Battle of Ascension

Chapter 325: It's Time to Harvest!

Despite knowing there was another enemy behind their back, Randy could do nothing about it. He discussed his own thought with Long Xinya, but Long Xinya only cast a strange look at him.

"What? Are you afraid of them? If there is one more enemy, then we only need to smash one more enemy!" Long Xinya said like it was not a big problem with one another enemy which was still unknown.

However, Randy also could not find a fault at Long Xinya's thoughtless remark. Indeed, if there was another enemy that suddenly appeared, they only needed to smash them as Long Xinya said.

Randy and his group continued toward the southeast afterward. Like Long Xinya said, Randy didn't bother with the enemy which still hidden and focused toward the Eternal Paragon Kingdom only for a moment.

The next day, Randy arrived at Mandone Territory and found there was a large camp stretched out before him. Yes, it was a camp of human force and Randy puzzled why there was a huge camp before him at first.

After all, each guild could only bring five hundred people and it was impossible for a guild could form a huge camp like this.

However, Randy's puzzled cleared by two men who greeted them when they arrived before the camp. The camp was an alliance that formed from the people with non-guild and there were eight guilds from twenty guilds who participated in the mission.

Yes, even though there were many guilds had been formed, but there were still many people had not joined the guild. Because of this, they decided to form an alliance in the mission for taking Canberra City back rather than moving separately.

The alliance formed and there were eight leaders chosen in the alliance as representative in talking with the other guilds. Yes, they also persuaded the guild to join the alliance and moved together.

They formed the alliance with an honorable purpose, only took the Canberra City back. They won't compete for the contribution point but focused only for taking the Canberra City back.

After all, the alliance itself formed by many native Australian to take their homeland back. They believed if they moved organized, it would be easier to take the city back. It was the only purpose of the alliance, at least, it was what the representative told Randy and the others.

Also, from the twenty guilds who partake in the mission, eight guilds joined the Alliance. The three strongest guilds from Australia joined the alliance, their purpose was to revenge their comrade who died in the horde beast's attack and took the city back.

The three guilds were Varil Guild which a few days ago met with them. The other two were Bloodsong and Dawn. The three were the strongest guild and the only guild which based on Australia.

Ravendawn Empire also joined the alliance which actually surprised Randy. After all, Ravendawn Empire was one of the biggest guilds which had a worth of two countries territory.

The other four guilds were Royal Assailant, Sacred Spirit, Shimmering Cloud, and Alpha Legion. Another surprise when Randy heard Sacred Spirit joined the alliance, but by their nature, it was not weird to find out they joined the alliance.

Yes, the Sacred Spirit Guild was the guild which always opposed the Evil Clan. The Sacred Spirit Guild was where the people with Justice Hidden stat gathered.

However, different from the Evil Clan who always created chaos everywhere they went. The Sacred Spirit Guild always helped the people who needed their help. As long as they could help others, they would help. They were like UN on the previous earth.

They always provided their help, like the current Australian Native who wanted to take the Canberra City back. Maybe, they offered themselves to join when they heard the Alliance.

When he heard the Sacred Spirit Guild joined the Alliance. Randy had a good impression of the Alliance, but when he heard about the Leader Association. He frowned at the representative as the thing called the Leader Association made a guild could not move freely.

Each move of Alliance based on the Leader Association's decision. Yes, if the Leader Association told him to move to the south, Randy and his guild must follow the order.

The Leader Association itself formed by the eight leaders of the people with no guild and each guild who joined the Alliance could send one representative to join the Leader Association.

However, the thing made Randy didn't like was when each decision reached a deadlock, they would make a vote and they must follow the Leader Association's decision no matter what the decision was.

If he and his guild joined the Alliance, it was the same as he offered himself became their subordinates. After all, there were eight people from the same Alliance and the others from a different guild.

It sure the Alliance would move based on the will of the eight people from the Leader Association. Also, because of the Leader Association, Randy decided to not join the Alliance.

In the end, Randy rejected the Alliance representative's offer to join them politely, "I'm sorry, I can't join the Alliance. But if the Alliance needs help from us, we will help if we can,"

After all his main purpose was the reward, but of course, he would get the reward if they managed to take the city back. However, Randy didn't want to join the Alliance as the Alliance was binding their movement.

The Alliance's representative didn't mind being rejected as he was still smiling and nodded his head. Indicating, he really did not mind the Happy Guild did not join the Alliance.

Afterward, the Alliance's representative shared the information regarded the Eternal Paragon Kingdom. Even though Randy didn't join the Alliance, the representative still shared their information. They arrived earlier, and they shared the information about the Eternal Paragon Kingdom.

The representative told him the lowest grade beast of the Eternal Paragon Kingdom was an Ancient Grade Beast. Also, surprisingly, the beast kingdom made a tall wall as the border territory and the territory ahead them had fifty meters tall wall.

Yes, there was a fifty meters wall, and the wall separated between the two territories. There only a few people from the Alliance who could climb up the wall. However, behind the wall, there were many beasts awaited for them.

That was why they could only get a little information regarding the Eternal Paragon Kingdom. It was the beast horde, they only knew the beast was Ancient Grade Beast at the lowest grade with level 201.

However, this little information made the Alliance restless a little. After all, Ancient Grade Beast in level 201 in a very large amount and the amount of the beast overwhelmed the Alliance.

The amount of the beast overwhelmed the Alliance. The representative reported there were only seventy thousand people in the Alliance and another thirty thousand humans formed a Bounty Alliance in the neighborhood territory.

Yes, there was another alliance formed, and that alliance called Bounty Alliance. Different from the Alliance which focused on taking the city back, the Bounty Alliance only focused on the reward. The Bounty Alliance only purpose was only to kill the beasts and got the contribution point.

Meanwhile, another twenty thousand people were from the guild and eight guilds joined the Alliance which meant there was another four thousand people joined the Alliance. So, there were seventy-four thousand people in the Alliance and that amount was much less compared to the beasts behind the tall wall.

The representative told Randy their distress and once again, the representative asked Randy to join the Alliance. However, once again, Randy declined the offer politely and thanked the representative for telling him the current situation.

Even though Randy rejected their offer to join the Alliance. The representative seemed didn't mind about Randy who declined to join the Alliance and excused himself afterward. Afterward, the Alliance's representative went out from Randy's tent.

Randy set up another temporary camp which not far from the Alliance Camp. However, based on the information he received from the representative, he and his guild had to move to another territory if he didn't intend to join the Alliance.

It was clear that the Bounty Alliance had their camp in another territory, the Dragon Dynasty guild had their camp also in another territory after declined the Alliance's offer to join.

The same as the other guilds like Eternal Shogunate, New Korea, Radiance, and Black Flame who had declined the offer. They moved to another territory to set their respective camp.

Also, the Alliance had shared the little information regarding the Eternal Paragon Kingdom, and they said, the beast horde would have given them huge trouble, and an idea appeared in his mind.

Even though the information held no importance for the mission, but at least they had shown their sincerity by shared the information they had. Randy had thought to return the favor of the information.

Not long after the representative came out, Long Xinya entered his tent. Randy surprised how bold she was, entering a man camp alone. After all, Zhen Yi was not here and Randy felt a bit awkward about it.

However, Long Xinya seemed didn't mind, and he directly sat in the front Randy.

"What are talking about with that man just now?" Long Xinya immediately asked the main topic.

"Uhuh," Randy let out a small cough and told her what he talked about with the man just now. In the end, Randy told her about his idea in helping the Alliance.

"So, you want to help to clean the beast horde behind the wall for them because of worthless information regarding the Eternal Paragon Kingdom?" Long Xinya frowned at Randy's idea. She seemed to be opposing his idea to help the Alliance.

Indeed, the information about the Ancient Grade Beast and the wall was worthless information for his guild. Even though the Alliance didn't tell them, it was just a matter of time before they knew about it.

"Nah, it is okay. After all, our purpose is the reward and hunt the beast horde behind the wall will give us many contribution points,"

Randy didn't know why Long Xinya seemed to be opposing his idea to help the Alliance. But he didn't mind helping the Alliance as long as he could help the Alliance.

Long Xinya was still having a frown on her forehead, but she didn't oppose Randy's idea, "All right then, we will help them to clear the way tomorrow and part with them afterward,"

After saying those words, Long Xinya got out from Randy's tent. There was nothing important happened that night.

The next morning, Randy and the others finally saw the fifty meters wall. They had packed the camp and intended to move the next territory.

Based on what the Alliance told them, they were still two to three territories away from Canberra City, and he intended to make a temporary based in the Eternal Paragon Kingdom's territory.

Randy didn't mind helping the Alliance and clearing a bit of the beast horde behind the wall. However, the Happy Guild's movement not unnoticed and the Alliance was curious what the Happy Guild wanted to do with the wall.

However, soon, they noticed something unbelievable. Randy was throwing the Happy Guild's member up to the wall. Yes, Randy was throwing the Happy Guild's members up to the wall one by one.

After throwing all members up to the wall, they witnessed Randy jumped to the wall. Fifty meters wall and Randy used his sword on the second jump before he could reach the top.

Randy didn't care with the Alliance and when he arrived at the top wall. Randy understood why the Alliance troubled with the amount of the beast behind the wall. Because the amount of the beasts were no less compared to the horde beast of the Underworld Faction.

There were over a million beasts and it was indeed an overwhelming number for the Alliance to handle.

"Hoho, this scene remind me the Ascension World," Randy let out a chuckle as he remembered the horde beast of the Underworld Faction.

Hearing Randy's words, Long Xinya who besides him could only cast an envy look, "No wonder your level increased that much,"

Long Xinya still remembered what Randy told her regarded the Ascension World.

"All right guys, it is time to harvest!" Randy ignored Long Xinya's words and made an order for his member.

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