Battle of Ascension

Chapter 176: Sixth Day - Elemental

He was running all day to run from the damn desert yet what waiting for him was another torturous terrain. Randy described the scene in the front was black with a few scorching crimson and gray.

The land in the front was like a land had been burned until the soil turned into the black in color. There was no tree or beast he could in the front. The black land was soulless.

Also, there were many small mounds. The mound was like an artificial mountain, only about twenty meters high. Some time magma would shoot up from the top of the mound.

There were five small mounds in which was in his sight and more in the deeper territory. The highest was about fifty meters high and from this fifty meters, high which often erupted magma.

Also, there were many cracks on the ground, sometime heat would shoot up from the crack. Looking at this, Randy knew this territory would be the same the desert, hot.

Coming out from a desert only to come to this burned land which was many mounds which would erupt magma.

The sun already set, and the moon hung on the dark sky. Randy let out a rueful sigh for his fate as he could only set his camp in this burned black land.

Battle System: You have entered the Semarang Territory!

Randy stepped in the black burned land and he was looking for the ground with no crack to set up his camp. After he found the ground with no crack, he dug the black soul with his hand to put the repellent sphere.

But to his surprise, the soil was as hard as a rock. Randy took out his Primeval Nether Claymore to dig the soil and put the repellent sphere in the hole. Even though there was no monster or beast around here, he still put the repellent sphere. Better safe than sorry.

After setting up his camp, it's time for dinner. There were two lunchboxes left in Storage System.

'I shall cook for dinner tonight,'

He stood up, looking for the wood to make a fire to cook. But suddenly he realized that there was no tree in Semarang Territory.

He looked back at Cirebon Territory. It was the same, there was no tree in the desert either. If there was no wood, then he could not make the fire. If there was no fire when he could not cook his dinner.

Suddenly, magma erupted in the small mound which not far from him, about twenty meters from where he set up his camp.

There was a light bulb popped out in his head after looking at the erupted lava. After that, he took out the headless five meters bear which he killed in Purwakarta Territory. He cut the bear's left arm and skinned the left arm of the bear.

Luckily, his Storage System had a special use, drying blood. With that, he didn't need to clean the blood in the bear as the bear had no blood in it.

Finishing his preparation, Randy headed toward the closest small mound. The mound was about thirty meters high.

He climbed up the mountain. It was easy for him to climb up the thirty meters mound. Reaching the top of the mound, there was a cylinder funnel with diameter 2 meters.

Randy tilted his head, taking a peek at the cylinder funnel. Inside the cylinder funnel, he could see magma bulbed, and the heat of magma assailed his face. The magma was only about a meter distance from the tip of the funnel.

His idea was feasible, using magma to roast the bear's left arm. But to roast the arm, he needed a stick. It was too hot so he could not use his hand to hold the meat.

He held chin, thinking about how to get a stick. Actually, he didn't have to get a stick as long as he could hold the meat to roast it, anything was okay.

He checked his Storage System, but there was nothing could be used as a stick except his Darkness. Randy used his darkness to roast the meat. Of course, before he roasted the bear meat he already used the seasoning on the meat.

With this, his dinner was solved. After over half an hour, he climbed down from the mound. Today, he was running all day which made him a bit exhausted. Under the scorching hot sun, he ran all day to reach this burned land.

So he didn't intend to hunt tonight, he decided straight to sleep in this hot land to charge his stamina.

Randy straight entered his tent, he thought inside tent would as hot as the outside. But to his surprise, he didn't feel hot inside the tent. It was cool air which made him comfortable.

This meant the hot air outside didn't affect the inside tent. Finally, he let out another sigh of relief. At least, he could have a comfortable sleep.

The next morning, Randy woke up at 6 AM. Taking breakfast, packing up his camp, and continuing his run to the east.

But just as he ran for a few hundred meters, there was fireball shot at him from his right. Randy rolled to the sideways, dodging the incoming fireball.


Randy looked at where the fireball hit at where he was just now before looking at the fireball source. But he didn't even manage to see what thing the one who was shooting fireball instead, another fireball shot toward him.

Randy didn't take it head-on, he moved to the left, dodging the incoming fireball, again. This time Randy didn't stop, he kept moving to the left while looking at the source where the fireball was coming.

Randy finally managed to see what creature that shot the fireball. It was a... blob of fire?

The creature was about thirty meters away from him. It was floating in the air, fiery as the fire was blazing in a circular shape. The fire blob kept shooting a fireball at him while Randy was dodging each fireball while using his Detection skill on it.


[Fire Wisp]

Grade: Uncommon Elemental

Level: 100


The fire blob's name was Fire Wisp, and It was… Uncommon Elemental?

Just as he wanted to ask Shana what Elemental was, he heard Shana's surprised voice in his ears.

"Woah, it's Elemental! Also... it's a fire..." Shana exclaimed in surprise.

"Elemental? What it is?" Randy also surprised. But he was surprised not because of the Fire Wisp, it was because Shana was surprised after seeing Fire Wisp.

She had never been surprised before, this was the first time Shana was getting surprised.

"Elemental is a monster formed from energy and rely on energy to live. Look at this Fire Wisp as an example, this Fire Wisp formed by Fire Energy, and it needs Fire Energy to keep living and become stronger," Shana explained with an earnest expression which was rare.

"It's the same as those spirits back then. They were relying on dark energy to live, so why are you surprised just now?" The Fire Wisp seemed normal, there was nothing special about it, but Shana was surprised by the Fire Wisp which puzzled Randy.

"Non non non," Shana was shaking her tiny forefinger toward Randy, "Elemental and Spirit are different. Spirit is attracted by Dark Energy because Dark Energy can make it stronger, but Spirit doesn't rely on Dark Energy to live. Spirit can stay alive without Dark Energy while this Fire Spirit can only rely on Fire Energy to live. Also, I was surprised because this Fire Spirit is hard to kill and if you are not careful, it can be a threat to your life. That's why I was surprised to see Elemental this early, especially Elemental with Fire Energy,"

'This Fire Wisp can be a threat for him?' Randy puzzled by Shana's judgment. The Fire Wisp could only shoot these fireballs and he, with ease dodged each fireball shot by the Fire Wisp.

'How come this Fire Wisp can be a threat for my life?'

"Are you sure this Fire Wisp can threaten my life? Look at this attack, what it can do was only shot a fireball from the distance and easy to dodge too," Randy looked at Shana with a peculiar look.

"Hehe, this fireball maybe is not a threat for you, but this Fire Wisp can explode itself. Yeah, you're right. Uncommon Fire Wisp is not a threat for you as the explosion the Uncommon Fire Wisp can only give you a searing pain, but what about the Rare Grade? Epic Grade?" Shana chuckled at Randy's remark.

"In Cirebon Territory, you met Devourer, the Epic Grade Beast. So Uncle, do you think there is Epic Fire Wisp or not?"

"Then I just need to kill this Fire Wisp before it can explode itself. That's easy for me which has a high stat in Agility," Randy retorted Shana with high confidence.

Even though he didn't dare to confront the Devourer in Cirebon Territory, it was not because he could not kill it. It was because the amount of Devourer was too much for him.

But as for this Fire Wisp, as long as he had high speed, he could kill this Fire Wisp with ease. Also, the size of Fire Wisp was small compared to the Devourer. It was about as big as twice an adult's head.

Shana rolled her eyes at Randy, "If only one Fire Wisp, then it's not a problem for you indeed. But what about ten or maybe even twenty Fire Wisps? When it felt its life threatened, then it will explode itself. So even though you can kill one out of ten Fire Wisp, the rest will rush to you and explode Boom," Shana made an explosion gesture while giving Randy explanation with her hands which looked cute.

"Also, you need to destroy its core to kill it. But you don't need to worry about that as the Elemental's core is easy to find. Look at this Fire Wisp, its core is in the middle, right in the center,"

"Also, your Dragon Roar is useless to this Fire Wisp. It cannot hear your roar, so your Dragon Roar is useless,"

Randy: "..."

He just wanted to say that he had Dragon Roar, so it's easy for him to face ten or twenty of Fire Wisp at once. Yet now, Shana said the Dragon Roar was useless against this Fire Wisp.

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