Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 - Who Are You?

“I never imagined that Imperial Doctor Wu had such a talent for storytelling. He actually managed to leave the king in a state of bewilderment with that high-tide plot. It's truly moving!” Zhao Sanlang murmured in front of Tang Yue, his emotions evident as he sighed.

Tang Yue gripped Zhao Sanlang's hand and pressed on, “So, does this mean His Highness is all right? The king didn't buy into the rumors?”

“Well…” Zhao Sanlang sighed. He couldn't be sure. The king didn't explicitly say so, but he seemed to have his doubts.

Crown Prince Zhao had yet to return, and Tang Yue felt anxious. While he believed that Crown Prince Zhao could handle this situation adeptly, the king was, after all, the ruler of the country. Being in his presence was like walking on thin ice. Who knew when he might lose his composure again?

Sigh, this emperor seemed to have some sort of mental disorder. Tang Yue wondered if Crown Prince Zhao would turn out the same in the future.

This wouldn't do. It seemed he needed to prepare some medicinal herbs for him to soothe his mind and cultivate his Qi in advance. He didn't want to languish in the palace, feeling mentally drained every day.

“Wu Qing, is this artemisia truly as miraculous as they say? Where did it originate?” The King of South Jin looked genuinely interested.

“Your Majesty,” Wu Qing explained, “Artemisia selengensis isn't derived from the artemisia selengensis we consume. It must be obtained from wild artemisia selengensis, and the extraction process is unique. It can't be boiled; rather, it requires the juice to be squeezed out using saltwater.”

“Is it really that simple for such a magical effect?”

Imperial Doctor Wu carefully produced a porcelain bottle from his pocket, treating it like a precious treasure as he handed it over. “Your Majesty, have a look. This is artemisia. I secretly kept it as a memento. However, Crown Princess insisted that this artemisia must be fresh to be effective. I fear this bottle may have expired.”

The King of South Jin curiously sniffed it. The scent was somewhat potent. It was difficult to fathom that such a humble thing could cure the much-talked-about ailment.

“In that case, arrange for some villagers from Yellow Flower Village to come here for me to see. I'm genuinely intrigued.” fr(e)ewebnov(e)

…The officials immediately became vigilant, all eyes turning toward Crown Prince Zhao, eager to gauge his reaction.

With pure intentions, Imperial Doctor Wu readily agreed, “Your Majesty can send someone to summon villagers from Yellow Flower Village. Make sure to select those who have recently recovered from severe illnesses. I've actually documented their progress and daily condition. If we encounter such an illness in the future, it will save us a lot of trouble.”

“Is that so?” Wang Yao nodded. “Additionally, remember to thoroughly record the formula for this artemisia.”

“Certainly. The Crown Princess has already briefed us. In the future, we should ensure a variety of Artemisia Selengensis types are cultivated to prevent shortages in the wild…”

“Imperial Doctor Wu, it's quite a burden for civilians to cultivate crops. How can they find the time and energy for herb cultivation?” Lord Zhan spotted a potential issue and swiftly brought it up.

A chorus of officials chimed in, “Indeed, the border sees constant conflicts, and the demands for wages and grain are substantial. The tax burden on civilians is already heavy. If we encourage herb cultivation again, it might strain them further.”

“Humph, what are you two discussing? Yellow Flower Artemisia is relatively easy to grow, and each household can simply plant a few bushes. This is a life-saving resource in critical times. Why not ask the common people if they are willing to invest their time and effort in planting something that could potentially save their lives?”

The King of South Jin silently nodded. “As Dark Crow Minister suggested, issue the decree. We won't compel them to understand the intricacies and stakes. It's their choice whether to cultivate it or not.”

Though he spoke this way, with the king's decree in place, who among the populace would dare to defy it?

“Your Majesty, it might be premature to discuss this. We haven't confirmed yet if this medicine can truly save lives,” Lord Zhan cautiously reminded.

Had everyone forgotten that today's court session was supposed to inquire into the Crown Prince's conduct? Why was the topic suddenly shifted by a doctor?

“Indeed, swiftly dispatch someone to issue the decree and find a few infected civilians. I want to examine them closely.”

This wait took up half a day. Crown Prince Zhao made a midday visit to pay his respects to the queen and have a meal. He even endured a lengthy scolding session before receiving the news from the palace's exterior.

Two Imperial Army soldiers prostrated themselves in the main hall, bowing their heads as they reported, “Your Majesty, Yellow Flower Village… Yellow Flower Village no longer exists!”

“Ah… What… How could it vanish… Could it be…” All eyes turned to Crown Prince Zhao. Even State Duke Heng was rendered speechless in shock.

They had initially thought it was a baseless accusation, but now…?

However, after some contemplation, most still placed greater trust in Crown Prince Zhao. They believed someone was intentionally framing him. After all, it was far too simple to eliminate a villager from a small village.

“What do you mean by ‘no longer exists'? Where are the people? The houses? The Crown Prince just returned from the disaster area yesterday. Are you saying they've all ascended to heaven today?” The King of South Jin inquired.

“Reporting to Your Majesty, there are signs of a fire in Yellow Flower Village. All the houses have been reduced to ashes. This humble servant discovered some bodies, but…”

“But what?”

“However, these are all headless corpses. I couldn't discern anything from the charred remains.”

“Headless corpses? What could be the reason for that?” King of South Jin was perplexed.

Lord Zhan promptly rose from his seat. “Your Majesty, what else can we deduce? That malevolent individual likely wanted to prevent anyone from identifying the villagers. That's why he slaughtered them, making it impossible for us to ascertain their identities.”

“Lord Zhan's explanation doesn't hold water. There were only a few bodies, yet Yellow Flower Village had hundreds of residents. If they were all incinerated, what happened to the rest?” State Duke Heng countered.

“We ought to consult with the Crown Prince. What if he systematically executed the infected civilians in stages? It's possible he buried all the ashes in the earth, making them untraceable.”

“Lord Zhan, you seem to be trying to implicate Crown Prince falsely. What is your motive?”

“State Duke, are you defending Crown Prince Zhao? What is your motive?” State Duke inquired. “Is Crown Prince the only individual of importance in your eyes within the court?”

Slap! The King of South Jin pounded the table and rose angrily, bellowing, “All of you cease this commotion in the royal court!”

“Please forgive our impulsive behavior, Your Majesty.” Everyone swiftly knelt down and offered apologies, except for Crown Prince Zhao, who remained composed in his seat.

“Zhao'er, please explain to me: where are the Yellow Flower Village residents?” King of South Jin suppressed his anger and questioned Crown Prince Zhao.

Initially skeptical of this rumor, he remained unconvinced even after hearing Imperial Doctor Wu's account. He hadn't anticipated this outcome.

Moreover, he cast a glance at State Duke Heng. This unwavering trust raised suspicions.

Even if Crown Prince Zhao possessed capabilities, these individuals shouldn't be so hasty to align themselves with him, should they?

Crown Prince Zhao rose to his feet, offering a dispassionate bow. He inquired, “Royal Father, when my son departed yesterday, the villagers were still in good health. How did they turn to ashes overnight?”

“Indeed, Your Highness. What is the explanation for this?” Lord Zhan inquired.

“I am willing to lead an investigation to uncover the truth,” he declared.

“Isn't the truth already apparent? Does His Highness have any other justifications?” Lord Zhan chuckled. “Historically, this has been the remedy for illnesses. Yellow Flower Village is in close proximity to Ye City. If the disease were to spread to Ye City, I thought Your Highness's decision was both decisive and correct.”

Crown Prince Zhao cast a glance at him and snorted coldly, “Lord Zhan is truly skilled in twisting the facts. In previous debates, I could not match your eloquence, but…”

All present were attentive, awaiting Crown Prince Zhao's words. He continued in a cold tone, “However, it occurred to me to relocate the Yellow Flower Village residents to prevent their demise due to my actions.”

“Your Highness, your words…” raised doubts about their credibility. Who could believe them?

“Do you possess any evidence?” King of South Jin inquired, restraining his anger.

“Certainly. Summon the Yellow Flower Village chief. Royal Father will find out when he questions him.”

“The king has never encountered anyone from that village. Do you wish to summon them or render judgment?”

Crown Prince Zhao stood before the hall with hands clasped behind his back, a slight smirk on his lips. “When Royal Father meets this individual, he will naturally believe.”

King of South Jin displayed a perplexed expression but ultimately nodded in agreement, saying, “Summon this person into the hall!”

This time, it did not take long for an elderly man dressed in simple Ge Bu linen attire to enter, leaning on a cane fashioned from a tree branch, his movements trembling.

Squinting his eyes, he gazed up at the king seated on the dragon throne. With trepidation, he knelt and performed three kowtows, declaring, “Your Majesty, does this old servant remain in your memory?”

Various thoughts ran through the minds of those in attendance. Some wondered if this elderly man was trying to establish a connection with them, deeming his actions too presumptuous.

Others pondered whether they could aid Crown Prince in the event he was genuinely implicated.

Crown Prince, who had left a lasting impression on everyone, remained composed. “Royal Father, this man is the Yellow Flower Village chief and has also contracted the disease. Please heed his words.”

King of South Jin fixed his gaze on the old man for a prolonged moment. He had a faint recollection but nothing significant. He inquired, “Who are you?”

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