
Chapter 22: Mornings suck…

I couldn’t sleep.

My cuffs were comfortable, Melody was hugging my naked body from behind, her warm hands squeezing my chest tight. The blanket was nice and silky, Melody’s calm breathing kept me grounded, everything was perfect.

But I couldn’t sleep.

How the fuck would I ever be able to sleep?!

First of all, it was only like… seven or something, and I get that Melody was exhausted… but I’m just horny! I can’t think! Melody’s touch, her breath, I couldn’t stop being horny! My legs were dripping. I needed an orgasm, one that wasn’t denied or ruined… but if I moved, Melody would wake. It was a hopeless endeavor…

Couldn’t sleep. Couldn’t cum. Could only lie there, in Melody’s warm hug… as if I was her body pillow.

After lying in Melody’s gentle clutches for what felt like days, I finally grew drowsy enough to outweigh my horniness, and managed to somehow fall asleep by closing my eyes and doing my best not to think.

I woke up quite tired to no one’s surprise. However, as my eyes fluttered open, I realized I was still in cuffs. Beyond even that, I couldn’t really move. As I attempted to pull up my legs, I realized they were somehow attached to the foot of the bed, and similarly, my arms were somehow attached to the headboard, exposing my sweaty armpits. I looked around the room… It was empty.

Melody tied me up and left me here. Great. Honestly, I was a little disappointed she wasn’t sitting here watching me while I slept… she might have just gone to the bathroom though.

Regardless, I continued lying there for a few minutes. Melody had a plan and I would follow. Eventually, she walked into the room dressed similarly to yesterday, having a black skirt, but she had a black sweater today. Seeing me staring at her, she grinned. Melody walked over then sat on the bed beside me. She turned her head, looking at my body splayed behind her, and gently caressed my face… it was lovely… but what do you have planned Melody? I felt absolutely not assured by her gestures.

“How’s my horny kitty doing?” Melody asked as she removed her left hand from my face, placing it lovingly on my left breast and squeezing.

As I moaned, I voiced my thoughts. “I need to cum…”

Melody chuckled, squeezing my breast again. “Seeing that cute face makes me want to deny you forever.”

“Please…” No. Don’t deny me… I need an orgasm… a completely unhindered full-blown orgasm, whatever way it comes. Whip me or something, I don't care, I just need pleasure…

Unfortunately, there was one other thing I needed right now. “Um… I… uh… need to go to the bathroom.”

Melody sighed. “I guess it can’t be helped.”

She reached up and unstrapped my handcuffs, setting my wrists free. I was very tempted to immediately plunge my fingers into my lower lips, but I let them hang by my side until Melody told me what to do.

“Sit up,” Melody commanded. And once I did, she continued. “Hands behind your back, I can’t let you touch yourself when I’m not watching.”

And there goes all hope. I wasn’t planning to touch myself anyway, but… well it was certainly in my mind.

After restrapping my wrists behind my back, she unhooked my feet from whatever they were attached to then swung them around so I was sitting next to her. With a small slap on my back, she said, “Off you go.”

I never realized how hard it was to move in chains. I knew it was difficult, but man is it annoying. I quickly stood, leaning forward a lot more than I expected I would need to, and got onto my feet.

Then, I began walking to the door, shuffling my feet as far as the cuffs would let them travel, all while Melody watched my shaking ass from behind. The instant I reached the door, she called out from behind me, “Meet me downstairs when you’re done.”

Nodding, I left through the open door and turned right toward the bathroom. I slid all the way down the hall… until I reached the door. How was I supposed to open it?

Hmm… I spun my body around, then stretched my arms and grasped randomly until I managed to take hold of the handle, then I spun carefully, sliding forward as I did so, and managed to get the door open a couple inches. The couple inches was enough for me to spin around again and slide my body into the gap, opening the door up the rest of the way. Then the next problem occurred.

I couldn’t close the door. Sure I could try and grab the handle, pulling it shut… but I’d need to somehow turn while tugging… it was possible. But also… who cares? It’s just me… and Melody who's probably already downstairs waiting… yeah… I’ll just go.

I walked over to the toilet and did my best to sit down, needing to sit closer to the front than comfortable so my hands had enough room. I relaxed my muscles and went, hearing a stream of pee and a plop of poop. 

After I went… How the fuck do I wipe?! Why didn’t I think of this first? Am I going to walk to Melody… dripping… ugh… no… no, I can’t do that. I can’t leave a trail of piss along the carpet everywhere I walk. Way too disgusting…

Gah. But what do I do… well, first, I need to grab some toilet paper… that’s easy. I turned my body and let my bound hands grab and rip off some. A lot more than some. I hit the roll then let it fall for a little before tearing the paper. Then I pulled it all up into my hands.

If I reached down between my legs I could maybe stretch enough to clean, but that wouldn’t be thorough and would probably hurt my wrists. I could… lay the paper down and just… like… hump it?

I guess the edge of the toilet bowl is the best place… I can’t really prop myself up on the counter and the shower has no tub so it’ll have to do. I squatted down and placed the bundled paper on the edge of the toilet bowl, then I squatted over it… and sat.

With my body seated right on the edge of the toilet bowl, I began rubbing both back and forth and side to side, then tilted my body forward a little to try and get the toilet paper to reach up further… it worked… 

I’m humping a toilet. What the fuck? It felt good too… I was so horny… I’d never be able to cum from this though. I wish I could touch myself.

Once I had rubbed my pussy and ass dry, or at least dry of pee and shit, I stood back up and used my fingers to flick it into the toilet bowl before flushing it. My hands touched the damp toilet paper a little but that was fine since I could…

Ah, shit. I can’t wash them. I can try to bend my elbows up but… yea that’s not going to work. Fucking stupid dumb cute adorable Melody… torturing me like this. Truly out of ideas, I gave up. I’d just need to remember to wash my hands before eating anything… or touching Melody.

I walked out of the bathroom in my cuffs, sliding along as quickly as I could with my ankles inches apart. Eventually, I made it to the staircase, my next obstacle. This was going to be tedious.

Standing right as close to the corner of the stair as I could, I extended my left foot and only managed reach the next stair with my toes… this seems a little dangerous… but Melody told me to meet her downstairs so…

With my left foot wobbling on my toes, I scooted my right foot forward off the step, dropping it down to the stair below as soon as possible, restabilizing myself. It wasn’t that bad… I could manage this. Only a billion more steps left.

I got into a rhythm and only took like ten minutes to hobble down the stairs. Once I reached the bottom, Melody was standing waiting for me with a smile. She hugged me, then unbound my wrists. “Your punishment is over.”

“But no cumming, okay?” she commanded as she squatted down to my feet, unbinding my ankles. I want to cum. Let me cum... Meanie Melody. Once my feet were free, she walked over to the couch and sat down, I followed, feeling kind of weird not needing to shuffle along the floor. Cuffs are a lot more restrictive than I thought they were…

Right before I was about to sit, I remembered. I need to wash my hands. "Um... can I go wash my hands?"

Melody chuckled. "Go ahead."

With her permission, I sprinted up the stairs and charged into the bathroom, washing and scrubbing as quickly as possible, not wanting Melody to wait a second longer than necessary and not wanting her to come up with more reasons to deny me...

After I came back downstairs, I sat down beside Melody with my hands placed on my thighs… I wanted to inch them up and touch myself so bad… Melody scooched closer to me and leaned against my naked shoulder. “What do you want for breakfast?”

“I don’t know.” I want to cum. Does that count?

“Food court buffet?” she asked as she sat back up and began playing with my hair.

“Sure,” I agreed. I usually eat a fairly light breakfast so anything would be fine.

“Okay,” Melody nodded, standing up from her seat and gesturing to the table. “Put your stuff into our spatial storage, I’m going to choose some clothes for you.”

Oh yeah. My wallet, phone, and keys were still sitting in a pile on the table, right beside my collar box. Sadly, I don’t think the collar box will quite fit… hell, I’m not even sure my phone will fit. Maybe diagonally? The diagonal is… like eight or nine centimeters? Damn. Nothing's going to fit.

I thought of the ability and activated it with a mental call to BDSysteM and instantly a small swirling pink and black circle appeared in front of me. I first shoved my keys in, those would fit fine, then I managed to squeeze my wallet in diagonally. Sadly, my phone did not fit. Five centimeters was just way too small.

Oh well, it’ll level through use soon enough as long as I just keep whatever I can in there.

Melody returned after I had wished away the spatial storage and was carrying a full set of clothes for once. Standing in front of my seated body, she handed me panties and a bra first, both black and a… little small. They covered what they needed to though.

Then she passed over a plain blue shirt, which I put on. After that, a black skirt, almost exactly like hers. No design, just plain black. Then she handed over a hoodie, which was not anything like hers. It was a light pink. She was trying to make me stand out, like always. I put the sweater on, it was so so fuzzy on the inside, reminding me of the cuffs… so cozy.

Then, she handed me two socks, both white and ankle high, and I slipped them on. I was fully dressed for the first time since meeting her. I think. All dressed up, she then reached down around my neck, taking off my comforting pink collar. “We’re meeting with Silvia, so I figured you wouldn’t want this?”

Yeah… probably not… yet…

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