Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races: I Have a Billion Times Crit System

Chapter 770 The Calamity of the Spirit World

The people of Longda were filled with righteous indignation, but they never dared to offend this holy mountain, instead they were somewhat respectful.

As a new disciple of Zen, if he hadn't been in the lower realm for 100,000 years, he was absolutely not qualified to come here.

Kneeling under the holy mountain, the soul is baptized by the holy mountain, this is the greatest expectation of countless Zen disciples.

He felt this seemingly inconspicuous hill with his spiritual sense, but his heart trembled like five thunderbolts, this holy mountain of Zen is really extraordinary.

In Shishan, apart from the exposed gravel, there are some flowers and trees, small birds and animals, everything is ordinary, but when he feels it carefully, he realizes the difference.

Because this stone mountain and all its animals and plants, the wind and the clouds, the air seems to be frozen, but it is definitely not fixed. They are still moving, the air is flowing, the vegetation is swaying, and the animals are living freely. , but no sound came out

In other words, in the endless tranquility emanating from this holy mountain in Zen, all sounds and fluctuations have been disappeared before they occur.

The wind blows the vegetation and sways, like a silent animation.

The cicada was singing with all its strength, but there was no sound.

Within the scope of the entire stone mountain, no matter the sky or the ground, no matter whether it is living or dead, everything is like a pool of stagnant water.

It seems that this place is isolated from the world and enjoys absolute tranquility.

Longda's spiritual sense penetrated into it, and he was instantly swallowed by this atmosphere

He was shocked and remembered a legend.

It is rumored that the holy mountain was just an ordinary rock mountain at first. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the founder of the Zen land came here, stayed on this hill at will, and realized Zen here, thus creating the lineage of the Zen land

In order to commemorate the ancestors of Zen, in countless years, countless Gaode Zen practitioners chose this place to meditate on the Zen they practiced. The rhythm of the realm released by their bodies is constantly washing this time and space, making it gradually change. , the holy mountain is becoming more and more different.

It is said that if you realize Zen here, you can quickly enter the realm of no self and no other. In addition, there are magical effects such as soul cleansing, clearing distracting thoughts, and pure thinking.

To this day, only the most famous meditation masters in the Zen area are eligible to come here to practice

It's not that low-level meditation is not allowed to enter, but the Zen spirit brought by the holy mountain is too strong, and its effect on the mind of meditation is too strong Among them, it is difficult to maintain self-awareness in the strong enlightenment, so as to enter the other extreme.

When a person's distracting thoughts are emptied, there is a high probability that he can't bear it and becomes a vegetable.

Thinking of this, the Longda people were startled, and regretted the yelling before.

It would be a heinous crime if it disturbed the venerables here in Qingxiu.

He then thought of the Kunxu that had been guarded for 100,000 years. Although to Zen Land, it was just sending a new disciple to complete an ordinary task, but to him, the affection he poured into Kunxu was more than enough. Overcome all desires.

So he decided to continue to proclaim.

Just as he was about to speak, there was a sudden fluctuation in the quiet stone mountain, and an old and emotionless voice came.

Zen land, the light of righteousness? Little Chan, your obsession is too strong.

Long Daren was stunned, and seemed to have realized something, and then said: The disciple is taught. But

He repeated his request to help Kunxu.

After a long time, the voice came out: No need to repeat, we all know

Then there was no sound.

After waiting for a long time, the Longda people couldn't hold back anymore and shouted: I implore your lord to destroy Shura and save Kunxu.

He yelled ten times in a row.

Get out. Another middle-aged voice came from the holy mountain, speaking concisely.

You... Long Da was angry, he expected that this person was so rude, he must be a meditation practitioner who had just entered the holy mountain, he couldn't help but angrily said: Could it be that you are afraid of Asura Sect?

Hey brat, use the aggressive method? the voice said.

The Longda people were slightly angry: Don't forget, ten years in the spirit world is equal to 100,000 years in the lower world

no words spoken,

He was ridiculed: Having lived for a hundred thousand years, and still being so brainless, there are only fools who dare to mess around in front of the holy mountain.

Hearing this, Long Daren's complexion was a little pale.

Fortunately, the middle-aged voice didn't sound again, as if he didn't bother to pay attention to him.

And the voice from the ancient well before came: Xiao Zen Xiu, you think we are indifferent to this, but in fact it is not the case. Although the Kunxu is small, the recent events should not be underestimated. Linked to the recent celestial phenomena, there is an unstoppable force. Major events colliding with the spirit world may shake the foundation of the spirit world, and it is not appropriate for me to lie in this muddy water right now.

Long Daren's heart warmed, and it seemed that the Zen land was not heartless, but the meaning of the venerable's words was obviously beyond his imagination, and he still couldn't understand it.

No matter how serious it is, it is nothing more than a war with the Asura Sect. It has happened countless times in history. How could it shake the foundation of the spiritual world?

You must know that the major forces in the spiritual world are one after another, fighting endlessly. For hundreds of millions of years, I don't know how many powerful people have fallen, and how many great factions have perished, but this world is still as stable as a rock.

Disciple, I don't understand that he is just a little Shura, how can he talk about colliding with the spirit world. He said.

After a long time, there was a sigh.

Hey, incompetent disciple, you only have Shura Sect and Shura in your eyes, and you only foresee the disturbance of a Shura to the spiritual world

The spirit world has no big world, it is the lower world of hundreds of millions, and the foundation of the lower worlds and even more small worlds is located. If the spirit world is destroyed, there will be no worlds, and all life in this universe will be gone.

This is the order of heaven that everyone must abide by.

The disputes between the major factions in the spirit world have been kept within a certain level for countless years, and they can't hurt the foundation of the spirit world.

But now, a lower realm dares to challenge the spirit world, which is unprecedented in ancient times. Its interference with the order of heaven has already had a very bad impact on countless time and space. The impact of this matter will never be remedied. In the future We're all going to worry about that.

And what's even more frightening is that this person from the lower realm named Chen Xuan has such a slight chance of success. People from the lower realm have always had to go through the promise of the realm if they want to be promoted to the realm, and they have to go through many tests and difficulties. violent confrontation

Do you know what this means? It means that if he succeeds, the chain reaction of the collapse of the order of heaven will lead to the collapse of the spiritual world.

A Shura means the rise of a sect and a catastrophe. The threat it brings is incomparable to the catastrophe that Chen Xuan may cause.

Longda's eyes widened, and the tremor in his heart could not be calm for a long time.

He never expected that Kunxu would be so important. Chen Xuan, whom he wanted to protect before, would pose a huge threat to the entire spirit world.

This venerable, is it really so serious? The powerhouses of all sects should unite to solve this trouble. After knowing that the spirit world and his own life were threatened, the Longda people had no desire to save Kunxu, and asked anxiously .

You have gone to another extreme. As I said just now, he has only a slight chance of success. Besides, we are the light of the right way. Is it possible that you want me to help the Asura Sect in Zen? To suppress Kun who is already in danger? Ruins? said the voice.

Until it's a last resort, I won't wade into muddy waters in Zen, so you can go back.

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