Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 277 Stubborn Women

With a jump backward, Irene avoided a green-furred beast claw swipe, running around it, and then with an explosion of her qi, a huge ice spike came jutting out of the ground.

The huge ice spikes came from beside the beast, rising at an angle and heading to piece through his thick fur, yet with a swipe of one of its gigantic paws and claws it crushed the spike to crystals.

And then with a roar from its large bear like head, the green beast made a quick leap and landed beside Irene who had retreated to make the distance, and before she could take any further action, the beast's left arm came flying her way and slapping her figure away with the back of its hand.

"Irene" a voice screamed, as Aimy appeared, running from behind a couple of trees and charging toward the beast.

Aimy raised her hands into the air, and like her sister released her qi from out of her body, and then with a wave, had a huge spike also jutting out and moving towards the beast.

Whilst Irene's spikes were thick and brought about a freezing sensation, Aimy's were thinner and began losing speed the higher they climbed.

For Aimy's attack, the monster didn't bother specifically countering as it roared with its arms flailing in the air, got down on all four feet, and charged Aimy, effortlessly crushing her attack as it moved.

On initiating her attack, Aimy had been filled with confidence, but that confidence falters when she saw the weak attack she had created, and when the beast crushed it like it was a mere annoyance, she was left standing and watching the approaching beast in a daze.

Seeing Aimy standing there all frozen, the beast let out a roar of excitement and charged faster, but while it was still 10 meters away from Aimy, a torrent of wind came shooting at it from the side, smashing into it and drawing some blood from beneath its thick fur.

"Roar" the beast screamed turning to find the perpetrator of the attack, but just as it turned, it found a huge pillar of ice shooting through the air, already close to his face and eventually smashing into it.

"Ahhrghhh" the beast cried, as it was forced backward while holding its head.

"What are you doing here, didn't I tell you to stay hidden and not draw any attention," Irene said, appearing beside Aimy and polling her as they took cover behind a wide tress.

"Sorry, I thought you needed help" Aimy complained as she was pulled along

"Where is Seth he's supposed to be watching you" Irene grumbled.

"He mentioned the beast being scary and then walked away," Aimy said with a confused expression looking at Irene who displayed a similar expression.

"Ahhhh that man, just what is wrong with him" Irene gritted out, tightening her fists.

"Maybe we should listen to Seth and let the beast be" Aimy muttered, but all her words earned her was Irene's glare, but before Irene could scold her, she suddenly grabbed onto her hand and pulled her forward, the both of them leaping from their position.

The next second the tree they had been hiding behind was pounded into the ground by a huge furry hand, the only thing left in the tree's previous position being a crater.

Having successfully escaped the beast's attack, Irene let go of Aimy and turned towards the beast.

"Go and hide, and this time don't interfere," Irene said, but just as she began moving towards the beast, it swiped its claw at her even though it was at a distance.

Following this move from the beast, a towering visible claw made of wind appeared in the sky containing a seemingly endless amount of qi, and then it began falling down on Irene.

Not wasting a moment, Irene put a stop to her forward advancement, turned around, and began running toward Aimy.

"Run, we need to find Seth."


"Women can be so stubborn" The thought passed through Seth's head but he didn't dwell on it.

It had been three days since he got his dick serviced by both sisters and discovered that their relationships weren't as normal as he thought, but in the end, he could only blame himself for being slow, after all, there was a reason the phrase was "fuck like rabbits".

Rabbits were known for having a very high libido, so it shouldn't be a surprise that a species that looks like them shares this same trait, but then again he might be wrong and both sisters might just be an exception.

But truth be told, whether they were an exception or not did not really bother him, the closer and nastier they were the better for him.

Thoughts of different scenes began entering Seth's head, but then he let out a groan as he remembered their similar bouts of stubbornness.

Earlier in their travels, they had spotted a beast from quite a distance, and not just any beast but a rank 9 beast.

Seth hadn't really put any thought into it, expecting the sisters to smartly deviate from its path, yet to his surprise, Iren had made her intention to battle it known.

Despite Seth's wise words of dissuasion, Irene left and went to accomplish her desire, while Aimy whom she had told to stay behind went after her not too long after.

With him still on guard against Irene, Seth couldn't afford to expose his ability to suppress and control beasts, so he had decided to stay away from the huge creature.

At the moment, it had already been some minutes since the sisters departed, and now he was leaning on a tree not too far from a pond, holding a reddish grape and munching on it.

The current serenity pleased Seth, unfortunately, it didn't last long as he was soon forced to his feet when he felt two chaotic qi signatures rushing over to his location, and behind them was much more powerful and chaotic qi signature.

The more powerful qi moved closer and closer, and then all of a sudden it stopped in its advancement, and then its aura began fading away.

Like nothing had happened, Seth took another bit of his fruit, and sat back on the ground, not bothering to look at the two figures that were running towards him.

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