Battle of Gakuen Island

Chapter 131 - conquer the world

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Gakuen Island Battle Story as soon as possible!

“Well, you ask, I must know that all words are endless, and I will also be able to fulfill your promises when the time comes. Let me live a way.” Lan Liu simply agreed.

After I negotiated with Lan Liu, I thought about what happened during the period from the time I stumbled into their base to the battle that just ended, and asked Lan Liu for something I didn’t notice or figured out. At the same time, I was thinking about whether there is anything I need to interrogate.

Inner communication Xiaoxian’er asked him to call Leng Xinling, and I started to ask Lan Liu the first question. “How do you control Kulaken? It is very unlikely that this monster will be tamed?”

After thinking for a while, Lan Liu said: “I don’t know the exact method, but we have two guesses. One is that our organization controlled it with a certain drug, and the second is to implant a chip in its brain. Control it by issuing commands through the chip.”

It’s similar to what I guessed, but anyone with some knowledge of Kulaken will guess these two methods, right? Isn’t this Blue Six thinking of dealing with me with ambiguous words? If yes, then he is dead.

Wanting to know how to control Kulaken is just a sudden whims of me, and I only asked Lan Liu out of curiosity and fun. The next thing to ask is some key questions. At this time, Leng Xinling has also come to my side and told her that I will ask Lan Liu some things. If I have any questions or find that I have forgotten, I must ask them. .

After instructing to be cold-hearted, I began to ask the next question: “What is Jingshi Elixir? What is its role? Where is the current research?”

“Jingshi Elixir, as its name implies, is a medicament developed to purify the evil in the world, cleanse human souls, and purify human sins.” Lan Liuxin said vowedly.

Ha ha, this blue Liu really wanted to deal with me with some edging words, it seems that he is also delusional to fool me over to escape. However, in such a simple and empty answer, I would not buy it.

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Lan Liu, I slapped Lan Liu to the ground with a slap in the back, staring at him coldly and saying, “This is the first and last time, if you still want to use some clichés to fool me , Then I will kill you directly. Now immediately give me a good answer to the question I just asked.”

Lan Liu looked at me in horror. He didn’t understand why it seemed to be a high school student who was so decisive. From my eyes, he read, “If you don’t obey, you die.” This simple and daunting message, Lan Liu completely gave up the idea of ​​crooked brains, because he knew that if he was not honest, really Will die.

“Jingshi Elixir is the kind of pill that the boss will swallow. It is a medicament that stimulates the potential of the human body. It can increase the amount of combat gas in the warrior in a short time. When the base is destroyed, the research has reached the point where it is about to be completed. After the research is completed, Jingshi Pharmacy will have no side effects.” This time Lan Liu did not pay attention, and finally chose to honestly answer my questions.

“What are the side effects of Jingshi Medicine?”

“Because the potential of the human body is stimulated in a short period of time, there will be a period of time after the effect of the body, and it will be impossible to do some small things. It is said that there is also a conjecture that the use of Jingshi Elixir will reduce the training of the warrior. Qualification, but this is still a guess. The researchers at the base have not yet had time to prove.”

After listening to what Lan Liu said, I raised my hand to signal him not to speak for a while, and then I began to think about what Lan Liu said.

This **** fire established such a secret base, just to develop this kind of potion, I don’t believe it. Because input and output are too disproportionate, building a secret base of a large scale in the deep sea of ​​more than a thousand meters, this handwriting may not be able to make decisions easily by several major countries with prosperous power in the world today.

And the secret base built at such a large cost is only to produce this kind of potion that has no particularly great effect? The leader of the Shenhuo religion is either a lot of money, no place to spend, or a brain trapped in the door.

Since there is a contradiction, then there must be a reason for this contradiction. In other words, this secret base has other uses, but Lan Liu may not know it. I looked at Hongyi’s body on the side. He should have known it, but unfortunately Hongyi was dead.

I know there must be other hidden secrets here, but because there is no breakthrough, I can only give up thinking. So I looked at Lan Liu and continued to ask: “What kind of teaching do you have, what is the purpose?”

“I don’t know what the purpose is, but the leader and high priest have always declared that human beings are full of sins. They want to replace the heavens, start the fire, burn all the sins of the world, and create a perfect world without sins.” Blue Six Speaking.

Alas, this kind of nonsense doctrine, what is sinful in the world, and what time is painful, I don’t know why there are always so many people who can use these nonsense to foolish so many people. Maybe everyone is thinking about living a happy life, but that kind of life can only be achieved through their own hands, and there is no hope of relying on others.

“Even if they have such ambitions, how can they achieve it?” I asked, puzzled after the vomiting in my heart. To know that the depth of the water in this world is terrible, even if I am as strong as I am, I dare not say that it can sweep the whole world. I don’t believe that their leader will have such strength as me. Because if you have absolute strength, you don’t need to spend so much trouble planning.

“I only know that the Jingshi Elixir is one of the keys. If it is complete, it can create a group of powerful military forces, and can also enhance the strength of high-end combat forces such as the leader. And the high priests in our church can sense the breath of the artifact, many A couple of years ago in Huaxia, after they got the artifact, they were sensed by the high priest. So the high priest and the priest discussed and created the Shenhuo religion, intending to win the artifact. The priest had been the perfect strength of the sword saint more than ten years ago. After so many years, it is not known to what extent the strength has improved. Once the master has the artifact, then there will be no one in the world.”

If Lan Liu actually said this, it is really possible for them to achieve their goals. After all, I have already seen the power of the artifact. If the strength of their leader is exactly what Blue Six said, then it is really possible for him to get the artifact to sweep the world. But it is only possible. I believe that I can still stabilize him, not to mention that I still have an unscrupulous teacher. The strength of the old man is the real horror.

But Lan Liu said that their high priest can sense the breath of the artifact? How is this going? After looking at the killing knife in my hand, I think it is necessary to make this clear, otherwise troubles will continue to strike.

“Tell me about your high priest, why can he feel the breath of the artifact?”

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