Battle of Ascension

Chapter 249: Back to Elingdon Plain

Randy found his stat in level 1 was far less than this level 1 Inflame Griffin. But he didn't dawdle around with that stat, he needed a name for his battle partner, a cool name.

He picked Inflame Griffin up, looking, checking its around the body before checking its gender. He found a small lump with a few centimeters long, signifying the griffin was a male.

Getting checked over all its body, somehow Randy found Inflame Griffin showed its displeasure at him. He didn't know if it was because it didn't like to get checked or maybe because he touched its 'stick' as he paid none attention to it.

"Hmm," Randy held his chin as he thought of a cool name for his battle partner. Its fur was blue… "Little Blue, maybe?"

Randy immediately shook his head, "Too simple," Also, he was not sure if its fur would still in blue color when it evolved later.

Shana told him besides the name of the battle partner was showing which grade currently the battle partner was and his Inflame Griffin was at [Blue Flame]. He didn't know what the Inflame grade currently was.

Crimson Princess' Inferno Fox was a six-tailed which meant it was in Mythical Grade. it was quite easy to determine the Inferno Fox, but not with his Inflame Griffin.

"Not only hard to determine which grade it was currently in but it also hard to find a cool name for Inflame Griffin," Just as he finished his words, suddenly an idea stuck in his mind.

This little thing was coming out from an egg-shaped stone. Even Shana said to him it was a rock, but now the rock was giving birth to the little thing in his hand. The little thing came out from a rock… rock…

"Rocky!" Randy suddenly shouted, startling Inflame Griffin in his hand.

"All right, from now on your name is Rocky!" But just as finished his words, Inflame Griffin made a displeased look on its face, it was not satisfied with Rocky as its name turned its head away from Randy.

"Heh, you sure picky. Rocky…. Rocky…" But soon he also found lacking something with Rocky, too short?

"How about Little Rocky?" But he immediately rejected that idea as he unsure if the Inflame Griffin would grow bigger or not. If it would grow bigger, even bigger than him then named it with Little Rocky was weird.

Randy examined the little thing in hand again, he found Inflame Griffin was like Lion, but the only size which made it looked like a cat.

"Lion… Lion…" Randy mumbled a few times.

Lion, Lion the King of the Jungle… King of the Jungle… King...

"King Rocky?" But again he shook his head, "It becomes weirder instead,"

"Emperor Rocky? Monarch Rocky? Ruler Rocky? Boss…" Randy kept mumbling many names in his mouth with Rocky as the last name.

"Sovereign Rocky… Sovereign Rocky!" Randy decided to name Inflame Griffin with this "cool name", Sovereign Rocky.

He found Inflame Griffin didn't repulsive as before despite having a displeasure look, so Randy settled the Inflame Griffin's name with Sovereign Rocky.

After that, he opened the Battle Partner Option again, and named Inflame Griffin with Sovereign Rocky.


[Sovereign Rocky - Inflame Griffin] [Blue Flame]

Grade: Saint Beast

Level: 1

Skill: [Locked]

Stats: [Strength]: 200, [Vitality]: 100, [Stamina]: 130, [Agility]: 150, [Spirit]: 150


A satisfied smile appeared on Randy's face after giving a "cool name" for his battle partner. Afterward, he took out a big bull and gave the bull to Sovereign Rocky. Of course, Randy would skin the bull and cut the horn first before passing the raw meat to Sovereign Rocky.

Randy tapped and stroked Rocky's head before saying with a smile, "Eat a lot and grow up!"

Last night, Randy heard from Shana Rocky was not a newborn baby. He wanted to ask after making his temporary nest, but he fell sleeps promptly after Rocky finished its meal.

So before going out to check the beast horde situation, he wanted to clear his curiosity first as he asked Shana about this.

"The eggshell is created by its parents which mean Rocky already born before, but his parents stuffed him back to the new eggshell they created. The only possibility is his parents run into a disaster which they hard to avoid, so they created this eggshell to save the newborn Rocky,"

Shana also began calling Inflame Griffin by its name as she went on...

"The egg you found was making Rocky fell into comatose for an unknown time while protecting the newborn Rocky, giving it nutrient to survive inside the egg. I guessed why each beast's blood you stored inside the Storage System sucked dry was because of him,"

"Rocky needs the blood to wake him up from the comatose state and break free from the eggshell. But I am not sure about this, this is just my conjecture,"

Randy nodded his head, but also curious what disaster Rocky's parents experienced. Rocky was Saint Grade Beast, so its parent also Saint Grade Beast, but eventually they did not survive.

Randy assumed Rocky's parents died as they did not retrieve Rocky back. What thing which could make a pair of Saint Grade Beast perished.

"Maybe they encountered monsters or human with the same strength as Queen Cecilia," Randy mumbled as he remembered Queen Cecilia managed to defeat three Saint Dragon at once.

Randy shook his head and threw the thought about Rocky's parents back, directing his thought on his current situation.

Currently, he was in the beast kingdom's territory and didn't know how to get back to the Crimson Cloud Kingdom. Actually, if he got a map, it was easy for him to get back to the Crimson Cloud Kingdom, and didn't need the help of the beast horde.

But unfortunately, there was no a thing the one so-called map in his Ascension System. The reason? It because he was a trialer, a guess from another world to carry out his trial to get the reward.

With this identity as trialer, Ascension System only permitted him to see his Window Stat, Storage System, Mission Card, and the newest option, Battle Partner.

Forum? Ranking? Guild? Guild Messenger? and even a Map. There was no such thing in Ascension System, not for him, the trialer.

But just as he came out, Shana's voice traveled into his ears, but from her voice which full of resentment at him, it was like he wronged her, "Uncle, you don't need to bother to check the outside situation,"

He didn't know what he did to her, but he still asked back, "Why?"

"Because the beast horde has departed yesterday morning," Shana snorted at him which made Randy getting even more confused. Randy puzzled why Shana mad at him; he puzzled what Shana's means by saying the beast horde had departed yesterday morning.

He arrived in beast kingdom's territory last night, so he was not here yesterday morning, but last night the beast horde was still there, at the grassland.

Randy checked the time, it was seven in the morning. But soon he found out why Shana said the beast horde had departed yesterday morning.

"Don't tell me, I slept more than a day?" Randy's eyes wide open, the same as his mouth.

Shana didn't respond at Randy, only snorted at him.

"Why don't you wake me up?" Randy could not help but complain at Shana. If she woke him up, then he could catch up to the beast horde. Also, he could hunt more beast for the exp, but she didn't wake him up.

Hearing this, instead of feeling guilty, Shana exploded, "Didn't wake you up? Heng, I yelled for an hour, full an hour I yelled at your ears, but you… You didn't even open your eyes in the slightest, instead of waking up, you slept like a pig. Yet now you complain at me didn't wake you up? Heng!"

Shana snorted at Randy before turning her head away from him.

Randy stunned after hearing Shana's outburst, but soon he felt embarrassed. He was in the wrong, but he still dared to complain at her.

Randy scratched his head and apologized at Shana. He didn't expect that he would sleep more than twenty-four hours, but that was what happened.

"All right Rocky, it's time to get back. We will get more food for you in the way," Randy picked Sovereign Rocky up, putting Rocky onto his head, and rushed out of his nest.

"Graur! Graur!" Sovereign Rocky tried to put a menacing look after hearing Randy's words. Nevertheless, because of its small size, big round eyes, and the woolly mane, it made Rocky looked funny.

Sure enough, when he reached the grassland, there was nothing there except the beast's footprints on the ground. With over a million beasts marched, it would leave an obvious mark as they walked.

Randy brought Sovereign Rocky on his head as he used Shadow Drive, following the footprints, and the obvious mark which had been passing through by the beast horde.

On the way, he didn't find the beast, but only beast's footprints. As there was no obstacle and clear direction, It only took half an hour before he reached Elingdon Plain.

But when he came out from the forest made by Queen Cecilia, he saw a shocking scene when he gazed at Crimson Cloud Kingdom's northern wall.

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