Be a vampire in the world of Conan

Chapter 59 Clues

Two days later, with enough blood supply, Ye Cong finally came back to life with full blood.

"Xiaoye, Chris, come with me."

The priest's voice sounded, but it was less kind and more stern than usual.

Ye and Chris looked at each other, and they could see the anxiety in each other's eyes.

Today they were going to learn what the priest called "practical" things.

They didn't stand there for long, and quickly took steps to follow the priest out of Ye's bedroom.

In the basement passage, the priest walked in front, followed by Chris and Ye.

In the entire passage, there were only the footsteps of three people.

The passage was not long, and the priest soon led them to an iron gate.

Ye was impressed by this iron gate.

Because it's special.

It is the only iron door in the basement and the only locked door.

However, what is different from the impression is that the lock of this iron door is missing.


The priest opened the door, and a small voice sounded. They also got a glimpse of the scene inside, and they all opened their mouths.

There is actually such a spacious room in the basement, about the same size as a basketball court.

In the room, there were all kinds of equipment that they couldn't understand, evenly distributed in various places in the room.

"Father, what is this?"

Chris couldn't help but asked in surprise.

He has been here for so long and has never entered this place.

He once asked curiously, and the priest just told him that now was not the time to tell him, and hoped that he would never come in.

However, now he was standing at the door of this room.

The priest walked into the room and turned around slowly.

"To be honest, children, I don't want you to be exposed to this. It's best to grow up happily and live an ordinary life.

But I also know that telling you nothing will not allow you to be better protected..."

The priest's harsh words made both of them afraid to take a breath.

"So, starting from today, I will teach you more important abilities based on the original foundation, so that you can protect yourself in society. You must be prepared to be very tired and hard.

Now, are you ready? "

"I'm ready!"

Chris stood up first and walked into the room.

He had a hunch that the days ahead would be very exciting.

Although he didn't recognize many things in the room, he still recognized the gun.

How could any boy not like guns?

Ye obviously saw the gun and had some suspicions in his mind, but he didn't hesitate and stepped into the room.

"I-I'm ready too!"

Seeing this, the priest nodded, and his kind look returned to his face.

"Then...let's begin."


In the following days, because of the special nature of Chris and Night.

During the day, the priest taught Chris how to gather intelligence and learn life skills, medical treatment, and how to use various equipment and vehicles. In the evening, the two of them learned general knowledge such as reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance, infiltration, and disguise. In the middle of the night, Ye learned about combat and other knowledge.

And when he taught two people something and practiced it repeatedly, the priest also took time to catch up on his sleep.

Generally speaking, Chris is more focused on support, logistics, etc., while Ye is more focused on combat.

As for why the priest knew and was proficient in so many things, Chris and Ye Du had a tacit understanding and did not ask.

Because they know that the priest is still their priest, and that is enough.

Night and Chris's studies are progressing steadily, but the news about Miyano Shiho and the man in black is progressing slowly.

And one day a few months later.

The priest rarely gave them a few consecutive days off, saying that there was news from his friends and he needed to confirm it in person.

In the evening, Ye and Chris lay on the lawn, enjoying their hard-won vacation.

Chris had fallen into sleep under the influence of the evening breeze.

Ye stared at the dim sky and sighed.

"I can't see the stars today."

At the same time, in a dark room.

An old figure was tied to a seat.


A harsh sound sounded, and the dazzling light from outside the door shone in, causing the old figure to squint his eyes.

"Say it, you should know the consequences of being stubborn."

The priest's cold voice rang in his ears, but the old figure remained unmoved.


The old figure remained unmoved, just looking at the priest with squinted eyes.

"Angela Yard, sixty-two years old, was widowed in her early years and had no children. When she was young... she worked as a librarian at xxx University. She retired more than four months ago, and then..."

The priest read her identity information emotionlessly. It was normal and there was nothing strange about it.

But what happens next is different.

"... is a member of an organization with dozens of lives on his hands. He killed a boy in the library of xxx University four months ago."

After reading out all the information, the librarian still looked at the priest expressionlessly, as if those things had nothing to do with her.

She stayed in the organization for many years. Although she was still a peripheral member because of her long-term lurking, she decided to serve the organization forever after the organization helped her find the person who killed her husband.

Therefore, she will never betray the organization. Even if her life is threatened, she doesn't care. After all, she has already lived enough.

The librarian remained unmoved when he saw him, and there was no expression on the priest's face.

To be honest, just by shooting her at Ye, she was already a dead person in the priest's heart.

However, in addition to following her clue to find the whereabouts of Miyano Shiho, more importantly, when he was tracing the organization behind Angela, he was vaguely aware of another problem that had troubled him for many years.

Perhaps, that organization was also related to that incident, which he regretted so much.

"Well, it seems that you are unwilling to say anything anyway, so I won't ask any more questions."

The priest sighed, seemingly giving up, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the librarian's lips.

"Let's go, let's interrogate Miyano Shiho..."


As soon as the name Miyano Shiho appeared, Angela's smile instantly froze, and she stared at the priest's back, seemingly very angry.

However, the priest was still walking outside, seemingly not noticing what she had just done.

"Come back! What did you do to her!!!"

This is the most embarrassing moment she's had since arriving here.

After hearing her words, the priest also sighed.

He didn't want to use this method.

After an investigation by her staff, she was the closest to the genius child Miyano Shiho when she was a librarian. When someone slandered Miyano Shiho, the librarian did not hesitate to criticize those people.

Coupled with the fact that she was widowed in her early years and had no children, it is not difficult to guess that maybe she regarded Miyano Shiho as her own daughter.

And Miyano Shiho is her bottom line and the only clue to trace Miyano Shiho's whereabouts.

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