins of Melusine 1

Jayr POV - Tortus, Sunken Ruins of Melusine - 2013

The sacred air surrounding us disappears, and quickly everyone starts to regain their bearing, fastest among them is Hajime, who starts looking around warily, I even see his gaze stop for a few seconds on the floating corpse of the monster we had killed before that unexpected event happened that have the shape of starfish, then he looks at me with his crimson eye and asks, "What the hell was that!?, but sensing that even the monsters that were attacking us before are recovering from their stunned state, I simply reply, "We don't have time for an explanation! Just trust me, it isn't something bad...", then sensing many sea snake-like monsters approaching us from underwater, I yell, "Everyone! On guard!!".

But, once again, Yue is the fastest to react, and she skewers them using spears of ice, followed by Shizuku, Eri, and Kouki assault that quickly takes care of them all, and seeing how easily we are dealing with these monsters, Hajime starts to mutters, "… Aren't they too weak?", to which Freid, Eri, Yue, Shea, and Tio who have a lot more experience than the others all nod to show their agreement, and at the same time, they raise their guard, even more, expecting some kind of surprise to spring out at any moment while we continue to advance.

And I too find this level of threat somewhat curious, 'Enemies inside a Great Labyrinth are theoretically strong individually and become troublesome if more than one appears. However, the starfishes and sea snakes are similar to the monsters that attacked us in the sea when searching for this place, or at least that weak. Truly unbefitting of a Great Labyrinth's monsters, something fishy is going on here... No pun intended... Maybe...'.

In fact, everyone here has experienced at least one Great Labyrinth and is tilting their heads in confusion, but we find the answer to our doubts inside the huge space on the other end of the passage.

As soon as our party enters the space, a translucent jelly-like body blocks the entrance to the passage, making Hajime exclaims, "…The heck?", and immediately after, Shea, who is covering the rear and is the nearest, swings her hammer named Drucken to break the wall while yelling, "Let me do it! Uryaaah!!", hitting it with all her strength.

However, the surface is only scattered a little, but the jelly-like wall didn't break, and following that, the scattered remains stick to Shea's breasts making her raise her voice in confusion and shock, "Hyaa! What's with this thing!?", and I notice that the clothes covering Shea's breasts are starting to melt, and at the same time, the jelly thing wraps around her clothing and undergarment, and Shea's voluptuous twin hills begin to become more and more exposed.

Immediately, Tio makes her move, she yells, "Shea, don't move!", and uses her flames to perfectly burn off the sprayed jelly thingy without harming Shea, but I notice that a little part of Shea's breasts where the jelly was attached to is swollen red, and seeing that I mutter, "It looked like the jelly blocking the entrance has a rather strong acidity", then I prepare for the next wave of enemies as we move away from the wall.

At the same time, Hajime warns the others, "Kh! There's more coming!", and right after, numerous tentacles attack from above, they look sharp like spears, but their appearance is similar to the jelly that is blocking the entrance, but once again Yue and Suzu's barriers easily block the enemy assault while Tio, Freid, and Kouki use their magics to vaporize the tentacles, and seeing this spectacle Hajime mutters, "Honestly, the combination of Yue and Suzu as defense and Tio, Freid, and Kouki as offense feels like a foul play".

Indeed our current combination is quite strong, in fact, I can honestly say that almost all the strongest people in this world are gathered here, leaving me next to nothing to do if not act some kind of radar and warn them of the dangers, well, I see that Hajime is in the same position, then I notice that Shea took this chance to get closer to him, she slowly approaches Hajime's side while empathizing her exposed cleavage.

Then she makes a truly sly move, as she begins to plead with an upward glance while blushing, "Excuse me, Hajime-san. It's burnt, so can Hajime-san rub it with medicine?", Hajime let out a sigh and says, "… Sigh, don't you see our situation?", but Shea doesn't give up and says, "Well, I think it'll be okay because Yue-san, Suzu-chan, Tio-san, Freid-san, and Kouki are unbeatable, moreover there is Jayr-san watching over everything… Also, if I don't do some appeal in this situation, I will be overshadowed by Kaori-san too…", at the same time, she continues to show off the burn on her cleavage.

But before her plot could succeed, Kaori chants, "Bring the holy ground and healing unto this place Heaven's Blessing!", then after healing her injury, she smiles nicely, and Shea grieves, "Ahh~, even though it was a chance to get my breasts touched!".

But this funny interlude is interrupted by Yue who says, "Hm? …Hajime, these jelly seems to melt magic, too", and I look closely and see that what she said is true, I can clearly see that parts of Yue and Suzu's barriers are melting, and soon after Tio adds, "Mhm, this one thought so. This one felt it was strange that the previous flame lost its force. It seems it even melts the magic power inside the flame", and Freid next to her confirm it, "What Tio said is right, then these jelly are capable of melting magic power. It is a strong and troublesome ability. Suitable for a Great Labyrinth monster. Now this is a dive in a Great Labyrinth!!".

Then after a few second, finally, the figure of the monster that is manipulating the jelly shows itself, the thing appears as it is permeating through the small cracks in the ceiling, halts in mid-air, and begin to reshape, into a translucent humanoid with fin-like limbs, and its whole body carried innumerable specks sparkling in red with two feelers-like things growing on its head, the figure that is swimming in mid-air with its fin-like limbs, it looks just like a Clione, well, a ten meters tall Clione.

Without any preliminary movement, tentacles are shot out from the Clione's huge body, and at the same time, jelly is spraying from its head just like a shower, and without waiting for our instructions Kaori quickly makes her move while yelling, "Yue, attack it, too! Leave the defense to me! Divine Interruption!", and cast her magic that she chanted beforehand using the skill Spell Retention so that she can take Yue's place in defending the group, allowing her to go on the offense.

Nodding at Kaori, Yue moves next to Tio and Freaid, and together they fire flame magics towards the huge Clione, at the same time, Shea also changed Drucken to firing mode and shot at it, while I, Hajime, Eri, and the ones that specialize in close combat of the Hero Party, remain still waiting for the right moment to act.

The Clione is hit by all of their attacks, and its body explodes and is scattered in all directions, making Yue and the others raise a satisfied expression, but Hajime let out a warning to them, "Not yet! Its presence is still here. Kaori, maintain the barrier… What's with this, the monster's presence is all over the room…", like my senses, Hajime's perception abilities caught the presence of the monster all over the room, moreover, it is probable that with his Demon Eye, he can see that the whole room is impregnated of the monster's magic power, as if the monster is the room itself, as I notice him looking around with a sharp gaze.

Right after, as if to sense his anxiety, the Clione that was scattered in all directions regenerates in no time, moreover, on its belly there are the starfish-lookalike and sea snakes we encountered and defeated before, they are quickly melting while raising a sizzling sound, at the same time Tio says with a thoughtful expression, "Hmm, it seems the monsters this one thought as weak were truly ordinary monsters, and they seem to be this guy's meal… Master. It doesn't matter if it keeps regenerating. But where is its magic stone?".

Hearing Tio's question, Shea adds, "Now that Tio-san mentioned it, why can't I see the magic stone although it is transparent?", then she looks at Hajime who has a troubled expression on his face, seeing him standing in silence with that expression, Yue calls him, "… Hajime?", hearing Yue calling him, Hajime scratches his head and reports what he saw, "… None. That guy doesn't have a magic stone."

His words made everyone else dumbfounded, and Shizuku asks, "N-Nagumo-kun? For it to not have magic stone… Then, does it mean it isn't a monster?", but Hajime only replies with, "I don't know. However, if I must say, that jelly's body, all of them are magic stones. My Demon Eye saw that thing's whole body is dyed in reddish-black color. Also, be careful since this whole room is also dyed in the same color. Or maybe we are already inside that thing's stomach".

At the same time, Hajime told them about the shocking fact, the huge Clione begin to attack us again, this time, not only did the tentacles attack while the jelly rained down, but its feet enter the sea water and some parts of its body are shoot like a torpedo.

Hajime quickly takes out a black, large rifle from the Treasure Box, the large rifle has a gas cylinder thing installed where the magazine should be loaded, and also an unbelievably large caliber, it is a flamethrower, and without hesitation he aims it at the wall and pulls the trigger, spraying a flame of 3,000 °C, burning and peeling of the layer of jelly that was covering the wall like wallpaper.

However, the transparent jelly continues to appear from the cracks on the wall no matter how much he burns it off, and finally, it even appears from under his feet., as I hear his shoe soles generate a sizzling sound.

Meanwhile, the attack on the real body by Tio and the others is also increasing in intensity, and even the huge Clione seems to have finally gotten serious as jelly springs up from the entire wall with tremendous momentum, moreover, the water level has also raised without any of us noticing, 'At first, it was around the thigh level, but now it has risen to around the waist... Now... Should I make my move and end this or just let them deal with this on their own... Oh well, let me be lazy for once, if they are in danger I will make a move...'.

While I'm lazying around, Tio and the others had defeated the huge Clione many times, but the surrounding jelly immediately gathers once again, and the end of the fight is nowhere in sight, the endless regenerating jelly is pushing the party to its limit, they still didn't find a way to defeat it, at the same time, their fighting power is getting weaker as more time pass.

Then I notice that Hajime starts to once more look around, he probably decided to withdraw making me shake my head, 'He totally forgot about me... I can understand being focused but hell not even asking if I have a solution... Oh well, with his plot armor he will probably find a shortcut so let him do his thing...', and I see that his gaze stops on a crack in the ground that generates a whirl, then he yells, "I will at least recover us from this situation. There's also a place under the ground. Well, I don't know where it is connected to, so brace yourselves!", and his harem quickly replies "Nh", "Yes~", "Okay!", while the Hero Party quickly decides to trust their classmate, meanwhile Tio, Eri, and Freid are looking at me to ask further instruction, to which I simply reply with a shrug of my shoulders, making then understand, and reply that they are ready.

Receiving everyone's answer, Hajime, while turning the flamethrower around to burn the incoming jelly, uses Transmutation Magic towards the crack, forcing it to expand, and gradually, a deep hole is in its place.

At the same time, Hajime takes out a set of cylinders with a length of 15 cm and a diameter of 3 cm and gives one each to everyone, while quickly explaining what is it and how it works.

Just like Hajime explains it is a small oxygen cylinder, created using the ore imbued with Spatial Magic using Creation Magic, however, the space inside where the oxygen is stored, can only hold enough oxygen to last for around 30 minutes.

Then Hajime takes out the pile bunker from Treasure Box and shoots the anchors underwater to keep it fixed and starts charging it, and following that, without hesitation, he pulls the trigger to break the floor.

Inside the water, a muffled thundering sound generates and spreads with vibration, and in the next moment, the water flows into the hole with tremendous momentum.

The seawater that had reached around my waist began to flow mightily all of a sudden, but this causes Suzu, Yue, Kaori, Shea, and the often-forgotten Endo Kosuke to be swept in by the strong current, then after signaling Tio and Freaid to do the same, I hold Eri, and jump into the hole, and let my body be carried by the currents.

Then after a few seconds, I hear a muffled roaring sound coming from behind me and realize, 'Hajime must have blown something up to slow down that huge Clione...', then I focus on our current situation.

The place we fell into is a gigantic, spherical space with tens of tunnels, that are spouting seawater with tremendous force, or maybe it can be said that they are flowing from there, a place with storm-like and messy currents.

I quickly notice that the strong and swift currents were able to divide us into several smaller groups, Yue tried to control the current with magic, but it didn't work well because the current is too random, Shea is trying to control the weight of Drucken in cooperation with Tio, meanwhile, Suzu is using her barriers to keep Ryutarou, Shizuku and Kosuke safe and close together, at the same time, I notice that Freid is calmly riding a Shark-like monster with several fins and tentacles, moreover, those tentacles are holding on Kouki's body in a strangely compromising position.

Then I see that everyone is quickly heading toward different tunnels, and some of their figures couldn't even be seen anymore, those are Shea and Tio, and Suzu's group, meanwhile, I notice that Hajime is struggling between choosing between moving closer to Yue that is lucky being swept in his direction thanks to the currents so that they would be separated or go toward Kaori, who is being pulled in another direction all alone.

Within that moment, Hajime exchange gazes with Yue, and he makes a decision, using the weight from the ultra-heavy compressed ore he took out from Treasure Box, Hajime rushes below, and then he catches Kaori whose eyes are wide open in surprise, but the two are immediately exposed to an even stronger swift current and together, the two are thrown into a tunnel, while Yue is thrown into another one alone.

Then, Eri who is calmly enjoying the ride finally asks, "Why do every time we are together with Hajime we end up in some kind of mess? Come on! This is the second Labyrinth we try to conquer with him and again we end up falling into these rapid currents! What is he? A jinx!?", and looking at the tunnel that keeps getting closer I only say, "That is the power of plot, my dear... Remember that he is the MC of this world, so everywhere he goes will have some kind of problem... I'm already glad that Erisen didn't start sinking the moment he put his feet on it... Or that his presence didn't awaken some Eldrich horror... yet...".

Jayr POV - Tortus, Sunken Ruins of Melusine - 2013

On the other side of the tunnel, we find ourselves on a pure-white sand beach, there is nothing else around us, but I can see densely packed mangrove-like trees in the distance, and the surface of the waving sea high in the sky, the seawater is like a barrier, preventing any intruder from getting in or out, basically we are inside one big underwater room.

Eri is also looking around and she mutters, "It is quite a vast room...", then she looks at me and asks, "What do you think is going to happen next?", I quickly check what I remember and reply "If I remember well, now we will see mana-based illusions of Tortus' history involving Ehit. The illusions will then turn hostile and attack us and can only be destroyed with mana... You know the usual...", then I pull out a dry set of clothing and add, "Let's change, these wet clothes are uncomfortable...".

And so we quickly start to change, but then as I undress, I sense Eri stop and feel her looking at me with an intense gaze, I turn and look at her and she fixes her glasses and simply says, "Go on, I'm enjoying the show...", and I say, "Come on, it is something that you have seen many times...", but at the same time as I say that, I also start to take various poses, then suddenly Eri asks, "Jayr... When will those illusions appear? Do we have time for a little workout?", but I quickly finish dressing then flick Eri on her forehead and say, "No horny... At least not in the Labyrinth...", then I give her chaste kiss on her lips and add, "But after I'll make you beg for mercy... Now change your clothes and let's quickly end this...".

Eri nods and quickly changes her wet clothes for the dry ones, then we calmly walk toward the jungle in the distance, and after advancing along the pure-white sandy beach, we enter the jungle.

The dense trees and bushes are cut by Eri's Undead Puppets that are opening the way, while I and Eri calmly follow behind while chatting, "This place is really beautiful, if it wasn't one of the Great Labyrinth, this could be a great place for a date...", says Eri while holding my arm, and swatting away a poisonous spider with my free hand, I reply, "Come on, we had some good date in Erisen and Ankaji... both are equally charming cities...", she nods but then she holds me tighter and says, "True... but I also have to worry about that pervert dragon... She still wants to be in her word: "Dominated until even her soul submits"... I lost count of how many sparring sessions you had that ended with her climaxing... Though after that, you come to me to vent your accumulated frustration on me...", and at that moment a silly smile appears on her face while she is lightly blushing.

Then, Eri stops and looks at me she asks with a genuinely curious expression on her face, "From what I can tell, even if she is a pervert, her feelings for you are genuine, like me she is always ready to support you and fight by your side, moreover she strongly reject anyone who speaks ill of you and doesn't even throw a glance at the other guys... so why you do not make a move on her?", I let out a sigh and say, "I know that Tio is a wonderful woman, and it is true that I'm attracted to her, after all, after our sparring, I always end up with a massive erection, but I do not want to rush this time. Until now all my relationships started in some kind of spark-to-inferno-like manner, and I was very lucky that nothing went wrong... So now that I can I want to take my time without rushing and see how it goes...".

While we were chatting, we continue to move through the jungle, while still being careful of our surroundings, and soon we are out of the jungle and what we find in front of us is a rocky area ahead of the jungle where several partly rotted sailing ships are lodged.

The sailing ships are around a hundred meters in length at the lowest, and in the far distance, there is an even bigger one with at least three hundred meters in length.

Looking at this scene, Eri asks, "This… isn't this the so-called ship's graveyard? Then will the illusion you talked about finally start?", I nod and reply, "Yup, but I think we have to enter the graveyard to make the illusion start...", and so we prepare, I pull out my weapon, while Eri summons from her shadow all the Undead Puppet capable of using magic to attack, then we look at each other and enter the ship's graveyard.

We advance by passing through the gaps between rocks, sometimes passing over them, while at other times, we walk on the ships, and as we move Eri comments, "There are only battleships here...", and I nod at that, then I throw a glance around and think, 'The ships in this graveyard don't have cannons located at the starboard side like those battleships on earth. Even so, they are battleships because there are marks of a fierce battle on all of the ships. From the appearance of the ships, they seemed to have received magic attacks. Some have their masts cleanly cut, burnt, carbonized decks, and petrified ropes and nets... They didn't have any cannon, so they used long-ranged magic to defeat the enemies which is a battle method imaginable from the marks that remained...'.

Then, when we reach the halfway point of this ship's graveyard, all of a sudden, we hear the shout of many men, the surrounding scenery begins to distort and before we are aware of it, we find ourselves already on a ship's deck, above the vast ocean, seeing this, Eri smiles and says, "Finally I've grown bored of waiting... It's time for a good old massacre!"

At the same time, I look at our surroundings, we aren't in the ship's graveyard we were before, but now there are hundreds of sailing ships divided into two groups, confronting each other, above these ships there are people raising their weapons while shouting.

Next, a big spark rise into the sky, generating firework-like loud voices followed by the hundreds of ships moving out simultaneously, the fleet on the side of the ship we ride on also moves out after the firework rose, and when the ships approach a certain distance, they use the momentum to ram the other ships using their bodies, while magic is also fired.

Flame bullets are fired accompanied by roaring sounds and create holes in the ships' bodies, huge tornadoes advance aiming at the masts, and the sea's surface froze, stopping the ships, and bullets of gray-colored spheres instantly petrifying everything, even the deck we are standing on is hit by the flame bullets and begin to blaze up grandly, and soon after, the ship's crews immediately activate magic to draw up the sea water and extinguish the fire.

It is literally a battlefield where innumerable people and ships fight, then I hear Eri next to me mutter, "Well if the Liberator wants to show how the people fought for the gods in the past, I have to admit that they nailed it... Even I'm shocked by their obsession and killing intent...", while she said this, I sense some fire bullets coming toward us, and without hesitation, I use the Gatling Form to shoot them down with Ice magical bullets made of Sagitta Magica, Series Glacialis, then I say, "Okay let's destroy them... Remember magic attacks only".

And so, I start to relentlessly shoot everything in sight, mowing down any and all the enemies in my line of fire, while Eri, literally started to unleash hell on this poor mana-illusion, with her Undead Pupped and dark magic, in fact, she began to go all out once she realized that even some simple debuff  magic is still able to destroy the mana-illusion, so she began to unleash a torrent of weak status inducing magics, all while the enemies are yelling in frenzy, with bloodshot eyes,  while scattering saliva around, "For the God!", "Long live! Ehit-samaa!", "Pagans! Die for our God!".

And soon, I notice that all the soldiers are now focusing on us, no matter on what side they were, there is only one enemy here, us, but even with their combined might and number, they are no match for us, the firepower of my weapon is too overwhelming and the cost is negligible, while Eri has a literal army of Undead Puppet dealing with the mana-illusions, but in the end, I got annoyed and decided to end this by releasing a full-power Omnipotens Dis (Almighty Push), creating a repulsive force which pushes away everything in a radius of 500 meter, ships, magics, even the sea below us, everything is blown away by my spell.

In the end, the big fleets of the two countries are annihilated by the two of us in only 25 minutes.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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