Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 174

Chapter 174 - A Narrow Road for Enemies

Tang Yue had intentionally selected a spacious and comfortable carriage for the day, easily accommodating the eight siblings. The sound of their laughter resonated from within, lifting Crown Prince Zhao's spirits.

The Buddhist Temple was just a short distance away, and the group arrived before noon. As soon as Tang Yue stepped into the carriage, he spotted He standing at the doorway, wearing a troubled expression.

“Young master…” He approached and knelt down with a thud.

Tang Yue inquired, “What's the matter? Have you caused some trouble?” He found it hard to believe that this young man would dare to stir up any mischief.

“Young master, I failed in my duties. I beg for your punishment.”

Tang Yue had instructed He to go early in the morning to secure their reservation at the temple, as well as to pre-order vegetarian dishes for lunch to ensure they wouldn't be late.

“No reservation?” Tang Yue glanced towards the temple's entrance but couldn't see any figures. Perhaps they were taking shelter indoors due to the rain?

He raised his head and said with indignation, “No, this servant inquired. There are still available spaces in the backyard, but today, a noble has reserved the entire temple.”

“Huh? Could I have misheard?” Tang Yue rubbed his ears, attempting to fathom what was happening in Ye City. There was no one more esteemed than His Highness.

It appeared as though the entire city was devoid of anyone apart from those within the palace.

With this realization, Tang Yue's confidence surged. He raised an eyebrow and questioned, “Didn't you inform them that Crown Prince would be arriving today?”

“I did, but… the person inside insisted that no matter who came, it would be on a first-come, first-served basis.”

“Brother, what's going on?” The carriage door swung open, revealing Tang Ya's lovely countenance.

Tang Yue waved his hand. “It's nothing. You all wait in the carriage.” While speaking, he signaled Crown Prince, who was seated on his horse, to approach.

Crown Prince Zhao exchanged a meaningful look with Wang Dingjun. Wang Dingjun grasped the unspoken message and dismounted from his horse, proceeding to enter the temple.

Soon, the air filled with heated disputes, followed by the unmistakable sounds of scuffling and cries. Clearly, Wang Dingjun had engaged in physical altercations.

The clamor gradually receded into the distance until it faded entirely from earshot. Tang Yue nonchalantly shrugged and strolled back to the carriage. He gently lifted Tang Yun, the youngest of the group, from the carriage.

The little girl tightly embraced Tang Yue's neck, her wide eyes eagerly scanning her surroundings. This outing marked Tang Yun's first in a long while, and every detail appeared fresh and novel to her.

Wang Dingjun eventually emerged, accompanied by a handful of elderly monks trailing behind him, their expressions reflecting trepidation.

It was a misconception to assume that Buddhism held sway in this era. In the South Jin region, Taoism enjoyed more favor, and monks were not particularly revered.

This Buddhist temple earned its acclaim primarily for its breathtaking backyard scenery. Each year, fierce battles unfolded over securing spots in this tranquil sanctuary.

“Amitabha. The Crown Prince graces us with his presence. This humble monk did not extend a warm welcome from afar. Please pardon my shortcomings.”

“Master, there is no need for such formality. I'm curious to know which esteemed guest has reserved the entire temple.”

The monk's countenance soured as he sighed, “This humble monk had little choice. The other party claims to represent a distinguished guest of South Jin. In the interest of maintaining peaceful coexistence between our two nations, this humble monk had to dismiss all irrelevant visitors. Otherwise, it would be this humble monk's transgression for offending the noble envoy and jeopardizing the relations between our countries.”

The monk's words carried such gravity that no one dared to take them lightly. Moreover, upon learning of the envoy's identity, many opted to depart voluntarily.

Their decision wasn't rooted in fear but in a desire to avoid sharing space with North Yue representatives. They feared an inability to control their emotions, leading to fatal confrontations.

“So it's them. I never anticipated they would dare to act so audaciously within South Jin's territory!”

Tang Yue sensed the overwhelming aura of hostility radiating from Crown Prince Zhao. He understood that this day at Tun Qing could not transpire without tension. In terms of harboring animosity, Crown Prince Zhao, who had endured the bloodshed of border warfare year-round, far surpassed him, someone who had never experienced war.

Fearing that Crown Prince Zhao might resort to violence against the North Yue envoy without provocation, Tang Yue swiftly cradled Tang Yun in his arms and suggested with a smile, “How about this? I've heard that the number one beauty of North Yue is also here. Why don't we seize this opportunity to meet her?”

Crown Prince Zhao's agreement was unlikely. He had never held much affection for this princess. Yet, seeing Tang Yue's keen interest in the matter, he felt a pang of jealousy and an aversion to encountering anyone.

With a somber expression, he instructed, “Go and expel them. Inform them that North Yue's representatives must not behave recklessly on South Jin's soil. If they seek war, I shall readily oblige them at any time!”

“Well, I simply wanted to enjoy the peach blossoms. What's the harm in that?” An elegant voice resonated from the temple, clearly belonging to a woman.

Tang Yue turned his head and observed a woman dressed in orange approaching. She possessed a tall, shapely figure and wore a veil that momentarily obscured her face from his view.

Judging by her demeanor and physique, as long as her face wasn't terribly unpleasant, she was bound to be quite attractive.

Tang Yue silently grumbled to himself, “It's fine to admire the peach blossoms, but hogging the view and preventing others from enjoying it is another matter.”

“Is the princess so remarkable that she doesn't need to conceal herself upon spotting the crown prince? Did she anticipate Crown Prince Zhao's arrival and clear the area for him?”

The more Tang Yue pondered, the more he wondered. Consequently, he wasn't particularly concerned about whether County Princess Liyang was beautiful or not.

After all, what difference did her beauty make? Wasn't she destined to become a romantic rival? Foes crossing paths!

“You must be County Princess Liyang of North Yue. I've heard a lot about you,” Tang Yue stepped forward, positioning himself in front of Crown Prince Zhao, blocking his path.

Crown Prince Zhao, however, believed Tang Yue's actions stemmed from being captivated by a beauty, causing his demeanor to cool several degrees.

Unaware of this, Tang Yue considered extending his arms to shield Crown Prince Zhao from view. fr(e)ewebn(o)vel

“And who might you be?” County Princess Liyang initially scrutinized him, affirming that he couldn't be the Crown Prince of South Jin. She then raised her chin and inquired.

Tang Yue chuckled twice. “It's understandable if you don't recognize me. But… I heard you're going to marry the Crown Prince. Is that true?”

“This pertains to national affairs. How is it any of your concern?” County Princess Liyang's captivating gaze roamed the gathering, ultimately fixing on Crown Prince Zhao.

Even with just half of his face revealed, he remained a conspicuous figure among the crowd.

She gently pushed Tang Yue aside and positioned herself in front of Crown Prince Zhao. Swiftly, she removed her veil, revealing a radiant smile. “I presume this is the Crown Prince…?”

County Princess Liyang's smile froze immediately after her words. Crown Prince was carrying a little girl in his arms, gazing at her with large, innocent eyes. His delicate features resembled finely sculpted jade.

In accordance with the saying, resemblance can often be found in beauty. Princess Liyang of the County saw in this young girl the likeness of Crown Prince Zhao's daughter.

Crown Prince Zhao took a step back and wore a displeased expression. “Princess, it might be wise not to wander too far. If any mishaps occur within South Jin's domain, it could strain the relations between our two nations.”

Crown Prince Zhao responded with a touch of sarcasm, mirroring the words that had been directed at him. His tone carried a hint of irony.

However, the other party failed to grasp his underlying message and instead perceived it as a genuine concern. “I merely chased away those idlers for the sake of my own safety and to preserve the harmony between our nations.”

Crown Prince Zhao raised a faint smile and advised, “Perhaps it's best for the princess to return to her inn. It's advisable not to venture out.” He sought to avoid causing trouble for everyone involved.

County Princess Liyang, also desiring to avoid any complications, had her smile wane, and her brows slightly furrowed as she disdainfully remarked, “The women of North Yue are pampered and indulged, unlike the resilient women of your land.”

“Who claims that the women of South Jin are pampered and indulged?” Tang Ya disembarked from her carriage and carried Tang Yun to Tang Wan. Then, she shot Tang Yue a glance.

Dressed as a woman, Tang Ya was easily mistaken by County Princess Liyang as Crown Prince's concubine, the one who had been caring for the young girl.

County Princess Liyang was aware that Crown Prince Zhao had taken a male consort but was unaware of his lack of concubines.

“Who are you? How dare you approach this princess with such impudence?” County Princess Liyang turned her wrist, drawing a silver whip from her waist and flicking it through the air.

The spectators were taken aback upon realizing that the silver chain at her waist was, in fact, a whip, their expressions reflecting varying degrees of surprise.

Tang Ya, being the Noble Heir of the State Duke Heng Concubine, held a position in North Yue equivalent to that of a princess. County Princess Liyang's attempts to intimidate her only earned a disdainful sneer. “You seem to be a violent and unreasonable woman. One had presumed you were quite capable.”

Fuming with anger, County Princess Liyang's complexion turned ashen, but she refrained from responding. Instead, she turned her attention to Crown Prince Zhao. “The Crown Prince of South Jin claims to have deep affections for the Crown Princess. I find that hard to believe, for why else would you allow this woman to flaunt herself so brazenly in front of others?”

Tang Ya let out a hearty laugh. “What a jest! This lady is the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng Concubine and the sister of the Crown Princess. If you have no discernment, it is best not to parade your ignorance. You wouldn't want to embarrass North Yue any further!”

Tang Yue felt inclined to applaud Tang Ya's words. What she said was most satisfying. He had been standing here for quite some time, yet the other party had paid him no heed.

In the face of such an arrogant beauty, he saw no reason to extend any courtesy.

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