Battle of Ascension

Chapter 410: One Hit

Wind, Starlight, Panzer, House of God, and Saint indeed had a plan to attack Happy Guild when they knew Happy Guild refused to give them even a territory. However, they would not attack the Happy Guild for the time being until they were clear about how Happy Guild destroyed Devil Apostle and how strong Happy Guild's influence was in Asia Continent.

They had to measure how strong Happy Guild was before they could make the plan. They indeed had sent their guild member to investigate Asia Continent's situation.

But as the men that Devil Apostle sent to investigate Happy Guild, they still could not find anything. A guild or even the resident, they won't tell anything no matter how much "gift" they offered.

The only left thing they needed to investigating was the battle between Happy Guild against Devil Apostle. This thing would be easier compared to investigate Asia Continent. They could ask the survived Devil Apostle directly to know this matter.

However, before the five guilds could make their move, Heroes Land and Royal Knight contacted them. Telling about the fight in Colosseum with the bet that Happy Guild had set for them.

A territory exchanged for ten million, it was clear they would gain more than Happy Guild if they won the match. Moreover, to show Happy Guild sincerity over this matter, Royal Knight and Heroes Land disclosed about Happy Guild stopped their expansion for a week to let them conquered the unconquered territories in Russia.

Of course, with such an advantage on their side, the other five guilds immediately accepted the Happy Guild's offer without hesitation. Such a good offer, only fool that threw away this golden chance. Also, with this battle, they would know the Happy Guild's power possessed.

It was not too late to kick Happy Guild out of Europe later, after the battle. Of course, the seven guilds also knew the Happy Guild's intention by offering them this chance. It was to showcase their power, but the seven guilds would not believe Happy Guild could win against seven guilds. They also had high confidence in their strength.

Tap Tap Tap

The seven guilds headed toward the biggest Colosseum in the inner city. There were seven people who led the crowd.

When they reached the entrance, Pristine already there. She was holding a yellow tube in her hand and she noticed there was a crowd came toward here. There was no need to guess anymore, Pristine recognized the crowd.

When the crowd 10 meters away from the entrance, Pristine approached the crowd with a beautiful smile and greeted in a lukewarm manner.

"Good morning everyone! I am Pristine, Happy Guild's vice leader private assistant. Before you guys enter the arena, I will explain the rule first.

"First, I presume you already know this, but I will repeat it once more. The match is not a death match. Second, Happy Guild 16 core members included my guild leader and vice leader are ready to accept your challenge. Third, one core member can only accept a challenge from three people at max, if…" Before Pristine could finish her explanation, there was an impatient guy who wanted to interrupt her, but Pristine glared the guy.

"Sir! Please don't cut my explanation yet. If there's something you disagree, we can discuss it after I finish my explanation!" Pristine addressed the young guy beside Charles politely yet her tone was firm, inducing the young guy to not interrupt her, and it was working.

"Cough… if you guys are not satisfied with today result, the battle will continue tomorrow with the same rule with an addition, the guy who had lost in the first day can't issue a challenge to the same person in the second day! Fourth, before the match start, both guilds have to sign a contract about the bet before the match can start officially!

"That is it. If you agree with the rule, you can sign a contract here and pull the number from here!" Pristine took out seven contracts before giving it out to the seven people and showed the yellow tube in her hand and continued, "The number will decide who can issue the challenge first. There is seven number inside this tube, number 1 to 7,"

The seven people who led the crowd looked at each other. They found no problem in those four simple rules before nodding their head at each other. That meant they agr6eed to the rules and signed the contract in their hand.

The first one who took the number was from Heroes Land. The person signed the contract and walked toward with his hand stretched out to Pristine.

Pristine kept her smile and shook the tube. There was a small hole on the top tube. Pristine shook tube right on the top of Heroes Land representative's hand and a white folded paper fell.

The Heroes Land representative took the paper and opened the white paper. There was a number written on the paper and Heroes Land representative got number 6. It meant they could issue a challenge only after a guild with number 1 to 5 had issued the challenge to Happy Guild.

"Number 6, it's not a bad number. My luck is quite good today." Harry hummed as he saw the number written on the paper he got.

Harry Lancaster, the seventh rank hero of Heroes Land quite happy with the number he got. With this, he could measure the power of Happy Guild by watching the first five guilds fought against the core members of Happy Guild.

Basically, Happy Guild's strength was unknown to him and his guild. So, watching core members of Happy Guild fought with the other guilds would be beneficial to him and the other heroes as well.

Heroes Land, rather than a guild it could be called an organization built by the executives of four countries, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

The executives of four countries created Heroes Land by gathering strong people in those four countries. The executives of four countries promised to rebuild the society back like before to the people who registered as a hero in Heroes Land.

The system was quite simple and the system of Heroes Land did not bind the hero to the organization. It could be said the system of Heroes quite loose even compared to Happy Guild.

In this current era, Heroes Land was not an ideal idea when a person could create an empire for himself as long as one strong enough. But surprisingly, the Heroes Land plan succeeded and became the current Heroes Land.

But of course, not all people joined Heroes Land. However, with the success of Heroes Land, the others forces in those four countries hard to grow with such a giant organization of Heroes Land took the base in those four countries.

And Harry Lancaster was the rank 7 Hero in Heroes Land. He looked easy going and quite friendly despite could be called the seventh strongest in Heroes Land.

After Heroes Land, the other guilds also began drawing their number. Starlight drew number 1, Wind number 2, Saint number 3, House of God number 4, and Panzer number 5.

The last was Royal Knight and they did not have to draw the number again as it was clear the number left in the tube was number 7.

Grand Knight Arthur smiled amiably at Pristine as he took the number from Pristine. Royal Knight was a guild established by the royal family of United Kingdom. Like its name, Royal Knight was a guild full of Knight. They appeared like a medieval knight with power that could not be underestimated.

Taking an example Grand Knight Arthur. He was the leader of Grand Knight which comprised  27 Grand Knights. Arthur was the strongest amongst the Grand Knight and the royal family appointed him as a captain of the Grand Knight.

There were seven ranks knight in Royal Knight. Starting from the lowest of the weakest was an ordinary knight, White Knight, Black Knight, Ace Knight, Grand Knight, Grand Protector, and Eternal Knight.

Even though Grand Knight was not the strongest knight, but Royal Knight decided to send them here to test the water. Moreover, they had no ill intention over the bet, if they could win the bet was good, it did matter if they lost too. They came here to deepen the relationship between the two guilds. Fighting was another way to get them closer.

Arthur, Captain of Grand Knight was a middle-aged man in his early fifties, but he looked in his mid-thirties.

"Uncle, you only bring 14 Grand Knights with you!?" Surprisingly, Arthur and Pristine were quite close.

The former Light House guild leader was quite close to Arthur, the two were a best friend, and quite often to meet for a drink before. Pristine always followed her former guild leader which ended up with having a good relationship to Arthur too.

In Pristine's eyes, Arthur was a righteous and kind-hearted uncle. This was their first meeting after a few months ago, but this time her former guild leader was no longer here.

Grand Knight Arthur did not question the meaning behind Pristine's words but greeted her with a broad smile.

"Hello, little girl! I…" He tried to look cheered up, but he could not as his smile became stiff immediately afterward, and remorse look appeared as he looked Pristine.

Pristine of course noticed the change of Grand Knight Arthur and smiled beautifully, "Don't worry uncle. I have made them pay for what they did to Old Man and my friend! Now I have found a new home that worth protecting and I will not let any evil force to destroy my new home!"

Looked the cheered up Pristine, Grand Knight Arthur let out a relieved smile before a puzzled formed on his face.

"What do you mean by "only bring 14 Grand Knight"? My Grand Knight is enough to beat your friend!" Grand Knight Arthur boasted shamelessly as he was confident they would win the fight.

However, Pristine only shook her head as a mysterious smile formed on her face.

Grand Knight Arthur thought Pristine only wanted to show off about her new guild and friend, but 10 minutes later, Grand Knight Arthur jaw dropped and his eyes were wide opened as he witnessed one by one the representative of the other six guilds were being knocked down.

Being knocked down was not what made him shocked. What made him shocked was Happy Guild member knocked the six representatives of six guilds with one hit. Less than a minute, six people had been knocked out.

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