Battle of Ascension

Chapter 67: Imitating the Monster

At the 5 km to the south of the ruined city, there was a youth with tattered clothes jumped from the tree to another tree chasing a red monster in the front of him. There were many light scars on his body.

The distance between the youth and the monster was 6 trees. But suddenly the youth with one jump caught up to the red monster. Just with one slash by his sword in his hand, the red monster's head separated from its body.

The youth was Randy. Finally, he managed to solve the issue of hunting Red Goblin. He imitated the way of Red Goblin to hunt it.

Actually, he came to know about this accidentally. When he killed one of the Red Goblins, then the rest ran away. He was getting annoyed by this and chased after the Red Goblin that ran away. He tried to jump to the tree to chase after it.

He jumped about 4 meters high though he didn't reach the branch of the tree. The goblin ran, and he didn't continue to chase instead he tried to jump again. Afterward, he didn't continue his hunt but trying to imitate the Red Goblin.

The lowest branch was 5 meters, so at least he must jump 5 meters high. He tried many times yet he still could not reach 5 meters high.

Then he took off his armor. Maybe without armor, he could reach the branch. After he took off his armor, he leaped toward the branch.

His guessed right. Without the armor, he could reach the branch of the tree. Later on, he was hunting the Red Goblin without wore his armor.

After he had solved the issue about the goblin on the top tree, he could easily hunt the Red Goblin. Now, his mission was to kill 10k Red Goblin to get the title. In this two days hunt the Red Goblin, his Exp only increased by 1 million.

Even though the issue to hunt the Red Goblin had been solve, but his movement was not as swift as the Red Goblin. So in these two days, he tried to adapt his new movement.

That was why his Exp only increased a little when he was hunting the Red Goblin. Now, it was the time for slaughtering the Red Goblin. After two days of adaptation, he could move swiftly from the tree to another tree, even his movement swifter than the Red Goblin.

From killing one Red Goblin, he gained 1k Exp. For him to level up to the level 19 he needed 13 million Exp, and now he had 3.5 million Exp. So, he needed to kill 10k Red Goblin to level up to the level 19. It was an easy feat for the current him.

Now he started to look for the Red Goblin from the tree. He didn't passively wait for the goblin to attack him. He was hunting till 1 pm and ate his lunch.

While eating his lunch, he checked the Exp he got from the morning till now. He got about 400k Exp. Even though the Exp he got was more than yesterday. If kept continuing like this, his pace in leveling up became slow, even slower when he hunting the Demon Kolor Ijo.

He was in a deep thought while eating his lunch.

"All this time, I am hunting the wandering Red Goblin. Maybe I should find where the Red Goblin resides, more goblin more exp,"

"But how can I find where the Red Goblin resides? Until now I just wandering aimlessly to find the Red Goblin and didn't find where the Red Goblin reside,"

He kept muttering while chewing the food in his mouth.

"Master, this is an easy problem. Why would you think so hard?" Suddenly he heard Shana's voice on his ears.

"Oh, you have a way to find where the Red Goblin resides?" Randy became delighted after he heard Shana's voice.

"Nah, from the bunch of the Red Goblin that you hunt, you only need to let one of the Red Goblins run away. Afterward, you only need to follow the Red Goblin which ran away. It will lead you to where it resides," Shana explained before she continued, "Don't tell me that you cannot think of this simple way?"

"Ugh!?" Randy simply scratching his head hearing what Shana said. Yes, he used this way when he hunting the Demonic Rabbit. How could he not have thought of this simple plan?

Finishing his lunch, he straight continued hunting. He managed to find nine Red Goblins bringing the Demon Kolor Ijo. He didn't think that the goblin also hunting the Demon Kolor Ijo. But what puzzled him was why would they bring the corpses of the Demon Kolor Ijo?

Nah, it was not his problem. The goblins still didn't notice him on their back. He rapidly and swiftly came closer toward the nine goblins.

After the distance of goblin were 6 meters from him, with one leap he reached between the nine goblins.

The goblins were shocked by the sudden his emergence between them. Randy easily killed the goblins. Of course, he left one alive so he could follow it to where it resides.

Seeing the eight of its comrades, die in his hand. Randy thought it will run away, but he guessed wrong. It didn't run instead it looked angry and pounced toward him. He already spared its life though only temporary but it still pounced toward him. With one slash, the last goblin died.

"Really so hard to understand the monster's mindset," Randy sighed while he shook his head.

His plan was failed. All this time, the Red Goblin will run away if he killed its comrades yet this time it pounced toward him instead run away.

"Maybe I should spare two goblins next time," After said his, he leaped toward the tree looking for a new target.

After 10 minutes, he found eight Red Goblins. This time he spared two goblins. After the two goblins witnessed its comrades died, the two goblins run away.

Looking at the two goblins ran away from him, Randy grinning evilly. He didn't immediately chase after it. After the distances were right, he rushed after them. Of course, he didn't follow them too near in order to not let them notice that he was following them.

The two Red Goblins didn't go back immediately to where they reside. They moving around for 10 minutes before finally back to their home. Randy was in awe when he arrived at the Red Goblin's home.

They were living in the tree House. Also, the scenery was so beautiful.

Their house was on the huge tree. The tree was much bigger than the Osneam Tree. He estimated that the tree diameter was 6 meters, about how tall the tree was, he didn't know because he could not see the peak of the tree.

On the way here he didn't pay attention to his surrounding, so he didn't notice about the huge tree.

So many tree houses here, in one tree there was about 10 to 15 tree house.

"Maybe later I will invite Zhen Yi to come here," Randy mumbled while looked at the scenery. Tree with lush green leaves accompanied by the cool breeze. This was a perfect place for relaxing.

But before he invited his wife to come here, he needed to slaughter the Red Goblins that lived here first.

He pulled the [Darkness] from its sheath and leaped toward one of the trees house. There were two Red Goblins inside the house. He killed one of the Red Goblin while the other Red Goblin shrieked with weird voice before rushed toward him.

He killed easily these two goblins. After killed the goblins, he exited the tree house. Outside, there were many Red Goblin exited their tree house. They stood up in the front of the house looked toward him.

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