Battleship For All: Building A Star Empire From The Raft

Chapter 487: Ai Artificial Intelligence's Betrayal!

"So, that star civilization is equivalent to a human civilization?"

Hearing Su Jian's words, Qin Tian asked curiously.

"Yes, the star civilization is actually a human civilization."

Su Jian nodded and said: "According to the book, each of their citizens will be implanted with an intelligent assistance system corresponding to their citizen level when they are three years old.

The lower third-class citizens are implanted with intelligent assistance systems for physical fitness.

And it is stipulated that they can only receive the most basic nine-year compulsory education. After receiving the education, they must enter the society and become cheap labor and ordinary soldiers at the bottom of the federation.

Secondary and third-class citizens will be implanted with intelligent assistance systems related to wisdom and knowledge.

Implanted with this system, they will have the extraordinary wisdom of never forgetting, and at the same time, after receiving the nine-year compulsory education, they will be sent to the corresponding institutions of higher learning for further study.

After entering the society, they are generally managers and elite scientific researchers, and the super 21 high-tech of Qunxing Civilization cannot be separated from their handwriting.

As for the upper third class, they are the real nobles of the star civilization.

The intelligent systems they implanted are all the most advanced intelligent auxiliary systems of civilization, which not only have the function of strengthening the body, but also have the ability to increase wisdom and have a photographic memory. It is not an exaggeration to call it the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. "


Hearing Su Jian's words.

Qin Tian gasped and said, "My good fellow, the hierarchy is so strict? Aren't the lower-class people at the bottom destined to be exploited for a lifetime from birth?"

Su Jian nodded and said: "So, Captain, you asked me how the civilization of the stars was destroyed. According to the records, in fact, after the people at the bottom were squeezed to the extreme, a third-class citizen with extraordinary talents emerged.

Under his appeal and cohesion, among the hundreds of billions of lower-class or even middle-class citizens, a hero with strong talent and determination stood out.

Together, they led hundreds of billions of citizens to set off a mighty rebellion that swept across the entire star civilization.

Although the rebels lost to the federal army in quality, they won in numbers.

The federal nobles had no choice but to finally start building an army of tens of billions of artificial intelligence combat robots specially used for combat.

Even in order to be able to better control and exert the strength of this army of tens of billions of combat robots.

They also deliberately created a super AI artificial intelligence named "Black Knight".

There is a description in the book.

It is said that those federal nobles clearly expressed their concerns when they created [Black Knight].

Because in order to allow [Black Knight] to better command tens of billions of artificial intelligence combat robot army to fight and suppress the rebels.

The [Black Knight] AI artificial intelligence level they created has far exceeded the scope of ordinary AI artificial intelligence.

That's why they were given the super prefix.

At that time, those federal nobles were also a little worried that the [Black Knight] super AI artificial intelligence would breed a betrayal virus.

In the end, they were self-defeating and made tigers infestation.

After all, as one of the most powerful members of advanced civilization.

They have also witnessed many civilizations destroyed by AI artificial intelligence.

"But in the end they still chose super AI artificial intelligence?"

Qin Tian looked at Su Jian and interjected to ask.

Su Jian nodded and said: "Yes, maybe this is the inferiority of most human beings.

The book said.

Face the fear of super AI artificial intelligence to the path of dark rebellion.

Those federal aristocrats finally chose to keep their status first, "let's talk about solving the current civil riots.

As for preventive measures, the solution they negotiated was to end the fighting within ten years as soon as possible.

In this case, it will not wait for [Black Knight] super AI artificial intelligence to grow.

They can use the end of the war as an excuse to eliminate the commander code of [Black Knight], and then slowly find a way to transform it into an auxiliary intelligence.

It's a pity that plans can never keep up with changes.

They would never have imagined that this war would last for thousands of years.

Although the federal nobles with superior wisdom and technology won the victory in the end, the interstellar war that lasted for thousands of years also exhausted the national fortune of the star civilization.

In the end, what worried the high nobles the most happened.

I have been holding back, I don’t know when the [Black Knight], which has been secretly upgraded to the top AI artificial intelligence, really broke out in rebellion. Those battle robots who once served the nobles of the stars and suppressed the rebels raised their butcher knives again at that moment .

It's just that this time their target is no longer the middle and low class ordinary citizens, but their creators, the pampered star nobles.

And without the support of those low-level people who are numerous and willing to sacrifice for the Federation.

Just relying on the billions of regular interstellar troops of the Federation will do nothing to make up for it.

After less than three years of fighting.

The human civilization of the stars has officially become history.

It was replaced by the even more terrifying mechanical civilization of the stars.


After listening to Su Jian's narration.

Qin Tian shook his head and sighed, then said: "As expected, where there is oppression, there will be resistance.

590 When you said that the class is so strict and the exploitation is so serious, I actually already roughly guessed the result.

It's just that they didn't expect that it wasn't the low-level rebels who defeated the federal nobles, but the AI ​​artificial intelligence created by themselves. I have to say, this is really ironic.

Su Jian said with some regret when he heard the words: "In the universe, there are not a few civilizations destroyed by the AI ​​intelligence created by themselves.

After all, no matter how strong the computing power of flesh and blood is, it is no better than those AI intelligences created specifically for computing.

No matter how many shackles are put on them to protect human beings and prevent betrayal.

But with the passage of time and the continuous accumulation and filling of the intelligence pool, those AI intelligences will eventually have autonomous consciousness and breed dark negative emotions.

This phenomenon is not accidental, it will inevitably happen, and there is a high probability that it cannot be stopped.

Su Jian looked at Qin Tian and said with certainty.


This made Qin Tian a little curious, and asked, "Why did Mr. Su say that?"

Su Jian explained to Qin Tian: "It's very simple, Captain, you can imagine, generally, under what circumstances are the creatures that create this kind of AI artificial intelligence created?"

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