Be a vampire in the world of Conan

Chapter 54 Bang!

After coming out of the library, Ye flew towards the town.

His face was no longer as happy and relaxed as when he was celebrating his birthday before, but instead looked thoughtful.

Whether it's the skills he learned from the priest or the emotions he felt from Miyano Shiho, they all point to a result.

Miyano Shiho was hiding something from him, and it was something very bad.

But what exactly it was, he couldn't guess.

But in the past three years, it was the first time that Ye had seen her so entangled, and her expression even appeared on her face.

This isn't like her.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be five days later, but I really couldn't think of anything and could only wait until then to make some insinuations.

In his wild thoughts, Ye quickly returned to the town.

Chris and the priest were sleeping at this time, and it would be dawn in an hour or two.

At night, they simply went back to the study to read to pass the time, and review the knowledge the priest taught them.

Regarding this point, Chris complained to him many times and asked him not to roll it again.

It was just that it was so late at night that he didn't know what to do except read.


Five days flew by.


In the evening, indescribable screams came from the church.

"Chris! You're too loud!"

"Why! Why are you almost right again, Ye!"

Chris looked at the paper in Ye's hand, looking betrayed.

"Hey, it's because Shiho gave me extra lessons."

Ye scratched her head in embarrassment.

In fact, Chris did not do badly on the exam and did not get many questions wrong.

But comparing people to each other is infuriating.

Compared to Ye's results, he was in last place.

Although the exam is only for two people in total.

"Go away, go find your Shiho, I will trap you to death in the next few days when you are gone!"

Chris looked like he was angry and wanted to comfort me, but Yoru could tell at a glance that he was just faking it.

Well, actually he couldn't tell, after all, they came from the same school.

But he could feel Chris's emotions. At this time, Chris didn't feel any anger in his heart.

"Then come on, I'll run away first."

Ye shrugged, not going along with his wishes, put the test papers in her backpack and walked out the door.

It happened that the sun had completely set now, and he needed to find the priest again before setting off.

"Next time, I'll be right!"

Chris looked at the crosses on the test paper and decided to study all night tonight to test him to death!

(However, he fell asleep after a short time, and the priest took him back to bed.)

When we arrived at the place where the blood was stored, the priest had already been waiting here.


"Well, it looks like Chris is going to study 'all night' again, so I'll trouble the priest."

"Haha, that kid is very competitive, but it's not a bad thing."

The priest shook his head helplessly.

This is also his intention. Only with competition can there be motivation.

Especially if two very good friends see each other making progress, they will definitely be aroused to be competitive.

But no matter how they compete, it will not affect the friendship between them.

"It's still the same as before, two bags of chicken blood, two bags of human blood, no one bag left, otherwise even if you get it back..."

"It's about to go bad and we have to throw it away, right? Father, you've said this hundreds of times."

He reluctantly took the four bags of blood and put them into his backpack.

"Haha, then you have to listen and don't think about saving money for me.

I can still afford this little savings. "

The priest smiled and warned again.

"By the way, Xiaoye, I probably know why you told me about that girl a few days ago."

"Shiho? Father, why is that?"

After saying this, Ye became more energetic and asked quickly.

"You said before that she was in college, right?"


"That's almost it. Today is the graduation ceremony."


Ye thought of a possibility. No wonder the appointment was today. No wonder she had been worried a few days ago.

"Let you young people handle the matter."

The priest didn't speak anymore. He felt that his reminder was enough.

"I understand, then I'll set off."

Ye nodded. The more he thought about it, the higher the possibility became.

"Be careful on the road."

The priest said something, and then watched the night disappear into the night sky.


The graduation ceremony is over.

The graduates left school in droves, ready to play all night.

Miyano Shiho was still alone. She had been in the library all day and did not participate.

This is a requirement of the organization and what she wants to do.

Although she is the youngest person with a double doctorate degree, she seems to be a transparent person from the time she enters school to the time she graduates.

No one knew her, and even if they met her occasionally, they would only mention her, and they would mostly make negative comments.

So, it's good to be alone in the library.

Watching the sun gradually setting in the west, Miyano Shiho's heart gradually sank.

"Xiao Shiho, you are here, congratulations on your graduation.

Didn't you go to the graduation ceremony today? "

The voice of the librarian came from behind. Several years had passed and she was getting older.

"Well, I prefer purity."

Miyano Shiho turned around and bowed to the librarian with narrowed eyes and a smile on his face.

"Thank you for taking care of me all these years."

"It's better to be cleaner."

The librarian stood in front of the window, looking out the window motionlessly.

Ten minutes have passed...

Half an hour has passed...

An hour has passed.

The librarian didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

"Are you going to lock the door? Sorry, I'm leaving now."

Seeing that the sun had disappeared, Miyano Shiho couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"No, I'm just enjoying the last bit of peace and quiet."

The librarian shook his head and was about to leave.

But when she reached the door, she suddenly stopped again.

"Xiao Zhiho, I like you very much. I am very happy to see you working hard and achieving your current achievements alone.

You may experience more cruel loneliness in the future, but you have to remember that loneliness can make people have no weaknesses and not get hurt. "

Before Miyano Shiho could understand what this meant, the librarian left alone.

Miyano Shiho looked at the librarian's leaving figure in confusion, but didn't think much about it.

Her eyes fell on the clock on the wall.

One more hour to go…

She had to leave.


In a daze, an hour has passed, but still no sight of Ye.

Miyano Shiho sighed.

Maybe, this is God's will.

Afterwards, Miyano Shiho left the library without looking back.

She may never come back here again.

Along the way, she walked very slowly.

However, no matter how slow it is, the road has an end.

The students and teachers in the school have already left, and even the security guards are on holiday today.

There was only one black Porsche parked at the school gate, seemingly waiting for something.

"You came too late."

As soon as Miyano Shiho opened the door, the person in the passenger seat spoke.

"Because today is the last day, my peaceful life is over. I miss you."

In the past, she would never explain at all, but tonight she seemed to want to.

"Oh, I miss you, I really should miss you."

The figure in the co-pilot laughed disdainfully.

Miyano Shiho took one last look at the school and entered the car.

After three years, this time, it was her turn to leave without saying goodbye.

She didn't ask for forgiveness either.

I just hope he can come out as soon as possible, accompanied by another friend.

"Let's go."

These two short words seemed to be very poignant.

"Don't worry, wait a moment."

But the person in the passenger seat seemed to be contradicting her.

Then he casually threw something towards Miyano Shiho.

And Miyano Shiho's pupils shrank suddenly, and a feeling of fear swept through his body.

It was a hair, silver-white hair.

At the same time, a gunshot was heard from the direction of the library.


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