Battle of Ascension

Chapter 308: Weird Situation

Three thousand meters away from the supposed to be a tall wall, Garuda's members and along with the skeleton armor and Monikia stunned as they looked the scene before them

The sun was nowhere to be seen, and the night came as the moon illuminated their night. However, despite the night had come, they still could see the situation of the three thousand meters away.

The situation there was bright, almost the same as noon because the crimson fire spread over to the hundred meters tall wall. The crimson fire devoured the wall at a steady pace and the wall itself melted slowly.

Thousand meters long wall covered by the crimson flame and slowly, in a steady place the tall wall melted and the blazing crimson flame.

This happened about a few minutes later. Randy ordered the ship to retreat for another a thousand meters. Afterward, from the Happy Ship resounded a beast roar. The roar broadcasted to all ships, even the skeletons across them also startled by the sudden roar.

The next thing was, they saw a crimson streak line shot toward the wall from the Happy Ship and the ship was shaken up. There was no need to guess, the crimson streak line was sure The Boss, Randy.

The Garuda's members believed only The Boss could do that kind of thing. Like leaping for three thousand meters. they thought The Boss wanted to demolish the wall with his strength.

However, what they expected and thought didn't happen. When the crimson streak line clashed to the tall wall, there was no eruption nor the wall crumbled. At first, they puzzled and wondered what The Boss wanted to do.

It didn't take a long time before they got the answer. They saw the crimson flame creeped out from The Boss landed. In the frightening speed, the crimson fire spread over a thousand meters long wall.

The next what happened was the scene before them. The wall melted slowly and steady. Currently, a hundred meters tall wall only left with a little over sixty meters tall and it happened less than five minutes.

Ten minutes passed by and a hundred meters tall and the thousand meters long wall melted completely. After that, a sound of the trumpet sounded from the Happy Ship, indicating for the other ships to sail forward.

Under the lead of the Happy Ship, the other ships also sailed forward. The light emanated from the crimson flame which melted the wall was still there; the flame illuminated the sea made the ship sailed smoothly without a problem.

When the hundred and ten ships arrived, a hundred meters away from the land. The crimson flame which was the source of the light under the night gathered in one place, to one person, and that man was Randy.

The crimson flame gathered around him before completely disappeared. Afterward, one by one, the Happy Guild had their ship docked near the land, and they used a small boat to reach land.

They could not dock the ship directly right before the land as the water was shallow for a ship. The ship could not sail forward anymore after a hundred meters away from the land and must use the small boat to step into the land.

Zhen Yi's group was the first one to step into the land and there were two notifications sounded inside their head.

Battle System: You have entered The Kingdom of Enigma.

Battle System: You have entered The Porque Territory (The Enigma Kingdom)

Afterward, the one thing they did cleaning the nearby area and in one night, they captured the Porque Territory. However, the skeleton soldier had to suffer because the skeleton in the Porque Territory was higher in level and grade compared the skeleton soldiers in Randy's force.

There were about a little over a thousand casualties. Randy, of course, felt pity over this. It was just a night, and they lost about over a thousand skeleton soldiers.

However, the loss could not be considered many as Kiddo and Rougher managed to convince about five hundred skeleton soldiers from the Porque Territory. So, the lost was not much if they counted the new five hundred skeleton soldiers with a high level and high grade.

The lowest was level 220 with Epic Grade Undead. It was the lowest skeleton soldiers in the Porque Territory. While the skeleton soldiers under Randy's command was Uncommon Grade Undead with level 130.

It was inevitable to suffer lost with that difference. After capturing Porque Territory, Randy ceased their attack and got his men to rest. After all, they were journeying for a week on the sea and they had to fight all night after they just landed in the Porque Territory.

The night passed by and by the next morning, Randy along with his guild was ready to march forward again. With The Wish Compass in Zhen Yi's hand, they marched forward with Randy in the front.

The Wish Compass was still pointing toward the Northeast and they were going there at a steady pace.

Less than an hour, Randy with his guild arrived at the next territory.

Battle System: You have entered The Mourque Territory.

Like Kiddo and Rougher told him, The Enigma Kingdom had completely captured the whole island. In The Mourque Territory, there was no beast or monster, but only the skeleton soldier.

Randy and his guild were slaughtering skeleton after skeleton. However, what weird was they didn't find a higher grade skeleton than King Grade Undead or Skeleton Commander.

It was weird. Randy recalled the Barton Legion had ten Legendary Grade Undead while Long Xinya encountered fifteen Legendary Grade Undead in Timor Leste.

However, in the two territories, Morque Territory and Porque Territory. They didn't encounter the Skeleton Grand Commander in these two territories.

The Skeleton Commander was the one who led the skeleton soldier. It was weird as the skeleton soldiers that perished under their attack was about five hundred thousand in those two territories and usually, but they encountered no Skeleton Grand Commander.

Randy along with his guild captured the Kingdom of Enigma's second territory with ease. The same as before, only the skeleton army that suffered casualties. It was a bit fortunate that they suffered less compared the beforehand clash, only a few hundred skeleton soldiers.

Also, the lost was getting covered directly with a few hundred skeleton soldiers from The Enigma Kingdom under Kiddo and Rougher persuasion.

Maybe it was because they were in The Enigma Kingdom's territory and the skeleton soldier was more loyal compared the skeleton soldier in a legion.

Randy had sixty thousand skeleton soldiers under his command. He got that skeleton soldier from the three skeleton legions who had been defeated by him. However, he could only bring twenty thousand because of the ships were not enough for all skeleton soldiers.

It took a whole afternoon to capture Morque Territory. Randy didn't go to the next territory as he gave his men to rest for a while before they continued to march at the direction where The Wish Compass pointed.

During the clash against the skeleton army of The Enigma Kingdom, Zhen Yi and the others began putting their trust on Kiddo and Rougher along with the other skeletons. Even though Randy told them the skeletons were loyal, but no one truly believed in those skeletons.

After getting enough rest and meal, Randy marched forward to the third territory.

Battle System: You have entered The Baireth Territory

The third territory of The Enigma Kingdom, Baireth Territory. The same as before, Randy had his men to conquer the territory. Also, the same before again, there was no higher grade skeleton except the Skeleton Commander.

The battle took a shorter time than capturing The Morque Territory. After an easy battle for six hours, Baireth Territory was taken. Fewer casualties than before, the skeleton who perished in the clash between them only took a hundred and seventeen skeleton soldiers, and Randy got another four hundred skeleton soldiers.

After capturing Baireth Territory, Randy had his men to rest. This was the second day since they stepped in The Enigma Kingdom's territory and they took three territories from The Enigma Kingdom.

Also, there was no resistance from The Enigma Kingdom which made the situation became even weirder. Baireth Territory was the third territory, and it was impossible for Enigma didn't take notice after his third territory taken.

This, of course, Randy also realized the weird situation they were in. That night, he ordered Kiddo to scout the next territory and the surrounding territories. There were five Gold Ranked Skeleton Assassin in his skeleton army and they were usually scouting the front.

The next morning came and the report from the five Gold Ranked Skeleton Assassin came. However, the report made Randy even more speechless.

The five Gold Ranked Skeleton Assassin scouted the two next territories, but the report made the situation weirder. There were still many skeleton soldiers, but there was no particular move on them.

It was like they didn't know about their territory being attacked and taken. Randy was a hundred percent sure Enigma must be noticed his territory being taken, but why he didn't make any move to defend his territory?

Meanwhile, The Wish Compass was still pointing at the same direction which meant Enigma didn't run away and still in his territory, but why?

Enigma not only lost his territories, but almost a million skeleton soldiers perished under Randy's force. However, Enigma didn't fight back and just let his skeleton soldiers perished under his invasion.

Even though Randy already knew creating a skeleton soldier was easy, but the resource to make a million skeleton soldier was enormous despite how easy to make one skeleton soldier and Randy could not perceive Enigma action at all.

Why would Enigma ignored his invasion???

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