Battle and Sex Is All A Primordial Fiend Needs

Chapter 370 Greedy Idiots

With Rias's kicks, Seth's upper body was buried in the rather thick wall of the church, his upper body slanted and imbedded in the wall while just his legs hung out, his feet still planted on the ground

Rushing up to Seth, Aimy wrapped her hand around Seth's body and pulled him out, bringing his buried body back to light.

"Seth, Seth, can you hear me" Aimy called holding Seth up with one arm while the other shook his head, till his eyes opened.

"Here Seth, drink, you'll recover."

Seeing Seth's eyes open, Aimy quickly went on to present to him her arm, wanting to feed him her blood, but all she got was a stare that basically asked her what nonsense she was trying to do.

Seeing Seth's gaze though she felt relief to know he was okay, Aimy felt a little embarrassed as his gaze questioned her actions.

"Are you okay?" she asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"I just wanted a little rest Aimy, that woman kicks hard," Seth muttered with a sigh.

"I get you were trying to help me, but that was dumb of you, if I were to lose control of myself I could drain you dry, leaving you as nothing but a husk" Seth whispered his words flowing into only Aimy's ears and making the woman's eyes widen.

"You have to be careful who you feed on and who you give your blood to, your bloodlust could always overtake your consciousness" Seth advised and then with a grunt looked within himself.

Karma was a bitch, and after years of watching him play as he wished, Karma had finally decided to give him a taste of his own medicine, bringing it in the form of qi poisoning.

Though Seth had always known the day would come when he would suffer the effect of qi poisoning, he never could have thought it would come so early and worst of all so painfully.

What Seth had done to the victims of his qi poisoning, could not even compare to half of what he had felt.

To see his own body near shutdown, his qi take matters into its own hands and go about its way was the first time for Seth out of a breakthrough.

If not for Seth's qi quick reaction to move and begin counterattacking the devious qi that had contaminated him, Seth feared he would have had to pull out more than just the upper flesh of his body, perhaps the right side of his rib cage might be absent by now.

Remembering the pain, one which had sent him tearing apart himself, Seth couldn't help but shudder, were any other man to be in his position, they would be dead, well that was unless they could recover from life-ending injuries like him.

Thinking of how much energy he had spent healing himself, a pang of hunger hit Seth, and he looked to the sweet woman who had pulled him out of the wall, his eyes running over her and then his gaze moved to Rias.

From their last bout, Seth could conclude that he closed the gap between them a lot, as compared to the last time when a single kick from her had sent him into the wall, this time he could actually catch her kick, and this was when he was still injured and down on energy.

Despite ripping out the infected flesh, there were still several traces of qi running around in Seth's body, and just those few bits had seen Seth spending a huge quantity of his qi, qi that would have been better put into healing more his gruesome injury.

On finally stabilizing himself, Seth's first move had been to snatch up one of the idiots that were staring at his flesh like it were treasure, and he would have been having a nitrous meal by now were it not for Rias very strong leg interrupting with a kick.

Staring at Rias, Seth was unwilling to accept a second defeat at her hands, but alas with the current state of his body and his much-diminished qi, he could only ignore her and look toward the main source of his current problems.I think you should take a look at

With Aimy having already acted, Seth had to look out for her, so in the end, he could only grip her right hand and pull her forward, having her by his side as he moved towards his ripped-out flesh.

After everything they had just seen, the cultivators who had been watching the spectacle quickly moved out of Seth's way, unknowingly clearing a path for him.

  A few steps from his goal, Seth felt a pull on his arm, and looking at Aimy, he could see the reluctance in her eyes, the woman warily looking at the flesh up ahead.

"Is the aura that scary?" Seth thought looking at his flesh which was steps away, but then again he had basically had the thing in him, and unless he was a coward there was no way he was going to quake in its presence, not to mention the fact that his sense of wariness towards it was skewed.

Understanding the reason for Aimy's fear, Seth began moving forward, Aimy's hand gripped in his arms.

The woman was a supreme, there was no way he was going to let her cower in the presence of a very absent person's qi.

"What do you think you're doing?"

A heavy and forceful voice sounded, the words aimed at Seth, but Seth didn't even deign checking which idiot spoke those words.

With Aimy in hand and lagging as much as she could, Seth moved in front of a piece of red flesh, one which had once been in his body but at this point was unrecognizable.

He easily ignored the several stabbing sensations that appeared o his body, paying no attention to Aimy who had her qi blaring and surrounding her

"Sword qi" Seth muttered.

Every trace of his qi that had once been on the flesh before Seth was gone, the flesh now filled with a different type of qi, sword qi.

Seth had heard Roushi's words on this being sword qi, and though the man had mentioned a king Rothrak, Seth comfortably ignored the mentioned man whom he most likely won't be meeting again in his life and focused on the useful aspect of Roushi's words.

Whatever this sword qi, was, the fact that it could completely beat his indomitable supreme qi told of its might.

Thinking of his enlightenment sphere, Seth felt giddy at the thought of comprehending and understanding the mysterious qi before him, but before he could lift his hand and store away this precious flesh,  a voice sounded.

"You can't take that," and with the courageous voice speaking his thoughts, a cacophony of other voices rose up.

Ignoring them Seth flicked his finger, his flesh which had been on the ground disappearing, and then he turned to the noisy group behind him, this action quickly shutting them up.

Not minding their meekness, Seth licked his lips as he looked for fresh prey, particularly female, and just as he spotted a rather healthy and luscious-looking brunette an annoying voice spoke, one which he unfortunately couldn't ignore.

"The church is a safe space, killing is not allowed."

Seth had just started flicking his tongue in annoyance at Route's words when some of the idiots in the church began speaking once more.

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