Battle of Gakuen Island

Chapter 103 - Yame detective disease

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Surrounded by the girls, looking at their eyes, I understood that they had misunderstood Sister Kaori. If there is no rain, I can easily confuse the past, nothing more than just picking something that suits them and giving them away, anyway, I have searched a lot of those things over the years, and it is **** for me. Go to my private collection book.

Although Sister Kagura knows what my personal collection is, they will never betray me on this occasion, so the only thing I worry about is Yu Fei. If Yu Fei said that my personal treasure is a book. . So I think I am still in the hospital right now, at least I can immediately carry out the rescue.

“Perverted brother, please hand over your private book, I’m going to destroy it.”

Uh, Sure enough, Yu Fei said it all, and all the treasure chests in the eyes of others turned into question marks, and then looked at Yu Fei puzzled.

“What are you thinking about? The perverted brother’s private collection is all 18 banned.”

All the question marks in the eyes of several women turned into daggers and looked at me angrily. Li Weiya said, “Yu Bai, can you explain what Sister Yu Fei said?”

It’s strange to explain. My private collection is a collection of classic books that I have collected for many years. How can I explain this to everyone in the harem! ! I’m afraid it will not be divided by a hatchet in minutes.

Don’t panic, I have seen any storms and waves, calm down there will be a solution. The famous writer Lu Xun once said that a fence has three piles, a hero and three gangs. So as long as you can find a teammate of God at this time, it can be solved perfectly.

So who is the God teammate looking for? Sister Kagura was ruled out by me directly. I have thanked them for not having made up for the sword. I dare not have the idea of ​​letting them help.

As for Leng Xinling and Leona, those two are Yu Fei and Li Weiya’s buddies. It is estimated that if Yu Fei and Li Weiya want to hack me to death, Leng Xinling and Leo Na will help them both. Grind it well and hand it to them and then hold me.

Then. . Can I only hope for Belka and Sister Kaori? . I turned to Sister Kaori and Belka for help, hoping that they would understand my thoughts and pull me.

After reading the meaning in my eyes, Sister Kaori nodded at me and gave me a firm look. I suddenly relaxed. Sister Kaori is still very reliable. If she helps, then I can be sure that I can guarantee the safety of myself and my book.

After soothing me with her eyes, Sister Kaori said to Yu Fei, “Everyone calm down, I think a good brother, as a boy with normal sexual orientation, reads some little yellow books and it’s completely normal. So Don’t be so angry.”

After hearing the words of Sister Kaori, they all calmed down, and apparently felt that Sister Kaori had some truth.

Feeling Yu Fei’s anger value has dropped a lot, I can’t help feeling grateful for Sister Kaori in my heart. What is a teammate of God? This is called the teammates of God, facing the almost raging crowd, using the words of truth to calm down the anger of all the girls, trying to turn the tide and save me from the deep waters. Ah, Sister Kaori, are you the goddess sent to save me? I seemed to see the divine radiance radiating from Sister Kaori.

Sister Kaori looked back and smiled at me, and then continued: “But it is wrong for good brothers to read those little yellow books after they have us. That is to treat us as a virtual thing. This behavior is an insult to us. , So you must hand over those little yellow books, good brother.”

“Yes, it must be handed over.” Several other women said to Kaori sister.

Sister Kaori, I misunderstood you, you turned out to be undercover. . I believe you so much, you return my touch.

Knowing that there was no way out, I had no choice but to take out all my privately collected notebooks and watch Sister Kaori take them away. My heart hurt like a knife cut. Ah, farewell, my dear friends, thank you for the good times you have spent with me, and thank you for the joy you have brought me.

After Sister Kaori took away the book, she immediately took a few girls to the outside of the ward. After a while, they returned to the ward. The difference is that everyone’s face is red, just like what they did, wait, they won’t just go out to see my private collection?

Seeing them blushing embarrassedly, a smile appeared on the corner of my mouth. Huh, when I said that I was so upright, I went to read it immediately after I collected my little yellow book.

After seeing the smile on the corner of my mouth, Yu Fei exposed her tiger teeth to me. After understanding Yu Fei’s warning, I quickly put away my smile, joked, and ruined Yu Fei’s grandmother. I was estimated to be beaten into the intensive care unit immediately.

Sister Kaori When they came to the bed, I cast a sad look on Sister Kaori. I believe you so much, but you sold me in an instant.

Sister Kaori noticed my sad eyes, smiled at me, and leaned into my ear and said, “It’s useless to store those things. I’ll give you a surprise after a while. You will Look forward to it.”

Oh? Surprise? It feels good, will there be an eight waitress or something? Hey hey, suddenly I feel so excited.

Thinking of the various welfare treatments that might appear, I couldn’t help but reveal a bit of lustfulness, oh no, it was a gratifying smile, and a little drool came out of my mouth.

“Perverted brother, why did you show such a disgusting smile?” Yu Fei looked at me with an idiotic smile, and said suddenly.

I quickly put on a serious look, and then said: “Your brother, my wise hero, how could there be a smile like that, you must have taken a look.”

Yu Fei hummed and didn’t care about me anymore. Belka smiled and looked at the two of us. Then he said: “Xiao Bai, you have a broken leg and it is not convenient for you to move. You just stay in the hospital until you are done. Right.”

“Well, don’t worry about me. I have rubbed my dad’s family secret medicine. I will be using my own realm as a supplementary treatment for about a week.” I smiled and watched them.

“So fast? Your dad’s family secret medicine works so well? What is the realm of your life? It can also be used for auxiliary treatment. It feels very powerful.” Leona looked like a curious baby after listening to me. Asked the same.

I smiled and told her about the secret medicine of Tang Ye’s family, and detailed about the dominance of that secret medicine. After listening to my commentary, they all opened their mouths, indicating that the medicine is simply against the sky. After being surprised by the powerful effect of the mysterious medicine, Leona still insisted on asking what is the realm of my life.

Because it is not a secret that cannot be told, and I have no secret to keep for them, I told them in detail about the domain and the domain, and the role of the domain of my life.

After listening to them, they are more and more addicted like listening to novels. Although they have probably realized my strength through watching my several battles, they still don’t know where my strength has reached, so they are willing to say when they see me , And began to open up to ask, vowed to thoroughly understand me.

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