Battle of Ascension

Chapter 349: Beast Horde (1)

The big shots were baffled as they witnessed how two people from the Happy Guild killed at least a few thousands in three attacks. And after that, the other guilds also made their move and got back to their own guild to defend the south and east wall.

Randy let out a satisfied smile as he looked the other guilds went to another wall. Of course, he had his reason to stay here, it was about the title.

Another beast kingdom, The Destroyer Kingdom who attacked the other two walls were a mixed beast and his guild members would not be able to get a title if it was a mixed beast horde. That was why he insisted to stay here.

He knew it was a little selfish to keep about the title for his guild. But he must prioritize the growth of his own guild before thinking about the other guilds.

Also, it seemed they were really got no clue about the title as they just left this wall defense to his guild or…

"They already know about the title, but it is just they do not dare to talk it out?"

After all, he just showed them a little of his power and maybe they got intimidated by the show just now.

Nah, it did not really matter now as the attack just now was the start of the war.

Randy clapped his hand a few times before he spoke, "All right guys, we will play a different plan than we usually do. We will divide the team into two and each team will be responsible for defending the wall in eight hours alternately, "

"We will only need defense the wall, not attacking them. So the first team is my team and the second team is with her, " Randy pointed to Long Xinya as he appointed her as the leader of the second team.

Afterward, the Happy Guild member also divided into two and each team had 250 people. The core member of Happy Guild also divided into two teams. Randy took the Japanese couple with him, Asuka and Akihiro joined the first team and left Udin, Gusti, Erwin to Long Xinya's team.

And tonight, for eight hours, the first team would do his job defending the wall. After eight hours the second team would replace the first team to defend the wall.

"Then what will we do now?" Long Xinya asked in confusion. She really did not understand why Randy chose to divide the team.

'Is not it faster if all of them fight the wolves horde together?'

"Rest!" Randy answered with only one word.

"Rest???" Long Xinya blurted out subconsciously. She really could not believe Randy would ask her and her team to rest. The same for Udin and the Happy Guild members, they could not believe Boss ordered them to rest.

Scanning at the Happy Guild members, Randy realized they did not know the critical point of the beast horde. It was the same as his first time in Ascension World.

However, instead of explaining to Long Xinya and the others, Randy gave them a question, "How many are they?" Randy pointed toward the wolves horde.

Long Xinya blinked her eyes for a few times and then, she understood what Randy meant. But she still cast a doubtful look toward Randy and she was still skeptical about the plan, "Are you sure!? We will not be able to kill them in one go?"

Long Xinya understood Randy's concern. It was the amount of the wolves out there. If the wolves were too many, then it would drain their stamina. Even for her who had Saint Grade Bloodline, she would not be able to survive if the wolves came to her endlessly.

Even though she had a supply of Stamina Potion, but it did not guarantee her safety. After all, it only recovered the stamina of his body, but what about their mind or spirit. If they did not get sleep for 3 days or maybe 7 days or even half a month?

She understood about this and that was why Randy divided the guild members into two teams. But, was the beast that many? It was the doubt in her heart and she was still skeptical if the wolves really that many.

Randy shrugged and replied lightly, "Who knows? Maybe the wolves or the beast are not that many, but maybe all the beasts in Australia are the one we face? But who knows?"

Even though Randy seemed not serious with his reply, but Long Xinya struck by a sudden realization. It was really possible the one they faced currently was all the beasts in Australia.

After all, they had formed a kingdom which meant the king or the leader had become much smarter than the normal beast and it was possible this smart beast had a few territories under their control.

Or maybe that smart beast had subdued all beast in the territories and there was no more territory to conquer and then, they attacked the human territory?

"Good!" Long Xinya nodded his head before turning his body toward her team, "We will set a camp below, "

She pointed the empty space right below the wall. Long Xinya understood, but it was not the case for the other Happy Guild members. They still did not understand what was going and why suddenly Long Xinya agreed to rest for eight hours.

Nevertheless, 246 Happy Guild obeyed the order and it was also night. So, they really took a rest and it also gave a weird feeling. They were currently in a war, but Boss ordered to rest. It definitely weird and maybe only Happy Guild members could have this treatment.

The second team of Happy Guild took a rest, but not the team leader. Long Xinya, Udin, Gusti, and Erwin stayed on the wall. They did not have an intention to rest but taking a part in this night clash.

Randy said nothing to them. However, he remembered the other guilds on the other two side walls might doing differently to them. If really that the case, the other guilds would die from exhaustion.

Randy believed this beast would not stop, at least for three days. Randy shot a look at Long Xinya, "Tell them about our speculation about the two beast kingdoms and tell to not defense alternately, "

"Also…" There was a hesitation when Randy said the next words. "Also, tell the New Korea they can have Boxerian Kangaroo to help them, "

Dump Dump Dump

The rumble of steps sounded. Even without looking at the sound, The Celestial Monarchy has sent the wolves armies out.

From the top wall, they could see countless wolves rushed toward them, but they only had 250 people on them while the beast was about a million. And amidst the wolves, Rand could see an interesting thing. It was an ancient long-range weapon, catapult.

The shape of the catapult also exquisite yet it also looked firm and gallant. The catapult was grey in color it was twice bigger than the catapult he always saw in the movie.

Randy did not expect the wolves to have a catapult. It was also not only one, but many. There were about fifty catapults and it was more than enough to demolish the fifty meters wall on his feet.

"Leave the catapult to me!" With those words out, Randy leaped down. He could not afford to have the wolves used the catapult. He must destroy the catapult first and he was the one who most suited to do this job. At least, it was what he thought as he did not realize he had a general could do this job from afar, Asuka.

And a certain woman, on the top of the wall, talking about Randy with a bitter tone, "He must be forgetting that he has a pretty general who can destroy the catapult from here, "

It was Asuka's voice and what she said was hit to the nail on the head. Randy was really forgotten he had Asuka to shoot the catapult down.

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