Battle of Ascension

Chapter 323: Safe Zone Your Foot!!!

Randy surprised seeing Old Man Bai and the other two were here. He just could not think the relation between the three and the Ascension Guild.

However, what he didn't expect was the three people who behaved haughty and mighty earlier, now behaved well except the man in the man in the golden armor. He was still the same as before.

The lazy woman now was sitting properly with a polite smile on her face and the other man was smiling at the three. However, the surprise didn't stop here, and he asked what happened here.

Before the three people answered, Randy responded first. He was telling about the situation he was currently in. From the obligatory mission until how he ended up here, he told all of it.

Hearing Randy's explanation, Old Man Bai and the other two middle-aged men seemed grew angry. He didn't know why, but he detected there was something fishy about the mission itself.

He was curious what happened with the mission, but Old Man Bai drove him away. Yes, he let Randy free without any condition and it seemed the situation stood on his side.

With Old Man Bai, Isa the appraisal, and Fero the manager, the problem solved without much trouble. Randy didn't know what was the position the three, but it seemed they had a high position.

However, before Randy came out of the hall. He looked back; he was looking at the man in the golden armor who always appeared solemn and dignified.

"I also don't want to use any supervisor in my territories. I want to cancel all supervisors in my territories," He addressed what was in his mind.

What a joke, there was a supervisor group who seemed to be targeted he and his guild. He could not trust his territory to them no more. Also, the residence in his territories behaved properly.

There were no such criminals or a bad thing happened in his territory. So, the supervisors were not needed anymore in his territories.

"The reason is simple, I cannot put my trust to the supervisors anymore like before. Don't worry about the payment, I will pay them fully and hope you will call them back as soon as possible,"

Afterward, Randy and the two women came out and the two guards who fainted earlier came in. They bumped into each other right in the door.

Randy stared at the fainted man, but the fainted man avoided his eyes. it seemed he was really afraid of him. However, Randy looked carefully to the fainted man, he printed the man's face into his mind.

Meanwhile, the outside of the Ascension Guild was still crowded, but now even more crowded after they saw Randy came in toward the Ascension Guild under the escort of the superior of the guards.

They were curious what happened to Happy Guild and Randy. However, no one dared to ask it to the person directly. Now, Randy came out along with the two women. Still, there was no one dared to ask them.

Randy walked toward the fully packed street and walked through the crowd. He could only the crowd was discussing him, but he turned into deaf ears, ignoring the talks, and walked the crowd toward the Happy Restaurant.

When Randy, Zhen Yi, and Long Xinya sat in their respective seat. Randy tapped his head as he just remembered something important.

"What?" Zhen Yi asked with a puzzled look.

"I forgot to ask about the mission," Yes, the mission, what about the mission. They had canceled their conquest toward The Philippines because of the mission itself. The mission had a lucrative reward even for Randy, it was a level.

Yes later, the Ascension Guild would send the people who had registered themselves in the mission through a special gate teleportation toward Australia Continent, Queensland Safe Zone.

Afterward, their mission and the only mission was to take back Canberra City from the beast horde. There was no clear information regarding the beast horde, but the Ascension Guild said it was a beast who made a kingdom for themselves, and that kingdom called Eternal Paragon.

Somehow, the same sounded fancy and cool for a beast kingdom. However, Randy was not weird about it.

There was a thing called contribution for calculating the reward. Yes, there was a chart of contribution point for calculating the reward. They could get the contribution point from killing the beast from the Eternal Paragon Kingdom.

If they managed to take Canberra City, then they could exchange the contribution for the reward like levels, materials for blacksmith and alchemist, a piece or a set of equipment, or even gold.

Later, the Ascension Guild would post the catalog regarding the reward in the forum and on the board of the Ascension Guild. They could exchange the contribution point for the reward in the Ascension Guild.

However, if only they could take Canberra City back in the required time. Yes, there was a time limit, and the time was four months. If they failed the contribution point would be expired and Canberra City would become the beast territory.

They would get nothing and Canberra City would fall into beast forever, except there was a guild who tried to conquer the Australia Continent, they could not step into Canberra City anymore.

Regarding this, many native Australia registered for the mission for taking back their homeland while the others coveted the reward.

Randy was one of many people who coveted the reward. Level, it was the most important thing for him now as he was having a hard time for leveling up with his current level. That was why he canceled his conquest and decided to take the mission.

Now, a problem appeared, and it was unclear if the reward was available for him and his guild. Just as Randy lamented the reward, a knock resounded, and there was a waitress came in.

"Guild leader, there is a guard looking for you,"

"Oh!? Let him in," Randy nodded his head as the response.

Afterward, there was another guard in the golden armor entered the room. Different from before, this time the guard had a polite smile, and he began telling them his purpose came here.

Hearing a lengthy explanation of the guard, Rand had a satisfied smile on his face, and muttered in a low voice, "This time the representative is more trustworthy and professional,"

There was something different from the guild. A guild could register the mission as the whole guild. So, when Randy registered his guild, there was another contribution point, and it was Guild Contribution Point.

The same as the contribution point, the guild contribution also could be exchanged with a reward. They still didn't know about the reward, but the more reward was better.

So, the representative was telling the guild about this and when he registered his guild in the mission. He and his guild would be teleported into a different place with the other guilds. There was also a condition for the guild, it was the maximum people they could bring to the mission.

The guild could only bring five hundred people with them which was weird.

'Why would they put the limit? If There were more people, it would be easier to take Canberra City back, right?'

Randy felt this was like a game rather than a rescue operation. He could not think the reason for it and he also didn't put more thought on it. The matter was the reward, as long as there was a lucrative reward like this, then Happy Guild would partake in the mission.

They would be operated separately from the other guilds within limited members and of course, Randy registered his guild to the guard without hesitation.

Randy registered his guild in the mission and the Ascension Guild's representative immediately went back.

"I also want to go to Australia," Zhen Yi immediately spoke what was in her mind after the Guild Ascension's representative came out from the room.

"No!" Randy rejected his wife outright. He would never let his wife follow him to Australia. Moreover, after the incident earlier, Randy would never let his wife took part in the mission.

It seemed the guard earlier was targeting his wife. Yes, he guessed they were aiming for his wife because they insisted his wife to partake in the mission even did such an absurd thing like an obligatory mission.

Randy, sure there was something dangerous for his wife there. He would never allow his wife to partake the mission.

Zhen Yi could only pout and acted like a spoiled brat, insisting to follow, but Randy, of course, didn't allow his wife to partake in the mission.

Three days later

The registration for the mission ended, and it was time for them to depart to the battlefield, Australia.

There were over a hundred thousands people partake in the mission and there were sixty guilds joined the mission and over seventy thousand people non-guild accepted the mission. Most of them were the native of Australia.

It was like Randy guessed, there was gate teleportation like the Crimson Cloud Kingdom had. However, the gate teleportation was smaller than the Crimson Cloud Kingdom's.

The Happy Guild got the honor for the first one who would get teleported, it was more they were the guinea pig.

In the front of the Ascension Guild, there was three meters tall and six meters wide gate teleportation. Randy along with the other four hundred and ninety-nine of his guild member entered the gate teleportation at the same time.

The same as the teleportation in the teleportation site. Their vision blackened out for a second and soon, scorching hot sun and the blinding sunlight greeted them.

Randy checked his surrounding, and he became speechless with the safe zone. The surrounding was a barren land, but this was not the one made him speechless.

What made him speechless was they were getting surround by a beast. The Ascension Guild informed they would get teleported to a safe zone, but here they were, getting surrounded by the beasts.

"Safe Zone Your Foot!!!"

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