Be a master through ancient times

Chapter 23

As for Chu Ci, after he had discussed the collection of topics with shopkeeper Lu, he let go of the big stone in his heart.When he returned to Zhang's mansion, he saw Zhang Wenhai was studying hard at his desk, beating his sore neck from time to time, and suddenly remembered something.

Since I said at the time that I would teach Zhang Wenhai how to play Wuqinxi after I came back, I shouldn't break my promise.Chu Ci asked Zhang Wenhai to get up at the time of the cockcrow and come to his yard.

As the saying goes, "Third watch lights and five watch chickens are when men are studying."Zhang Wenhai naturally wouldn't fail to get up.Instead, it was Chu Ci who yawned and opened the door after Zhang Wenhai knocked on the door.

"Why are you wearing such thick clothes? Take it off." Chu Ci saw that this piece of Wen Hai was wearing some cotton clothes, a fox fur coat, and a small hand stove in his hand.

"This... But now it's cold outside, so I took off my clothes, what should I do if I get cold?" Zhang Wenhai said that he didn't want to take off.

"Then do you still want to learn? This play is called Wuqinxi, which has the effect of strengthening your body. When playing Wuqinxi, your body will emit a wave of heat, which will force the sweat out of your body. At that time, there will be too much clothes to drain out." , that’s why you’ll be exposed to the wind and cold.” Chu Ci put on a stern face, as if preaching, Zhang Wenhai immediately became frightened, and stripped himself down to only his shirt.

"Uh, you don't need to wear so little, just put on this long gown." Chu Ci threw him a coat and asked him to put it on.

Zhang Wenhai took it and quickly put it on his body. In just a few seconds, he was beaten by the cold air.

Chu Ci asked Zhang Wenhai to do warm-up moves with him, swinging his arms and kicking his legs, turning his neck and twisting his waist, looking very much like a kindergarten aunt leading a child to do morning exercises.

Zhang Wenhai followed these weird movements, and after a long time, he didn't feel so cold anymore.

"Okay, let's go out." Chuci opened the door, and a gust of cold wind came towards him. Both of them shivered, but in order not to lose face in front of each other, they took the first step bravely.

"This thing depends on comprehension. I won't teach you one by one. You just follow me to play. It will take a long time. The most important thing is to imitate well." When Chuci was studying, the old man also played by himself. my own.

"Yes." Zhang Wenhai became a little nervous again.

Chu Ci stood in front of him, his movements were flowing like clouds and flowing water, and he looked very beautiful. Zhang Wenhai was like a toddler, clumsily following the gestures.But gradually, he also seemed to realize the meaning of it, and the movements became better and better...

When it was time to eat breakfast, Zhang Wenhai was still a little excited. He said to Chu Ci: "Brother Chu, I will go to see you tomorrow, and you will teach me how to play Wu Qinxi. I feel more comfortable after playing."

Do you think cultivating immortals?Chu Ci rolled his eyes in his heart, it wasn't because he usually didn't move much, but today he suddenly exercised for a while to relax those stiff parts of his body, so that he would feel comfortable.

After dinner, the two came to the study.

Chu Ci flipped through the study plan and found that it was time to study nine chapters.For ancient literati, mathematics seemed to be quite difficult.Fortunately, the questions were also simpler. Chu Ci roughly went through his memory and found that he was probably at the level of the fifth and sixth grades of elementary school.

"Brother Zhang, can you recite ninety-nine forms?"

"Yes, my father once taught it, but I haven't recited it for many years." Before Zhang's family had the opportunity to take the imperial examination, Zhang's father trained him as a future businessman.Later, he went to the academy, because he was a little worse than others in other aspects, so he spent more time in those aspects.

Although there are nine chapter questions in the county test, they are basically what the teacher usually said, and you only need to memorize the questions.

"That's fine, I'll come up with a few questions now, and you can do it." Chu Ci wrote twenty calculation questions on the paper, and handed it to Zhang Wenhai.

After Zhang Wenhai took it, he looked at the topic and began to recite it honestly.What he memorized was the small nine-nine table, starting from nine nine 81, and going to two, two, and four lines. He recited one question, filled in the answer, and the next question was like this, and the cycle went on and on until he finished.

It seems that ancient times really didn't pay much attention to mathematics. It seems that except for specialized technical personnel, other people have only a half-knowledge about mathematics.In the previous dynasty, even arithmetic was not included in the imperial examinations at all, and it was added by the Taizu of this dynasty. At that time, many scholars expressed the feeling that "one nine chapters ruined what I have learned in half my life".

Now after so many years, everyone has gradually realized the benefits of arithmetic.In the past, an accountant could play with people on top of applause, but now anyone who has gone to school has basically learned a little about "Nine Chapters", "Five Caos", "Sun Tzu" and other arithmetic works, because "Nine Chapters" "The most popular, people used to call the arithmetic in the imperial examination as nine chapters.

Taking advantage of Zhang Wenhai's work on the questions, Chu Ci silently revealed the modern big ninety-nine table.This way of memorizing is more in line with the laws of mathematics, and it also makes it easier for everyone to memorize. After all, modern second-grade elementary school students can memorize memorization fluently.

Zhang Wenhai finally finished the question, and after handing it over to Chu Ci, he only took a look at it, then made a big tick with a red pen, and then pushed the piece of paper aside.

"Brother Chu, you seem...haven't checked yet?" Zhang Wenhai couldn't help reminding.

"The inspection is over, everything is correct, and the writing is good." Chu Ci thought he wanted to praise him, so he praised him generously.

"But you only glanced at it..." Zhang Wenhai became depressed, and he once again felt a natural barrier between the child prodigy and the ordinary person.

"Want to know why I'm so fast?" Chu Ci raised his eyebrows.

"I hope Brother Chu will not hesitate to enlighten me."

"Simple, you read this ten times, then recite it ten times before coming here." Chu Ci took out the piece of paper just now and handed it to him.

Zhang Wenhai sat on the seat holding the paper and shook his head. At first he felt a little awkward. Chuci gave the version recited backwards. He was not familiar with reciting it backwards. Can it be useful to recite it backwards?

While listening to him reading, Chu Ci flipped through the few books next to him. If he wanted his collection of questions to sell for a good price, he had to publish it as soon as possible.The county test is on February [-]th, and today is November [-]th.

The ancient printing technology was far inferior to modern ones, so Chu Ci had to deliver the manuscript to the bookstore two months in advance, so that it could be listed in February and make a fortune before the county examination.

Then, he still has almost 20 days to produce a set of questions.There are more basic questions such as posting scriptures and ink meanings, and the nine chapters of arithmetic are as simple as possible, but in order to ensure the level of the publishers, it is still necessary to mix a few more difficult questions in the middle.

Poetry needs to limit the rhyme, so he collects more rhymes. Essays are published from books, and the best ones can be close to current events.These are the things to be resolved in the past 20 days.

By the way, there are reference answers.A practice question without a reference answer is not a good practice question. It seems that he still has a lot to do.

But it can't be done, Chu Ci wants to take advantage of the rainy season to repair the house at home, it is best to tear it down and redo it.The house was dilapidated, four generations of the Chu family had lived in it, and it was built by Chu Ci's grandfather when he was young, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dilapidated house.

Chu Ci saw from the memory of the original owner that during the rainy season in previous years, the roof of the Chu family would leak rain, and bowls or basins had to be placed almost everywhere to catch water.

When the weather was fine, Chu's father and Chu Guang would dry mud and grass and paste it on the roof. Every few days, they would be washed down by the rain again, and the symphony of "Ding Ding Dong Dong" sounded again in the house.

When Chu Ci went home this time, listening to the old people chatting, they all said that next year's rain will be more than this year's.If you still let it go, I am afraid that it is not impossible for the house to be washed away by the rain.

The family's fields also need to be bought back, and Chu Guang alone can't support a family of several people by doing casual labor.Even if he can earn some money, the family will save money for him to go to school.

When he was at home two days ago, Chu Ci discovered that the white rice at home hadn't been touched since he left last time, but a little half of the brown rice in the other tank had gone.The white rice they bought was too expensive, and they were reluctant to eat it, but if it was grown at home, it might be more generous to eat.

An acre of paddy field is about 12 taels. Because it is located in the south, there are many rice growers. Paddy fields are sold at a price but there is no market. If you encounter a better geographical location, you may be able to raise it to [-] or [-] taels.The price of dry land is a little cheaper, about ten taels of silver.

Chu Ci originally wanted to buy wasteland and reclaim it himself, but in the south where there are many mountains and forests, almost all the land that can be reclaimed has been reclaimed. If you want to buy it again, you may have to buy mountain land.

The mountains are barren, it is inconvenient to fertilize, and there are many small animals. No matter what is planted, the seeds may be dug out and eaten.

Alas, the things of the world are so annoying.It’s okay if you don’t want to, it’s all the same when you think about it!No wonder the ancients would say: There is nothing in the world, and nothing is disturbing.But in this world, after all, there are more mediocre people...

Chu Ci sighed, slowly cleared the thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on the question.

Here, Zhang Wenhai was working hard on the back, when he suddenly heard Chu Ci sigh, and sensitively thought that Chu Ci was lamenting his slow back, so he couldn't help speeding up his mouth.

After all, Zhang Wenhai is an adult. After memorizing it so many times, he will get it to Chuci for a spot check.

Seeing that he was learning quickly, Chu Ci took out the paper again and gave him a problem to solve.There are a total of three application questions in the county test, and you can pass if you answer two of them.

The title of this question is: Today there are two young children, one is named Xiaoming, the other is named Xiaogang.Those who do not do well today will go a hundred steps first, and Xiao Ming will chase after them.Question: How many steps can reach it?

Translated, it is the famous modern catch-up problem.The question is about two people walking, the fast one walks one hundred steps per minute, the slow one walks sixty steps per minute, the slow one walks one hundred steps first, and when will the fast one catch up with him.

Calling Xiao Ming and Xiao Gang is naturally Chu Ci's bad taste.These two little things have tortured generations of elementary school students, and it is time for ancient scholars to feel their charm.

After Zhang Wenhai got the topic, he took out a piece of paper, and directly drew many small vertical lines on the paper, indicating the number of steps they took, and he was still counting silently.

Chu Ci glanced at him casually, and couldn't help but laugh, well, for those who don't understand, the most stupid way is also the most effective way.

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