Battle of Ascension

Chapter 319: Kiddo and Rougher In Action

Even though Randy could just go back directly and ignored these four guilds. However, he had a mischievous idea for the bad mood Celiker Yavas.

'They want to spoil my name once again, then don't blame me for being impolite,' Randy said in his heart. He didn't have the intention to conquer the world, but all people thought the otherwise as they felt threatened with his current power.

They used all means to harm his name, making many non-guild people stayed away from his guild. The people were a resource in the eyes of a big guild like Dragon Dynasty, Eternal Shogunate, or Ravendawn Empire.

So, the Happy Guild presence was trouble for a big guild like them. They used all means to make the image of Happy Guild bad in many people's eyes.

Meanwhile, Celiker Yavas dared to find trouble because he was in East City added with the bad mood after losing against Chandra and Randy's words during his fight. Celiker dared to do this bold move, blocking the strongest human.

Even though the other people didn't admit Randy was the strongest with their mouth, but deep inside their heart, they knew Randy was strongest among them. It just that they didn't admit it openly.

Now, with foul mood and witnessed how Erwin defeated Ryou. Celiker intended to find trouble, they didn't expect to get more secrets from Randy's mouth at all. However, they didn't expect Randy's answer was like this and he was telling them another secret of his.

Celiker Yavas' eyes glowed excitedly after hearing that. But soon, he looked at Rougher doubtfully. Randy told them Rougher could drop an Advance Addendum Elixir which could increase a random stat for five hundred.

However, it seemed it was not as easy as he thought and he found something amiss with the skeleton. It was that Detection Skill not working on them, not only the skeleton, the Detection Skill also not working at the three Monikia.

He could not measure the power of the skeletons and the monikia. This fact made Celiker Yavas hesitated to fight against the skeleton.

"This the only chance you have if you didn't want to. Can you step aside?" I want to get back as soon as possible and continue my rubbing tummy session. Of course, Randy didn't say the latter words, he saved it for himself.

Despite grumbling inside his heart. Randy had a smile on his face as he spoke to Celiker.

"Then I want to challenge the other skeleton!" Suddenly a voice resounded, and it was not Celiker Yavas' voice.

Randy and everyone there turned their head toward the source of the voice and spotted a man in dim red armor walked toward them. Everyone recognized the man; he was Ryou Tokugawa.

Apparently, he was watching the group and heard what they were talking. Hearing that, Ryou could not help but excited, excited like he found a precious treasure.

Even though Ryou Tokugawa also realized there was something fishy with the skeleton because they could not be detected with a Detection Skill. However, the thing called Addendum Elixir blinded him.

'As long as it is not Randy himself then it is not a problem for me to kill those skeletons,' Ryou thought silently as he scanned Kiddo who seemed not affected with the surrounding.

'Maybe I can take these two skeletons directly?' Ryou became greedy as he thought about the Addendum Elixir.

These skeletons were acting like a bodyguard for Randy and appeared to be submissive to Randy. Ryou analyzed the two skeletons were Randy's subordinates. He concluded those this based on what Randy said just now.

He told the four guilds, the skeletons were dropping an Addendum Elixir which could increase the stat for five hundred random stat. But there was no reaction from the two skeletons, they didn't protest or grew dissatisfied about it.

Randy's words were the same as a declaration, telling them to hunt the skeleton to get an elixir that could increase the stat. If this news spread, Ryou sure the other guilds would move a massive force to find a skeleton like the two skeletons behind Randy.

However, There was no obvious displeasure at the two skeletons over Randy's declaration. Ryou concluded that the two skeletons were Randy's subordinates, but not an equal ally.

With this information only, it pushed Ryou confidence more. It was indicating the two skeletons were weaker compared to Randy, and it meant it was highly for him to kill the skeleton.

Ryou believed the two skeletons at best, they were Emperor Grade Monster. After all, Eternal Shogunate never encountered a higher grade monster than Emperor Grade. Ryou believed Legendary Grade Beast was the highest grade, a level higher than Emperor Grade.

With that thoughts, Ryou Tokugawa stepped forward with great confidence, facing Kiddo face to face. However, the same as before, Kiddo stayed still, giving no response or caring with the surrounding.

Also, Earlier Randy asked Celiker to fight the other skeleton which meant that skeleton was stronger than the skeleton he pointed out. The more Ryou analyzed the current situation, the higher his confidence became.

Looking Eternal Shogunate's guild leader proposed to fight the other skeleton. Celiker Yavas also stepped forward,

"I do, let me fight your slave," Celiker Yavas responded impolitely. He didn't want to lose with Ryou Tokugawa.

Randy's lips curved upward as he looked at the two volunteers. There was nothing wrong with Randy's smile, but somehow the two men felt unease with the smile on Randy's face.

However, with the huge prize before them and to prove what Randy told them about the Addendum Elixir was right. The two stepped toward the Colosseum while Randy followed them from behind.

Meanwhile, the crowd also noticed there were four guilds blocked the path of Happy Guild. The excitement which had died down when Erwin came up as the champion came back, the excitement filled the main Colosseum again.

However, when they looked Randy was following the four guilds to the Colosseum number one. The crowd also followed to the Colosseum number one in droves, wondering what happened between the Happy Guild and the other four guilds.

Meanwhile, Ryou Tokugawa and Celiker Yavas were paying the fee for renting the arena. They needed to pay ten thousand gold coin for one fight and they respectively paid the arena and Randy just followed them from behind.

Deep inside, Randy could not help but mocked the two as he looked the eager and excited look on their face. After taking over Enigma Kingdom's territories, Randy bestowed ten Eternal Grade Beastmen's frame to the two. Kiddo and Rougher had successfully evolved to Eternal Grade Beast.

With the two skeletons current power, Celiker Yavas, and Ryou Tokugawa were like a toy before the skeleton. As for why they could not use Detection skill on the two skeletons. It because the two skeletons were his Ancillaries.

Randy immediately headed toward the topmost seat of the first floor of Colosseum with the core members of Happy Guild. The three Monikias were stayed behind Randy faithfully, like a dutiful bodyguard.

Meanwhile, the spectators also followed Randy and the others a bit later. They must pay the ticket to watch the fight. When the gatekeeper noticed them, there would be a fight inside. They willingly paid the ticket despite the high price.

They thought it was worth to pay the high price to witness Randy fought. It was the reason why they were a bit late than Randy.

When the spectators entered the Colosseum number one. They looked toward Randy subconsciously and noticed the two skeletons were missing. Afterward, they looked toward the arena and noticed the two skeletons were on the arena.

When there was no event in the Colosseum, the arena in the middle of Colosseum divided into four arenas, not one huge arena.

The spectators noticed one skeleton faced Celiker Yavas in one arena and the other skeleton faced Ryou Tokugawa on the other arena.

Looking at the two Arenas, the spectators were starting another heated discussion as they made a wild guess for what happened between the Happy Guild and the other guilds.

The spectators in the main Colosseum moved to the Colosseum number one after hearing there was a fight between the Happy Guild and four guilds.

Randy sat with two women on his both sides and three humanoid monkeys on his back. Despite many vacant seats around Randy's seat. There was no one dared to take a seat around Randy.

Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya occupied fifty seats alone because there was no dared to sit there. Meanwhile, the other Happy Guild's members went back directly. They had no interest to watch a one-sided fight.

Yes, Udin and the others immediately went back after Erwin won. They were making preparation for another journey after conquered Indonesia fully until Papua New Guinea.

Randy had a new destination for his guild, it was Philippines. Actually, there were other two choices, Australia and Malaysia. However, the people in Malaysia were antagonizing his guild, and he didn't want to have a bloody fight with the fellow humans.

The others were making preparation for the next Happy Conquest and immediately went back. Only Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya who were getting interested in bullying the Celiker Yavas and Ryou Tokugawa.

Also, this was telling them the difference between them; telling the others to stop the meaningless action of theirs which tried to stain Randy's name.

Celiker Yavas took out his shield and sword while Ryou took out his Legendary Grade Spear. They were ready to start the fight and the heated discussion between the spectators died down.

However, Randy paid no attention to the surrounding as he remembered something important. He stood up in a flash and a worried expression plastered on his face.

Zhen Yi and Long Xinya startled, wondering what happened with Randy.

"I forgot to tell them for holding back," Randy tapped his forehead, "These two hoomans could die in one hit if these two skeleton uses their Elemental Power,"

Hearing Randy's words, the two women giggled, and they turned their head toward the arena.

Sure enough, Kiddo took out his twin sword, and the sword wrapped in the black flame. Meanwhile, Rougher also took out his big sword. The same as Rougher, the big sword also enveloped by the black flame.

Looking at the sword which enveloped by the big flame. The two hoomans stunned and the two skeletons made their move. The two hoomans immediately raised their weapon respectively to block the incoming sword.


The two shadows flung back and slammed to the Colosseum wall. The spectators recognized the two shadows. They were Celiker Yavas and Ryou Tokugawa.

What did this mean? This meant the two skeletons on Randy's side defeated the two top rankers in an instant.

The spectators became speechless, and they felt their heart was bleeding for paying the high price ticket. Even their buttock was still cool, but the fight was over.

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