Battle of Ascension

Chapter 351: Distributing The Reward

East wall, there were sixty thousand people defended the east wall, but they also suffered the most.

Dragon Dynasty, Eternal Shogunate, Ravendawn Empire, Radiance, Black Flame, Warlord along with seven medium guilds and the former Australian Alliance defended the east wall. Most of the big guild defended the east wall, but how come they suffered the most?

It was only a hundred Emperor Grade beast and ten Legendary Grade Beast, but they could not even handle that smoothly. Then what about the next wave? It was possible the next wave of the beast horde destroyed the east wall.

"As for the South Wall, they are safe. They suffered fewer casualties and New Korea thanked you for letting the Boxerian Kangaroo tribe defending the wall with them, " Long Xinya continued the report.

Randy cast an odd look at Long Xinya. Even though he did not know much about Long Tianyu, but he knew Long Tianyu was a good leader and the east wall supposed to be safe with him there, but…

"But how? Your father and Eternal Shogunate are there, how come they suffered a lot from a mere hundred Emperor Grade and ten Legendary Grade Beast?" Randy could not help but asked Long Xinya.

He just could not understand it. They had sixty thousand people defended there and the south wall only had twenty thousand as the Boxerian Kangaroo helped to defend the south. Sixty thousand people and they lost almost half of it, over twenty-three thousand people died.

"It was the bastard of Bounty Alliance deed. There was four mutated Legendary Grade beast and they were fighting over it. My father let them fought over it and they took care of the rest, but the mutated Legendary Grade Beast is not weak and the Bounty Alliance suffered from it, "

"The Bounty Alliance could not handle the four mutated Legendary Grade Beast and it gave a huge mess on the formation. Because of that, the others also suffered, "

Long Xinya gave a shrug as she answered lightly. It was like it did not matter to her despite having his father in the mess.

"You can also go to the east wall to check the condition there if you want to, I want to sleep~~," Randy replied as he yawned.

She immediately got up and spoke, "Alright then, if it's your order. I will check the east wall's condition, "

"Wait…" Randy called out, but only to see Long Xinya had gone. He shook his head. She appeared did not care, but she actually worried about her father. Even though she was disappointed with her father, but Long Tianyu was her only family left.

Randy understood this. Also, if Long Xinya wanted to go back to Dragon Dynasty. Randy allowed her to go back as it was no different to have one more ally with Long Xinya back to Dragon Dynasty. But Long Xinya insisted to stay in Happy Guild.

"I will ask my wife instead, "

He called Long Xinya earlier as he wanted to ask about the reinforcement. He could get another thousand guild members, but usually, it was Long Xinya who arranged thing like this.

"Alright guys, let's pack up and go back to the city, " Randy called out.

However, there was no response from the Happy Guild members. Randy looked back and he realized all of his guild members were sleeping on the top wall.

Yes, all of them. Asuka, Akihiro, Udin, Gusti, and Erwin also slept soundly. He wanted to wake them, but he did not have the heart to wake them up as he looked the exhausted look on their face. He really did not have the heart to wake them up.

Randy took out the tatami and he put the tatami at the empty place. Afterward, he also slept together with his guild member on the top wall.

"Oi wake up!"

A voice called sounded, but Randy did not open his eyes. Instead, he turned his body to the other side.

"Oi wake up!"

The same melodious voice sounded once again, but it was louder than before.

Randy still did not open his eyes, but he replied, "Wifey, let me continue my sleep for a while, "

"Oi wake up!" The melodious voice sounded for the third times. It was louder than the second time and there was also a hand shaking his body.

This time, Randy did not respond. He grabbed the hand and hugged the owner of the hand. Randy thought it was his wife and he just hugged his wife directly.

However, his wife struggled in his embrace. It was an unusual reaction and he opened his eyes. He found a familiar face, but it was not his wife. Long Xinya was the one who was in his embrace.

He saw Long Xinya's face flushed. Noticing Randy opened his eyes, Long Xinya's pupil enlarged. A shocked expression plastered on her face and it became redder reached her ears.

Randy immediately got up and he just realized he was not at home. Just now, he was dreaming about his child and his wife, so he thought he was at home.

He scanned the surrounding before letting out a sigh of relief. There was no one except him and Long Xinya. He shot a look at Long Xinya who was still flushed red.

Long Xinya stood up. She pointed toward the outer wall at first. Afterward, she also pointed below the inner wall. She spoke no words and with a flushed face, she jumped down from the wall. She did not speak a single word and just left Randy baffled.

He looked toward the pointed direction and found another wolves horde had gathered there. And then, he looked at the other direction she pointed to.

There were many people gathered there. If he was not mistaken, the reinforcement arrived.

"Sigh, what sin I have done, " Randy muttered in a low voice as he looked toward his guild members. It was awkward to hug her wife best friend and he felt guilty about it.

Nevertheless, Randy hopped down to gather with the other Happy Guild members. Sure enough, the reinforcement arrived three hours ago. The reinforcement was 500,000 people along with more guilds also came.

However, 400,000 people from 500,000 people were the people with no guild. It was a surprise knowing there were still many people who had not joined the guild.

After all, since the second phase Battle of Ascension started. People would choose to join the guild as most people could not afford to live in East City anymore with all cost raised up abruptly and massively.

People would choose to join a guild for staying in the guild's territory and it was affordable compared living in East City. However, Randy was surprised knowing that there were still many people had no guild.

It was the first report he received from Long Xinya. The current Long Xinya was different than the Long Xinya who just got hugged by him. She appeared normal with a solemn yet cold expression on her face. This was usually she appeared before the guild members.

Randy also appeared as usual himself with his easy-going smile on his face. There was nothing important happened during his sleep, except the wolves horde appeared once again an hour ago.

"Lastly…" Long Xinya continued.

"There are more!?" Randy blurted as he turned his head toward Long Xinya, but he immediately looked away. What happened on the top wall making him awkward. Long Xinya also did the same, she never looked at Randy's eyes directly since the start.

"Yes, the Alliance wanted to meet with you. There is something or maybe two things they want to talk with you, " Long Xinya responded lightly. It's true, the Alliance was waiting for him in Canberra City.

Actually, they wanted to talk with Randy in the afternoon, but Randy was sleeping soundly, and no one had the heart to wake him up. So, she only told Randy now, because of the wolves horde had appeared.

Hearing the Alliance wanted to talk with him, Randy frowned. He really did not like to talk with this Alliance.

"Let them come here if they want to talk with me, " Randy waves his hand lightly at Long Xinya. He was really too lazy to talk with them.

"Roger!" She nodded her head, indicating she would convey it to the Alliance. "Then, what now?"

"Now? Now, it is time to distribute the reward," Randy spoke with a loud voice. With the reinforcement came, he could distribute the bloodline for 493 guild members.

After all, it took a day for integrating a bloodline and 1,000 reinforcement could replace the 493 guild members to defend the wall.

"Reward!?" The newly arrived a thousand Happy Guild members blurted out simultaneously. They just arrived here, even they were not clear about the situation here.

"Udin will explain the detail for you and the first batch guild members follows me!"

Randy headed toward the temporary camp of 493 people. They will integrate with a bloodline, so they must do it inside the tent.

"There is a change with the reward. All of you, all of you will get a bloodline as the reward!" Randy announced loudly.

"Wow!!" 493 Happy Guild members let out a surprised exclamation. It was a huge change which at first only the top hundred who got the reward.

"Top 3 position will get Mythical Grade Bloodline, 4-30 will get Legendary Grade Bloodline, 31-100 will get Emperor Grade Bloodline, and the rest will get King Grade Bloodline!!!" Randy announced the reward change.

"Woaw!!!" 493 Happy Guild members let out a shocked exclamation and it was even louder. They did not expect all of them would get a bloodline.

But the one most surprised was the top three as they got Mythical Grade Bloodline. At first, Boss only announced the top 100 of contribution point the one would get the bloodline. However now, all of them got the bloodline.

"If you are not satisfied with the bloodline you got, then you can join the next competition with the newly arrived guild member from zero once again, " Randy said this for the guild member who got King Grade Bloodline. Randy knew there must be some of them who unsatisfied with the current reward, "However…"

"Only the top 100 contribution point who get the bloodline. The top 1 will get Mythical Grade, the top 5 will get Legendary Grade Bloodline, the top 20 will get Emperor Grade Bloodline, and the top 100 will get King Grade Bloodline,"

"Make your choice guys. However, I have an advice for you guys. It is to take the current reward and get the contribution point as many as possible to exchange the Legendary Equipment. This is a rare opportunity for you guys and the choice is in your hand, but also do not regret your choice later!"

Randy said it out loudly. He never forced them to accept the reward and advised them. He knew, there must be some or maybe many of them unsatisfied with the reward. That was why Randy gave them a chance to chose.

"You can think of it slowly and I will announce the top 3. Angga, Prawira, and Adit come forward!" Randy called three names and these three names were the top three of the current contribution point ranking.

Soon, three men with an excited look came forward. They were really excited to receive the Mythical Grade Bloodline.

Randy placed three vials contained Mythical Grade Bloodline before the three individuals.

"I will not tell the detail about what beast bloodline these are. Angga, because you are taking the first place, then you can choose it first,"

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