Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 143

Chapter 143 - Is the Crown Prince Trying to Slander Us?

Under the cover of darkness, a silent procession of black-clad men approached Yellow Flower Village, each carrying a bundle of hay.

“Be cautious, ensure no one detects us,” whispered the leader of the group, slowing his pace as they neared the village entrance.

He signaled to his comrades. Those following him in the shadows nodded and stealthily infiltrated the village from different directions. Hay was discreetly placed outside the tents, and the three relatively intact wooden houses were surrounded by hay as well.

“Move out!” The leader commanded, and the group of men in black swiftly departed from the village. Yet, they did not make an immediate escape. Instead, they unslung their bows, ignited the oil on their arrowheads, and aimed at the tents and houses.

“Loose the arrows!” Following the leader's orders, more than ten arrows bearing fireballs soared toward the mounds of grass.

With an air as if he had already heard the villagers' cries of distress, the leader's face, concealed beneath the black cloth, betrayed a malevolent grin as he coldly declared, “Retreat!”

As the black-clad men turned to leave, they were startled to find a line of similarly attired figures standing behind them—more than double their own numbers.

“Your Highness was correct. These individuals are truly ruthless in their quest to tarnish Your Highness's reputation. They disregard human lives!” murmured one of the black-clad men in the group.

“Who do you seek? If our objectives align, you may depart now.”

“Humph, our objectives may align, but it is you we aim to eliminate!” The black-clad man pointed his sword menacingly. Simultaneously, the men on both sides of him unsheathed their swords and charged forward.

“What do you intend to accomplish?”

“We have already stated, there shall be no survivors. His Highness has decreed that their lives hold no value, equal to death.”


The gathering comprised numerous skilled individuals, each a formidable martial artist. After half an hour, cries of anguish filled the air, followed by an eerie silence.

Only after all the figures had fallen did the black-clad individual cease his assault. “Sever their heads and take them with us; dispose of their bodies in the fire and incinerate them.”

The flames raged, casting a brilliant red glow that dominated the night sky. What was once the bustling Yellow Flower Village had been reduced to ashes in an instant, obliterated along with a dozen lifeless bodies.

When the neighboring villagers learned of the tragedy the next day, they believed that the residents of Yellow Flower Village had succumbed to a contagious disease and had been incinerated by the authorities.

As word of the incident spread, fear gripped the townsfolk, preventing them from mustering the courage to investigate.

Carrying a wooden chest, Wang Dingjun entered the Crown Prince's Palace, making his way directly to Crown Prince Zhao's study.

“Your Highness, they're all here. Fifteen in total,” Wang Dingjun placed the chest down, showing no desire to open it. It was best to avoid witnessing a gruesome scene.

“Very well. Have the villagers found a new settlement?”

“Yes, the royal estate is spacious enough to accommodate an entire village. Once the new village is constructed, they can relocate there.”

While Yellow Flower Village had been reduced to cinders, its inhabitants still remained. With the construction of new homes, they would soon be able to return to their normal lives.

“Good, then we must expedite the process… First, let's reclaim the debt so we can fund the construction of their new homes.”

Crown Prince Zhao rose from his seat and exited the room, with Wang Dingjun immediately shouldering the chest and following suit. They encountered Tang Yue as soon as they left the study.

“Where is His Highness headed?”

“I have some matters to attend to and need to leave for a while. Wait for me at home.”

Tang Yue raised an eyebrow, not responding to the ambiguous statement. He shifted his gaze to the wooden chest on Wang Dingjun's shoulder and inquired, “What's inside? Gold, silver, and jewelry? Is this for someone else? Who holds such sway over you?”

An enigmatic expression crossed Crown Prince Zhao's face. He nodded and replied, “I'll be back shortly. Perhaps you'd like to return to the Marquis's Mansion in Yueyang and accompany me when I return.”

A short while ago, a servant from the Marquis's Mansion had delivered news that they were planning to marry off his sister after the Lunar New Year and had invited him to return. It was, in a way, hinting at his sister's impending marriage.

With the change in the appearance of the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng, it was as though he had undergone a complete transformation both inside and out. While he had yet to achieve any significant accomplishments, he showed promise as a young man. Master Hou and the Marquis's Wife were pleased with him, and naturally, they had no intention of delaying the marriage with their daughter.

Ultimately, all of this was owed to Tang Yue. If he hadn't made the resolute and arduous decision to keep the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng confined at home and educate him for several months before persuading Crown Prince Zhao to take him under his wing to continue the reform efforts, it would have been rare for State Duke Heng to have a son with such good looks and potential.

Consequently, State Duke Heng eagerly anticipated the marriage of his daughter-in-law, allowing him to oversee the household and guide his only son.

Outside the Crown Prince's Palace, the carriage was prepared. Crown Prince Zhao entered the carriage, knelt down, and nodded at Tang Yue.

Tang Yue waved him off, feeling like a wife sending her husband to work. He remained in place even after the carriage departed, gradually wearing a contented smile.

In this manner, they both had their own responsibilities and enjoyed moments of togetherness. They dined together, took strolls, and paid visits to their respective elders, just like any ordinary married couple. It was a wonderful feeling.

Embracing the ordinary was the most authentic experience.

The carriage turned two corners, and Crown Prince Zhao instructed, “Head to Third Prince Prefecture.”

Wang Dingjun, confused, inquired, “Your Highness, you're aware that there must be another mastermind behind this. Why would you still want to visit Third Prince Prefecture?”

“While I'm uncertain about the mastermind's identity, Wang Zixian is guilty of a real offense. If we don't seek repayment from him first, whom else should we pursue?” Crown Prince Zhao cast a casual glance at the wooden box and continued, “As for the others, it's time to settle scores.”

The carriage proceeded straight through the main gate of Third Prince Prefecture. The gatekeeper hurried to report but was stopped by Wang Dingjun.

“Why are you in such a hurry? His Highness and the Third Prince are brothers. There's no need to adhere to formalities.”

“Well… Lady, she has instructed that we are not receiving guests at the moment.”

“Hm? So, even if His Highness visits, we won't be received? Although they're brothers, there's still a distinction in status…” After all, there's a difference between an emperor and a prince!

“Very well, I'll report to Lady.”

“There's no need. His Highness has been here before; he knows the way. You can do as you please if you find your way,” Wang Dingjun said, cracking his whip and sending the man flying ten meters before he crashed to the ground with a painful cry.

“Oh dear, I missed my mark. My apologies,” Wang Dingjun offered a sincere apology before leading the team further into the area.

Wang Zixian, upon receiving the news and changing into suitable attire, pondered Crown Prince Zhao's purpose for coming. He heard a low, mocking voice from the other side. “The Third King is at home.”

Wang Zixian stood up, narrowed his eyes, and greeted with a smile, “So it's Crown Prince who graces us. Please forgive the lack of formal reception.”

“I came here of my own accord. No need for formalities, Brother Third King,” Crown Prince Zhao said, walking directly to the main seat and sitting upright.

Wang Zixian glanced at Crown Prince Zhao's unchanged bitter expression and decided not to speculate about his intentions. He asked directly, “If the Crown Prince didn't come to pay respects to Royal Father in the palace, why did you visit my humble temple?”

“I came to present a gift to Brother Third King.”

“Oh?” Wang Zixian didn't believe him one bit and responded with sarcasm, “Has the sun risen from the west? When has the virtuous and upright Crown Prince ever given gifts to anyone?”

Crown Prince Zhao remained silent and instead had someone bring forward a box. “Brother Third King, please inspect it yourself.” freew ebnov el

Suspicion still lingered in Wang Zixian's eyes as he examined the box. It was crafted from Nanmu wood and, while not extravagantly valuable, was intricately detailed with lifelike carvings. It must have had some worth.

Despite the box's apparent value, Wang Zixian couldn't fully trust Crown Prince Zhao, so he had no intention of personally inspecting the contents.

He chuckled. “Hehe, I've been feeling a bit under the weather lately. I'm too lethargic to get up. Why don't you have your servants open the box and report its contents to me?”

Crown Prince Zhao had no objections; the outcome would be the same regardless.

Wang Zixian signaled to the nearby eunuch. The eunuch bent down and cautiously approached the box with his head lowered.

As the eunuch gingerly opened the wooden box and examined its contents, he was suddenly seized by terror. He let out a piercing scream and collapsed to the ground in shock.

Wang Zixian sprang to his feet with a sudden rush of adrenaline. His expression shifted as he took in the ominous crowd emitting the stench of blood. “Crown Prince, what's the meaning of this?” he exclaimed. “Are you attempting to frighten me with these individuals?”

Crown Prince Zhao cast an indifferent glance at him. “Brother Third King, you truly are exceptional. Do you happen to recognize these people?”

“I do not!” Wang Zixian quickly denied any knowledge. He instantly realized that these were the individuals he had dispatched the previous night. He had known that the situation had taken an unexpected turn even before they returned. However, regardless of how they were investigated, it wouldn't implicate him. He had no fear of exposure.

“These individuals were quite audacious. They infiltrated Yellow Flower Village last night with intentions of murder and arson. Surprisingly, Gu's people systematically eliminated every one of them.”

“How is that my concern?”

“I merely observed that these people appeared kind and seemed to have crossed paths with them in Third Prince Prefecture. That's why I brought them here for Royal Brother to identify.”

“Nonsense! How could this possibly be? Is the Crown Prince attempting to frame us?” Wang Zixian was utterly certain that Crown Prince Zhao had never encountered this group before.

“We'll ascertain whether it's a frame or not. Why don't we present our case to Royal Father?”

“What is your intention?”

“Nothing,” Wang Yao responded. “I simply wish to compensate you for your efforts. I intend to escort you back.”

It was only then that Wang Zixian realized that he wanted money. But this conclusion left him utterly perplexed.

Could the Crown Prince be in need of funds? Definitely not. Therefore, his request for money was highly unusual.freeweb m

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