
Chapter 9: Trying out clothes…

The employee, completely unfazed by Melody’s request, politely replied, “I’m sorry miss, those items are only available online at our website, where you can deliver them to this location to pick up.”

“That’s too bad, thanks,” Melody replied, spinning back around to the shelves. Melody ended up grabbing a handful, many many handfuls, of black lingerie, both tops and bottoms, but nothing too weird, thankfully. 

With the employee gone and having set everything into our cart, Melody spoke to me again. “Let’s try out the skirts, shall we?”

I nodded bashfully. It was unavoidable, might as well make it quicker.

I trailed behind Melody as she pushed the carts to the changing rooms, which carved out a corner of the store. The changing rooms had a small desk area with an employee behind it. Melody walked up to speak and soon received permission, returning to me to push our cart into the small walkway, and into the designated room.

As we entered the all white room, Melody locked the door behind her. The left wall had a giant floor-to-ceiling mirror and I got lost staring at myself for a bit. I’m pretty cute, y’know?

While I was lost in thought, Melody sorted out some skirts on the small white bench melded into the wall. She had arranged a couple different stacks and pushed the cart, still filled with lingerie, beside the far wall. It took up maybe a fourth of the room’s depth.

Melody grabbed a skirt and placed her hands on my shoulders from behind me. I saw her face peek around my head in the mirror, and she turned to my ear, whispering, “Lock eyes with yourself.”

“Yes…” I spoke hesitantly, but followed through anyway. I looked in the mirror, looked over my face's subtle curves and looked at the small sparkling crimson irises staring back at me. It was so… surreal. Mirrors are really magical.

While I was mesmerized by myself, Melody calmly leaned her head on my shoulder and her warm breath caressed my neck, causing me to shiver and almost glance away from my eyes. I refocused myself and stared at my own nervous eyes, catching Melody looking at them too in my peripheral vision.

Melody laid her head there for a minute, her calm steady breath making my heart rate go haywire, before speaking once more in a mumbled whisper, “You’re so pretty.”

Slowly, sensually, Melody dragged her hands down from my shoulders onto my upper arms, then tightened her grip. Surprised, I glanced down at her face, still leaning on my shoulder, and she whispered back, “Mirror.”

I took a deep breath, and did so. Once more I examined my own face, and eventually settled back on my eyes, looking at myself, my utter lack of control. My submission… 

Melody began pulling my upper arms backwards, needing to lift her head off my shoulder and step back to do so. The lack of her rhythmic breathing sent my heartrate back to oblivion, my mind having its focus completely lost. I couldn't focused on her anymore… solely on myself.

Melody carefully tugged my arms back as far as they would go, the moment she reached tension, she stopped, inched her strong grip lower, and tugged together again. After a few loops, she held my elbows, nearly touching them together, but unfortunately I wasn’t quite that flexible, and she inched down again. Once she reached my hands, she carefully placed them against each other, and commanded, “Clasp.”

I interlaced my fingers. She let go. “Don’t move.”

I couldn’t resist letting my eyes wander down, glancing over my chest, pushed outwards, right towards the mirror. I felt a complete dichotomy from what I saw. I looked so proud, standing with valor, puffing out my chest like a soldier home from war, yet I felt so weak, felt like a toy, felt so small, and so so submissive…

Melody caught me glancing around, and let out a strikingly deep chuckle. “Since you can’t stay focused, close your eyes.”

I did.

I don’t know why.

The mood… the atmosphere… it was so perfect.

But all of it vanished, taken over by a void of anxiety. I couldn’t see anything. All I felt were the sweaty palms of my hands and the rough padding of my sneakers. My mind spiraled with nothing to stare at, immediately recalling every possible situation in every possible piece of content I’d consumed over my lifetime that was at all relevant to this.

So much of it was terrible. I’m embarrassed that I’ve masturbated to so much of that utter shit filled with fantasy worlds of rape and torture… but it was irrelevant. This was so much more than any of that. So much more than all of it, combined. I couldn't make sense of this. Nothing described how it really was, how intense it felt, how intimate it felt.

It was unbelievable. I had leapt straight up to cloud ten and kept on rising and nothing had even happened yet.

A small stretch of my skirt made me aware of Melody’s hands, one unzipping while the other held me steady. I heard the quiet zipper start, then stop, and knew the skirt was unzipped when I heard a little ploof as it landed on the ground.

I was suddenly shivering. The cold air raced across my bare legs, working upwards and pushing away the warm aura that had surrounded my lower body moments ago. As the cloud touched my lower lips, I once again realized this was actually happening.

I was half naked. Arms willingly behind my back. Eyes willingly closed.

I was giving all my sensations up on a platter for Melody, someone I’d only met this morning.

I’m crazy, aren’t I?

Melody’s hand gripped my right leg, just above my shoe, and raised it. Then she set it back down. She repeated with the left leg. I assume she had just removed my skirt, but who knows? I can’t see.

I was tempted to open my eyes, again and again, but… it didn’t feel right. Sure, I met Melody hours ago, but it’s not like this isn’t fun… and at the end of the day, something about Melody just screams this crazy trustworthiness. She won’t abandon me. I don’t know why. She just won't.

Melody once more gripped each of my legs in turn, presumably sliding a new skirt underneath, which I confirmed seconds later when I felt soft fabric sliding up my legs and thighs. Melody’s hands rested in the bands as she adjusted it around, warming my freezing skin. It felt so nice, like a gentle cradle…

Melody finally slipped her hands out, and stepped back saying, “Open your eyes.”

I did so and immediately dropped my eyes downwards. The skirt was… when did she grab this? It was so gorgeous… I reached down and grabbed the edges, splaying the design upwards a little to get a closer look. The skirt was all black, but it had a subtle embossment with a flowery design, like threads swinging down from the top elastic band bursting into fireworks. There were multiple layers of embossment that all reflected the light ever so slightly different, allowing them all to stand out. How the hell was this thing made? It's incredible.

I don’t know what I was expecting… but it just felt so warming. I saw Melody grabbing all those clothes with abandon and somehow assumed she wouldn’t be paying attention and didn’t give any care for the designs… Oh, shit. I looked at the hands I was holding my skirt with.

I moved my hands. Melody only told me to open my eyes. She never said to move or unclasp my hands…

I spun around to see her, expecting that sexy domineering smirk she had all day, but was faced with something completely different. She was smiling.

Nothing else. It was just a bright smile.

“How is it?” Melody enthused.

“Beautiful,” I replied, although I’m not sure if it was to Melody's question or Melody herself.

“Twirl for me, kitty,” Melody said with a giggle.

I complied, and spun around, letting my skirt whirl up in the air only to immediately push it back down in embarrassment. I still had no panties on…

Melody laughed. “I already saw it all, kitty.”

She was completely right. She had literally just put the skirt on me… but to be the one in control of my exposure… it was so different. Being exposed was nothing like being the one exposing myself. Knowing that I willingly showed myself… I mean I already did the entire time, but having such direct control is just so… eek!

But still… Melody’s smile… It looked so different. And I want more. More pure happiness.

I twirled around. This time spinning faster. Letting my skirt rise as high as it possibly could, which really wasn’t that high, you still couldn’t see anything other than my thighs, but it felt different.

It all felt different. It felt like me. Not horny me. Just me me. Although I’m pretty horny right now. God I wanna devour Melody.

Anyway… Melody’s face was once more enraptured by my beauty and she began speaking again. “Today was fun, kitty.”

I tilted my head slightly in confusion, trying to appear cute.

Melody chuckled, her face falling back to normal. “I need to go speak with my parents, so I’ll have to drop you off at the dorms after this. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon sometime.

“However,” Melody continued, “we still need to try a few of these skirts. The piles behind me are sorted between all the different brands, so there's four to try on. Put on a show for me, kitty.”

I blushed, but took off my skirt anyway. I placed it back on the stack it came from, directed by Melody’s finger, and didn’t bother trying to hide myself. Melody had places to be, who would I be to delay her with my shenanigans?

I grabbed the top skirt of the next pile, a plain blue one with a zipper, and put it on, making sure it fit nice and snugly, which it did. Then, I turned toward Melody, and bestowed a quick twirl for her.

Then the second.

Then third, and finally, fourth.

They all fit perfectly. I guess Melody is pretty good at estimating sizes.

With my task complete, Melody tossed my original skirt, her skirt, back at me and I put it on feeling oddly comforted by it. As I finished, Melody spoke up again. “Ideally we’d try all the skirts, but the same brand should probably fit, and I really do need to get going.”

“Yeah…” I said. For some reason. Then I helped her place everything back in the cart. We exited and quickly found a counter to pay for everything for a whopping… 110 credits. What the actual fuck, Melody.

We ended up with a total of about fifty skirts and eighty pieces of lingerie. I have no idea why Melody bought so many, but spending nearly one credit per item is absolutely insane. One credit could buy an average computer.

Melody paid for all of it, refusing to allow me to pay for any despite my meager protest, and soon it was all bagged up and we began rolling our cart out towards Melody’s light blue car.

The next few minutes whirred by and after what felt like seconds I was already back in my room, with twenty bags strewn about on the floor.

I can’t believe that just happened. That any of today happened.

And I can't believe how awesome you all are. Thanks for reading!

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