Battle of Ascension

Chapter 335: Boxerian Kangaroo, Personality Mutation

It was a notification of a message. Randy checked the message and it was from Udin who just departed. Before even he could open the message from Udin, there was another message came.

This time, it was a message from Gusti. Two messages came in sequence. Randy surprised as he received the message.

"Do they encounter a problem?"

Randy immediately opened Gusti's message. But before he could read the content, he received two messages at once. He ignored the new message and read Gusti's.

"Boss, the beast inside the city is King Grade, all of them are King Grade Beast. Shall we regroup, Boss?"

Randy closed the message and checked the other messages. The two new messages were from Erwin and Akihiro. Randy opened the other three messages one by one.

The content basically the same, they reported the beast grade they encountered. Randy let out a sigh of relief, He thought they encountered trouble. However, he understood their concern, they asked for regrouping because of the guild members who did not have a bloodline.

After all, it was a King Grade Beast and the amount of the King Grade Beast was not a little. If it was only one or two King Grade Beast, then it was not a problem for his guild member. However, the amount was the same as the beast horde in the beforehand territories.

Randy also had the same concern and after some thought. Randy made a decision to regroup and replied to the four people. Four!? He remembered they divided into five groups and each group had someone looked over the group.

There was a group who did not send a message to him and it was Long Xinya's group. He also understood, she won't report this trivial thing to him. She would happily solve the King Grade Beasts alone and left 2 to 5 King Grade Beast for the groups.

It was a win-win situation, Long Xinya got many points and the group was safe, but they would also get the contribution points.

However, he made no comment at what Long Xinya would do.

After ordering the others to regroup, Randy departed alone. He preferred to act alone and he headed toward the city's center directly.

As he walked deeper into the city, Randy looked at the surroundings carefully. He noticed there was not much difference between Jakarta City and Canberra City.

As he walked deeper, he found many something fishy. There was really no trace of battle. He walked further and the buildings were really normal. It was really like there was no trace of battle like the Ascension Guild said.

The surrounding building looked normal and the paving street also looked nice. Not even blood could be seen on the street.

"Could it be the people are powerless against the beast kingdom invasion?" Even though he was suspicious of the Ascension Guild, but he could not exclude this possibility.

Yes, it was possible. There were four Saint Grade Beastmen and it was indeed possible for the people in Canberra City powerless against the four Saint Grade Beastmen.

Dum Dum Dum

There was a sound footstep resounded as he was in deep thought. Based on the sound only, Randy could make a guess it was a big creature, and it was not only one, but many.

Randy looked up and he found his path blocked by a flock of the beast. However, the beast was looked normal. The beast was a kangaroo, but it was a big version of a kangaroo. Besides the size, all were the same, there was not a single difference between the normal kangaroo and the beast before him, except the size and the boxing gloves which covered its hands. Yes, there was a red boxing glove on its hand.

The tight muscle which formed eight packs on the kangaroo's chest and the muscle on the kangaroo's arms. It made the kangaroo looked domineering and intimidating.

Also, with the three meters tall body, the kangaroo really looked domineering. If it was the old Randy, maybe the kangaroo could really intimidate him. However, the current Randy was looking at the kangaroo with great interest.

"Kangaroo with boxing gloves, interesting, " Randy muttered in a low voice. Afterward, he stored his two Inferno Swords and Darkness to his System Storage. He intended to fight against the kangaroo with his fists.

Looking at Randy who stored his weapon, the kangaroo seemed to be provoked by Randy's action. The kangaroos looked at each other and after sometimes, a kangaroo stepped forward.

Dum Dum

The kangaroo walked closer and only stopped when it was 3 meters away from Randy. The kangaroo raised its two hands and it porpoised to the right and to the left. The kangaroo also made a few motions of punch, indicating it was ready.

Randy stunned, the kangaroo was challenging him. He found this kangaroo was really interesting.


[Boxerian Kangaroo]

Affiliate: Eternal Paragon Kingdom

Grade: King Beast

Level: 341


No wonder Udin and the others proposed to regroup. The kangaroo's level itself was much higher, almost three times higher than his guild members. At least, they needed 10 to 20 people to defeat this one kangaroo.

It was dangerous for his guild member. Moreover, the amount of kangaroo was not a little. The flock of kangaroo in the front of him for example, there was at the least a thousand kangaroos blocked his path. It was too dangerous to divide the group.

Dum Dum

The "Dum Dum" sound became even more intense. It seemed the kangaroo became impatient. Randy also raised his two hands and he also copied Boxerian Kangaroo's move.

He threw a few motions of a punch. Randy also porpoised as Boxerian Kangaroo did. He was completely copying Boxerian Kangaroo's move.

Boxerian Kangaroo stunned for a while when it saw the opponent was copying its own move. It did not expect the opponent copied its stance and it felt the opponent was humiliating him.

The Boxerian Kangaroo infuriated and it let out a howl.


It was howling like a wolf and this time it was Randy became bewildered. He never heard how the kangaroo made a voice, but he believed the kangaroo would not let out a howl like a wolf.

However, the kangaroo before him was howling like a wolf. Also, it was hitting its tight chest muscle like a gorilla. This was really made Randy speechless and he felt the kangaroo was amusing.

"This kangaroo did not mutate in appearance, but its personality underwent a mutation, " Randy muttered in a low voice as the howling and the sound it hit its chest of Boxerian Kangaroo entered his ears.

After howling for a while, Boxerian Kangaroo made its move. It bent his body down and leaped up. Three meters was a short distance for the three meters tall Boxerian Kangaroo. It covered three meters distance in one leap.

The Boxerian Kangaroo pulled his right arms back. Making a punching motion and it immediately launched its punch right after landing on the ground.


The punch missed its target as Randy slanted his head to the right. The Boxerian Kangaroo's punch aimed at Randy's head, but Randy had successfully dodged the punch with ease.

After that, Randy countered the Boxerian Kangaroo's punch with an uppercut. Randy's right palm was shrouded in the dark red energy and Randy immediately made his move, an uppercut with his full strength toward the Boxerian Kangaroo's head.


The Boxerian Kangaroo's head exploded and the juicy brain and the blood splattered around. The blood and part of Kangaroo's head scattered around and Randy face was covered in the blood red.

The headless Boxerian Kangaroo collapsed down. Randy made a light step toward the left, dodging the headless body of Boxerian Kangaroo who fell toward him.

Randy smiled, yes he smiled. It was like he found something interesting. The other Boxerian Kangaroo stunned as they looked their friend died in one punch.

Randy, however, did not stop his move, he immediately rushed forward. Three meters ran and he immediately leaped forward, it was the same move as the Boxerian Kangaroo.

However, Randy's leap was far farther, it was a 20 meters leap, and he landed among the thousand Boxerian Kangaroo. The slaughter started and more Boxerian Kangaroo's head exploded in the process.

Thirty minutes passed

Randy stood among a thousand headless Boxerian Kangaroos and his body was drenched with the Boxerian Kangaroo's blood. From the hair until the armor, all over his body covered in blood. The black armor turned into blood red.

"This is not enough, " Randy muttered in a low voice, "I have not had enough fun, "

Randy said it with a little regret in his tone. He found boxing was exciting. He could not wait to meet Boxerian Kangaroo.

Two hours and forty-two minutes passed and Randy finally reached the gate. On the gate, there about a hundred Boxerian Kangaroo, but it was different than the beforehand Boxerian Kangaroo.

The Boxerian Kangaroo on the gate was two times bigger and the Boxerian Kangaroo on the gate, not King Grade Beast anymore.


[Boxerian Kangaroo]

Affiliate: Eternal Paragon Kingdom

Grade: Emperor Beast

Level: 498

Skill: ???


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