Battle of Ascension

Chapter 321: Being Targeted!?

Ascension Guild

There were many people lined up to enter the building, and around the building crowded even until the road was full of people. Besides the crowded street, it was so noisy with many people didn't stop their mouth to talk.

The people involved in a heated talk and the noise was getting louder and louder. Some of them were in a heated discussing, some of them were having a worried look, and the others were having an eager look on their face.

There were many various kinds of expression on their face as they were lining up.

It happened about two hours ago. The Battle System announced a shocking announcement which stunned everyone. Even until now they cannot believe with the announcement.

It was about Canberra City which had fallen into a folk of beasts. Yes, a horde of beast attacked Canberra City, and it said only a few people survived. Even two of three supervisors in Canberra City died which shocked all people in East City.

The people in Canberra City were caught off guard and they could not repel the beast horde.

Canberra City was the main city and not a guild's city. It was hard to believe that the beasts could take over the main city like Canberra City. This event alerted the other main city except for Jakarta City.

Jakarta City could be called a safe city and people believed there would be no beast attacked the city. It because of the Happy Guild. Happy Guild already took over Indonesia and there was no survived Territory King in Indonesia.

However, Ascension Guild revealed another shocking truth. It was the beast who led the beast horde. An hour ago, Ascension Guild announced there were three Mythical Grade Beast as the leader and highly, there was about fifty percent of Eternal Grade Beast also there.

Mythical Grade Beast? Eternal Grade Beast? It was unheard for the public, even the big guild never encountered, but they had heard about that. It was the Happy Guild, there was a beast grade's ladder in Happy Guild's forum.

They had read it in the Happy Guild's forum. Mythical Grade Beast was a level higher than Legendary Grade Beast and Eternal Grade Beast was two levels higher than Legendary Grade Beast.

However, no one believed there was a higher grade beast than Legendary Grade Beast. Even most of them skeptical about the beast grade's ladder in the Happy Guild's forum. After all, there was no other guilds or people had encountered even Legendary Grade Beast, let alone the Mythical Grade Beast and Eternal Grade Beast.

So, no many people believed the ladder, but there were still a few people who believed in the ladder. It was the people who had a good impression of the Happy Guild.

However, the many people who didn't believe in the beast grade's ladder in the Happy Guild's forum, now they had to believe that as the Ascension Guild said the same thing as Randy.

What shocked them was there were another two higher grades than Eternal Grade Beast. Saint Grade Beast and Divine Grade Beast. Ascension Guild announced there was about five percent that the Saint Grade Beast was in the beast horde, and less than a percent there was Divine Grade Beast in the beast horde.

Now, the Ascension Guild was opening recruitment to take in a mission. A mission to take Canberra City back from the beast horde. However, that announcement made many people hesitated to take a part in the mission.

Meanwhile, on the third floor of the Happy Restaurant. Randy along with the upper echelons of Happy Guild gathered there and there was a man the golden armor stood in the front of them.

The man in the gold armor was a representative from the Ascension Guild. The man in the gold armor's duty was delivering a message along with the content of the mission.

Yes, an hour after the news of Canberra City fell. The Ascension Guild released a mission with a lucrative reward. After all, the main city was the Ascension Guild's properties, and they wanted to get the city back as soon as possible.

And the man in the gold armor represented the Ascension Guild to tell them the content mission without needed to line up.

"That is the mission," The man in the golden armor ended his explanation and gave them a scroll directly without words. He didn't tell them what the use scroll.

Afterward, the man in the golden armor walked toward the door, intending to go out. It was like he didn't want to waste his time to them longer than this.

However, Randy stopped him, "Wait a minute!"

The man in the golden armor was right before the door when he heard Randy's voice. The man stopped his steps and turned his head back with a frown on his face, showing the displeasure on his face.

Randy didn't care about the man in the golden armor's displeasure and asked the man in the golden armor directly, "So, do you mean we must partake in the mission and cannot decline the mission?"

"Yes!" The man answered with a stern yet commanding tone. It was like his words could not be refuted with anyone.

However, Randy ignored it, "But what is the meaning that we will not get the reward? You said it was an obligatory mission for a big guild like us, but we cannot get the reward? Why?"

Yes, this was what made him a bit speechless. It was okay the mission was obligatory for them, but what about the reward? He intended to take the mission after the Ascension Guild issued out the mission along with the reward, but now the representative of Ascension Guild told them they would not be able to get the reward.

Randy could not accept this. They could not refuse the mission, but they also could not get the reward. Randy could not accept this treatment at all. He didn't know about the other guilds, but he could not accept this treatment.

After all, they were risking their lives. Though Randy confident there were less than ten people or beast or other races that could threaten his life. However, it was different with his guild member, his guild member not strong enough for a big scaled battle like between The Crimson Cloud Kingdom and The Underworld Faction.

Even though it was impossible for the scale of the battle reached like that, but Randy still could not accept for a thankless job like this. Moreover, there was another absurd requirement.

The man in the golden armor told him that, the guild along with the vice guild leader must partake the mission. Zhen Yi was in six months pregnant and since Zhen Yi confirmed to be pregnant, Randy never permitted Zhen Yi to hunt or fight.

So Randy would never bring Zhen Yi in the mission. But the man in the golden armor told them Zhen Yi must partake in the mission regardless, except she died.

Currently, he was in rage inside, but he didn't let it out. He still maintained the calm attitude of his and kept asking the man in the golden armor.

However, the man in the golden armor seemed to be annoyed as he was being questioned by Randy.

"I am only conveying what above told me to, so there is no need for you to ask your useless questions anymore. This is the rule and you must follow the rule we made regardless, understood?"

Once again the man in the golden armor answered Randy with a commanding tone. Also, the frown was getting deeper as he answered Randy.

"Hoho, then I will not take the mission. I and along with my guild will not participate in the mission," Randy responded with a chuckle. The man in the golden armor became even more impolite and there was no need for Randy to be polite anymore.

Somehow, Randy felt he and his guild were being targeted. He just felt hostility from the man in the golden armor since the start.

Randy didn't understand; he also didn't know why.

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