Battle of Ascension

Chapter 332: Main Dish

No one took Randy's words as a joke except Long Xinya. Because what he said was real and the Happy Guild members believed The Boss would be able to do it. No Happy Guild suspected Randy's words. They believed Randy was capable to achieve what he said.

"Boy? A married man called himself boy?" Long Xinya muttered in a low voice.

Randy heard what she said, but he turned into a deaf ear at Long Xinya's words.

"All right, that is it. The next is here, you can gather there if you have cleared the Engaderim Territory," Randy pointed at one area at the Soku Territory. It would become their next camp.

Randy planned to circle the Canberra Territory from back before going to the Canberra Territory. Even though he planned to get back as soon as possible, but he must achieve his goal too before going back.

After giving the camp point to his guild members, Randy tapped Rocky's head gently who was still sleeping and said, "Let's get a meal for you, "

Rocky opened his eyelid which seemed to be heavy and he moved his right forepaw toward his stomach. Rocky tapped his bulging stomach two times, indicating he was not hungry, and he closed his eyes again afterward.

Randy helpless regarded the lazy Rocky. He let Rocky continue his sleep and walked toward his own tent. He packed his tent and went hunting the liondeers.

Six hours had passed and Randy had cleared his routes. Now, he was in the Soku Territory, the place where he found the plump baby, and behind him, there was a hole in the size of a door.

Randy had arrived at the camp point, but it was only him there. Long Xinya and the others were not there. He estimated they had not finished their hunting.

"They are too slow!?" Randy muttered in a low voice as he scanned the empty area. He also felt weird about it, with Long Xinya and the others assisted his guild members. It would be much faster, but they were still not here.

Meanwhile, the plump baby and Rocky were still sleeping. One was on the top of his head and another one was on his shoulder, sleeping soundly. Randy tried to summon Rocky back, but Rocky refused.

Randy was helpless regarding these two. One was his fierce mount and another one was his Luck Generator, but of course Rocky would not act lazy as now if they were on the battlefield.

While waiting for the others, Randy prepared his lunch with the liondeers he hunted. Even after finishing his lunch, the others were still not here. Rather than waiting for the others which were not clear when they would arrive.

Randy stood and walked toward the deeper of the Soku Territory. He intended to continue his hunt.

Just as Randy went for hunting, Long Xinya and the others came out from the hole in the size of a door.

"He is not here, " Said Long Xinya after she scanned the surrounding, but she did not find Randy's figure.

"He asked us to quick, but he continues to hunt, " Long Xinya grumbled at Randy. They planned to have lunch together, but the one who invited them to lunch together was not here.

"Maybe we are taking to long and…" Before Udin could finish his words, he received a glare from Long Xinya, and he shut his mouth.

Udin was intending to stand up for The Boss, but he did not dare to continue when the fiery vice leader gave him a glare, lest he annoyed the fiery tigress.

There was no big event in the last three days, the Happy Guild continued their activity, hunting the Eternal Paragon Kingdom's troops.

They also stayed in the Soku Territory for three days and today they slaughtered the beasts in the Soku Territory completely. Today, they would also move to the next territory.

As for why it took them to clear the Soku Territory, it because they met a group of King Grade Beast. Yes, they met a King Grade Beast, but it was not a territory king.

The King Grade Beast worth a hundred points, that was why the Happy Guild members were fighting over to kill the King Grade Beast.

The Happy Guild members were fighting over to kill the King Grade Beast and conflict almost broke among the Happy Guild members. Actually, the problem would be solved fast and easy. Randy could kill all of the King Grade Beast, then the conflict would be solved.

However, he did not do so. He captured the twenty-eight King Grade Beast and let each group fought against the King Grade Beast. He had his own reasons for doing this. It was to let the Happy Guild members experienced fighting against the King Grade Beast.

That was why it took them three days in the Soku Territory. Today, they were moving to the next territory after the last King Grade Beast had been killed. The same as before, they also encountered another tall wall.

However, it was not a problem for them, Randy created another hole in the size of the door.

Battle System: You have entered the Leafua Territory!

Afterward, it was the same as before, they continued to hunt the beasts in the Leafua Territory. It took another four days for them to clear the Leafua Territory and they also found the next territory was the Canberra Territory.

It was the time for the main dish, Canberra City. Randy did not know about the other guilds' progress, but it was finally for them to finish the mission. However, Randy found something unbelievable, the Happy Guild's GCP was only a little over 26 million points.

Even after they cleared the beasts worth for the three territories, it was what they got. Meanwhile, Randy needed 200 million points for one encyclopedia and his guild's GCP only…

It was a bit unbelievable and he estimated that he needed to destroy the Eternal Paragon Kingdom alone with his guild to exchange one encyclopedia or maybe there was a huge surprise in Canberra City which could increase the point massively?

Randy did not know, but he hoped for the big surprise inside the city rather than annihilated the Eternal Paragon Kingdom.

Randy and his guild members were camping right before another tall wall. He had sneaked in and he found behind the wall was Canberra City. However, he did not act independently as the others would complain to him for not sharing the points.

Meanwhile, on the top wall, there were four beastmen. They sat on the chair with a round table in the middle of them. There were four jugs and four cups on the table. The four jugs were like a jug of wine and if Randy saw the jug he must find the jug was similar with the Old Man Bai's jug.

The four beastmen were enjoying the wine with a cool wind blew their face.

"It looks we have to start the plan faster than we expected, " One beastmen spoke in regret tone as he took the cup to his mouth.

The one who spoke was a beastmen with a hawk head, but there was a sharp crystal horn protruded upward. It was a weird scene for a bird with a horn and the bird drank the wine in the cup with its beak.

"Is not this more interesting? There is an unexpected guess from our back, " The one who responded was a beastmen with a pig head.

Not, not only his head, all over his body was indeed a pig. The difference was this pig stood with his two hind legs and used his two forelegs to drink the wine. The other difference was the green slimy liquid on all over his body which made it looked even more disgusting.

Also, the green slimy liquid exposed unpleasant odor. Even the other three beastmen sat a little far from the pig.

"It is indeed interesting, we have achieved our goal even before our plans started yet, and let's start the plan, " The beast with a lion head spoke with a sinister yet sharp voice. The lion head was the most conspicuous among the four because of its golden mane.

The golden mane was emitting a faint golden light and it appeared to be more majestic among the four.

"We have achieved our goal and the big fish is on our back. We only need to start the plan and catch the little fish, "

The lion head continued with his sinister voice.

However, there was one beast did not agree with the other three beastmen.

"You guys better do not underestimate them. We have to act carefully, after all, we do not know the wonder system which assists them and the price our plan is too huge,"

The one who spoke these words was the crab men. Yes, all over his body was made of the red crab's carapace. Even the two hands were the same as a crab's pincer.

"We have exposed the Eternal Paragon Kingdom and it is just a matter time before the others would also get annihilated, there is no difference as a sacrifice is a must, "

The lion head spoke with his sharp tone and he spoke like the sacrifice was nothing for him.

The crab men let out a sigh as he could not refute the lion head's words.

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