
Chapter 19: Home sweet… home…

Did I really just agree to that? Seven days! That’s a long time. Like, really long, a whole week of being naked around the dorm. I mean, I already went half a day like that… but now Melody will be watching me. And now I can’t stop thinking about her groping me. Great.

While I attempted to comprehend my new rule, a waiter brought in more plates of food, and more clean empty plates as well. After he left, Melody and I finished our appetizer plates and moved onto the entrées, during which Melody shifted our conversation towards the academy, pushing my horniness somewhat out of mind. “How much do you know about our courses?”

Not much. There’s the boring normal subjects, then… “Uh… Some classes about the system, then dungeon raiding and combat practice things, then I don’t know.”

“There’s one thing we need to do,” Melody stated as she dug into a plate of pasta she claimed for herself, lacking all the elegance of her appetizer nibbles. “You know anyone going here?”

“Nope…” I mean, maybe. I have phone numbers and contact info for friends. But like, they are sort of just school friends, haven’t talked or hung out much beyond that. I don’t recall any of them mentioning they would attend here. But no one really plans for here, you just attend if you get lucky enough.

“We’re going to need to form raid teams,” Melody elaborated while I began scooping a few of the various dishes onto my plate. “Sooner is better.”

“Why?” I asked and began eating a pesto pasta mixed with some tomatoes and herbs. I love pesto for some reason. It’s delicious.

“For dungeon raids,” Melody answered, already halfway done with her plate. “They only give one week after the first class.”

“Do you know anyone?” I asked. Melody knew the people in our building, she probably knows more. Although…

“Not in our year.” Yea, they are all older. Still seems a little weird. Are there no other rich people? Hmm…

“Can teams change?” If teams could change later… actually there’s no way teams can't change. What if people just have no chemistry? Or what if the balance isn’t right? You need people to play each role…

“Rarely.” Melody finished devouring her alfredo pasta dish and returned to her regal self, scooping a few different meats on her plate and taking a couple pieces of bread. “Only when someone dies or almost dies… or drops out.”

What? How the hell is that allowed? “What about internal conflict? Party balance?”

“Conflict isn’t the school’s problem, from what I’ve heard,” Melody answered, making a weird sandwich for herself. “And balance is required for the party to be accepted in the first place.”

Well that's… cruel, but kind of true? People do need to be capable of working together regardless of their personal feelings. But isn’t it a little dangerous to be forcing that? Then again, high risk might make it more effective. And people don’t usually die, the academy has safeguards… I think. “So… how do we make a team?”

“We find some A tiers at orientation,” Melody began, before adding. “We could invite Silvia to our team.”

“Ah…” The professional watcher. She… I want to never meet her again. Sort of. I also want her to watch me… stare at me without panties again. Those inspecting eyes. Her shirt was also adorable. Just a silly panda. So childishly cute… In all fairness, her abilities sound helpful. Recon is definitely advantageous for Melody and I since neither of us have that, although I might be able to get it? I think recon falls under support. “Sure.”

“Then…” Melody thought for a little while eating her sandwich. “We need a couple tanks and another attacker.”

As I sat and stuffed food in my mouth, Melody spent a while thinking out loud. 

“I can play both close and long range, so anyone would work to support me.” Long range… I should really ask more about Melody’s abilities. How do ropes and things work long range? Does she not need to hold them? Is it telekinesis? It must be for long range, otherwise she would just trip everyone. “The tanks are the biggest problem, I think. We won’t need them…”

“We don’t?” I thought they were required?

“I have enough health, you’ll get enough before we start raiding dungeons,” Melody explained, then continued her train of thought. “We need tanks for the other two though.”

So a tank for Silvia, if she joins, and then our other attacker. How many A ranks are at this academy? If there’s an average of I guess one S tier per year, then… a hundred? There’s that many? Two magnitudes rarer… 1… 10… 100.

Are there really that many? That seems crazy. How the hell does the academy control them all? Most of those A ranks would hold really high positions wherever they go… but if there’s a hundred… damn. Well, I guess we’ll have options. 

“Oh well. That’s a problem for later. Lemme send Silvia a text real quick,” Melody stated, pulling out her phone and typing away. Then she looked back up at me. “Need dessert?”

Not at all… I ate plenty of pasta and whatever these other weird things are… piles of deflated mushy balloons and a small scoop of salad. “If you want.”

“I’m fine either way,” Melody countered. “What do you want?”

To go home and masturbate, so… “No…”

“Okay then. Let’s leave.” Melody stood up from her seat and headed out toward the door.

Isn’t she forgetting something? Attempting to get her attention before she opened the door, I blurted out, “Mel—the payment!”

“Hmm? Don’t worry about it. They know how to charge me.” Melody turned back and smiled. “Come on.”

She must come here a lot… I stood up and followed her out of the room, she waved goodbye to the waiters and waitresses as we passed, then we left the restaurant, headed down an elevator, and back to Melody’s sports car.

She drove us back to the dorm and it was half past six or so by the time we arrived. Entering the dorm, I really had to go to the bathroom having somehow forgotten about my fundamental needs as Melody’s shenanigans distracted me.

I ran up the stairs to our shared bathroom and had a nice long piss. The stimulation reminded me of my endless need to orgasm and I was really tempted to rub one out… but maybe Melody was planning something tonight? If she was, I really want to have her bring me to climax, it would feel so good… wait.


As the end of my pee dribbled away I kicked off my panties and immediately began removing my sweater, then bra. I can't believe I forgot! It was less than an hour ago! I really hope it hasn’t been more than a minute. Melody is going to be so mad… no she won't. She never looks mad. She’ll definitely punish me though. I hope that wasn’t more than a minute. It might not be right? I ran straight up… and peeing doesn’t take too long… so… maybe?

I wiped myself then went to the sink to wash my hands… I was naked. My small breasts, pink areola, hard nipples… from the cold maybe? It wasn’t that cold though… I guess just horniness… or both. My lower body was hidden by the counter.

Slowly, I washed my hands. Being extra thorough, hitting every inch of skin twice… The moment I stepped out of this room, either Melody would be happy, or not. I can’t believe I forgot so soon! How?! What type of horny slut forgets Mistress’ orders in less than an hour!

As I dried my hands on a towel, they got all sweaty in seconds… I tried to calm down with deep breaths, but that did nothing. I just need to go out and face the world. It might be good too, you know? Maybe I was quick enough. I flexed my hands, balled them up into fists, then shook them out. It’ll be fine either way… reward or punishment… it’s something sexual obviously. I’ll orgasm and love it.

I stood in front of the wooden door. Do I want this? I can still back out. I can always back out… if I walk through, I’m committing myself to this arrangement. I think. 

Oh, fuck it. Of course I want it. This is awesome.

I pulled open the door…

Melody wasn’t waiting behind it.

Good? Bad? No fucking clue.

With my muscles no less tense than ten seconds ago, I began walking down the hall. Treading on my bare feet. Oh, wait. Can’t forget common decency.

I spun around and went back to the bathroom, feeling my tension lift in the moment of reprieve. I went back to the toilet and picked up the clothes I had strewn about, carrying the few garments in a hug.

Exiting the bathroom again, I stopped by my room, dropping them into the makeshift laundry bin. We need to buy something bigger. It was way too small. Then I left my room once again, and continued my journey to the staircase.

Staring down from the edge of the staircase, I placed my left hand on the railing, then took the first step. Then a few more steps… was she looking? My next step brought me below the second floor, making my foot visible if someone were to glance at the side of the staircase.

The next few steps brought my entire body into view. My whole naked side profile. Covered in sweat, shaking a little, breathing slowly… Then, after two more steps, I turned my head.

No one was watching.

Melody wasn’t there.

I scanned the room, finding her brown hair splayed out across the top of the sofa, just like the first day I met her… yesterday? That was yesterday morning… I can’t believe it was so recent. I feel like I’ve known her for at least a month already. This is…

Whatever. I walked the rest of the way down the staircase, Melody never looked back. So, I continued walking toward her, then went to the right side of the couch. Even as I walked around she still never looked at me, absorbed in her phone.

I slowly lowered myself onto the couch. My bare body sinking into the plush leather. Finally, she turned her head, smiling. “I’m glad you remembered.”

Did I actually do it in time? She was smiling, happily!

I smiled back, filled with joy…

Of course she was satisfied, she wouldn’t even know right? She wasn’t there… There’s no magical tracker for when I take off my clothes. Maybe I took them off right as I entered. Even if she asked, I could always… lie…

Abruptly, Melody sighed.

And I just remembered there was a magical tracker. Stupid BDSysteM.

“Four seconds late.”

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