Battle of Gakuen Island

Chapter 99 - A fat beat

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My words were like the great trick of a silent warlock. For ten minutes, there was no voice in the living room, and my parents looked at me with their mouths open.

It seems that the situation is not so good. The more surprised my parents are, the less likely they are to accept this matter. Although it has been decided that the worst case is to take Yu Fei and go to seclusion, I still hope that my parents can admit to accepting me and Yu Fei together, even if they don’t bless us, it doesn’t matter. They seem to us both as unfilial children.

They dare not look at what their parents look like now, nor dare to guess. They can only wait with their heads down quietly waiting for the sentence of fate.

Yu Fei first recovered, she wanted to come to my side and stand with me to show her heart. But as soon as she did something, she was caught by the slow mother.

“Mom, let me go. My mind is the same as that of my brother. I want to go to him.” After Yu Fei was pulled, he turned back and said to his mother.

“In this case, we should leave it to both of them to solve it. Let’s not intervene.” The mother did not let go, but pressed Yu Fei back to the seat more firmly.

Dad finally recovered, he took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, took a deep breath, and said after a smoke ring: “Do you know what your behavior represents?”

I looked up at my dad and nodded and said, “I know.”

“Did you think about the consequences?”

“I have thought about it very seriously, I have thought about it many times, I like Yu Fei, she is the most important person indispensable in my life. I have made up my mind to stay with her forever, even if I am beaten by you, I cannot take care of myself , Even if spurned by the world.”

“So it doesn’t matter if Yu Fei is spurned by the world?”

“I will not allow anyone to spurn the rain pheasant, whoever spits the rain pheasant will kill whoever, if a person spit it, kill someone, if a country spurns me, then I will kill everyone in this country, if the whole world spurns her, then I Just kill people all over the world.” I said firmly.

“Does Yu Fei hope you become such an executioner?”

I turned my head to look at Yu Fei. If I did what I said for this reason, then Yu Fei would definitely not agree, but I would never allow anyone to spur Yu Fei. So what should I do? I can’t solve it in the most simple and rough way. I suddenly don’t know how to answer my dad’s question.

“Then… then I would take Yu Fei to go to seclusion, or to live in a country that can admit our relationship.”

“A completely unfamiliar environment, Yu Fei has no friends, girlfriends, can only be alone with you, is this fair to her?”

Yeah, is this fair to Yu Fei? This is undoubtedly Yu Fei abandoned all her friends, she can only be imprisoned in my cage. I know that Yu Fei won’t care about these, but can I treat her so unfairly because she doesn’t care?

The answer is of course no. In the name of Ai Yufei, all her interpersonal relationships are destroyed, so that she can no longer appear in front of the world, imprisoned in the cage I cast with so-called love, such a thing, right She is too cruel.

After all, I am a selfish person, just thinking that I don’t care about worldly eyes and everything, I privately think that Yu Fei can do the same and force her to bear everything. Thinking of this, I sat down on the sofa, what should I do? Knowing that the best thing for me and Yu Fei is to always maintain that brother-sister relationship, and not to mix with other sentiments, but I still selfishly want to have a relationship with Yu Fei not only brother and sister, but to go further with her, Be a pair of lovers.

What did Yu Fei think? She certainly doesn’t want to stay with me on the sibling relationship alone. She also wants to go further with me. She must also be holding a lost friend and counter-consciousness with her parents, then. . What is there to hesitate? Didn’t you think about how to do it from the beginning? As long as you disregard everything, selfishness or executioner, what I want most is to be with Yu Fei, Yu Fei’s mind is the same as mine, then, after the road has been chosen, let’s go on unswervingly , Even if the road ahead is full of thorns, even if the road ahead is dark, even. . . Hell is ahead.

I will walk in the front and cut off the thorns and make a way. I will make myself a street lamp and illuminate the road ahead. I will **** the **** and turn it into heaven. As long as it can be with the rain, those It doesn’t matter how it is.

After thinking clearly, unprecedented firm belief rose from my heart, and I looked up and looked at my dad firmly and said: “Cruel or selfish, I will definitely be with Yu Fei. Hua Xia does not allow us Together, let’s go where we are allowed. The whole world doesn’t allow me to create a place that allows me. There is no friend, no girlfriend, and it doesn’t matter. She still has me. I will always be with her.”

After my father listened to my words, there was a sneer smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said disdainfully: “Naive, childlike thoughts.”

“Naive is naive, I only know that I like Yu Fei, I can treat her forever.”

“Huh, because it’s good to her because you like to bind her to you?”

“It doesn’t matter if you understand me so much, why would you come here to teach me your experience as an adult?” At this point, my tone began to be polite, even if the person sitting opposite was my son, even if he was Lao Tzu of someone I love deeply.

When Yu Fei saw that the two of us had already said that he was angry, he wanted to come over to ease the atmosphere, but the mother grabbed her hand and didn’t let her move.

“What can I tell you? It won’t make her happy if you do it in your capacity.” Dad has already started to be unreasonable.

“Why can you say so arbitrarily?”

“I am her father.”

“Applying your theory, if I am her brother, I will definitely make her happy.”

“Okay, that’s nothing to say, you are so stubborn, then I can only change the way.” Dad took a bat from the suitcase after he said, “Are you conscious?”

Before waiting for me to speak, my dad waved the bat and hit me. I didn’t use the fighting spirit, I just used my internal force to protect the internal organs, and then resisted this. With two crisp sounds, the bat broke. For two sections, my left arm hung down softly like noodles.

Dad threw away the broken bat and went to get a new one, then waved at my left leg. Unsurprisingly, with two crunches, the bat and my calf bone were both broken.

Strongly enduring the pain, I still stood stubbornly. Dad was too lazy to get a new bat, and rushing directly at me was an old punch to greet me in the face.

“Dad, enough, don’t fight anymore, I’m willing to play with my brother, even if you want to fight, I’ll fight together.” Yu Fei saw that Dad didn’t leave me the hardest way to teach me, and finally couldn’t help it Living hard to break free of my mother’s shackles, rushed to my side to protect me.

“Tang Ye, you’ve done it, even if it’s a test, it shouldn’t be like this.” The mother couldn’t help saying when her father’s anger was still calm.

At this time, I had been beaten badly by my dad. My left leg and left arm were broken. My face was blue and purple. The two eyes were swollen and only a small gap was opened. Even so, I still looked at my dad firmly and showed him my determination.

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