Battle of Ascension

Chapter 237: Surrounded

Despite having a big dilemma, but Randy didn't have time to mull over the thing inside his head as Toratula had set his eyes on him.

He must and should have made a decisive decision, did he have to protect the Crimson Princess or not? Hesitation could cost his life, so Randy made his decision to protect the Crimson Princess.

It was his quick thought. He didn't know when Queen Cecilia had known his dragon bloodline, but he only met Queen Cecilia once. It was the first day he arrived at the Crimson Cloud Kingdom, the first day he transported to Ascension World.

Randy concluded Queen Cecilia detected his dragon blood at that time. Also, this was not the first time for someone to detect his bloodline by only meeting him once. Hermit Varikh also detected his dragon bloodline in one glance, so he didn't doubt Queen Cecilia.

If Queen Cecilia wanted to do something to him, was there need to wait until now? With that, he decided to protect the Crimson Princess. Also, he would get a lot of a benefit from killing Toratula.

Just now, when he killed the first Wyvernia in ambush, his level rose for six levels. It was Mythical Grade Beast with a lower level compared to Toratula gave him more level than the Wyvernia he killed earlier.

Also, with Queen Cecilia's promise to hold the Evil Dragon back, he could use his Dragon Roar. With Dragon Roar, he believed his chance of killing Toratula was higher than before.

Randy didn't hurry over to Toratula but brought Crimson Princess back into the burned forest. The fire had not died down yet, but the fire was not as intense as earlier. Only some trees which left with fire as the fire could completely burn the tree.

Wood which had fire as its counter, but now the fire could do nothing to the tree. This showed how terrifying Queen Cecilia's Wood Elemental Power, even fire from the General's could not burn the trees.

Randy decided the forest was for his battlefield against Toratula. Inside the forest was far better than the open plain which had less shadow. Even though there was a high risk inside the forest had many other beasts, but with his Shadow Drive, he could move everywhere with ease.

Toratula gave a chase after Randy after he looked Randy entered the forest. As Toratula gave chase after Randy, spear after spear appeared on his back. From 1 ice spear to 2 ice spears, 2 ice spears to 4 ice spears until over a hundred ice spears appeared on his back, floating around him and was ready to shoot anytime.

Randy also noticed the over hundred ice spears which floated on his back. Looking at those ice spears Randy's face turned grim. He already experienced how terrifying about those ice spears.

Three ice spears could injure him and the cold energy in the ice spears could restrain his movement. But now, there were over a hundred ice spears and if he got hit by those over a hundred ice spears, he sure would be frozen to death.

Randy promptly used Shadow Drive skill, flickering to trees after trees to shake off Toratula who behind him. Randy wanted to put the Crimson Princess in the safe place before he would fight Toratula.

Apparently, Toratula noticed Randy's intention, he flapped his four wings and flew over to the sky. Toratula was chasing after Randy from the sky, with that Toratula could monitor his movement with ease from the top.

If he had not evolved his Shadow Elemental Power to Innate Dark Core from Innate Dark Essence, maybe Toratula's plan worked on him.

When his Shadow Elemental Power in the Essence stage, he could only move within the shadow in 30 meters area with 3 seconds delay before he could use his Shadow Drive again. But now, after evolving his Shadow Elemental Power into Core stage, he could move within the shadow in 100 meters area with 3 seconds delay. With this kind of movement, he could shake Toratula off with ease.

Sure enough, not even 5 minutes passed but Toratula had lost his sight on him. Randy was looking around, searching for a good place for Crimson Princess to recover.

All this time, the heavily injured Crimson Princess was silent. She never spoke to him ever since she had lost to Toratula. Just as he looked for a safe place, Crimson Princess spoke, "Put me down here,"

"Are you sure?" Randy asked doubtfully. He looked his surrounding, even though there was nothing around here, but this place seemed not that safe for the heavily injured Crimson Princess.

Also, from her voice weak voice, Randy could discern she had not recovered yet. He unsure if whether he had to leave Audrey here. Currently, Audrey was still in his arm, but she looked down.

Seeming to be able to read Randy's worry, Crimson Princess struggled, "Just put me down here! I won't die easily, so don't worry about me,"

Audrey insisted, so Randy could only just put her down here, "All right then, if you insisted,"

After that, Audrey leaned against the burned tree, even though there was a fire enveloped the tree, but it was not a problem for her to lean against the tree. Closely after that, she took out a vial filled with a blue potion which was glittering with gold light.

Randy didn't know what potion had been drinking by Crimson Princess, but after drinking the potion Audrey somewhat looked better.

"Go! I will be okay in 10 minutes," Audrey waved her right hand at Randy, indicating for him to go.

Randy sighed at this, but then he was struck with a sudden realization, "Why should I go? I need not kill Toratula, as long as you safe, then I have achieved my objective,"

Even though killing Toratula gave him a lot of benefits, bloodline, level, and wyvern's carcass, but it was also accompanied along with a high risk which could cost his life.

But of course, it was just his reason to stay with Crimson Princess. His main mission was to protect the Crimson Princess, not to kill Toratula. Also, Toratula had evolved to Eternal Grade Beast, even though he could kill Toratula, it would not give him any progress on his sub-mission. Moreover, he could also kill Toratula later when Audrey had recovered, it was not too late then.

Hearing Randy's words, Audrey opened her eyes wide, bulging out as she looked at Randy. But soon, her face blushed for unknown reasons.

However, Randy was clueless why Crimson Princess suddenly blushed, he thought she blushed was because the chain reaction of the potion she had drunk.

"Don't worry about me, I just drink a Legendary Grade Healing Potion, I would be fine soon. You should kill that Toratula, or he might come here soon," Crimson Princess tried to assure Randy to go, deep inside her heart, she knew Randy was eager to kill that Toratula.

Sure enough just after she said so, there was a certain something hovering on the sky, about 500 meters away from them. Toratula's figure was noticeable even from afar because over a hundred ice spears which were floating on his back.

Randy looked up, Toratula was in his east. Toratula was flying while checking each area he passed by, it was just a matter of time before Toratula could find them if they didn't move.

"All right then, you must be careful..." If not, then my effort to save you become useless, but of course Randy didn't say it out.

After saying those words, Randy moved out with his Shadow Drive, disappearing before the Crimson Princess. He didn't attack Toratula but took around Toratula.

After arriving at the opposite of the Crimson Princess' location, Randy began his attack. He appeared below Toratula and released out Sword Blade at Toratula.

Toratula who late to notice Randy also shot ten ice spears at once at Randy three seconds later after Randy sent his Sword Blade.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three ice spears exploded, the ice fragments shot in all directions, but another seven ice spears still darted downward with unimaginable speed.

Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou! Sou!

The seven ice spears passed the explosion, but the sevens ice spears failed to hit the target as Randy vanished, unknown where he moved. The seven ice spears stuck on the ground.

"Coward! Fight me, coward human!" Toratula let out a furious roar.

After the roar, more and more ice spear appeared behind Toratula's back. The amount of the ice spear almost thousands of ice spears or even more than a thousand.

Randy looked at the ice spears as he gulped a mouthful saliva, somehow he could guess what Toratula wanted to do. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, he appeared 10 meters behind Toratula and shot two Sword Blades at Toratula's back.

But just as Randy appeared there, Toratula also turned his head at him with a vicious grin. Closely after that, over a thousand ice spears shot in all directions. Not only that, after over a thousand ice spears stuck on the ground, it exploded, and ice crystal sprayed over in all directions.

Toratula was in the 10 meters above from the ground, he made a vicious smile before saying, "Let's see how you are going to survive from this?"

Over thousand Ice spears in 100 meters area, even though Randy could run away more than a hundred meter with Shadow Drive, the countless sharp ice crystals would shoot him to death, at least it was what inside Toratula's mind.

But just as Toratula finished his words, an ominous feeling aroused inside his heart. Toratula looked back and saw Randy was there with two Infernal Blades blazed in the flame.

"Eat this bastard!" Randy shouted as he hacked his two Infernal Blades at Toratula. In his strike, he used Resonance Strike. He applied Resonance Strike in his both Infernal Blades.

Even though Toratula was caught off guard, he put his two hands forward, trying to do something. Randy recognized this move, it was move Toratula used to make an ice shield. Toratula used this once when he blocked Audrey's flame spear.

But Randy only sneered at Toratula. Closely after that, Randy opened his mouth wide and released out a dragon roar.


The deafening roar sounded to the whole Elingdon Plain. Meanwhile, Toratula had shock look at his face after hearing the roar, he shocked as he looked at Randy who grinned at him.


Toratula slammed to the ground after getting hit by six strikes of Randy's Resonance Strike. A pit created where Toratula crashed, Randy also landed beside the pit.

Just now, after releasing two Sword Blades, Randy hid under Toratula's shadow, and he survived from the thousand ice spears. Closely after that, he leaped to the air, catching Toratula off guard.

Randy stood beside the pit as he looked down at the pit. The pit was about 3 meters deep and inside the pit, there was a wyvern cut into three pieces. The wyvern was death as it had stopped from breathing.

Meanwhile, in his surrounding had been frozen after over a thousand ice spears sprayed over a hundred meters area. Even Randy could feel the cold energy, he took a deep breath before jumping into the pit.

He dug the wyvern's heart and began processing the blood essence into a special vial. After that, he put the vial on the ground, waiting for the progress of the blood essence. It took three minutes before the blood essence could be consumed for the bloodline.

Putting the vial on the ground, he stored the dead body of wyvern into his Storage System. He needed to wait for three before he could store the special, so he took a seat beside the special vial, and checked his mission card.

Sure enough, after killing Toratula his sub-mission was still the same. He needed to kill 3 more Mythical Grade Beasts to complete the sub-mission, the Eternal Grade Beast he killed had not counted in his progress in sub-mission for killing 10 Mythical Grade Beasts.

Randy took a seat beside the special vial, resting for a while after battling from the morning until the afternoon non-stop. But he remembered the Crimson Princess had not recovered yet.

Randy took the special vial, intending to check the Crimson Princess condition, but just as he took the special which contained Toratula's blood essence, there were many humanoid shadows on inside the pit.

Randy looked up and there were many beastmen stood around the edge of the pit. He counted there were 23 beastmen and all of them looked at him with greedy eyes.

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