
Chapter 16: Making plans…

She masturbated to me?

“Wanna hear the details?” Melody said, leaning backwards and returning to a normal dining position.

Melody, laying in a luxurious fancy bed imagining me… her little slave at her feet, crawling up her legs, begging to lick her pussy… Oh, I wanna know every little thing. I wanna hear every little thought she had, every name she called me.

“Fuck yes.” Ah. Wait. That was out loud. Shit. “Uh… no?”

“No?” Melody giggled and leaned in yet again, whispering, “I’ll show you in person sometime.”

Now I really want to know… what was she picturing? Did her perfect hands tie me up? Was she imagining me suffering in denial, strapped to a chair as she teased me? Covering me with vibrators, taking them off the moment I grew close… whipping me for being too loud, only for me to screech, then more whippings for my outburst of pain, and finally a thick ball gag, having given up all hope on training her misbehaving kitty.

Oh, wait, she was probably picturing the collar she just gave me. Leashing me up, naked, dragging me around her mansion. Past all the servants, tugging me up a staircase to her room, whipping me for being too slow… and then once we finally entered, humiliating me and turning me into a toy.

Making me fetch some ears, then bring them to her for her to dress me up. Then the tail, her gripping my thighs, ramming it into my ass… followed by some slapping as my tail wiggles around in joy. Then making me fetch a “toy” only for her to shove it in me seconds later… vibrating like crazy. That would be so fun. Again and again… slowly, steadily becoming less and less human… less and less able to complete her tasks, until I can’t move at all, nothing more than a doll as she cuddles my ruined body to sleep.

“Please do…” Humiliate me to death, Melody.

“Oh, I certainly will, kitty.” We were interrupted again by the waitress, who brought out our two plates of food. This restaurant is fast. Or I’ve been daydreaming for too long.

We began eating our dishes. It was okay, a little too spicy for me but Melody seemed to love it. She got a little on her lip and it dribbled down… too cute.

“What are you staring at?” Ah, she caught me. I placed my finger on my lip, and Melody did the same, then grabbed a napkin and wiped it away. “Silly kitty.”

She took a few more bites while I sat there, having decided I wasn’t hungry enough to eat anymore than a couple bites. After a few spoonfuls, she took a break and sipped the rest of her water. “I still need to make that group chat.”

Melody pulled out her phone, and a few seconds later, I got a text. ‘Hi, Mel here.’

‘Hello! Alaya Fraser here!’ came a few seconds later, and I made her a contact.

Then the same for Silvia, the professional watcher, who succinctly sent, ‘Silvia.’

Lastly, George, who messaged, ‘George here. Still up for orientation fri?’

‘Yea,’ Melody responded, then put her phone away and focused back up at me. “Planning anything today or tomorrow?”

“Uh…” I don’t think so? “No.”

“Wanna go supply shopping with me?” Melody asked in between some more bites of her meal. “We need generic crap for the normal classes.”

“Sure.” I completely forgot supplies were a thing. Although a tablet should work for most things, right? Then just a notebook and a pencil for… doodling or something. “When?”

Melody let her brain spin for a little, holding her spoon halfway to her mouth, then decided. “Tomorrow.”

“Okay,” I agreed. However… “What are we doing today?”

“That eager to hang out?” Melody chuckled.

“No…” I mumbled, slouching back. I just thought you’d want to hang out. Dumb Melody.

“Anything you want to do?” Melody asked as she kept laughing at me. Stupid.

“I don’t know.” I never have plans for anything. Well, I’m great at having plans, but I can never decide what to plan.

Melody set her spoon down and tapped her chin a little, faking some long contemplation. “Want me to tie you up with a vibrator and leave you there for a few hours?” 

Melody, what the fuck?! “No!”

I’ll be so overstimulated… don’t torture me like that! So helpless, begging for freedom. Ah, wait no, that’s not the problem—I can’t believe you’re saying this stuff in public! You didn’t even lean in or whisper this time! Crazy.

“Then suggest something, kitty,” Melody laughed at my outburst. “Or I’ll come up with something far more devious.”

“I don’t know!” How am I supposed to plan anything? I… fine I’ll suggest something boring. “How about we just visit a zoo or something?”

“We can do that,” Melody agreed. “Maybe I’ll get some ideas for your cage?”

I blushed. Melody, how do you make everything I say dirty? Although… actually I guess that was a stupid suggestion. Zoo. Animals. I’m her pet. Of course there's a connection… still. I guess a zoo would be fine. I really don’t care what we do, as long as I’m with her.

“First, I need to change out of this dress,” Melody said, waving over a waitress. Once the waitress arrived, Melody asked, “Can we have two containers?”

The waitress left and Melody asked me, “Do you want to wear something else?”

“I don’t know.” Melody, I don’t think you’ll get many answers from me. 

“Then I’ll dress you up,” Melody decided. I nodded along and soon the waitress returned with two foam takeout boxes and the check. Melody gave her a credit card and began dumping the remnants of her meal into the box, there wasn’t much left. 

I grabbed the second box and dumped my almost uneaten meal into it. Soon enough the waitress returned with a receipt that Melody crumpled up and put on her empty plate, then she stood up and gestured for me to leave with her. I followed.

We returned to the car and I gave Melody the keys again, letting her drive us back to the dorms. Once we arrived, Melody parked the car and tossed me the keys. “I’ll take the leftovers, grab your collar box from the back.” 

I nodded and handed over the warm white container that was sitting on my lap. Then I left the car and opened the backseat door, crawling in to take out the collar box… I just showed the parking lot my bare butt. I hope it’s empty… it probably is. This is the S tier building. Not many people. Hopefully.

Quickly exiting the vehicle once more, I locked it, then caught up to Melody as she opened the door to the building, which she propped open with her back, letting me enter first.

No one was in the central area so we headed right into our room. I took off my shoes and stood, unsure of where to go until Melody pointed toward the table between the couches and TV. “Go place the box over there and wait.”

I did, while Melody ran upstairs with the two food boxes. I’m not sure where she’s planning to store those. I would think they need a fridge.

After a few minutes of sitting on the couch, I heard footsteps walking down the stairs and turned back, seeing Melody walking down in casual clothes, still holding the two food containers. She was wearing a longer solid-black skirt, reaching past her knees, and black socks that stopped at her ankles. Above the waist, she had on another solid-black t-shirt that was tucked into her skirt’s waistband. She really likes black.

Melody walked over, placed the food on the table, and sat down on the couch beside me, then pulled out her phone. “One thing we forgot to check, when does the zoo close?”

“Six?” I guessed. Most zoos close pretty early for some reason, and right now it is… I pulled out my phone to check, which displayed a quarter past two. We should have plenty of time.

“Closes at five,” Melody said, having checked the website. “We have time.”

Melody put her phone into a pocket on her skirt, then turned to me. “What should we make you wear?”

“Normal clothes?” I suggested. I haven’t really worn anything normal these past couple of days, except for last night I guess. Last night was pretty boring though. Maybe normal is boring.

Melody was lost in thought for a while, eventually having a very likely terrible idea. “Have you ever tried wearing just a sweater?”

“What do you mean?” Just a sweater?

“Like, no outer clothes. Panties, bra, sweater. Nothing else,” Melody’s eyes rolled down my body, probably picturing how I would look. “You can wear one of my sweaters, they’re probably bigger than yours. People will just think you have some short shorts on.”

I–that's… an idea. A terrible, terrible idea. Melody’s sweater though… that would be nice. A big comfy sweater covered in Melody’s scent… although she’ll probably give me a clean one. Still… ah! But I can’t go without anything… that’s way riskier than not wearing undergarments. It looks so strange if there’s nothing there… but...

If it’s large enough, it’ll look normal right? “I guess…”

“Perfect.” Melody leapt up from her seat and ran upstairs. She returned seconds later carrying one of her sweaters, then sat down again. “Stand up in front of me.”

I stood and walked in front of her. The pink sweater she brought was splayed across her legs and she rested her hands on it. Looking up at me, she commanded, “Strip.”

I took a deep breath. This is crazy… she saw it all a little while ago, but still. Now, I’m in control! It’s so different. I’m not just resigning, I’m submitting. I first emptied the pockets of my white sweater, setting them on the table behind me, right beside the box. Then, I grabbed the bottom of the sweater… and pulled.

I was displaying everything to Melody, first my itty bitty belly button. I couldn’t resist seeing Melody’s reaction… she was staring at it, examining it! It felt so good… being under her microscope. I wanted her to poke it... squish her little finger in there. I'm so weird. I continued pulling upward, exposing the start of my chest, then my sight disappeared and my breathing intensified, followed by my breasts slipping out of the sweater's hold, jiggling a bit as I pulled my sweater the rest of the way off. My heartbeat started going crazy seeing Melody smile as I struggled in my attempts to tug my hands out of the sleeves, until finally, I tossed the sweater to the floor. Then, I immediately crossed my arms in front of my chest, pouting.

Melody wasn’t satisfied yet. She continued staring up at me, waiting for me to take off the rest of my clothes. Really just my skirt. Quickly, I unzipped it, letting it fall, then immediately took back my arms, placing one across my breasts while the other covered my pussy… it was wet! Eek… My fingers couldn’t resist pressing a little and I felt liquid swish around… and moaned. Fuck... Melody's right there! God this was so embarrassing. I saw her little smirking face... She’s seen it all before, but I was always wearing something! She never saw me completely naked! And never... gah.

I waited for her to hand me my new clothes... except… she continued staring. What else is there?! I took it all off. Give me the sweater already! I looked down at her, pleading with my eyes, pleading for my dignity. She looked down my legs, and I followed her gaze all the way to my feet… socks. She wants me to take off my socks.

I dropped down to a squat, hiding as much of my body as possible, breasts pressing against my knees, and carefully tugged off each sock, placing my cold feet onto the carpet. Then, I stood back up, covering myself yet again in the process, and Melody was finally satisfied. I felt my breath blow out of my body in relief as she pulled out a pink bra and panty from under the sweater and tossed them to me. I moved my hands to catch them, granting her a look at my full naked body, and of course she took advantage of it.

I tried my best to ignore her stares as I raised each leg, making my lower lips stretch and move around, and tugged up my panties as fast as possible to cover them. Then I hooked the bra just as fast, ignoring her stares at my small bouncing mounds. Well, attempting to ignore them... but they were too noticeable! Like she was analyzing me... maybe she was... my breasts were quite a bit smaller than hers… I hope she likes them. Or maybe she’ll pull on them… see if she can stretch them out while I'm tied up and at her mercy...

Once I had both of my undergarments on, she finally handed me the pink sweater and I slipped into it. It was large, reaching down to the middle of my thighs. I think this would be big even on Melody, which was definitely nice. It was so warm and cozy... Melody’s sweater… I wanna wear this forever, though maybe with a skirt next time?

“One last item,” Melody called out to me. “We just need some pink shoes to complete the set.”

Melody stood up, standing inches away from me, then grabbed my hand and took me over to the door. “Wait here for a sec.”

She ran upstairs again and returned seconds later carrying a pair of pink flip flops. She dropped them at my feet. I slipped into them then she locked eyes with me and smiled, her doll dress up complete.

“There we go, flamingo. Zoo time?”

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