Battle of Ascension

Chapter 399: Supreme Marshall Krasimir

"Three Supreme Marshall, huh?" Randy did not surprised if they called reinforcement as they were not hiding their attack after their first attack at the first mountain.

But called three Supreme Marshalls at once made Randy worried. After all, he brought all core members with him. But then, he remembered Limera was with his guild members outside there.

Randy relieved as Limera came into his mind.

Not only Randy, but Long Xinya also became a bit worried when she heard this. She turned her head toward Randy. Even though there were a skeleton army and Boxerian Kangaroo, but it still made her worry.

But Randy smiled, indicating the situation was under control. Long Xinya did not know how strong Limera was, but she also confused. She thought the situation was quite urgent here.

She was still worried, then she could finish this Supreme Marshall as soon as possible.

"I have not tried this skill in a fight, but I will use you as my guinea pig, "

"Hehe, I am not that stupid to confront you guys head on. I will wait for my friends to arrive here!"

Supreme Marshall made a shocking decision. He retreated back behind his subordinates instead of taking Long Xinya head-on. Long Xinya froze on the spot as she witnessed the tanned man's figure vanished behind the Devil Apostle people.

Supreme Marshall's intention was clear. He would not make move until the reinforcement came. Moreover, he said it loud before his own subordinate, yet none Devil Apostle people waver.

They made a path for Supreme Marshall Krasimir and lined up neatly, tightly. It was clear they would stand and protect Supreme Marshall Krasimir with their lives until the reinforcement came.

Not only Long Xinya, but the others also stunned. They did not expect Supreme Marshall Krasimir would retreat when Long Xinya challenged him in one on one fight.

The crowd looked toward Randy, "What's next?"

It was what written on his guild members' face. But did it really matter? Of course not.

"Why are you guys staring at me? If he hides behind the wall, then we only need to destroy the wall to find him. If he hides behind his subordinates, then kill his subordinates. It's such…."


Having not finished his words, Happy Guild members rushed toward the Devil Apostle people with a loud cry. The command was clear and they immediately made their move.

Randy speechless as his mouth was wide opened.

'It seems I talk too much?' Thought Randy as he saw his guild members attacked the crowd of Devil Apostle.

"Simple matter!!??" A cheerful chuckle finished his unfinished sentence. The voice sounded right beside him and there was no need to check who the person was as Randy recognized the voice. It was Zhen Yi's voice.

4000 estimated Devil Apostle people perished under Happy Guild assault in less than an hour. The Devil Apostle people were simple powerless and helpless before Happy Guild members attack.

Devil Apostle people were being slaughtered despite using the demon transformation gift. But it was useless, no matter how hard Devil Apostle people struggled and fought back, they could not reverse the current situation.

Less than an hour, Devil Apostle last man standing fell except Supreme Marshall Krasimir. Supreme Marshall Krasimir stood in front of his small castle with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He thought his subordinate could hold the opposite until the reinforcement came. But all of his subordinates died, yet the reinforcement had not come yet. Moreover, he felt his subordinates died way too fast. He predicted his subordinate could hold for 3 to 5 hours, yet less than an hour they were completely being slaughtered by the unknown guild.

Supreme Marshall Krasimir thought it was too fast, but Randy thought his guild members were too slow. It just less than 5 thousand men, yet it almost took them an hour to finish Devil Apostle force.

"Now the hindrance is gone. You can't run anymore!" Long Xinya stepped forward with her spear covered in blood.

But out of everyone expectation, Supreme Marshall Krasimir rushed into the small castle. He was running away from them and once again, everyone stunned by Supreme Marshall Krasimir action.

The same for Randy, Supreme Marshall Krasimir did not even try to fight. He just fled to the small castle.

However, this time, Long Xinya would not let her prey escapes from her grasp. She instantly chased after Supreme Marshall Krasimir into the small castle.

Randy and Zhen Yi immediately followed after Long Xinya five seconds later. The interior castle was quite simple. The first room they entered was a hall with a long table. The hall was dark as there were only a few candles lighten the hall.

Right on the right hall, there was a staircase and Randy could hear footsteps from the stair. Randy and Zhen Yi immediately followed to the second floor.

On the second floor, Randy saw Long Xinya stood before a door. She stopped her chase or maybe Supreme Marshall Krasimir was behind the door.

Long Xinya turned her head toward Randy and Long Xinya.

"He ran away!"

After saying that, she opened the door but what behind the door was a wall. It was the castle wall and the door was not just a normal door. The door was a teleportation door.

It meant Supreme Marshall ran away through this teleportation door and he destroyed the teleportation the connected teleportation in another side. That was why the teleportation door showed the castle wall.

Randy speechless, the same for Zhen Yi. They never expect someone who could hold Supreme Marshall rank would be this cowardly.

They were too slow… No, it was just they did not expect this and never they thought Supreme Marshall would decisively run away.

Randy and Zhen Yi could see Long Xinya was sulking as her prey managed to escape from her grasp. She must be very upset and when Long Xinya upset, she would be looking for someone to spar with her, venting her frustration out.

Randy and Zhen Yi really knew Long Xinya well. Moreover, she wanted to test her transformation skill in a real fight. Randy and Zhen Yin of course did not want to become Long Xinya guinea pig.

"The castle is good. I will tell the others that we will stay here tonight, " Randy nodded his head as he scanned the surrounding. He appeared to be checking the castle condition and went back to the first floor.

"Hmm, I will also check the castle as well. Maybe, this cowardly Supreme Marshall has many women in this castle. I have to check the castle!" With that, Zhen Yi walked to Long Xinya's opposite. She was really looking for these poor women.

Happy Guild would pass their night in this mountain and castle.

Outside the castle, Happy Guild gathered there and they were having a meal merrily together. After the clash, it was time to celebrate for taking over Gorsk Territory.

It could not be called a celebration though as they only had a meal together as usual.

Randy, Zhen Yi, Long Xinya, and Pristine gathered in a small campfire. They were talking about Justice hidden stat.

"If you don't want to tell us. It's okay, I am merely curious, " Said Randy as he noticed Pristine was a bit hesitated to speak about her Justice hidden stat.

What Randy curious was about the Light Elemental Power. From five Light Elemental Power, Randy only knew one, Divine Thunder. It was his wife innate Elemental Power of her bloodline and Randy was curious the other fours.

As for Dark Elemental Power, Randy already knew, Shadow, Corrosion, and Black Flame. As for the fourth, Randy guessed that it was related to the "gift" Devil Apostle people received from the one called Lord.

"Actually, only my beforehand guild leader who know about my Justice hidden stat. But now, you are now my guild leader. I guess I have to tell you about my strength too. My Justice hidden stat…"

Pristine gave a long explanation about her Justice hidden stay.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Devil Apostle Bedlam

Supreme Marshall Krasimir who ran away from Gorsk Territory was here. He went back to Devil Apostle Bedlam immediately after successfully running away from the chase of Long Xinya.

Not only that, but he also reported what happened in Gorsk Territory to Lord. That was why Lord called him to the assembly hall.

However, there was a big difference from Supreme Marshall Krasimir appearance. He lost his left hand while there was a deep cut on his forehead and his left cheek.

Supreme Marshall Krasimir left unscathed from Gorsk Territory, but his body now full wounds.

Of course, it was not Long Xinya who did this. Long Xinya could not even catch Supreme Marshall's tail, let alone wounded him.

The wound was his own doing. He even cut his own hand before reporting this to Lord. If Lord knew that he was running away from the battle without even fighting back, Lord would kill him for sure.

He was willing even to cut his own hand. Even though the pain was unbearable, it was better than being killed by the Lord. Moreover, he could buy regeneration potion later, losing a hand was nothing rather than losing his life.

"So, They have taken Gorsk Territory from you?" A cold voice questioned Supreme Marshall Krasimir.

With his head hung down, Supreme Marshall Krasimir replied, "Yes. They surrounded us with 30,000 men. After battling for half-day, they defeated us with their number. I have called Supreme Marshall Kardil, Supreme Marshall Basil, and Supreme Marshall Marka, but they did not come!

I… I-I am ready to pay my incompetence with my life!"


Supreme Marshall Krasimir immediately knelt down, offering his neck to the Lord.

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