Battle of Ascension

Chapter 370: Invitation

The nailed man kept screaming, asking Randy to kill him desperately. Long Xinya shocked as she looked at how the nailed man desperately begging Randy to end his life.

Long Xinya wondered what Randy did to this nailed man in the last seven days, making the man grew into this desperate to die. Even though she was curious, but she did not want to know. It was better if she did not know.

"Then tell me, you only need to mention two names and the reason why did you want to take my daughter?  Who ordered you and the name of your faction?" Randy questioned the nailed man.

"I will grant your wish to die if you tell me this, " Randy added. He did not bother to entice the nailed to release him. If the nailed man did not tell him, then he would torture the nailed man continuously until the nailed man told him what he wanted.

However, the nailed man had his mouth shut immediately. It seemed the nailed man more afraid of his boss and faction rather than being tortured. Randy also did not question the nailed man further.

The nailed man could only stare Randy with a deep hatred. However, terror and fear reflected on his eyes, but he still chose to shut his mouth.

Randy turned his head back; he was looking at Long Xinya.

"Are you sure you want to stay?" Randy asked Long Xinya. He knew that she puked out earlier, so he had to ask her if she really wanted to stay or not, watching what he would do toward the nailed man.

Long Xinya blinked her eyes and made a gesture to Randy to continue. The curiosity defeated the dread over the torture and she wanted what Randy would do toward the nailed man.

Randy only shrugged his shoulder and got closer toward the nailed man. Even though fear and terror were apparent the nailed man's eyes, but he kept his mouth shut.

"If you really did not want to talk, then this tongue is not needed, "

Randy stretched his hand toward the nailed man mouth and pulled the tongue out. Once again, the nailed man's tongue got cut for the second time and blood spurted out from the nailed man's mouth.


The nailed man released out a piercing cry the filled the room. Even though this was the second time that his tongue got cut. However, the pain was still the same. No, the nailed man felt more pain than the first time.

The nailed shrieked in pain and Long Xinya who was at the dark corridor shuddered. Even though she wanted to witness what would Randy do to the nailed man, but when Randy pulled the nailed man's tongue out. She immediately ran to the outside room.

She knew what Randy wanted to do, but she could not bear to continue looking at the nailed man's tongue got cut.

Long Xinya stuck her tongue out as she imagined her tongue got cut, but she immediately shook her head. She did not dare even to imagine it.

The piercing cry continued for fifteen minutes. She was curious, but she also did not dare to enter the room to check. After fifteen minutes of screaming continuously, the scream stopped.

Long Xinya knew the nailed man must be passed out. There was no more voice came and the door opened. Randy came out with an expressionless look plastered on his face. He was just too calm and somehow, this was scared Long Xinya.

"It was you who wanted to come, " Randy said as he noticed Long Xinya who was a little frightened out.

"I am not scared!" Long Xinya refuted. She appeared to be calm, but her eyes a bit wavered. But then, she immediately realized she made a mistake.

"I never say you are scared, " Randy shrugged and walked toward the entrance.

Happy Guild was in dormant, there was also nothing important happened during the last two weeks, except giving torture to the leader of the black robe and playing with his daughter, Randy did nothing too.

He did not even exchange the point reward from the Australia mission yet until now. Randy was too lazy to face the Ascension Guild's people for the time being.

However, today, Evergreen City was even more boisterous than the usual. Today was the final of the first of Happy Tournament and surprisingly, the other guilds also came to watch the fun.

Happy Tournament, a tournament exclusive for the Happy Guild's member and its branch guild. Today was the final of Happy Tournament, only 2 participants left from the total 128 participants after five days fight. The last two participants were from Garuda and only 3 people from Invincible Dome who managed to enter the top sixteen.

The reward was only for the top sixteen. The champion got Mythical Grade Bloodline, the second place got Legendary Grade Bloodline, the top five would get Emperor Grade Bloodline, and the top sixteen got the King Grade Bloodline.

Randy told the participant that because of this was the first Happy Tournament and this was the only chance for them to get a Mythical Grade Bloodline. The next tournament, he would not put the Mythical Grade Bloodline as the main reward except there was another big event like the rescue mission in Australia.

Happy Arena

The Happy Tournament held in the Happy Arena, even though the arena much smaller compared, but the arena could accommodate ten thousand people.

The atmosphere was boisterous and lively. The sound of trumpet and cheers filled the arena as two last participants walked up to the main arena.

The last two participants were Didi and Ali, they defeated six opponent before finally reached the final. Didi had a huge battle ax as his weapon while Ali's weapon was a spear.

The cheers and trumpet sound became even louder when the two last participants stood on the arena face to face. Meanwhile, Udin became the referee while Gusti became the second referee.

Just in case, the participant was carried out by the atmosphere and made a fatal move on their opponent, Udin and Gusti must be ready to stop this. Even though there was nothing happened during the last five days, but they must be careful.

The final fight started, it was an even and fierce fight for them who did not have a bloodline. However, Randy had his head hung low. There was a reason for him to not watch the fight, it was because of the audience's attribute.

All of them, yes all audiences were wearing the same hat, Happy Koala Hat. The koala really became popular, even the other guilds who watched the tournament also wore the koala hat.

Randy embarrassed to look at this, so he had his head hung low. As for Aveline, she was with her two grandmothers on the back seats. Zhen Yi knew why her husband always looked down and she could not help but tease him.

"Hehe, I hear from Mama, the koala hat was also popular in East City. The Happy Tailor received a huge order from other guilds. Thanks to you that the Happy Tailor gained a huge profit from the Happy Koala hat, " Zhen Yi nudged her husband and Randy lowered his head more. This only made the smile on Zhen Yi's face became wider.

Meanwhile, the plump baby was still on the top of Randy's head. Plump Baby was sleeping soundly and the boisterous atmosphere did not affect the sleep.

"Shana, are you having enough fun already? Now, tell me how to make this koala come down from my head!?" Randy used his mind to speak with Shana. So no one could hear it.

"I will tell you after the tournament is over. Do not disturb me if you want to have Plump Baby get down from your head," Shana answered in a sleepy voice.

Randy immediately shut his mouth up. The more he leveled Shana up, the more braze she became. Now, she even dared to threaten him, but he also got much useful information about the Ascension Guild.

Afterward, the fight did not last long. It only lasted fifteen minutes and Ali came up as the champion of the first person. Randy let out a sigh of relief as the fight ended fast.

Randy immediately handed out the reward directly as that time. The top sixteen got all their reward today, but of course, this was not the end of Happy Tournament.

Tonight at 7pm, there was a closing ceremony of Happy Tournament. The Happy Guild would hold a banquet as the first Happy Tournament ended successfully.

The prize had been given out and the audience also began leaving the Happy Arena one by one. Randy let out a sigh of relief and he immediately ran back to his seat. He immediately took Aveline from his mom which displeased his mom.

However, Randy ignored his mom and as he carrying Aveline in his embrace lovingly and carefully. Aveline had her round eyes opened and she stared Randy.

The same with his mother and father, Aveline also had black eyes, but there was a faint red on her pupil's center. His daughter had beautiful eyes and a cute chubby cheek. Randy always pinched her daughter whenever the chance came, like now.

He kept pinching her daughter's cheek as he walked out from the Happy Arena. Apparently, the daughter did not like the father pinched her cheek. She used her tiny hand to ward off the father's finger.

However, how could a month old daughter win against the father? Randy always dodged the tiny hand and kept pinching her daughter's cheek. Even though Aveline never won, but she kept trying to brush off her daddy's finger to touch her cheek. The game between the daughter and the father started.

But the game must stop after a white and smooth hand slapped the father's hand. It was the mother's hand, the mother forcefully stopped the game.

Randy looked up only to see Zhen Yi pointed her finger to the front. Randy directed his gaze toward where his wife pointed. The same as Aveline, she also turned her pupil toward her mommy pointed.

There were four people waiting, three men and one woman. Randy recognized these four people, Wang Soo-Yeon, Kye Tae-Young, Zhang Hao, and Zhang Rou.

Zhang Hao immediately spoke when he noticed the displeased look on Randy's face.

"We are here only to invite you in the Alliance Assembly, seven days later in Dragon Dynasty's castle in the inner city. That is it, we only here to deliver the invitation, bye, have a great day!"

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