Battle of Ascension

Chapter 269: Cleaning Tumor

The same as usual, Randy was a little stiff each time he called Sun Xiu, mama-in-law. His mama-in-law was running clothing business, normal clothes which the residents wore, so he was not sure if his mama-in-law wanted to make a battle cloth.

Battle Cloth was the second defense for the body. Even though Battle Cloth didn't have a high defense like an armor he currently wore, but at least the Battle Cloth had a half defense of the plate armor.

Even though he was not sure if his mama-in-law would accept his request to make the Battle Cloth, but inside his heart, he believed his mama-in-law would accept his request regardless as he never made a request to his mama-in-law.

This was the first time he made a request for his mama-in-law, so without a doubt she would accept took his request in.

Sure enough, Sun Xiu readily accepted his request to make the Battle Cloth, but the problem was only his mama-in-law could make the Battle Cloth from thirty tailors in Happy Tailor.

Also, his mama-in-law could only make the Uncommon Grade Battle Cloth for now so it would take a long time if he wanted to equip all members of his guild with Battle Cloth.

He got 3 designs of Battle Cloth given by the Crimson Cloud Kingdom. Uncommon Grade, Rare Grade, and Epic Grade Battle Cloth.

He planned to make Epic Grade and Rare Grade for his guild members and then he would sell the Uncommon Grade for the public, helping the income for his Evergreen City for the city development as they needed more capital to expand and built a new city.

But for the current situation, he could only let his mama-in-law produce the Uncommon Grade Battle Cloth first, but of course, he didn't need one as he already got one, one reward from Queen Cecilia, Legendary Grade Battle Cloth.

After his business was done at the Happy Tailor, he was heading back to Happy Restaurant to meet his mom. The last destination after taking a walk around the city of Evergreen.

Also, he wanted to take another experiment about King Grade Beast's meat which could increase his stat. It was still in his mind and the main reason he swept every carcass beast he killed in the clash between the Crimson Cloud Kingdom and Underworld Faction.

On the way, he checked his System Storage and there were three skill scrolls left in his System Storage. The two scrolls were a cooking skill, and another one was???

"Ah, it's a battleship design…"

He just called it battleship design because there was a ship design in the scroll, as for it was a battleship or just a normal transporting ship, he was not clear about it.

He got battleship design from the last Mythical Chest he opened. The third Mythical contained six scrolls which compromised two weapon design, one blacksmith skill, one rune master skill, one tailor skill, and the sixth was the ship design in his hand.

But he wondered who was responsible for making the ship? It was a design, after all, there was a certain condition to learn the detail of the ship design, but the most plausible was the blacksmith.

"I will ask Billy about this ship later,"

He had asked Udin and Gusti to gather the men who could make the ship before he went away for his journey. The ship was the most transportation for his guild, for the Happy Conquest as he was in Indonesia, one of the well-known archipelagos.

If he didn't have the ship, then he and his guild would be stuck in Indonesia. He had asked Udin their current position, Jakarta was in Java Island, and there were other four big islands along with many smaller islands.

So the ship was the fundamental of the Happy Guild, without ship they would be stuck forever in Indonesia. As for teleportation gate of other guilds? It was impossible for other guilds would let his guild to use their private teleportation as their guild would become a threat for them.

Soon, he arrived at Happy Restaurant, where was one of his mom main territory beside Happy Cooking Association.

It was the lunchtime and Happy Restaurant packed with many people. Randy directly entered the kitchen where his mom took in charge. She was one of the head chefs and another head chef was Mika.

When he entered the kitchen, he was surprised by the kitchen's atmosphere. If the outside filled with the happy and pleasant atmosphere as the visitor enjoyed the food, the kitchen was like a battlefield.

The quiet solemn atmosphere, blazing spirit from every cook, and the hot air from the lined up kitchen stove and oven.

However, there was no noise from the cooks as they were concentrating on the food before them. The only noises were coming from the cutting board and knife, the kitchen utensil, the boiling water, and the food which being cooked in the frying pan.

Randy estimated there were over thirty people in the kitchen, but no one spoke as their teamwork was excellent.

No one looked at him as they focused on the food and his mom noticed him. With her sharp eyes, she sent a threatening glare and pointed her finger on the door behind him, "Why are you here? Get out! no one can enter the kitchen in rush hour!! If you have something, then you can come after the lunch hour,"

Randy didn't heed his mom's words as he approached her. He had already known his mom was becoming stricter after Academy and Happy Cooking Association established, but he didn't expect his mom would change this much.

"Why are you smiling like that? Don't disturb me and the others!" Almira rolled her eyes at her son.

'His usual mom is back!' Randy exclaimed secretly.

When the first day he back, his mom was crying over him, it took half an hour for his mom before her crying stopped, yet now she was driving him away from the kitchen when he was looking for her.

Randy chuckled before getting his head closed to her mom's and whispered in a low voice. At first, Almira still had her stern and annoyed looks, when she heard Randy's whisper, her expression brightened, but she concealed it immediately.

Almira called Mika in a stern tone to substitute her for a while after that, she dragged Randy to the restaurant warehouse. When the two reached the warehouse, Randy gave the two skills scrolls to his mom, and his mom smiling ear to ear as she received the scrolls.

"What ingredients are you talking about? You said you have tons of meat with a great flavor," Almira impatiently asked Randy to take out the beast's carcasses he got from the Ascension World, but then Randy shook his head.

"What do you mean? You…" His mom immediately wanted to flare up, but Randy stopped her.

"Mom, you are so impatient, I mean the warehouse is not enough, we need a larger warehouse or we need another at least five to seven warehouses with the same size," The warehouse before him was 50 square meters, but it was half-filled, so it was not enough if he had to pour all the beast's carcasses here.

Also, the beast's carcasses with him were bigger, double or maybe triple in size, and it was over thousands.

Almira narrowed her eyes at her son before dragging him to another warehouse, right behind the Happy Guild's headquarter. There were ten warehouses with 100 square meters, he poured all beast's carcasses and filled all the nine warehouses which were empty.

After filling the empty warehouse, Randy gave two King Grade Beast and one Emperor Grade Beast to his mom for their lunch. He requested her for Mika to cook the lunch which led his mom dissatisfied.

After emptying his Storage System, Randy remembered that he had called all Garuda's member to gather at the Evergreen Arena.

Evergreen Arena with could contain five thousand people and with 100 square meters. He called them to clear the tumor within his guild.

Garuda Guild was the military group of Happy Guild so he would clean the tumor first before the tumor grew into cancer.

Three days later, after he gathered every guild, and told them about the Battle of Ascension. Then, he would bring Garuda's guild to conquer the unconquered territories.

When he arrived at the Evergreen Arena, Udin and Gusti already arrived along with Long Xinya and Zhen Yi. Not only them, but the over three thousand Garuda's members also had arrived.

Garuda's members divided into two forces, half on Udin and Gusti side while another one was standing behind the man who blocked him when the first time he came back.

The man on the opposite Udin and Gusti was the rising star of Garuda Guild. He was on a par with Udin and Gust, his name was Erwin Asadila, and he joined Garuda not long after he went away for his journey.

This Erwin had a unique trait, it was like he could read every move of his opponent one to ten seconds forward, giving distress to his opponent.

Randy knew what this "trait" was; it was Insight hidden stat. But this Insight was useful if this Erwin used to fight with the same level as his strength, then that Insight would trouble his opponent, but if this Erwin…

'Use it to fight me? it's laughable…'

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