Battle of Ascension

Chapter 50: Plan

After Zhen Yi finished recounting, Almira and Wisen started to introduce their name to Zhen Yi's mother. Randy came to know Zhen Yi mother's name was Sun Xiu.

Almira even forgot her displeasure to Zhen Yi. Now, she intimately spoke to Sun Xiu.

"All right, now how about Long Family thing and Dragon Dynasty thing?" Wisen asked.

"Don't worry about that, dad. Last night auction, I got 23 million Gold. Soon we can open a restaurant and a workshop blacksmith for you, so you don't need to go out hunting anymore. As long as we didn't leave the East City Long Family even Dragon Dynasty cannot do anything to us," Randy explained confidently.

"Then How About You? I know you didn't learn other skill than combat skill. What will you do?" Wisen asked again. What he cared was his son, it didn't a matter for him.

Almira and Sun Xiu also looked at Randy. They also worried about this.

"Dad, Dragon Dynasty will not care about this. They are still competing against Eternal Shogunate and most of the strong member of Dragon Dynasty centered at Beijing territory, so it's safe for me to hunt at Jakarta territory. Moreover, you have a valiant daughter-in-law looks at the name on the top 10 Level Ranking," Randy explained with a smile.

Actually, Almira and Sun Xiu didn't understand what Level Ranking was, but Wisen Understood. He immediately checked the Level Ranking. Zhen Yi told Almira and her mother how to check the Level Ranking.

Zhen Yi ranking fell to the rank 7 but Wisen was shocked after he read the name. He didn't expect his daughter-in-law was so strong. He looked at Zhen Yi and blurted out, "You are ranking seven on Level Ranking? I thought it's just the same name as you,"

"It's already fell down, dad. Last week her ranking is the rank 6," Randy chimed in.

After the issue about their family solved, Randy immediately took out 10 million Gold note.

"Here 10 million Gold, This is the money for buy a building restaurant and a workshop blacksmith. Oh, also buy 1 more building for me,"

His father was shocked, also Almira. While Sun Xiu was just a surprised a little because Randy already blabbered about this to her when he was in her house.

They Ignored what Randy said early, they focused on 'Long Family and Dragon Dynasty'. So they shocked when Randy said this was 10 million Gold to buy the building for a restaurant and a workshop blacksmith.

"Where you get this money? and This is real money?" Almira blurted out while she took one of Gold note.

"I get this from auction, mom. Do you forget that I auctioned item on the auction house? My items sold for 23 million," Randy explained patiently.

"Oh, what item is that could be sold for over 20 million Gold?" Almira asked curiously. This father and son already hunting for over 1 month and not even get 100,000 Gold. Now, her son sold an item and he got 23 million.

"It's Legendary grade weapon, mom. I already told you last week, right? you can look the detail about Legendary grade weapon on the forum why it's so expensive," Randy answered helplessly.

"All right mom, today you buy the building. Buy at the entrance of Guild Area also if the money not enough I will give you more. I still have 13 million Gold here with me. Now, I and Zhen Yi will leave first. Also, don't worry about the Long Family and Dragon Dynasty thing, just leave it to me," Randy said confidently.

When He and Zhen Yi walked together to Teleportation Site, She said with a smile, "You pretty confident about Long Family and Dragon Dynasty though I don't know where that confidence comes from,"

"You forget about last night? even Zhang Hao the top 20 on the Level Ranking cannot even react against my speed. My confident come from my power," Randy said proudly.

Zhen Yi shook her head, "Confident is good but overconfident is bad, it will bring you to your own demise. Zhang Hao cannot react because your sudden attack also he doesn't think that you will be so bold, dared to attack him with your sword in the East City. Yeah, I know your speed pretty fast but it's not fast enough to defeat him if fight one on one you will be defeated by him,"

"If you can fight a par against me, maybe there is a hope to defeat Zhang Hao. For now..." Zhen Yi shook her head before she continued, "You always get beaten by me easily, it's still a long way to go for you to defeat Zhang Hao,"

"Ugh," Randy became speechless. His confidence began to shrink, he thought he could defeat that smiling man but his wife said it was still a long way to go to defeat that smiling man.

"It's okay, also still a long way to go before we confront them. For now, your mission is to level up as fast as possible, your high stat will become element surprise for them," Zhen Yi comforted him when she saw Randy fell silent.

Not long after, they arrived at Teleportation Site. Transported to Jakarta city, both of them straight to the lake where place used by them as the training ground.

Just after they walked out through the gate of Jakarta city, the five swindlers come to the Teleportation Site in Jakarta. They persistent to wait for Randy and Zhen Yi. It was already eighth days waiting and today they also would not be able to find Randy and Zhen Yi for eighth days.

They waiting for 20 meters from the teleportation site for 3 hours. Of course, they didn't manage to find their target. They left in disappointment.

Meanwhile Randy just finished his training. Still gotten beaten black and blue. The longer he training, Zhen Yi attack also even became faster. He asked her but the answer was even made even more despair. She said this was not her fastest attack.

He lied down on the ground, while Zhen Yi already went hunting. Suddenly he remembered that he has something to asked Shana.

"Shana, I remember that you said only essence blood of mutated beast that can be used for Bloodline Transformation. How to look at the difference between the mutated beast and the beast that not mutated?"

"There is two way. First, you can look at the difference if you have a high level of your [Basic Detection] skill. Second is like last time, fight against it. If the beast used a skill then that beast is a mutated one," Shana answered.

Randy nodded his head. Afterward, he stood up, "Times to kill the green monster,"

He walked toward the ruined city. He already hunting all of Demon Kolor Ijo at the outer perimeter ruined city, he intended to go deeper of the ruined city.

He entered the ruined city through the east gate. Just he entered the ruined city, he saw two green monsters walked out from the deeper ruined city. It was time to test his new weapon, [Darkness].

Actually, the two green monsters wanted to scan his body like as usual, but after they saw Randy pulled the long black sword and rushed toward them, the two green monsters also raised up their weapon rushed toward him.

Randy dodged to the right and slashed his sword to one of the green monsters. His sword cut off the body of the green monster into two part easily like cutting a tofu. Randy surprised, he didn't expect this. The other green monster also shocked when its friend got cut off into two part.

Randy immediately took 2 step forward before he threw another slash to the neck of the green monster. The green monster beheaded easily. He didn't need to do sneak attack again if this sword in his hand. Basically, it was 1 hit 1 kill, he went deeper into the ruined city confidently.

He walked for 10 minutes and didn't find any Demon Kolor Ijo, this place where he first encountered the Demon Kolor Ijo inside building, in the front of the 2 floors building house.

"Looks like there's no monster anymore on the outer perimeter the ruined city," Randy thought.

He kept walking for a while until he arrived in the front of 3 floors building, he entered the building while holding his sword in his left hand.

After 10 minutes he came out. Inside the building, there were 6 monsters but he managed to kill that 6 monsters easily. Afterward, he entered the next building one by one and kill the green monster after green monster inside the building.

He didn't know how many the Demon Kolor Ijo he killed, but he already did this for 2 hours and he not yet reach the center of the ruined city. He felt hungry, this morning training was longer than usual, they training until almost 10 am. So after two hours hunting, it was already 12.11 am when he checked at Battle System, time to lunch.

Thought about lunch, he remembered about 2 monsters lured by his lunch aroma. Maybe he could cooking here and attracted the monster to one building, so he didn't need to look to the building one by one.

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