Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 147

Chapter 147 - He Didn't Know What to Say

“I called Crown Princess here today mainly for Ya'er's marriage. I hope Your Highness can forgive me.” Yueyang Marquis cupped his hands and said.

“Lord Marquis, there is no need to be polite. Since we have become in-laws, we are naturally a family. You can discuss anything with Crown Princess.”

“Thank you for your generosity, Your Highness!” Logically speaking, a married daughter would rarely return to her mother's house other than celebrating the new year. As a male concubine, Tang Yue should avoid being exposed.

Tang Yue lived in an age of information, and all kinds of public opinion flooded his life. Therefore, he did not mind human speech. In his opinion, he did not intend to accept the restrictions of this society.

“Father, was State Duke Heng the one who brought up the marriage of his sister?”

“Yes. In fact, State Duke Heng has already mentioned it to my father several times. It's just that I can't bear to part with my son. At least let her pass the year.”

Tang Yue nodded. “That should be the case. Is there anything that I don't know about?” Calling him back for a discussion was probably because he really had something to ask him.

Yueyang Marquis glanced at Crown Prince Zhao and coughed. Tang Yue blinked his eyes and stared at Crown Prince Zhao for a few seconds.

Crown Prince Zhao raised his eyebrows and stood up. “I heard that Crown Princess designed a playground in the mansion. I want to go and take a look.”

“Yes, I do. This official will let the butler take you there.” Yueyang Marquis did not feel guilty about chasing them away. He generously dismissed them.

“Wait. When Crown Prince Zhao left, Tang Yue asked with a smile, Father, what do you want to ask me?”

Yueyang Marquis asked him to sit closer. “Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that it's not good to speak with His Highness.”

Tang Yue waited for him to continue. Yueyang Marquis glanced at Marquis's Wife and said, “You know, State Duke Heng is one of the seven High Dukes. He has tens of thousands of soldiers in his hands. Now that we are closely tied to Crown Prince Zhao, if we are to marry into State Duke Heng's Mansion, this… His Majesty has become more and more suspicious in recent years. He is afraid that the situation will not be good.”

“But this marriage has long been decided. It can't be changed even if you want to, right?” Moreover, he had spent a lot of effort to change Noble Heir of State Duke Heng so that Tang Ya could marry more comfortably.

Moreover, based on his experience of getting along peacefully, this child was not bad. As long as there was guidance, there was discipline. He would definitely not go down the wrong path again.

“That's right. It was originally a good thing, but my father was worried that he would become a thorn in the king's heart, fearing Crown Prince.”

“Then why didn't you tell him about it in front of Crown Prince just now? Don't you want to hear his opinion?”

Yueyang Marquis glared at him. “What if His Highness doesn't agree to this marriage?” How could he bear such a good son-in-law?

Marquis's Wife had been sitting quietly all this time. Only now did she speak slowly, “Yue'er, we all see how good you are to Ya'er. Why don't you tell His Highness about the powerful relationship and let him be mentally prepared first.”

“Madam, the marriage between Marquis's Mansion and State Duke Heng's Mansion has not just happened. His Highness must know about it. If he wanted to object, he would have opposed it long ago. Besides, he doesn't seem to have the right to oppose it, does he?” fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

If all seven of his younger sisters needed Crown Prince Zhao's approval to get married, wouldn't he be exhausted to death?

Yueyang Marquis and his wife were speechless. This kid's words were too impudent. It was all thanks to Crown Prince's willingness to pamper him.

Crown Prince Zhao followed the butler of Marquis's Mansion to Tang Yue's courtyard. This wasn't his first time here. Those strange and strange equipment. He wasn't the first one to see it, but he had never played it before.

Tang Yue had built a basketball stand in the yard, a high and low bar, a pedaling machine, and a plum flower pole in order to help Ping Shun lose weight. The most popular one was the basketball stand.

All the nobility in South Jin liked to play polo, and sometimes they also played Cuju. Basketball was a completely new sport, and as soon as this sport was spread out in Yueyang Marquis's Mansion, it was welcomed by many young nobles.

Crown Prince Zhao was not really here to play these games. He walked around the yard and pushed the door open. He walked into the house where Tang Yue lived. The furnishings in the house did not change at all. It was clean and clean. Obviously, someone had carefully cleaned the house.

The butler followed closely behind and carefully waited on them. He asked, “Your Highness, young dandy has also made a lot of fun things for the ladies. Do you want to go and take a look?”

“Oh? Is there anything else suitable for women to play with?”

“Haha, there is, but young dandy said it is only suitable for children to play with. What swing, seesaw, skateboard, and so on. There are a lot of tricks.”

Crown Prince Zhao's expression was normal. He asked tentatively, “I heard Tang Yue grew up at the border. Gu Zhengqiao also stayed at the border for four years. I wonder which territory he is in?”

Tang Yue's background was not a secret in the aristocratic circle. Crown Prince Zhao had investigated his background more than once or twice, but the results were really strange.

If someone else asked this, the butler would have used the word “don't know.” But Crown Prince's question, he did not dare to lie.

“It's a small village outside of Chengdu. What's its name… Goat Horn Village? According to the mountain, he didn't find young dandy in Goat Horn Village when he found him.” .com

“Oh? Where is that?”

“This… I don't know. Why don't I go down and call the mountain over and ask?”

“Shan, is he the old servant who has good martial arts with Tang Yue?” Crown Prince Zhao had a deep impression of the mountain. When he was in the temple, it was all thanks to him that he was able to save himself from danger.

“Yes, his martial arts are strong and loyal. young dandy trusts him as well.”

Crown Prince Zhao nodded and continued to ask, “Back then, Master Hou only sent a servant to bring him back?”

The smile on Guan Jia's face froze and he lowered his head to answer. “Yes, but the mountain is not an ordinary servant. No ordinary person can get close to him.”

“I also heard that he fell ill halfway, and almost couldn't be saved”

The butler broke out in cold sweat. He didn't know why Crown Prince was so concerned about this matter today. Could it be that he wanted to help Crown Princess seek justice?

“Young dandy suffered a bit of hardship since he was young. His body was weak and he couldn't withstand the long trek. That's why he was sick. Although it seemed dangerous, he managed to get through it safely in the end. I heard from the mountain that the prescription was prescribed by young dandy.”

“Oh, then why did I hear that I found a doctor to prescribe medicine in the beginning?”

“I think young dandy must have had a fever at that time and was not very clear-headed.”

Crown Prince Zhao thought the same thing at first, but no matter how he looked at it, Tang Yue, whom he knew, and the report that he found out about the orphan who lived in hardship at the border had changed too much. It was hard to imagine that they were the same person.

Moreover, his name was not Tang Yue at that time.

“Then did Master Hou give him his name?”

“No, young dandy's name is… His birth mother gave it to him.” The butler lowered his head even lower. Tang Yue's birth mother was from North Yue, but they had to hide this matter.

Even if a few people knew about it, they didn't dare to spread it.

A child born by a woman from North Yue was not qualified to inherit the title, let alone marry Crown Prince.

“Why did I hear that his name was not this when he was at the border, but…”

Before Crown Prince Zhao could finish his sentence, the butler knelt down and replied, “Your Highness, please forgive me for my humble status. There are very few things that I know. You… you…”

“Get up. Why are you so nervous? I just want to ask around and want to know more about Crown Princess's life.”

The butler secretly heaved a sigh of relief, “Yes, yes. I am just… too nervous.”

“Get up and bring me around. I heard that there are many things in the residence that were modified after Crown Princess came. Bring me there to take a look.”


Crown Prince Zhao turned around and walked out of Tang Yue's house. He saw four maids walking towards him gracefully. They were shocked when they saw an outsider, and then they all kneeled on the ground in unison. “This servant greets Crown Prince.”

“Raise your head.”

The four maids didn't dare to disobey. They obediently raised their heads, revealing the faces of the four girls.

These four maids were chosen by Marquis's Wife for Tang Yue back then. The purpose was very clear. They wanted to use their beauty to confuse Tang Yue's mind. It was best to make him lose his mind due to lust.

“What a pity.” Crown Prince Zhao sighed, then left them and walked out of the courtyard.

The housekeeper quickly followed him. He secretly thought about the meaning of the word “pity.” Was His Highness regretting that the four maids were left idle in the courtyard, or was it a pity that their looks could only be reduced to servants?

What if Crown Prince took a fancy to them? Then… I wonder what young dandy will think in his heart.

Should he report this to young dandy? The butler hesitated for a while, but decided not to say anything. This is the wedding of Yan-er. Why should he be unhappy over such a small matter?

After leading Crown Prince Zhao around the manor aimlessly, the butler pointed out all the places that Tang Yue had remodeled to him, like a kitchen stove, spades and water bottles in the garden, lanterns hanging in the corridor, tables, chairs and cupboards in the house, and other things that had seeped into life.

The butler sighed inwardly. So this house had been gradually transformed by young dandy. It looked small, but it made their lives more convenient bit by bit.

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