Battle of Ascension

Chapter 304: Giving Up In One Exchange

Randy was confronting two Mythical Grade Skeletons at once from afar as he watched Rocky fought against Barton. He could not focus on his opponent. After all, Barton was Mythical Grade Undead.

Even though Rocky was Saint Grade Beast, the level gap between the two was too high. Rocky who had level 138 after joining the war between the Underworld Faction and Kingdom of Crimson Cloud was fighting against the Mythical Skeleton with level 700.

Randy worried at first, but after witnessing how brutal Rocky and the helpless Barton. Randy relieved, and he even shocked how strong Rocky was. This was the first for him to see Rocky turned into brutal like that.

'It seems he is really angry,'

Randy could not help but felt amused as he remembered the reason Rocky grew angry over Barton.

Meanwhile, Randy's opponent, the two Mythical Grade Undeads were having a hard time to follow Randy's sword which much faster than them. What they could see was a crimson streak line which they must block or dodge. But they chose block rather than dodge as they had no chance to dodge from Randy's swift sword.

However, as they kept blocking each sword, the more uneasy they became. Moreover, they noticed the male human before them, he was always keeping turned his head toward the Blue Lion from the time to time.

Afterward, terror and fear slowly creeped out, tingling their bone as they realized the male human was not fighting them seriously. They wanted to use their skill to fight back, but the swift sword was not letting them used their skill.

One mistake would lead them to their demise. They didn't dare to use their skill under Randy's assault.

"Animal is an animal after all!!! There's no way This Chief would die under brainless animal!"

There was a familiar voice resounded, and they recognized the voice, it was Barton's voice. The two immediately turned their head to look where the voice came from, but what they saw was a pitch black flame pillar with thirty meters high and ten meters in diameters.

The voice was coming from the black flame pillar and they recognized that pitch black flame. It was an ultimate move of Dark Flame Skeleton. They would use the essence of Hell Flame in their socket to increase the level of their Dark Flame Elemental Power by five levels, making the Dark Flame Elemental Power stronger.

However, there was a huge price they must pay after using the essence of Hell Flame in their socket. The backlash was so harsh and the won't use the essence of Hell Flame unless they were in danger.

The backlash was having their Elemental Power fell one grade. If one had Dark Flame Elemental Essence, and they used the elemental essence in their socket. They would have their Dark Flame Elemental Essence fell one grade to Dark Flame Elemental Seed.

That was the price for forcefully increasing the power of their Elemental Power with the elemental essence in their socket. So, it was unless necessary or life-threatening danger, they won't use the elemental essence.

But now, Barton had used his elemental essence to forcefully increasing his Dark Flame Elemental Power's level with the elemental essence. This was indicating Barton had encountered a life-threatening danger

Marki and Trobin looked each other. This meant the Blue Lion forced Barton to use the Hell Flame's essence. Indicating the Blue Lion was stronger than they expected to be.


[Marki - Dark Flame Skeleton] (Chief)

Affiliate: Enigma Kingdom

Grade: Mythical Undead

Level: 695

Skill: ???



[Trobin - Dark Flame Skeleton] (Chief)

Affiliate: Enigma Kingdom

Grade: Mythical Undead

Level: 698

Skill: ???


The Blue Lion which stronger than them plus with two fathomless humans. Even the Blue Lion died and Barton won the fight. They felt they would have the same fate. Dying under the two humans' hand.

The only way was to run away from the two humans. Marki and Trobin reached the same conclusion, it was running away.

The two didn't care if Barton died or survived; they didn't care if the other two, Breen and Sarkin died or survived. The most important thing was their own life and to live they had to run away from this place as soon as possible.

However, just as the two wanted to turn away from the male human and ran away. The Skeleton Instinct triggered and the death aura was looming around them. The two felt that way, the Skeleton Instinct told them if they were to turn away and ran, the result was certain death.

Marki and Trobin who had an intention to run away rooted on the spot. However, their eyes never left the male human. Even though the male human had his eyes set on the 10 meters big pit, they felt the male human was watching over them.

Skeleton Instinct was a skill they got after evolving to Mythical Grade Skeleton. Every Mythical Grade Skeleton would have awakened Skeleton Instinct after they reached Mythical Grade Undead.

Skeleton Instinct was a skill to detect danger. They could perceive danger or death and just now they had just triggered Skeleton Instinct. If the two showed their back to the male human then it was their death.

Marki and Trobin looked each other, they seemed to reach a tacit of understanding. Marki's shiny huge ax turned into pitch black and black flame creeped out at the ax's black. Trobin's twin yet slim sword also turned black before the black flame spread in the twin sword.

Randy was still looking at Rocky. The pitch black flame and the blue blame had stopped. However, there was no one came out from the pit. Even though Randy believed at Rocky's strength, but he still worried about Rocky.

However, soon, Randy noticed a small shadow came out from inside the pit and he let out a sigh of relief. He even amused as the skeleton soldiers scared of Rocky despite Rocky was in his cat form.

Rocky was licking his right forepaw before the pit before giving a glance at Randy's direction. Rocky showed an expression "Look how mighty This Sovereign Rocky is," with a proud look on his face.

After that, Rocky wagged his blue tail as he made a way back to Iman Saputra. The sea of skeleton soldier made a path for Rocky as no one dared to block the tiny Blue Lion.


There was an eruption resounded from the back. Rocky stopped his steps and looked back. It was where his Master just stood now.

Rocky squinted his crimson eyes for a while before continuing walked toward Iman Saputra.

The skeleton soldiers also heard the eruption. They were also looking at eruption and found the eruption was three times bigger than the black flame and the blue flame earlier. Even the skeleton soldiers around the eruption were setting swept and died in an instant.

The same as Iman Saputra and the other Garuda's members. They were in a daze as they looked the clash which unfolded before them. Even though they had looked how Randy alone wiped the million skeleton soldiers before, but amazed and dread showed in their face.

Dread by the power of the Skeleton Chief. However, they also felt amazed and lucky with Randy as Their Boss. If there was no Randy in Jakarta Territory or Randy was transported in the faraway place from Indonesia, then it was sure they would meet their demise sooner or later with these skeletons invaded Indonesia.

They also amazed by how strong The Boss and The Lady Boss were. They could cope with two Skeleton Chiefs at once. Iman Saputra felt grateful became one of the members of the Happy Guild.

It was not only Iman Saputra, but the other Garuda's members also felt the same. They were not jealous of Randy's power as admiration and awe flooded their heart as they looked the clash.

A few minutes ago

Randy was watching Rocky as Rocky made his way toward Iman Saputra and leaped on Iman's head to continue his nap.

Randy shook his head as he looked how Rocky behaved. But just as he turned his head back at Marki and Trobin, what he saw was two black flames in the crescent shape shot toward him and behind the two black flame blades Marki with a huge ax which shrouded in the black flame.

Randy raised his two Infernal Blades to block the incoming two black flame blade. However, to his surprise, Marki made a leap toward him along with his huge ax and slammed his huge ax down at Randy.

However, the surprise didn't stop here as Randy heard a male voice from his back.

"Die and bring your arrogance to the Hell, Human!!!" Trobin appeared on Randy's back with his twin sword which shrouded in the black flame.

"Purgatory Lacerate!!!" Trobin let out a fierce cry as he slashed his twin swords at Randy.

"Exterminating Slam!!!" Marki let out a furious cry as he slammed the huge ax at Randy


Two dark flame blades and two skills slammed at Randy. A fierce eruption burst out in a hundred meters area. The skeleton soldiers were getting swept by the eruption.

The breathtaking eruption startled the skeleton soldiers and the ten Legendary Grade Skeletons. The skeleton soldiers didn't know what caused the fierce eruption, but the ten Legendary Grade Skeletons knew.

They had witnessed that eruption when Barton killed one Territory King a few days ago, it was the ultimate skill of Skeleton Chief. However, the eruption a few days ago was weaker than the current eruption.

The ten Legendary Grade Skeletons looked each other, and they grew hopefully. They were hoping the male human died under two Skeleton Chief's brutal assault.

The Blue Lion who could kill one Skeleton Chief and two humans rivaled two Skeleton Chiefs at once. Witnessing this, they realized the one who they faced was far stronger than themselves.

They didn't even dare to get closer at the Garuda's members which much weaker from the two humans who fought against the Skeleton Chief as there was a Blue Lion there.

The ten Legendary Grade Skeletons looked at the Blue Lion who was taking a nap with the four limbs stretched out on one human's head.

Because of this, they were hoping the male human died under the two Skeleton Chief's assault. If the male human died, then there was a chance of survival for them.

The eruption was only for a moment before the fierce black flame died down slowly and revealed the figure behind the black flame.

However, the scene behind the black flame shattered the skeleton soldiers and Legendary Grade Skeleton's' hope. They saw the male human with black armor shrouded in the crimson flame stood straight.

Yes, the male human figure enveloped by the crimson flame from the head to the toe and he had his right hand up, stopping the huge ax while two swords touched his back. It was Trobin's twin swords, his skill, Purgatory Lacerate only left two lines scratch on the male human's black armor.

"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Marki and Trobin yelled simultaneously. Maybe, if they had their skin and complete face, Randy would see an unbelievable look on the skeleton's face.

"Impossible… Impossible… Impossible…" Marki and Trobin mumbled incoherently as they were staring at their own weapon.

Trobin looked his twin swords and the black armor. He had used his ultimate skill with his two swords, but it only left a two lines scratch in the black armor.

Meanwhile, Marki looked his own huge ax which had been stopped with one sword. He noticed the male human didn't move even for an inch from where the human stood.


There was hand reached Marki and Trobin's neck, but the two didn't struggle. The two hands were Randy's hand.

Randy held their neck and raised his hands up, but to Randy surprise, the two Skeleton Chief didn't even struggle. He shook his hand and the two Skeleton Chief's frame swayed to the right and left, like the lifeless artificial skeleton in the biology room.

'What happened with these two skeletons?' Even Randy confused what happened to the two Skeleton Chiefs. He just blocked their first attack, but it was like they had given their life up.

Usually, one would struggle fiercely before the door of death. Especially the high-grade monster. But surprisingly, the two Skeleton Chiefs didn't even struggle in his hand which puzzled Randy the most.

They had only exchanged a few times, yet the two Skeleton Chiefs had given their lives up. They didn't try to run away from him. This was the first for Randy experienced a monster with low.

Randy squinted his eyes and used his Dragon Aura on the two Skeleton Chiefs, but no reaction.

'They really had given their lives up,' Randy thought as he scanned the two motionless skeletons.

Little did he know that he had stopped the two skeletons' ultimate attack with ease which smashed the two skeletons' hope and confidence.

The Skeleton Instinct told them they would die if they had their back on the male human and now, the male human had stopped their ultimate attack. Leaving only a scratch on the male human's armor.

"All right then, I will grant your wish to die,"


Randy slammed the two to the ground. It was another chokeslam with his full strength.

However, Randy could only hear a "crack" sound from the two skeletons. There was no voice came out from the two skeletons and two skeletons were still alive despite the black flame in their socket had dimmed.

"Hoho, your frame is tougher than I thought," Randy chuckled but still no response from the two skeletons.

Randy let out a sigh, there was no fun to tease the two skeletons further. He took out the Infernal Blade and released out a sword blade at the two skeletons on the ground.

Afterward, Randy took two vials from the ground and rushed at his wife. Zhen Yi was fighting against two Skeleton Chiefs too, Sarkin and Breen.

Less than a minute, Randy reached where Zhen Yi and the two Skeleton Chief fought. However, as he reached there. He shocked as he found a skeleton froze. There was a skeleton froze, wrapping up by ice, and twenty meters ahead he saw his wife was fighting against another skeleton.

Randy clearly understood his wife. Zhen Yi rarely used his skill in fighting against a strong opponent. She would use the martial art she learned in fighting. So, there was no surprised she was much slower than him in killing the Skeleton Chief.

After all, the Skeleton Chief was Mythical Grade Skeleton. It was harder to win against the Mythical Grade Skeleton without using a skill for Zhen Yi who had a low level compared to him.

Randy took a seat right beside the frozen skeleton and watched his wife fought against Sarkin. Sarkin was unaware of Randy who was watching him right beside his friend who had frozen by Zhen Yi's Ice Elemental Power.

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